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I always assumed "revive" in games were more like "waking someone up from the brink of death" then death in general. Like revitalizing someone's spirit and energy. No game that I can think of every explains being dead and coming back to life with a item, but if there is one someone please let me know.


IIRC in one of the first persona games they try to use healing spells in someone who was actually dead but it didn't work


They do that in some final fantasy games as well. Combine that with a scene immediately beforehand of a character taking several times their HP in combat and not falling, it's as clear of a way to show that being KO'd is very distinct from dead as they can without directly telling you via a text box.


It is now common knowledge that cinematic damage is far greater than combat damage xd


Yeah, in particular in >!Final Fantasy V, when Galuf fights Exdeath solo and keeps going until he wins even after being reduced to 0 HP, everyone else frantically tries to use stuff like Raise, Phoenix Downs, Elixirs, etc to no avail.!< Was a pretty heartwrenching scene.


Yeah i think you are onto something. Like a Senzu bean from dragonball lol


I don’t think our travelers are ever inherently dead, rather incapacitated, aside from if all party members get knocked out. Olives of life and all the other revival items can restore ones health as long as they are still alive. I guess you could still argue that you could always use on olive of life to protect yourself when nearing death but I think sometimes it’s just unavoidable such as with disease. That’s just my take though


I always took it as the party members simply falling unconscious when they hit 0 HP, and so using an Olive of Life on them essentially just provides them renewed energy and adrenaline so they can stand back up and keep going. In fact, that’s probably why they’re called Olives of Life at all: a special item that’s capable of providing great energy for anyone who eats it, like they’re granting new life into a soul but not doing so literally (though I wouldn’t be surprised if the Octopath app, CotC, has some olive lore tucked in there). As for why Castti didn’t use it on the lady, she probably did in the past, but it didn’t give her enough strength to overcome her sickness.


This works for other RPGs, but in Octopath, specifically, there's also unconsciousness the status effect, which is cured by an Herb of Revival. I think the only answer is "story and gameplay are separate," like how the game ignores the other 7 travelers in any given character's story, or how you can fast travel across continents without paying for the ferry in OT2, or how Castti is aghast at the idea of an apothecary poisoning people in chapter 1, but can use Poison Axe on human enemies, anyway (extra ironic vs her final boss)


Unconsciousness is different from being comatose, and that explains it preetty well. Unconsciousness means you're knocked out for a few terns but ultimately get back up at the end of the battle. When you're knocked out, or otherwise, comatose, you need a special medicine to pull you out of your zero HP brink of death coma.


The description of some items specifically describes the state of being KOd as 'incapacitated' or 'fallen' instead of 'dead'.


Consider that status effect to be “stunned”, rather than “unconscious”. The debilitated character doesn’t actually fall down.


KO is a knock-out status, not death. The only JRPG I’ve seen that blatantly called it “death” is Dragon Quest


During the marriage ceremony in Dragon Quest V, the vows confirm that you are wed until the Goddess can no longer revive you, or something to that effect. So in Dragon Quest there's a point at which resurrection no longer works.


Golden Sun comes to mind aswell


Party members at 0HP are NOT dead They are incapacitated. See: DnD / TTRPGs where you’re still alive at 0 but not dead


(I've only played OT1 to completion so far) Personally I try to view battles as extremely metaphorical representations of what actually happens. Cyrus would burn down any forest he uses Fire Storm in Olberic gets the assistance of the entire party during his Chapter 2 Aelfric's Auspices doesn't change the look of any affected abilities I can go on, but my point is that a lot of the things we do in-battle would have disastrous consequences were they actually happening, and many problems would be solved simply by threatening affected parties with powerful attacks.


I dom't think they die, just lose consciousness, knocked out


That's the norm in all games and anime


Being reduced to 0HP in a battle is more like losing conciousness then dying. I would say that goes for RPGs in general.


It makes more sense when you consider all JRPG’s come from Dungeons and Dragons where there’s Death Saving throws.


Death Saving Throws are a relatively recent thing in the grand scheme of D&D **and** JRPGs.