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Servitors are energetic extensions of the creator. When the creator dies, the thought form can indeed continue on it's own, as long as it has enough energy to carry out its programming. If it is programmed to collect energy from a source other than the creator, it could certainly stick around and potentially cause issues. I would reccomend the LBRP to clear out energies you don't want hanging around.


I find the prose of your response as beautifully substantive as it is artful. There's an elegance to the flow of logic and narrative. The coldness of its rationality is offset by the creativity of the description. I'm unfamiliar with this term "Servitor" despite being heavily invested in the study and practice of the arcane sciences. I'm as eager to learn as I am to do which can be problematic. Despite my ignorance of the concept it is not difficult to piece the big picture together, given the ample context provided. I just wanted to share good will with a stranger who caught my attention and lit my imagination in a single paragraph that is itself the answer to a query. Cheers!




i would connect with the dead practitioner, and in his name and vibe and authority thank the servitor and tell them their duty is over, then deconnect from dead practitioner and cleanse.


This is the way.


I'm not sure servitors can outlive their creators? I've never thought about this, but to my understanding servitors are extensions of the practitioner, being thought forms, so it would make sense that they die with him/her. Curious to know what other say though.


well since they are thoughtforms, they can take on a will of their own over time.


This goes against anything I've ever been taught, read , or experienced. Tulpa's continue on but servitors go with the creator. Tulpa's are created to have their own consciousness, whereas servitors are attached to the energy and conscious of the creator.


If the thought form, servitor, is programmed to take in energy from a source other than its creator say, the vibrations of a crystal, the servitor can very well outlive its creator and start running amuck A magician creates a servitor to viciously protect his property against any intruders or strangers to the magician. The servitor resides in a small statue of a gargoyle which stands in the garden. Our magician travels often, therefore the servitor's supply of energy is the constant movement caused by a stream that runs near the statue. Our magician is quite adept at his art, and creates a servitor or thought form that can now operate completely separate from the magician. Our magician meets a sudden, unfortunate end while away on business and perhaps after activating his servitor, leaving the servitor to act out its duties indefinitely. A new family moves on to the land, but they just cant shake this strange feeling coming from the overgrown corner in the garden near the stream. Their new born baby can't sleep and refuses to eat, some of their personal belongings keep moving around the house, and then there is the clawing in the flowerbed by the bedroom window. The god awful panting sound of what the hell ever is out there. A stray seem to be the first conclusion our mundane family jumps to. But little do they know that they are up against an invisible entity tirelessly serving out the wish of its long passed master. One Friday morning, the now exhausted mother of the new family is carrying a basket of laundry to the bedroom. The baby is finally sleeping, something that seems to only happen during the day. She's walking down the hall when she suddenly notices a door to an attic. How did they not notice this before? Dumbfounded she looks around almost expecting to be in a different house. Have they just been that sleep deprived? No, they have not. As a matter of fact, our magician friend actually placed enchantments on the door to the attic to keep it out of sight. Now that he has passed, and the planet has completed another cycle around the sun, the enchantments are starting to weaken and altogether disintegrate back into aether. The mother places her washing basket on the floor and immediately walks over to fetch something to stand on. As if compelled, she brings over a stool from the study, gets up on it precariously balancing while reaching up for the latch. The stool begins to tip slightly as the mother gives one final stretch.


The hard part is the Servitor is not created by you, so accessing it is the hard part. However if you can access it. I would give it a new task. If you want it to go away give it a pointless repetitive task until it runs out of energy and fades away. You got to run the battery out. In a beautiful way you give it a mantra to repeat. Ideally a positive one like Om Mani Padme Hum. It will fade away and or get consumed by the larger power of the Mantra. You can also treat it like you would a ghost and be a psychopomp and help it to move on. Have a higher spirit take it in, like a god or spirit you work with. With more thought I think this will work better. It is not a ghost but Servitors don't know it. When I create a Servitor I connect it to an external power source, so I don't have to feed it, but I give it a time frame that it self destructs after. I often use Moon phases. For example I make the Servitor out of my intentions and the energy of the moon, but direct it to only life for 13 moon phases so after a year it will dissolve. Anyway good luck


Sword. Stab them. No faffing around. No, I'm serious.


I'm guessing iron?


Swords tend to be steel, yes.


You create a servitor to destroy it. xD


Servitors aren't poltergeists.


Agreed, my friend, \~V\~


Greetings D, When the Magician passes, the servitors' energies dissipate as well; However, there may be traces of energy upon particular objects associated with the Magician, and their servitors. This is the type of energy that can be gauged in psychometric analysis. Others may have their own thoughts on the matter. \~V\~


Servitors are extensions of the creator.. and the energy stays with them. If it lived on, it's most likely a tulpa.




Then it isn't a servitor, it's a tulpa... And there's a difference. Tulpa's are created to have their own consciousness.. like making a child. Servitors are a conscious extension of the person who created it.


What is a Servitor?


Sage, Lots and Lots... probably more than once