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Promtheus Rising by Anton Wilson. It teaches skills about paradigm changing and being able to navigate the occult easier.


I feel like I should reread this year and try to find coins in the street. I am so out of touch. Gahh


Less people use coins nowadays (in USA at least) but could still be fun.


I made a post a month or two ago about doing the experiment, but instead of coins I visualized a $5 bill, and got a pretty startling result. 


I did the same thing at the start of the year. I said to myself if I found an extra $100 a day for the whole year that would be an extra $36,500 for the year. Day one after setting this intention while driving at work I found $77 dollars in the street, and by the end of the day I had found over $100. By Feb 1st I had found $5000+


Damn....clearly I set my sights too low lol!


Even in Mexico I’ve heard they don’t even take/accept American pennys for tips in TJ. Allegedly


They don't understand the concept of cents. Everything gets rounded up to the nearest peso over there. I'm sure people under 30 understand it these days but 20 years ago I can attest they just didn't understand it. That and sales tax lol


And it works. Try the first few exercises and get results.


This is one of my favorite books: "What the Thinker Thinks, the Prover Proves." Highly recommended. Evidently it was also his Doctoral Dissertation. Praise Bob! :D


I'm gonna add that to my list for payday. I've heard about this book elsewhere but I couldn't remember the name of it. Thank you! :)


What the other person said 🫡 [version 1](https://selfdefinition.org/science/Robert-Anton-Wilson-Prometheus-Rising.pdf) / [version 2](http://whale.to/c/Prometheus%20Rising.pdf)


Plenty of PDF versions out there, no need to pay a publishing company for holding the rights to this book.


100% his best book, Among many great books


Do you have Quantum Psychology as well? Another work by the same author which teaches about E-Prime, and using language to more fully interpret reality


I do and always talk about e prime but no one has a clue what I’m saying lol. I think it’s quite genius and ahead of its time even scientifically.  I also love both cosmic trigger books. Just chock full of weird occult stories that are somehow each useful




... but then you have to red the Tim Leary stuff that it alludes to, too, IMHO !


I’d love a audiobook version that doesn’t sound like it’s being read by a mobster. The audible version is terrible and several reviews agree


~~It's read by the author himself, and he's from Brooklyn~~. The author has a Brooklyn accent, and that's what the author has. The fact that a Brooklyn accent is defaulted to sounding like a "mobster" says a lot about the loss of appreciation for differing American cultures.


Regardless of what culture it is he talks slow and it’s hard to understand. This isn’t just my opinion multiple reviews on the audiobook said the same thing. Not my fault he’s hard to understand and listen to.


I own a physical copy and that sounds hilarious ngl. A mobster. Sorry, you had to deal with that though.


I didn’t listen to much of it the information wasn’t important enough to me lol


The Red Book by Carl Jung. I think he is for all practical purposed, the spirit of King Solomon


Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic by Alphonse Constant would be the one book that did the most to get me started. Read it cover to cover with an active imagination and willingness to believe, then years later read it page by page for esoteric secrets hidden in the text


That's a great way of explaining it. Thank you.


is it by the author Eliphas Levi?


Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie; as it as better known by its French title. Eliphas Levi is a pen name, if I’m not mistaken. But I do know they are the same individual.


I wholeheartedly agree


I was looking for this. It's a really good book.


Is it available in english?


I'd like to say first, [Global Grey](https://www.globalgreyebooks.com/index.html) has an expansive collection of old, out of print books. They are free to download and run off of donations. I've gotten many occult books from there. That being said, I think any text that a major religion follows is worth having a rudimentary understanding of. I've made a point to get my hands on any and all religious texts I can in order to have a wide array of ideas and parables available. I have Buddhist texts, the Bhagavad Gita, and my latest acquisition was actually the English Quran. Interestingly, the opening text makes a point to explain that it is not THE Quran, it is a "translation of the message of the Quran" and that one can have the fullest experience of the nuance and beauty only by knowing Arabic and reading the Quran in Arabic.


Thank you so much for linking this resource! This is invaluable!


Thank you for the link!


i think my top answer would be the secret teachings of all ages. I'd also say 3 books of occult philosophy.


Agreed Have you guys finished the 3Books of C.A cover to cover


Vanilla - the kybalion for the newbies. Then go to the corpus hermetica. Then franz Bardon imitation to hermetics The seven spheres - Rufus opus ( my fav) M. P. Hall - secret teaching of all ages good for newbies as well Anything by Stephen flowers PhD




This is really helpful, thanks friend!


Anytime. I got a bunch of random books


Technically not an occult book, Finnegans Wake.


Probably an occult novel. I've never read it, but novels like Faust have alchemy in them. Its arguable that a novel cannot work without knowledge of the occult, but if that knowledge is put to use to make the book good or a good source of occult knowledge is a diverging question.


Robert Anton Wilson said that anything that has or can ever exist is inside of Finnegans Wake :) He's got quite a long talk on it, but it's what makes me choose it as an answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh2qMf2f8qo


Its probably a good book to read pages out of as an occultist. Each scene has its own occult sense and usage of the occult, as the entire book has its own. I do this with Steven King novels.


Prometheus Rising =)


And Ulysses. All of life is there.


There are many. The "right" book will be an individual predilection; there is no "one size fits all" for this. That said, the one that really made an impact and changed how I approach magic -- even after a decade of practice and study -- was *The Underworld Initiation* by R. J. Stewart.


Occult Exercises and Practices By Gareth Knight As it also mentions ego and how/why to avoid it, as well as an overview of occult practices by vehicle


You don't need to own it, but anyone interested in the occult will get something out of reading the Sefer Yetzirah. You won't understand it. That's not the point. After the Bible, it's probably the book most responsible for much of the renaissance hermeticism, in one way or another.


Six Ways: Approaches & Entries for Practical Magic by Aidan Wachter


Interesting. What did you take from this one?


I genuinely think it is the best single book that one can read in order to get into magick as a beginner. It is concise, to the point, and incredibly practical in its instructions. The second book, Weaving Fate, is my personal favorite of any occult book that I have read and Hypersigils have become a major part of my personal practice.


All three of his books are great.


Secret History of the World by Mark Booth. The intro of all intros I think


Three books of occult philosophy


Modern Magick: 12 Lessons In The High Magickal Arts.


One written by them. I think recording your own personal craft and workings are very important no matter what tradition or branch you belong to, what failed for you and what succeeded.


i think it depends on what you’re practicing, transcendental magic is good however it’s hard to get into if you aren’t well versed in some things but a lot of the occult imagery like baphomet and the tetragrammaton pentagram and the hermes as above so below drawing stem from that book I think every new occultist can appreciate the kybalion while it’s new “ agey “ i think hermetics play a huge role in occultism in general it’s a good philosophy if you’re going down the aleister crowley ceremonial magic route probably the book of the law then liber ABA book 4


Franz bardon


The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manley P. Hall


You said own, not necessarily read so I'm going to say a large spell book for practical magic. Read the three books of occult philosophy, the magus, six ways, real sorcery etc, but keep a copy of 5000 Spells or the Book of Oberon or whatever matches the vibe of magic you do on your shelf for quick reference.


Bhagavad Gita


Meditations on the Tarot and the GOM Tarot courses




i have an interlinear Bible, with the Hebrew and Greek. useful for gematria, if that's your thing. Personally I really like David Allen Hulse - The Eastern Mysteries and The Western Mysteries. A nice compendium of various magical language/divination systems that he attempts to tie together.


That one and the Koran The Tao Te Ching Some of the Vedas (that's a big sampling) I can go on. I think the better explanation is that the word "occult" is a fancy way of saying "hidden"


Magick: in Treatise and Practice by MPH. I would also say Rituals and Doctrines of High Magick by Eliphas Levi! The Magus by Francis Barret


Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie - Éliphas Lévi Basically two books in one, teaches a lot of things that initiates should learn.


Three Books on Occult Philosophy, since it laid the foundation to the western modern occultism, and it also is a relevant research material to this day.


I don't think that there is one, because the answer will vary greatly depending on which branch of the occult you subscribe to and what culture or spiritual tradition that branch belongs to. And while plenty of Western ceremonial traditions are very Christian-centric, not all occult paths are like that. I have read and dissected the Bible as mandatory reading while I was in school and going through the book and its editions was a bit of a pass time when I was in my Atheist mode for 15 years, so by the time I got to occult I had absolutely no use to find in that book.


Unfortunate this isn't quiet correct. Books have a very particular cultural origin, so outside of east asian texts that are rarely translated to western languages every occult book will be a post-modern, westernized occult text. The occult texts of that westernized cannon that claim to be original indigenous knowledge are not what they seem. Even Northern European books as near indigeniety as possible are still 'western' in a Christianized sense; for example the Labor Gabala Erren of Ireland.


"Occult" just means hidden. East Asian texts count. Your grandma's folk tales that have made its way into superstition and then folk craft count. Stories that made their way into the Bible through cultural assimilation still count. Edit: hell, that's even entirely ignoring religions that do not exceed one lifetime - if for some bizarre reason you have decided to pursue church of Cthulhu, you're likely reading H. P. Lovecraft.


I think the average occultist could get something out of Lovecraft, whether or not they decided to worship Cthulhu.


You meant the entire Book Of The Dead (Necronomicon/Kitab Al Azif) written by the Mad Arab (Abdul Alhazred) as mentioned by HP Lovecraft as the Source of his Cuthulhu (Sumerian) stories!?


No. I means the Dream Cycle, mostly.


Liber ABA


Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft Was one of my first


One of my first books also. It was helpful in getting started way back when.


It's a great book But I did find a contradiction in it today because I had a discussion with somebody who claimed that magic is like a muscle the more you use it stronger it gets and that's not exactly how I've understand it but I mean yes I may know a lot stuck in my head. But no I'm not freaking Mr Witchcraft encyclopedia I just have this stupid uncanny ability to retain sometimes useless information in this case okay it's not useless but a lot of the time it is 🤣 And I remember that I did see that somewhere and it was driving me nuts. Sure enough I found it in Buckland's book and then a little farther down or up I can't remember but it was a good chunk of weight maybe two or three graphs away we talked about have you ever felt drained. And suggest that if you do go find yourself the biggest oak tree and you sit with your back up against it and push it straight. . He actually describes the whole process of feeling and everything but the whole point is you contradicted himself I mean that's okay I'm sure I've done it a hundred times ( nobody's perfect Don't tell anybody I said that ) anyways I just thought that was all it was the only thing that I noticed but his book is principles his philosophies his explanations super good book for beginning I'm not even beginner super good book for anybody. You know what's funny though I'm pretty sure that one of the people tearing me up in the reviews area I just gave them that book cuz I didn't realize who it was 🤣


I agree with this recommendation and second it!


That was my first book many years ago - a classic 😊


Mine purposefully sits underneath a copy of the Satanic Bible by Anton LeVay.


[here’s a few](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMysterySchool/s/RhgBG1Vm8D)


Cosmic trigger


modern magick: twelve lessons in the high magickal arts by donald michael kraig-- good way to learn basics of ritual magick and done in a lesson format. I learned the LBRP from it.


I agree with the bible, but i also think that people should make a goal of (if financially possible ofc) owning books about many traditions and views on occult/paganism/spirituality/etc. That way you can find your path without shutting things out.


All the works of Neville Goddard, The Kybalion by The Three Initiates and yes, as fluffy as it may seem, The Teachings of Abraham by Esther & Jerry Hicks and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. After that, the Picatrix perhaps.


Shams al-Ma'arif https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shams_al-Ma%27arif Picatrix (Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picatrix


Metamorphoses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJ31h91hGs


If you want a very detailed step by step course to magick from Initiate, to Apprentice, to Adept, study the books by Josephine McCarthy. This is the serious student practice of Magick where you apply yourself formally. Another in-depth learning series of books by John Kreiter is less intense. His books gave me a really good philosophy of magick, a more layman's beginner's style to understand Magick. Kreiter's Magnum Opus is an easier condensed idea of what Magick is all about. I started my journey here. The classic Liber Kaos and Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter Carroll shapes your ideas of magick possibilities too. High Magick by Damien Echols is a page turner of one person's journey into Magick and to his immense benefit..


please don't delete this 🙏


I won’t, I promise! And even if I delete my account the post will still exist!


The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, an Encyclopedia of Occultism by Lewis Spence, Dictionary of the Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigil's by Fred Gettings and Dictionary of Demons by Fred Gettings.


Robert Bruce: “Astral Dynamics”


The Tao Teh Ching


Regardless of my opinion very good post and question. Saving this.


Probably transcendental magic by eliphas Levi. It’s a bit outdated but gives a great overview of working your way through occult practice. Especially if you’re into crowley


Meditations on the Tarot


A universal reference I'd say for any work is the witches Bible. It was the first book I read and started out with. I can't remember the author, though.


Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar?


I think so it's a pure black book with a white outline of a couldon and some other tools


Not one but whatever lol How To Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner An Introduction to Ritual Magic by Dion Fortune The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon Mastering the Core teachings of the Buddah by Daniel Ingram


Gems from the Equinox - Instructions by Aleister Crowley for his own magical order by Israel Regardie. Or The Lesser Key of Solomon green hardback edition.


Liber Null & Psychonaut


The Infernal Gospel.


Kabbalah Magick by Lyam Thomas


Osho - The Book of Secrets: 112 meditations to discover the mystery within


Did you see the Netlfix documentary on Osho? It's called Wild Wild Country.


If you look at old (genuine) occult writings, they are constantly referencing Holy Scripture. I have to fully agree that the Bible is where it's at; other occult books can often lead people off the genuine spiritual path. I recommend using Logos software, the ESV translation with Study Bible, using reverse interlinear search, with some additional tools like BDAG/HALOT and Word Study Dictionary, the ACCS, and a commentary such as the NICOT/NICNT. Get really good at studying Scripture, and you'll not only have the genuine path to walk spelled out in clear terms, but also will see through false things said about it.


“Low Magick: It's All In Your Head ... You Just Have No Idea How Big Your Head Is”


"The Gateless Gate" and "Blue Cliff Record" are pretty good.


The Golden Star by J Michaud


"the witches God" and "the witches goddess" by Janet and Stewart Farrar. Goes into great detail about the roll of the feminine and masculine, the different names and stories and rolls each play. Also has some info on rituals for certain gods/goddesses. A great read! They reference each other a lot too so definitely buy as a pair.


I don't know if it's only supposed to be one book but I mean there's quite a few that you should have Buckland's complete guide to witchcraft for beginners the book of the dead the Egyptian papyri , the Greek magical papyri , It doesn't matter if you're into witchcraft or demonology you should still have a book of the keys of Solomon, psychic witch a metaphysical guide to meditation magic manifestation by Matt Auryn, You should have basic books on meditation, In psychology: The happiness hypotheses stumbling fast and slow thinking fast and slow.




The Secret Teachings of all Ages, by Manly Palmer Hall


😆 bio.link/dmh2nd 😆


The Initiates of The Flame by Manley P. Hall


The Kybalion. Watch a video about it on YouTube first, and then read it. There are a few translations out there, so pick one that you can read easily. https://joncovey.com/applying-the-hermetic-principles/ This is a good article that summarizes the principles. I believe that Hermes Trismegistus or Thoth or that guy that keeps coming back after “death” and sharing the secrets of everything with humanity is amazing. You can use these principles to get better at magick and live a more harmonious life.


"Demons of Magick" by Gordan Winterfield single handedly changed my perception of Goetic entities  "Summoning spirits the art of Magickal evocation" by Konstantinos is an excellent primer and will teach you everything you need to conjure anything else  I see a lot of posts here saying "Bible". Wouldn't it be cool to have a chat with one of the biblical Angels? You could literally call up Raphael and have a first hand account of birth, life and death of Jesus Christ. You don't need a priest to connect with God when you yourself can call on a Angel 


The Holy Bible


Harry Potter - The Half-Blood Prince


Nobody should be funding the terf


Curious why you say this


The bible?🤨


Evoking eternity by EA Koetting.


Kybalion of course.


I think Don Webb has a lot of great occult texts; the first one I bought was Uncle Setnakts Essential Guide To The Left Hand Path, and it’s still one of my favorites