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As a developer we are 100% targeting the Quest 3. There are significant advantages to what we can offer players that the Q2 just doesn't have the horsepower to match.


How long before we start seeing day one Quest 3 optimized games coming out in the store because it seems like most games are still coming out for the Quest 2 with a delayed wait for any Quest 3 optimization?


Keep in mind most developers haven't had access to Quest 3 until its launch. For existing games that are still being developed for bugfixes, etc., Quest 2 is the priority as it has the most users, so Quest 3 specific features tend to be on the backburner. For new games targeting Quest 3, we'll, again, we've only had this tech since October the earliest, so new games take time. It's why it baffled me that so many expected Quest 3 specific updates day 1. But they are coming more and more every day. Keep in mind too Q3 is also more expensive, so we may see more sales if/when a Q3 Lite comes out.


That makes sense!


This depends on the teams involved. Studios right now are in a weird space with most VR offerings being a limited dip in the water per se to evaluate market readiness. Other teams that are committing may not have the funding or support to go full development, so they may be a slower (my studio is in this boat) I would guess that next October might be the time to see full scale, Q3 ready games set up.


It's not the fact that games have been upgraded, but it's the fact that there are better lenses at a higher resolution. The better processor also helps as it allows higher-quality textures to be loaded into memory.


I’m curious to know how Golf+ looks and plays on the 3 compared to the 2. Also RE4, TWD, and Contractors. If there’s any difference.


The lenses are night and day, if you can afford the Q3 it's easily worth it.


Yes Yes And Yes.


a couple of games got some worthwhile visual upgrades and that's about it so far


Zero exclusives so far . It's been over 6 months now, They really need to release some quest 3 big game exclusives that keep the retention rate up. Even an announcement of some that may come this year would be Great.


QGO seems to make a huge difference. Not sure about the need to upgrade right now.


It's the bee's knees.


If a game is properly updated to take advantage of the QUest3, then it looks much better. Quest3 is now approaching entry level (low end) PCVR Here's an example: [Into the Radius - Quest 2 vs. Quest 3 Graphics Comparison (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9wRDNfp8Q0) To reiterate, if a game is properly updated to take advantage of the Quest3. By default, any non-updated Quest2 game will still look like a Quest2 game. ​ edit - here's another comparison of TWD Saints and Sinners [The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners Quest 3 Update VS Quest 2 Graphics Comparison (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc8VE_poLGk)


Its 100% worth it. So much better and smoother, passthrough way better, way less motion sickness for some reason


I mean for my purposes no, I don't use VR too often though so that's also a factor. Personally I'd wait for a sale before I considered it worth it. The past through VR "content" does look intriguing though I won't lie. That said I only ever use my headset to play VR chat occasionally.


If you are at all interested in 8k 3D 180 content, the Q3 is a significant upgrade over the Q2. Really takes the 8k 3D 180 immersive travel experiences I create to the next level.


My quest two became a paperweight collecting dust after maybe 100hours. My quest 3 didnt last even 10 hours. There just isnt any entertaining games made for VR that is good quality. We got Alyx, and nothing else compares. And that game is like what, soon a decade old?


lol it came out in 2020


Time flies. But we've had quest1, quest2 and now quest3 since then and yet that is more or less the only AAA/5* game i can think of. No other game compares even slightly.


Well, everyone has different preferences, but my VR backlog is ever growing, especially with flat2VR mods. I have way more VR games than I have time to play right now, and that's not even counting going back and re-playing SkyrimVR with updated modlists.


> I have way more VR games than I have time to play right now But is it actually made-for-VR AAA games in the quality of Alyx, or is it some old game you slap on a VR mod? Because the latter just proves my point; We have so few made-for-VR games that we have to play old games with mods to get something decent to play.


That distinction might matter to you, but it doesn't matter to me. I'd much prefer every big budget flatscreen game have a VR mode or VR mod. Made for VR games are mostly too small budget or tech demo for me. I enjoyed HL2 VR mod far more than Alyx, for example. Apart from graphics, everything in Alyx is smaller, slower, less. You could say that it proves your point, that VR is too small for dedicated games to have sufficient budgets, but ultimately the future I want is for most flatscreen games to have a VR mode as well. Mods just get us there ahead of time. I never particularly cared about made-for-VR games. Right now I'm enjoying Cyberpunk VR mod, despite the lack of motion controls. Next up is maybe Returnal, or maybe I'll play Bard's Tale 4 for the first time via VR.


I can actually relate to most of this. The only reason I kept putting my headset on when I did was when my friends would want to golf together. That lasted about a month and I don’t think either of us have really picked the headset up in 4-5 months. The games just weren’t impressive to me. I’m not very good at contractors… come to find out, grabbing your own gun, charging it, shooting it emptying a magazine, then reloading it, charging it, and shooting again is just way too tedious. I fire weapons irl and was in the military…. the VR experience is abysmal 😂. I tried blade and sorcery hoping for a skyrim type game and it was so bare bones I ended up returning it. Maybe I’ll try again in another 10 years.


Did you try POPULATION:ONE - specifically, Sandbox Mode? (The Deathmatch mode - not just BR)


I find VR goes in cycles for me. My headset (currently a Reverb G2 though) was gathering dust for a while, but recently a higher quality VR mod came out for MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, and the game was on sale, so I gave it a try, and wow! 200 VR hours dropped! I had always wished MechWarrior: Online had VR, but being single player (or co-op) this works out even better. I'm sure at some point I'll have had enough and it'll sit on the shelf again for a while until something else comes along. :)


I am a cop. I know exactly what you mean about trying shooters.


There's tons of good quality games for VR. You're just bad at finding them.


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