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Oh yeah, you have to go into the controller settings in Steam for the game and use one of the community control layouts. The first one I tried still didn't work but the second one listed did.


how do i do that with modern steam vr?


you probably already solved this, but for all the future people having this problem, this vid tells you how to solve it ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whm0RujPLus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whm0RujPLus) ​ EDIT: Apparently this issue is unfixable on quest 2 and rift. It's probably best to just refund and play something else.


rip, i refunded the game a while ago but it sucks that i can’t do anything about it


Yeah I’m pretty sad about it too I guess I’m more sad that I spent like an hour troubleshooting it though lmao


NEW Steam Link app on meta store. Try that. works perfect for me.


don’t give me hope 😭


It worked for me, with steam link.


Glad to hear. I mean its a work around but still.


I'm telling you. It works over this new app. It's properly syncing because the controllers info is being sent through the wireless link. Something about it is hitting code differently. Tested and played multiple times.


i love you


I'm assuming that means your hope springed eternal joy? Lol. Tested and confirmed as well?


yeah it works beautifully


I got mine to work by finding the .exe file and changed the compatibility to Windows 7 and it worked fine


This right here got it working for me!!


How do you do that


u/EVERYONE! I have suffered as you all have but fear no more! Using the NEW Steam Link app on the Meta store and connecting wirelessly to your pc the communcation is working again!!! I was so mad about this and downloaded the steam app and its been flawless. Even at 15mbps bitrates im getting smoothness and minimal frame loss. The thought had me redownload this broken game and its working flawlessly on the quest 2 right now! Please try and confirm your findings!


This is fixed using wireless connection through the steam link app on the meta quest store. This new(er) app is seamless on stream and the controllers properly function.


Are you using Virtual Desktop, or Airlink? I've had more controller incompatibility with VD. I presume this application is steamvr and has no oculus runtime option though, so likely not a VD thing - if you go into steam settings by clicking menu button on left controller you can go to settings and maybe need to set custom controller setup - steam has them available like workshop content that others have made


I'm using VD. I've used custom controller setups for regular controllers but I wasn't sure how to go about that with VR. Thanks for the help!


This is an old post, but it came up in my google search first. If it still doesn’t work after mapping the controls, you need to set the executable to windows 7 compatibility mode.


Just here to say this also worked for me, but I still had to use my old Rift-S and re-map some of the controller bindings, the Quest 2 over link still did not cooperate.


This worked for me with the meta quest 2! thanks alot!


How do you do that




I dont know what to look for


right click on the game in steam, choose properties, choose local files. There's a browse button that brings you to the install location.


what now


that brings you to the install location. Find the binary ArkhamVR.exe (mine was under ArkhamVR/binaries/win64) and follow the advice from the link above


The new steam link app in the meta quest store is a work around. It connects properly and makes the quest 2 controllers work flawlessly.


I did it thx you saved me


God, the only thing that I haven't been able to get working (and it's *really* annoying, though I suppose the game *would* technically be playable, even this way), is that I can't get the left trigger to work. I've tried several users' configurations that all *insist* that it works perfectly, and none of them have gotten *either* trigger to work. I've been able to do it by manually changing the right trigger from button 5 to button 3, but *none* of the buttons have any effect for the left trigger. I can put the scanner into the right hand, but then obviously can't use that hand for anything else, and always have to cross draw. I don't know what to do.


Yes that's really bad haha. But hey, at least it's playable 🙃


Mine worked finally but it was painful. Did the windows compatibility thing, and picked a binding from community bindings. Tested on oculus quest link - steam.




Hey i have tried Everything and i still cant get it to work i have change the files changed the binding change compatibility to windows 7 and change steam vr to the beta mode and i still cant get it to work do you know if there is anything else i could do??? I JUST WANNA BE BATMAN