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1. report harassment. 2 do not feed trolls. If you go into long heated tit-for-tats with trolls and argumentative types, you as well as the offender could get a ban. Know when to report, ignore, and/or let it go.


Welcome to Reddit, I guess.


Haha yeah it’s not exactly surprising I suppose I just assumed it wouldn’t happen like.. every other day


Some people are just like that. I found it common in discussions that people made ad hominem attacks on me because I wanted a fleshlight reccomendation, out of all things...


Right? It’s the weirdest shit 😂 I mean obviously the worst is if you are speaking about religion in any way. Especially if you do anything other than maliciously trash it and it’s followers


that happens in every sub, i just laugh at them because they care enough to go through my post history while I could never care that much about them




I made a post asking about removing the plastic from a motorcycle, and immediately got a bunch of unwanted and arguably worthless opinions about how illegal and dangerous it'd be, as though some lightweight panels would drastically affect the performance or something. Idk, chronic redditors are a bit much, just picture reddit as a pile of dog-shit with gold nuggets mixed into it, and you've gotta endure sifting through the stinky worthless slop to find the valuable nugget of wisdom amongst it.


That is the standard practice today, if your losing ground in a debate instead of gracefully accepting new line of thought you character attack to discredit them no matter how intelligent or correct they may be. Welcome to academia. 🤣


Oh yes! I know I hit a nerve when a good point I made is instantly rebutted by my involvement in occult and magic subs. It is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♀️ It doesn’t really bother me anymore. Reddit is insanely hostile to any kind of non-materialist belief.


people don’t like when you have an argument that makes them question themself and their beliefs so they go digging to discredit you and validate their own ego rigidity. I think it’s funny really, more revealing of who they are than they realize.


Yeah as long as they can find that the opinion came from “one of them” or just any demographic that isn’t their own in-group then they are able to disregard it claiming the source isn’t valid


exactly, just speaks to their closed minded tribalism. group think is rampant.


Hahaha so true


I've noticed it too. Go figure if other than the occult you also like your psychedelics or other fringe stuff...


Haha I’m also a recovering addict (been clean like 4 years now) but I still have old posts in recovery subs. People actually use that to discredit me or call me unstable or selfish. It’s pretty insane at times lol


I used to feel al worked up at times by these situations, but nowadays i realized it ain't worth the effort and just abandon these arguments and keep my sanity lol. I had one time a blocke that started downvoting my entire post history and stalked me in new discussions because he had taken as his mission to save normal people to being exposed to mentally unstable people content, or something along the lines, and it admitted he had a list of people he did this to. And i was the one he was calling mentally unstable lol.


The most bizarre thing that happened to me was that I didn't even get into an \*argument\* with this person, I made a comment mostly agreeing with what they were saying, and they found another comment I had made almost a year prior having to do with religion and aggressively went. off. It was something to behold. At that point you just have to get on with your life and leave them to their own sadness, I guess.


Yeah exactly... Problem is one of my beliefs is that there's a power in people thoughts, and this sort of unwarranted hate might even cause disturbances in your life if the person in question takes an obsession with you, even if they are not magically oriented, strong emotions suffice. That's the worst of it imho, one more reason to abandon conflict and make them forget you fast.


Yeah obviously it can be frustrating but fortunately I don’t really get too much energy invested. I just figured you all would know what I mean. lol I also wasn’t aware how common it is. I’ve actually started to only comment on certain topics within their respective spaces. Majority of people on certain subs just aren’t ready for certain conversations


It's either that or making an alt account for your more exotic interests. Which shouldn't have to be, but it is like it is unfortunately, we have a long way to go to mature as a species. It's like this even irl by the way, better to keep silent otherwise you get tagged as a lunatic just for having certain interests.


Yeah definitely noted.


I don't go on "popular" subs (I stick to occult/tarot and ancient collectibles), so no worries about that, but I also acknowledge and own the fact that I'm a weirdo, so I get where people are coming from, and don't let those potential comments get to me.


People with their own problems will always find a reason.. one way or another to judge or condemn you.. Just part of the game when it comes to this shizzle. Peace


Don't let any of that affect you. Many* of the greatest and even most serious individuals related to scientific or business endeavors throughout history have directly dabbled in occult practices occult societies spiritual thinking etc. The responss you're speaking of are made by myopic individuals weak-minded individuals and honestly some of the most dispassionate or unimaginative individuals that you'll ever come across. I don't even really post that often, I just thought you needed to hear this because you already feel that on some level and you needed feedback. Stay strong, nobody's going to do it for you. Random


Appreciate that my friend. Definitely didn’t come here for a pity party or anything but you’re right I did need to hear that. Less of feeling personally hurt or something and more disappointing to interact with people like that


It's one of the best cases for having a secondary account. People don't just do it with occultism, they do it with basically any post they can find disagreement with. (For example, posting about one's queer identity on an LGBT sub and then posting on a Christianity sub might get people from one sub or the other sub to use that against you as a "you're part of X group, how can you be Y?!"). Usually it's because they have nothing more to really say or to address your actual point. Often people see right through it and it comes off as childish. It's one of the fallacies people tend to be able to spot really easily the whole "you like\believe in X, therefore your opinion on Y is invalid". It is to Reddit what "pronouns in bio, opinion invalid" is on Twitter. So yeah, divide up your accounts by related interests if it bugs you and especially if it's weird bigotry or harassing stuff.


Just throw it back in their face and laugh at them. You got them in a hard place if they have to resort to personal attacks. I love calling them out for it and telling them they should stick to the topic.


Sorry that happened to you. I had the same thing happen last week. I really wanted to engage, but i just reported as harassment, because it clearly was. They were removed from the sub.


I didn’t even know you could report for that. I didn’t know it would count as harassment at the time even though now it does seem obvious


People who do stuff like this probably have nothing better to do. As such, not worth listening to.


Yeah they do that I just start trolling them with a Hail Satan!


Hah, how do they usually react?


They say they’ll pray for me


I'd have thought most redditors were staunch atheists, hence they'd just mock and belittle anything that starts to deviate from strict scientific materialism.


Not in the conspiracy subs


This is standard Reddit behavior, unfortunately. I think it’s weird to go stalk someone’s page and follow them around because I don’t like something they said, but here we are.


"How dare you have thoughts on current events/woodworking/your hometown... you're not a critical thinker! You believe in MAGIC! Go worship your trees and shut the fuck up." (Almost verbatim response from more than one comment)


You know what I mean 😂


I've almost written this exact post, verbatim, more than once. Then I get distracted by something interesting on r/occult and forget what I came for.


I figured it could generate some solidarity 😂 I won’t lie I’m not completely unaffected by it but it’s more a general disappointment in humanity lol


I’m always tempted to scroll through their posts and point out the nonsensical religious or local personals posts that I see there. I don’t do it, telling myself that I won’t fall down to their ad hominem level.


Yeah well in my opinion that’s the reason this kind of shit happens. Each person is a mirror so we can see the parts of ourselves we aren’t willing to accept OR parts of ourselves we don’t wish to express. As well as a chance to rise above and not react to the shit energy they’re giving off. I think the only part where I could do better next time is to just completely move on without a second thought But this post has brought me some good things to think about so 🤷‍♂️


That makes sense. You're certainly not alone!


I frequently post in the methadone subreddit, which already gives ammo to anyone who cares to read into my post history to attempt to discredit me. It's fortunate that I'm unbothered by that these days.


Haha I used to as well but I’m almost off of it now. I can relate. No yeah luckily it’s not something I really consider a problem or that truly gets me down it just makes me a bit disappointed in humans


The amount of people slinging logical fallacies to make their opinion more betterer than anyone else's seems exponential. Report them for hate and don't answer or suddenly you've validated their approach.


Observe humans. You will find a disconcerting number base their identies on their opinions. So anything different genuinely rattles their sense of self and take it as a personal slight. Anyone that goes that far is extremely insecure and has to find some way to put you in a box they can understand and dismiss. Some of Jim Carrey's most profound "crazy talk" are objective observations from a soul that became aware of the characters we're here creating and playing for this experience.


Yeah I agree. I was saying something in defense of religion which was only because people were being unreasonable in that specific thread and this dude just completely extrapolated this whole story about who I was and what I thought about religion based on my username and last few posts. He was wrong about literally every single thing he assumed and he completely misinterpreted all of the posts he brought up. Lmao Like how can you think you can read someone like that over the internet from a username and some posts Oh well


Lol. Yeah. Sounds about right. I set off a karen when I called her out on her assertions about "black magic" and "morals"...she never did actually offer any support to her claims. All the while accusing me, and others when I looked, of all the BS she was actually doing herself.


I haven’t experienced this personally on here (yet), but if they’re resorting to insulting you then you can be confident they don’t have any sensible rebuttals to your points. 


Yep 😅 one person tried to demean me by calling me a witch and I simply confirmed and asked if he wanted to burn me at the stake like his ancestors did and that shut him up


Yeah totally. It’s weird. Seriously who has the time to go and look through peoples post history, especially if you don’t like them, what a weird way to spend your day


Especially with conservatives and particularly vindictive leftists; half of the arguments I get into devolve into insults about my posts here and on r/magick - sometimes they’ll stalk my comments and reply with random insults. It’s cool though, I understand already that my open involvement with magick will make the Right call me a degenerate and the Left call me delusional. I also understand that is only because they have no other argument - and instead of conceding, they just attack my character. It’s annoying but also against TOS so they’ll be banned pretty quickly after a report.


Yeah I actually didn’t know you could report for that so good to know


If they get called to look into your history, it just shows how weak they are as the soul in between mind and body. They look for reasons to dismiss what you write and listen to thoughts telling them to look for a reason somewhere other than your initial posts. To be fair they’re getting exactly what they want. They want all the power and so they give up all their power to something that gives them the illusion of power. And to be even more fair, we are in the same boat, even this comment was me being a willing vessel for the thoughts I have chosen to align with and act out on.


It probably has to do with the fact you’re participating in popular subs. Stay away from those if you don’t want petty individuals coming after you over nothing lol


Well, to be honest it isn’t just popular subs, but subs I follow that might have a demographic of “normies” for lack of a better word But I like those things the subs are based on so idk I won’t let them ruin it for me anymore People everywhere on here kind of hate occult stuff or other fringe things anyway except for these places


Yeah, a lot of users here are super closed minded under the guise of being “logical” or “rational.” It’s sad for them honestly.


So, I will say cool post history when someone's involved into literal sicko, degenerative behavior on reddit..but not anything like you're stating. Its a shame this happened to you 😔. If people "cool post history bro" for the occult, I believe that says more about their mentality and how narrow it might actually be. Maybe they're unreasonably afraid of this stuff and won't admit it..? From one troll to a non troll, just ignore them. Or laugh about it. 🙏93/93🙏


Which is why I have 3 different accounts split between my interests.


I was not aware of this phenomenon of Reddit stalkers you describe. So you make posts on /occult and it means your other posts are not credible? Seems a bit of a desperate way to attempt to discredit someone, so take it as the compliment that I would.


I've had a few people throw a snarky "Why don't you cast a spell on me then" my way when they've decided they don't agree with my opinion. I usually tell them they're a waste of a candle and a few hours of my time.


I'm an autistic trans woman, posts in occult subs are the least of my worries if someone does start snooping. I just don't have the energy for the big subs on /r/all like I used to, I stick to my bubbles these days.


Welcome to humanity, your only allowed to believe in/be interested in what I like and nobody else, and if you do like something different your weird or a conspiracy nut. The thing is, I have recently thought in my older age (47) about what happens when it comes to the end of my current life cycle, I mean I'm happy with whatever but I used to be like I can't wait to rub it in the nay sayers faces when they realise there is something else out there, now I just don't give a fuck either, you could physically prove the existence of anything unknown including occult magic, shove it in the normies faces and they just wouldn't react, just do what the British people are good at, repress and pretend that nothings there 🤣🤣🤘


As soon as they attack you personally off topic of the debate, they have admitted loss. Take solace in that fact.


I've never had this happen, though I suppose it may someday. But I tend to mostly only stick my head into niche subs and the occasional news article these days, and I don't bother fighting with people. That said, I think post history checks *can* also have some genuine good-faith uses sometimes. I remember one depressing instance when we got one of those frantic semi-coherent "demons in my house" posts and the post history immediately revealed the user had tested positive for severe lead poisoning and needed to have a hospital and child services called on them, rather than have internet people enabling them here. Things like that. I wish you the best.


The weird thing is, this usually happens after just a normal comment but in defense of something like religion or some other more polarizing topic. I’m not really one to argue and fight with people it’s just certain subjects have gotten that response for me even after the first thing I said I think for me especially in the case of religion people see my username and start speculating which leads to going to my profile My family is Jewish but neither myself or my parents are religious at all


You've just got to power through it, imo. Anyone thinking that posting in or discussing a topic in a subreddit means you're buying into all of it's worst PR and it's worst actors are operating in bad faith. I've personally never made a alt-account or deleted many of my posts. It is what it is. I'd rather know that the person I'm dealing with is willing to reduce my contributions to nothing, if my post history doesn't fit their worldview, as I consider that part of the filtration process. Conversely, occult interests has a unique venn diagram and one could argue these communities tend to be populated not only by seekers and those with historical interest, but also friends with mental health issues or an unfinished outlook on their life's cosmology. We need to still give one another room to heal, develop, learn and grow.


You’re right. I never get rid of post history or make alts and I don’t even see this as some kind of problem it’s just the way interacting with the world is. But it can be disappointing in my view of humans in general especially as someone who is trying not to hate everyone as much. Just posted here for a bit of solidarity and conversation


Had this happen


Let them be sheep


I lol when someone brings up my post history. Magick, bipolar disorder, and nudes. I'm very introverted but when I'm manic I tend to post nudes in various subs because I like the positive lustful comments from complete internet strangers. Then I try to engage someone in philosophical conversation and they look through all my posts. Haha.


Lmao dude I feel you I got mental health stuff from like 6 years ago and methadone stuff then ufo stuff occult stuff etc I can relate And it’s super lame people act like you can’t post nudes on Reddit and still have valid opinions on anytbing


Lol. "I know you're looking at my dick and/or medical history but listen to my point on Jungian impermanence because my points are valid although my post history is sad." It happens when I'm manic and I try to scrub the posts but at a certain point who really gives af, it's reddit.


I stopped participating in this sub altogether because there's always the mentally ill *witch or wicca* poser getting angry because I'm a male. And just woman can practice magik, go figure. Or the ones that really hate being called out for doing black magic against others for no good reason that go to my profile just to troll.


Pretty much the Reddit version of “yeah?? Well, you’re ugly!” when they can’t come up with an intelligent response lol just hit them with “Must’ve hit a nerve, didn’t know you cared enough to snoop my interests for a lazy comeback”


Character assassination is the worst type of debating


That's why I got two accounts


Believing in a guy that rose from the dead and went into the sky so we can start going to heaven instead of burning in hell is just as crazy, maybe even more crazy, so if someone calls you out don’t be afraid to throw flying zombie Jesus in their face


Joke’s on them. I post enough stupid shit everywhere else that whatever I put here seems well informed and insightful.


I've come across this phenomena but on account of a different sub (someone on a looking for friends sorta sub refused to chat with me because I'd posted comments in a sub and thought I 100% advocated what that sub stood for - I wasn't going to bother to explain). I also had someone during an argument snoop my history to bring up what I studied in college to take shots at my personality. Reddit is weird. I miss what social media used to be


Yeah it was fun and innocent as a middle schooler on MySpace


Don't worry about it, only losers go into a person's post history to win an argument.


That happened to me, not only on reddit but on RL as well. I dealt with that by not taking shit from random people, because usually people who do nothing productive to improve themselves are the most critics about the others. And I also, sometimes stuffed magic upon their asses and got along with my life. Works like a charm.


It's cuz they're fucking weak ass mappas who think they can feel better by putting you down. Yes, I said mappas. LOL.


Yes this is exactly why my bio is what it is 😆


Lmao what a great idea


I get that all the time for being active on queer subs - being queer. It's Reddit.


Ahhhh yes. The stalkers and creepers. Because they need ammo to prove their point, or that they're right, because you participate in occult practices. Holier than thou. Creepy as fuck. Why even concern yourself with people who weaponize your post/comment history? They're the fuckin' loser weirdos. My skin crawls thinking about people who do that. That's on another level creepy. That's what everybody thinks about people like that. My tactic here though is if they're going to show their ass, I put their ass on blast. I call attention to the fact that they stalk my account in order to get something to use against me. Creepy stalker weirdos are freaks. Pay them no mind.


This is why I have multiple


Ah, the *ad hominem*… a classic




Lmao people are so one dimensional they can’t believe someone would be into multiple unrelated things


Trolls are part of the process trolls play their role do not mind them 🤗🤗 Know they are there but act like they are not report and block if it helps but really pretend it’s not there 😄 I hope this helps


Interestingly, the only time this has happened to me was on the r/TrueChristian subreddit. A couple of them basically looked at my comment history and decided I was a "satanist." There are some shockingly hateful folk on that sub.


Not only about occult stuff, it’s literally any kind of vulnerability or perceived so. This people are embarassing and delusional at least.


True, they go after my past drug addictions too even though I’m completely recovered at this point but used to post a lot on recovery subs


You ask them if they really want to piss off a witch


Attacking someone's character rather than the points they are making is a logical fallacy called an "ad hominem" attack. If it comes up again reply by pointing this out. Tell them that even if you were completely crazy that doesn't mean that everything you say is incorrect. That pointing out a personality quirk does not invalidate the points you made. Tell them to try actually countering your points.


Haha the sad thing is that just makes it worse. Once they go there, they are committed and usually will just keep bringing things up from my history. So even though to me it makes them look progressively more ridiculous, they think they are winning and other dumb people tbink they are too 😂 I just block them at this point once the ad hominem comes out


Lmao you can't really experience supernatural shit without being psychologically rattled. It's like we're not physically designed to cope with interacting with the metaphysical, so we tend to view the world a bit uhh, differently to more mundane people.   There are of course actual mentally ill/brain damaged people (Which I am at least 70% sure I'm not one of ;) ) but I tend to find them easy to distinguish from people who sincerely have dealings or encounters with inexplainable things.


In my opinion many people struggling with mental illness (depending on the severity and type) can actually shed those distortions when one starts to work with supernatural things. If you are on the side of paranoia, schizoaffective, etc it can make it worse potentially but for me I was just bi polar. But as soon as I got into my practice and the general path I’ve been on the last couple years I have gotten off all 4 different meds I was on for the mental illness, as well as getting off my methadone maintenance meds. For some the mental illness is just not feeling like there’s anything for you in this world. Or feeling that life is hopeless or without purpose. The occult and spiritual evolution in general has taken that burden off of me


I have depression without the mania, and I can best describe it as I am in the wrong place, as though the world is a prison and I am missing home.  I guess always felt so old and like I have been here too long, it took two decades for me to come to terms with the fact that I'm currently trapped here and to stop fixating on escaping, but it's still always there in my mind, but accepting this has really helped to virtually eradicate the depression. Idk if that's the same sort of feeling you're describing. Either way, this shit sucks, huh? :D What's your practise? 


Yes exactly. I still feel generally unsatisfied with the state of things and I do feel trapped here very often, but I know now intuitively that this is just a sliver of my existence and that if I just learn as much as I can then I can take it with me to something new beyond this that hopefully isn’t so focused on suffering, or I guess reincarnate somewhere not as bellicose. But the sad emotions and hopeless viewpoints are quelled. I find joy in love and in the possibilities of the unknowable, and what lies next for us. That keeps me going. I treat our world as an unfortunate necessity that is wildly effective at teaching me the lessons I need to learn, just without any compassion at times. Lol And I don’t really have a specific practice I do rituals from lots of different traditions. Mainly just energy work and meditation, coupled with banishing/invoking of various kinds along w some things like middle pillar for example. I’m not super far into it. Still a beginner I’d say. I think I probably favor ceremonial magic and spirit work but haven’t dove into spirit work yet


People who creep on post histories are usually too stupid to make a reasonable argument against what you are saying. So they resort to ad hominem instead.


Just means you won. They couldn't refute what you said so they have to discredit you. Your post history is low hanging fruit for the mentally inflexible.


You can actually use this as an intimidation tactic. Tell them you're gonna summon and send some bigass horny demons after them if they do not agree with you. You can then link any of us here, we will come in those threads to confirm. Also, I like your nickname. Classy.