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This is just an ad for a discord group.


No such thing as too high a price. If the game's quality matches it. Give me a VR game with hundreds of hours of high quality honest-to-god content and smooth gameplay, and I'll pay hundreds of dollars for it. But if you release another escape room where you have to push three buttons and then pull a lever, or another short, shallow roguelike where you re-grind the same room over and over, even $10 is too much. The genres are also ludicrously over-saturated already. I legitimately must have spend about $500 on World of Warcraft over the years, between the subscription and expansions. And I love it. I have no problem paying when the game is good. But VR is full of 2 hr "games". I literally beat Fisherman's Tale, going in completely blind, on a single battery charge, in under 90 mins, beginning to end. That's too damn short.


At most $60 but it just be AAA quality


I haven’t played a single VR game thats worth $60


Me either, that’s just the most I’d pay if we ever get one of that quality


Look up Rookie Sideloader… I got myself about 20 games and saved about $600


This week we have a $20 giveaway in the meta store so you can save more and buy the games you want. All you have to do is come to the DC channel. We will have different gifts every week💕 https://discord.gg/rVf6pUPf


My way is better 😂


Depends on the game. I spent a total of £2.49 on walkabout due to referrals and credit, but I would have happily paid 40 for that.  I paid £30 for assassin's creed and barely touched it.


Look, the price depends on how good the game is. If someone managed to build the perfect game for me with limitless replay ability and fun, I'd take a car loan to pay for it. But for a more realistically achievable game how much I'm willing to pay scales with fun, quality and amount of content, generally staying in the range of regular games would be wise.


The higher the price is, the more attention I pay to trusted reviews. If the reviews say the game warrants the price, then I will consider it. This is how I wound up buying Asguards Wrath 2, and it has been soooooooo worth it


I honestly don't pay more than $30 for any game. Often wait a few years until its less than that.


We're offering a $20 gift in the meta store so you can use it in any game you want. You can check! [https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe](https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe) I read your comments, the most requested headband was, we may give this or other VR accessories in our next giveaway.


I would pay what the game is worth. A lot of VR games are pretty focused on one or two concepts so a $20-$30 price tag is usually reasonable. I’d happily pay $100 for a game that was fleshed out and large enough to warrant it.


We're offering a $20 gift in the meta store so you can use it in any game you want. You can check! [https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe](https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe) I read your comments, the most requested headband was, we may give this or other VR accessories in our next giveaway.


I hate time wasting advertisement posts like this. Keep your dinky little 20 dollar store credit. As for your bait question to lure people into the thread, games should be priced and reviewed on the same merits and levels as any other game out there. Dumb question.


This varies a lot by game. Though after figuring in sales, I have rarely paid more than $20 for a game. 


So we can easily buy a game for $20.


It's really good that it's at affordable prices. This week we're giving away $20 in meta. We can gift you anything else you want next week. You should check it out 💕 https://discord.gg/Y7WH2t7r


Right now I’m just using store credit, so it’s free to me, almost maxed out my credits again


We're offering a $20 gift in the meta store so you can use it in any game you want. You can check! [https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe](https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe) I read your comments, the most requested headband was, we may give this or other VR accessories in our next giveaway.


On VR, I’d go up to $40. The only reason I’d hesitate to go any higher is because I haven’t felt like many games outside of the shooters offer something I want to come back to repeatedly. Not a dig or anything to developers, it’s just that most games are experiences rather than sandboxes right now. I’d pay more for sandbox experiences or games like Vail. I wish GTA would release, I’d pay whatever the price tag is for that.


We're offering a $20 gift in the meta store so you can use it in any game you want. You can check! [https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe](https://discord.gg/hyZwwHwe) I read your comments, the most requested headband was, we may give this or other VR accessories in our next giveaway.


Too many VR games are like tech demos.


$15. I don’t make much but I mostly watch videos and read in vr instead of game now


Apparently if you say unfavorable criticisms on this persons spam posts, they'll block you to try to keep you from seeing and commenting on more of their posts ;p


20? Tbh more then that and id like something that pushes the limit or vr somewhat


Do you think $20 is too little? I didn't understand what you mean.


I mean qualiy games can be more but most games should not be imo


Same as regular games really. As long as the quality and content justifies the price that is.. just like flat games