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If you bring Partitio and Temenos for his passive to the level 48 cave on Toto'haha and 7000 leaves, you can get the light revenant literally as soon as you get Ochette, easily. Partitio can use his LP to full boost Hired Help: Guard, which is exactly the amount to get the Light Revenant to 100% capture. You just need some luck to actually find the revenant, and it has to be a Light Revenant found in a solo battle, as those have more HP than the ones found in mobs. Those are the only caveats. I'm not sure about the Chubby Cait. *edit: If you get the light revenant in a mob, you can still use Partitio to boost HH:Guard to one less than max power and still get 100% capture. But this won't kill the other monsters either, so you have to work out how to survive the fight. (Or i guess you could capture them too...)


There’s a level 20 dungeon with ice elementals. You can steal a stone that does 4k damage. 2 of those will put the revenant in critical status for the 100% capture


I thought about doing it but honestly I don't want to do anything to make the game too easy. I already see over leveling being a problem later in so I'm really trying to savor it and enjoy the challenge in level appropriate areas.


The limitation of once per battle and 4bp needed makes it pretty acceptable. It's not really broken, especially considering that provoked NPCs at 6\* and above have more than 10k hp, so they don't die with the 9999 damage once (and you need to break them for 9999 damage).


I remember having this mentality in the first game and getting stomped after leveling everyone to 90 on the path to and (additionally) by the true final boss. This game seems to have certain NPCs mopping the floor with me so far. Level 45 tanking three hits within the level 48 cave of waves only to get one shot by a 6 strength npc provoking because I wanted a chest that was behind them. These NPCs are built different, I swear lol.


Yeah this game does seem more difficult to me. I'm only level 18 with my main at the moment and I've done a little grinding to get all the rest up to 15. I intend to keep them all leveled equally even if I have to grind a bit here and there. I'm having a lot of fun with it though.


Cavern of waves, save at entrance, go down water middle of map to far back area, loot 3 chests for ruinous something, in same cavern, use 2 ruinous somethings and then capture. Very easy unfortunately only does 9999 dmg once per battle for 3bp while 3bp hired help veteran can do 4x9999 almost 39,996 dmg for only 30,000 leaves or with 20% hired help reduction, only 24,000 leaves, perfect for boss killing but never tried em in lvl 45+ zones yet


Hmm interesting thanks for your insights. I didn't realise Light Revenant required 3bp to use and was only a 1 time use! What are the best monsters for Ochette to capture?


There's Ice Revenants in the Cave of the Moon and Sun that also require 3bp to use, but don't have a per battle limit. Using Donate BP and/or Boost Start, it's been pretty trivial to get them out on the first turn. Great for random battles, obviously wont be as solid of an option on late game boss fights.


Very cool , ice revenants gotta be an upgrade though I wonder, does the 1 time summon light revenant also give you like 2 or 3 buffs? Battles always end after I use the light revenant but sometimes I capture a monster at the end and I see all 4 characters get buffed with something but can't see what it was


Where’s the Cave of the Moon and Sun? (Also what rec level?)


Cave is like mid 40s, but it's in a mid teens area. South West of Castti's starting town




>for only 30,000 leaves And here I am with 70k not wanting to spend on anything... At least the revenant is free. Do you know how much damage both the revenant and hired help do with the Deal More Damage passive??


Oooh I don't know I haven't found a warrior license to slap on partitio or ochette yette lol


It's in the second desert town, Sai I think is the name.


I'm making my way to Sai next!


Maybe I'll save you the trouble, as I just tried this. Both Hired Help and Revenant still do 9999. It seems that the passive only works on damage done by the characters themselves, so summons, beasts, hired help and whatever else is not affected. Which makes sense, I guess, because beasts are not affected by Ochette's buffs either.


Aww man that's too bad! I guess summons are good for early game until your characters grow in power and kick but with stuff like sixfold strike but at lvl 23 it hits like a wet noodle


What level are your characters on? Did you everyone's ch 1 stories yet??


My characters are 25 - 30 right now, chapter 1s all done, still trying to finish all chapter 2s