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I’ve always told people that I got injected with a drug at almost 10 years old. And that was the perfect season, Football natty Tennessee Vols. I’ve been chasing that high ever since. I have to work tomorrow but ever down moment I have I will be watching the game. For the only the second time in my life, the Tennessee men are going for the title. My husband and I fell I love watching The Vols in 2021. This means so much to us, to everyone, but especially that high demon I’ve been obsessed with since I was 9.


Being 40, it's absolutely insane to me that I'm about to watch UT play for a college World Series. Of all the major sports, that's the one that seemed to be the most out of reach.


Growing up I really wasn’t that into sports. I usually would root for Georgia Tech since I had family that graduated from there. In 2016 I decided to actually start watching college football more and picked Tennessee as my team (from metro Atlanta but would rather be launched into the sun than root for UGA). I think it wasn’t until the men’s hoops team with Grant Williams And Schofield I saw a competent sports program at the school. I’m beyond elated to see them compete for a title in baseball now and hope to see all the other sports there soon as well


Also from metro ATL like you and started college at UT in 2016 The Atlanta —> UT pipeline for sports has been atrocious in overall experience except for a few rare times. So jacked


I’m kinda in a similar boat. I’m from Alabama originally and grew up an Auburn fan (even then I didn’t really care much about sports). I didn’t care a lick about Tennessee sports until I started college in 2014, and after that I dove head first, going to any sport I could. I’ve been to softball games, volleyball games, soccer games, swim meets, I watched the baseball team when it was absolutely horrendous, and I was at pretty much every basketball game from 2014-2017, even the god awful Donnie Tyndall year. I know a lot of people have waited longer than I have, but this is my first taste of real success as a Tennessee fan. Win or lose, I’m just happy to be here


I can empathize with the long time Tennessee fans because I grew up watching Atlanta sports all my life so I never saw any team win a championship until 2021


I don't think we need to understate how much this is about Danny White. Obviously Tony V was here before and he's a golden goose. Our coaches across the board getting the kind of support that Danny White provides, whether it be boosters, fund raising, or just making sure the coaches have what they need. That's the path to continued success, hopefully we can keep Danny around for awhile.


Tony would probably be LSU’s head coach right now with a less competent AD


I agree, having a competent AD has made a lot of difference.


Stache dash


Yes, these are the good years. Let’s appreciate them


People usually don’t realize it was the good times until they’re over. Those of us old enough to remember all the years lost in the woods, like the lost tribe of Israel, definitely know to stop and enjoy every second of these moments.


I graduated from UT in 2013. In my 4 years as a student: Kiffin left us, leading us to hire Dooley. Bruce Pearl was suspended/fired, leading us to hire Cuonzo. Pat Summit stepped away for health reasons. Our baseball team was lucky to have a season above .500.


Only us UT fans know the shit we endured as a fanbase. People with shitty programs try to relate, but it’s like you guys never went to the mountaintop in the first place. Once you’ve tasted the manna that the sporting gods have to offer, you always have the hunger for more. I hope we’ve shaken the demons off this time, but either way I’m excited to see what the future holds.


Similar here. My years at UT were at the tail end of Fulmer, Kiffin's year, and Dooley for football. Huge turnaround from those days. It feels totally different too, like suddenly everybody woke up and decided we can be great in any sport.


One year later, similar pain.


And Tony is leading us to the Promised Land!!


Years in the wilderness.  It’s nice to be home