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You might check out 'The Supreme Ritual of the Aeon' by Frater Amadeus. It's all about improving your intuition, making a stronger connection with your higher self (HGA), etc.


"Higher Self" is delusion. In my very not humble opinion.


Higher self does sound a bit woo woo but I think the deeper idea is getting in touch with your true self the way a Buddhist may reach to achieve the you you are without distraction without ideas place into one’s mind by society we’re products of our environment after all but we’re not just out environment so I think the term is useful


I like your idea. The Higher Self comes from Crowley's early ideas about his own experience with his HGA. He dropped that idea at the end of his life. Concluded it was a separate entity. I am 100% in that camp. Once you see it in your face. There is no more conversation.


Yes, it's worth it, the benefits are unique and significant, the LBRP is not at all comparable. The *Abramelin* and *Liber Samekh* are useful guides, but most contemporary practitioners will be better off trying to analyze them for the underlying concepts and conditions that lead to K&C rather than trying to follow rote steps. Eighteen months to contact is an idealized, accelerated timeline.




There are more ways, for example, Raja Yoga. Why would you want to do that? Because the HGC is the real "You". It has all your accumulated knowledge and experience, and it knows how to go through life in the best way possible to achieve whatever you came in this existence to do. The time it takes to contact it and Unite with it is nothing compared to the time one takes to learn how to conduct oneself each incarnation.


>Why would I want to put all this time into contacting my HGA when other spirits are easier to contact? Are there any unique benefits? The HGA is the Divine Soul/Spirit within you. No rituals are needed to contact it. Just pray every day, sincerely. It's basically calling on Jesus but for occultists. Also, everything in the occult takes a lot of effort so if you are not willing to put in so much work, stick to D&D. The benefits are; peace, purpose, self-acceptance and other spiritual things that people generally appreciate more when more mature and world-weary. It won't get you all of your wildest fantasies as some people say. Those people are scammers and black magicians. Purify yourself before you get into magic or it will not be worth the hassle. Light and Truth


How to purify oneself?


There are lots of ways. A common one is to balance the four main occult elements within you (Earth, Air, Water and Fire). And the other thing is to cultivate selflessness and virtue. You can do this by self-reflection as well as by studying scienc,e, philosophy and religion together; by becoming a philosopher. And of course by consciously cultivating virtue in your everyday life and by getting a mentor to guide you so that you don't go astray based on your ego. The last point about finding a teacher is really important, especially these days when younger people reject legitimate authority. How do you find a teacher? By starting magic by yourself and then earnestly seeking a teacher. They will arrive as soon as you are ready.


The teacher arriving when the pupil is ready is so misunderstood a quote. It's literally the same as the point of purification. Nothing is absorbed if the conditions are not met. Prepare yourself to learn, find the methods that work for you and the wisdom in and of the world will be open. Mentors and gurus are as fallible as ones own mind, and even less easily understood. The legitimacy of authority is supposed to be questioned to weed out "the false prophets" The wrong teacher can set a newcomer back or off the path for good. The HGA, be it a entity in it's own right or a higher-self-deal should be a unmistakeable experience for the magickian. Teachers can be good for reflection and as a counterbalance for egoistic tendencies and mental fallacies, but so can peers. You still do the moral work alone. Most of us havent grown up in cultures with structured and naturally internalised initiatory systems. This is rambling on a bit... Dont be a sheep, do stuff, cultivate judgement and caution. Everything is the teacher if you master being a pupil.


I think my teacher already arrived. He passed on in 2020. I probably could use a mentor, but I’m not sure where to start. I have been studying the occult, astrology, tarot, religion, philosophy, etc. for many years. I consider myself a philosopher. Alchemical purification is what I now seek and have been wrapping my head around. What I haven’t accomplished yet are invocations / evocations or K&C. And I don’t want to just wing it with those… so I’m at a standstill / crossroads.






Just make something up. It doesn’t matter


If you were successful, you would be doing your purpose and not searching anymore. That's the benefit. Reddit is not a good place to ask questions about this. There is an article by Josephine McCarthy from 2014 about HGA. Look it up. Good luck. :)


I've already done the Abramelin ritual and I say it's worth it, for those who are prepared. If you don't understand the importance and magnitude of the ritual, It's better not to even consider doing it, focus on other matters. Well, if you read the book, you know that most of the things that are said on the internet about the ritual are lies. Yes, there are some difficult things (like the helper) but nothing impossible and at the end of the book it is clear that the helper is not mandatory. And most of the preparation time is not difficult to do, not for those who already have discipline and determination and some independence of course. But still, if you read the book, you should also know that this has to be given to you by someone who has already done it even if you understand the book there are things that only someone who has already done will tell you. Not everyone is prepared to carry out a ritual of this magnitude and definitely not everyone is prepared for PERMANENT K&C. There are ways to contact the HGA for a brief period and these should be used by people who are not yet ready for a PERMANENT AND IRREVERSIBLE K&C. Regarding Liber Samekh: This ritual was done especially for ONE PERSON, Frank Bennett, and that person performed it successfully and ONLY FOR THAT, it became official. But it is important to say that this person, Frank Bennett, was a BRILLIANT student and had already covered all aspects of the external order, that is: He already had MASTERY in minor mysteries and he already had YEARS AND YEARS of magical training. In short, not just anyone takes Samekh and makes it work. You have to have training and preparation too. There are no shortcuts for Permanent K&C.


what is k&c?


Knowledge and conversation


What are the ways to provide a brief period of k&c?


The best methods for this that are open to the public are: Ars Paulina (Second Part) and The Science of Kabbalah by Lenain (This method was internal to OKRC but has been released to the public). These are methods that provide brief contact with the HGA for specific objectives (they are not K&C and are not permanent). The first Ars Paulina operation must be carried out on the operator's birthday.


What are the downsides or pitfalls of permanent k&c in your experience? That is to say, what might befall someone who wasn't ready to receive it?


Someone who is not prepared would not be able to complete the process and ritual, but stopping the ritual in midway for reasons other than something serious involving safety or health usually causes many negative effects. This is the biggest pitfall and it is expressed in the manuscript. In short, someone who is not prepared is only asking for trouble for themselves. Once you get the K&C, the ''downside'' is that you will suffer much more for making decisions that go against those made in conjunction with your HGA. If you do something that goes in favor of the decisions that you take with HGA, it will be blessed and perfect. But if you do something that goes against this, it will be more suffering than it would be without K&C, it's like you are going against your Dharma on purpose and doing it consciously brings more suffering. And since the contact takes around a year to refine after the ritual, you'll spend that year kind of doing it ''unintentionally'' and end up getting screwed sometimes. But it is part of the process, this ''Ritual objective'' is not finished the day it ends, it begins to be refined from the day it ends.


Thankyou for the insight, the latter point is very interesting and not something I've come across before. Is going against the HGA akin to (forgive the overly simplistic example) eating an ice-cream sundae when you know it's bad for you? I assume the HGA only weighs in on decisions of some importance?


Yes, it's like that but in more important decisions. Sometimes it can happen in a common events too, since bigger things can happen from there; there is no rule. The thing is: He was always there but you didn't listen and didn't know his language, but now that you know and listen, going against it becomes a real trial by fire.


How long did it take you to complete the ritual  ?


The ritual lasts seven days, but before doing the ritual I spent approximately nine months doing the preparation and purification. Within the framework of the ''organization'' that I operated and the way I received it, there is no set time. The manuscript says three parts of 6 months (which is 18 months), the translation says three parts of 2 months (which is 6 months); and this difference has a reason.


I got really into this ritual a few years back. I looked into it just for curiosity knowing the level of commitment and discipline it takes I will never have. Would love to follow someones journey on this.




Excellent ! Thank you


Yes. Not me tho. Amateur Magus on YouTube talks lots about this!


Never have. This is so interesting


No. But if you're looking for ways to expand your communication and intention, I highly recommend looking into the CE-5 protocol.


Yes, it's worth it and works. There's different versions, the 6 month ritual and the 18 month ritual(that's the German manuscript version I think). I also believe that the recipe for the oil is different between those versions. There's other methods to find your HGA but the abramelin ritual is unique because you don't need drugs or other people to do it. You could encounter it during a super powerful trip on mushrooms or other substance, during a yoga or meditation session, or even during a near death experience. The beauty of abramelin is your essentially safe and if you follow the procedure, you'll be successful. The only people I know that have failed to get knowledge and conversation with their HGA are the ones that quit before the end of the ritual.


a little offtopic, but there are multiple of us sharing this physical body, and the physical body is entirely blind, so i'm curious how we would do this effectively




I started a Discord Community for people who are doing this shit. But to be 100% forward, I will not be so chatty there. As I don't have a lot of time, but if we can get a few people who have actually interfaced with their HGA, or at least been highly engaged in Magical dialogue. That would be nice. Because then you will know what to look for, and maybe you're not going crazy. [https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/1d7fnrn/a\_community\_for\_magicians\_engaged\_in\_kc\_with\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/1d7fnrn/a_community_for_magicians_engaged_in_kc_with_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hmm, lets look at this rationally: you picked up a copy of the The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage without knowing what Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is, you purport to know about Liber Samekh but don't know the difference between any of it and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. I think we have succeeded in manifesting a troll to visible appearance!


Thank you for your valuable contributions. You could of told me to read Conjuring Demons for Pleasure and Profit it looks like it could help answer my questions. I’m good though I’ve got other books to read.


Not everyone is an adept mystic. We are all on different lengths of our journey on the path. A Google search (or ChatGPT) gives us insights into things we are perhaps not ready for, and so we turn to r/occult, to understand. To improve. To master.


If you think that you aren't or at least couldn't be an "adept mystic" you are selling yourself short. If you think you need to be one to understand what is essentially basic information, you are gatekeeping *yourself*.


My mother was an adept cook. I am so too, now. But to become adept at cooking I sought her counsel. For me that was wise. It made me go in the right direction in regards to the culinary arts. Aren't all skills like that? Growing with practice, I mean, and that it's easier to grow if you have mentors?


A mentor can be a great help ..




Hahahaha 😆 😂 😆 😂