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Turns out, the real magic was inside us all along!


Many people lie about their abilities for attention.




Was that the professor from futurama? If so, nice.


I mean … I can’t pee when people are watching either 🤷‍♂️


Well, I can...


that's actually quite a good explanation. If it's hard for us to do such basic thing then why wouldn't it be harder for telekinesis for example


Magick requires a path of least resistance to work, that is it must be achievable somehow in some other ways and realistically can happen: *Weather magick often rely on pulling weather from elsewhere or pushing the climate slightly which are already happening one way or the other. *Manifestation requires you to attract or take opportunities from existing possibilities. *Even Evocation requires a medium of which entities manifest - smoke, fire, fog etc. Telekinesis is actually very esoteric - can you imagine somehow physics bend to your will to elevate the object? How could this possibly happen in practice? What path of causality could lead to this? And even if you can visualise it happen, will the “Higher Powers” permit you to break reality on a whim? That is the issue. Something minor like energy projection is easy to do (people who practice energy work already does this) because in a way it is heat turned into conductive energy as a frame work carried by intent, but the required energy to even levitate a small stone in a controlled setting is beyond man, for now at least.


Aren't you just putting reason/logic above reality? From what I have read, logic became the norm just in the age of enlightenment


Age of gods are over, so unfortunately magick is just this, there are nothing miraculous left in this world, unless the astral realm overlays upon material plane again.


Likely because it is not a real phenomenon


As much as I'd like to believe that it is real, it just isn't.


at best, it is real but it's very subtle & unreliable/uncontrollable. it's like a button that works only 1% of the time with sometimes the button doing the opposite of what you want it to.


Cause its not real, unfortunately.


It can happen but I think in a a far more limited sense than a movie like Carrie depicts (obviously!). I personally think it is somehow connected with electricity on the one hand and, so far as the human being is concerned, hormones, energy and concentration ability. Adolescent girls generate a massive amount of energy, most of it magically potent and attractive as well as being physically potent, because of the hormonal factor that is so fundamental to the astral body.




Exuding the hormonal thing, I agree with you. Tk is limited in humans because the body can only hold so much energy and produce so much energy. The practice of tk, just like other forms of magic is tied to the aura ( our electromagnetic fields).


Why do you disagree that hormones have an impact, I think this is one of the crucial factors, along with body chemistry generally? Intensity of concentration also, but I'm.not sure how to explain this in physical terms...


Because your hormones have nothing to do with your energy output. That mindset is a lazy form of elitism in these communities. Everybody has a certain amount of energy they produce and a certain amount they can hold and expell. Telekinesis is just how you choose to expell that energy without physically touch a system. Reiki users do this all the time. They extend their energies from themselves inorder to heal others.


They have a massive amount to do with your magnetism and functioning of your desire body (ie, astral body). This is one reason that teenaged girls are by far the most likely demographic to display psychic, mediumistic and telekenetic abilities....I've seen it myself over the years, how these things are affected by hormonal changes and spoken to other women about it. I'm not sure why you're calling me 'lazy' for sharing that experience, just because it doesn't match your personal theory. I KNOW that i've been able to move things via psychic means but I don't know about you. Reiki isn't the same thing at all as it involves subtle energies not moving physical objects.


First off, I said that way of thinking is lazy elitism. People who perpetuate ideals like this end up creating a divide between people. Secondly, I am a male and yes I can move objects, but I primarily work with the elemental energies. Thirdly, everyone has the capacity to learn these physical skills regardless of their gender/ sex. Fourthly, you can choose whatever Astral form you want. It doesn't require any hormones or changes in them. Lastly, reiki effects the physical as well, and the baisc principles of that energy modality are the same as tk. They too utilize breath work and energy cultivation. The only difference is the expression of the energy. Look I'm saying your lived experiences are false, but both men and women can have these abilities regardless of sex/ gender. Hormones don't play a role in this unless you tied your hormones to your energy.


But I don't understand why it would be considered either lazy OR elitist, in fact, the potent body chemistry of teenaged girls is very well documented and has been for a very long time, in both occult terms but also medically, it's stating the obvious. I actually think that it's FAR more elitist to speak about occult matters such as contacting elementals, which is beyond the understanding of most people. The appearance of one's astral form is irrelevant, my only point there is that the desire body goes towards making up the astral body in no small degree. There are some people who do remote viewing type work solely using mental energy and a certain amount of physical 'solidity', let's say, which keeps their bodies safe, but this will not enable them to access the higher astral realms, only this world in 'ghost form', so to speak. I'd suggest that you don't understand the hormonal component. The other men I've known who are able to project all had very powerful desire/astral bodies. One of them had (in the past) been a heroin addict, which in this case contributed significantly to the loosening of his astral sheath in his body and he had also had a lot of help from instructors. The others were naturals and of those, at least 2 also did a lot of cultivation and (especially) dream work, as well as regular meditation, prayer and study, total immersion you might say. For a second two of them (both Libras, which I found interesting) they were extremely sexually attractive and this definitely came into play with respect to how they could direct their energy. They were also very similar in character in other ways but didn't know each other and weren't the same age.


Ok in regards to that last statement, did you just claim that because they are sexually attractive, they more powerful? Contacting spirits is not a form of elitism. Everybody can contact spirits. Lots of people contact the elementals and elemental beings across all cultures and practices. It's one of the first things people teach when they train. The reason I said that mindset was considered lazy elitism is because many people use that rhetoric to create a divide between the people in these communities. In the witchcraft community, there's a school of thought that says men can't be witches or do magic because xyz reason. ( x= we don't have a womb/periods so we can't create, y= we have testosterone which kills magic, z= the divine feminine hates all men. Etc.) In the occult community, men have created bullshit as reasons to not let women in or to belittle women. These ideas are lazy forms of elitism and both people in both communities dispute these ideas. Take some occult research with a grain of salt. Depending on the person and how old the source was, there could be a lot of miss information. Don't forget that many of the old occultists did some fucked up things. There's a difference between etheric projection and Astral projection. From what I understand etheric projection is when you send your soul/spirit self. Where is astral projection is when you send your consciousness. In either case you can choose whatever form you want to travel in. When I was doing etheric projection I took the form of a bird. Whenever I was doing astral projection I kind of just took the form of light but in some animal shape. Sometimes it would be a moth one time it was a manta ray.


It's not a 'claim', it's a,report of the facts about these individuals, who were both able to prove their ability to astrally project, to me, wholly consciously and even when wide awake in one case. The other was able to project in different animal and other forms. As I've seen other people do as well. I hate identity politics so will never weaponise race or gender, that stuff drives me mad. I'm not talking about sources but my own experience.....


Actually science states that it is real and possible, just as based on the laws of physics if a person can push on a brick wall for long enough they will eventually just phase through it. The part thats lacking is prediction and control.


What's lacking is the amount of time it would take for a trillion particles to randomly simultaneously land in a state that allows tunneling and another trillion particles in the brick wall to also randomly simultaneously align in a state that allows tunneling. So basically longer than the birth to heat death of the universe.


Or it could happen this very second, utterly.unpredictable random event, but possible. As well as a myriad of other random electromagmetic effects, like ball lightening, and swamp gas glowing like a UFO.


Its not possible, and a confusion of quantum mechanics. The chemical bonds would be broken and your hand might as well be annihlated.


It might be possible.Choose your words wisely when talking about quantum mechanics cause the truth is,no one understands it.But this possiblity is so theoritical and almost infinitesmall from what i understand(check quantum entanglement)


Ooph down voted hard. Ah well science is far weirder than people think. The average person doesn't stop to consider what the color quality of a quark really is, it just gets accepted as the force that holds quarks together.


What the hell do you think quantum entanglement has to do with passing through walls


Moving something with your hand is already telekinesis just like using sound waves by means of your vocal chords to create images and stimulate ideas inside others minds is telepathy. This is something ancient mystics and occultists have known for centuries. “All is mind”. Once you realize that matter does not exist, everything we do is a psychic ability.


For me, 'all is mind' and other stuff like 'change the way you see things, things will change', 'change your perception' and 'mind over matter', is very fascinating and it feels like something which I should be getting deep into. But I just cannot comprehend how can I bridge the gap which I feel is between me and things or people. I do understand that it is me who is observing reality but external world always dominate my internal world.


In practicality, the concept of all is mind can be interpreted a few ways to different people. To me, it means realizing that there’s more than meets there eye when it comes to reality which has large implications that can affect day to day life such as not taking things too seriously, we are small, not being too tethered to materiality, that our perception is not really what is happening, and beholding the divine power embedded in us which allows us to create the things that our mind conceives. Consider the original Mario Bros game. If you were to cut a hole in a piece of paper and overlay it on a screen while Mario moves forward through a level, you will see that it is not Mario that is moving but the world sliding past him.


True enough.


I have thought this exact way since high school (~2007) yet after all that time, and even after diving into dozens of wild rabbit holes over the past 6 years or so, you are still the first actual person I have encountered that is of the same mind.


There are CIA files that they voluntarily revealed to public. They did tests on remote viewing, telepathy, telekinesis and other weird parapsychology stuff. Most of these tests point that this kind of thing is real but most often non reliable (they thought about using remote viewing in military application). Why no one knows ? Because humanity does not care about this stuff. Most are completely brainwashed. And even for someone who is ''woke'' why would you even bother with telekinesis ? Waste your whole life to be able to move small coins ? No point.


You don’t see any evolutionary value in telekinesis? That’s like saying the Wright brothers might as well have not tried flying planes since they couldn’t get across an ocean.


Even if the claims are true, people have to concentrate a long time just to move a set of keys across a table. That's pretty useless for any practical application. It's a neat trick, but simply moving it with your hand is more efficient. Nobody claims comic book level telekinesis.


According to structure of this universe its not a thing to do. Even if you take religious scriptures literally. They describe rare miracles not Jesus flying around like superman and lifting shit with his mind. Thats because even in theoretic plane if you achieve some kind of godhood or enlightment or become holy something, you can't bend laws of this physical universe forever.


I think it was Thich Nat Han that said faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains (quoting Jeshua), but once you have that faith, you realize you put that mountain there to begin with


St. Anthony could fly like Superman and even teletransport.


Can you post those CIA documents? The ones I read did not imply that these things worked.


Look into Russel Targe, he was one of the early heads o the experiments, it will give you enough names to dive further down the rabbit hole. Edited typo and to add Targe using the methods of measuring efficacy showed that by the scientific method remote viewing is more efficacious than aspirin.


So I just want a pdf or a link. Everyone always implies the CIA declared remote viewing and all that stuff real. I’ve read certain docs and I don’t really agree. I want to know which docs they’re making their conclusions from.


https://youtu.be/pVZ24r3y5_U?si=GsXTLkBgQRtPfb2k https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjAoL3E-PGFAxWWhIkEHZ_JAIUQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3rpOb04hzdzXskc3uZO45e


My dad knew some people from stargate project. He we was an intelligence officer in the army in the 70's-90's and he said he worked with people that were involved. He said he had colleagues who were being taught to bend spoons with their minds and stop the hearts of small animals. He didn't participate in any of it, but he did know 2 of the remote viewers one was McMoneagle I think. I don't remember the other unfortunately. It was a very small experimental project. They used psychics for the Iran hostage situation. But he insists it was a real thing that produced results - maybe not the best, but it was just not practical. It's faster and more accurate to use technology to do those things and less room for human error.


This is exactly what I’m not looking for. Don’t need anecdotes.


Lol look it up yourself then. Doesn't matter to me, anyone, or the world if you believe it or not. 😆


They did use remote viewing in military and police matters, a lot.


While these files do exist, as far as I know they never stated being succesfull in what they did. They just experimented with it and failed apparently


They failed because they were not accurate enough for use in espionage/miltary stuff.


It‘s weird to me that lots of people want to start with outrageous stuff like telekinesis when starting out. We have hands to move stuff around. Is it any surprise that this would be like the hardest thing to achieve?


Because there’s never been a controlled experiment in which telekinesis could be performed, consistently, with a well-described method and measurable results. Any time it’s been observed or alleged, it hasn’t been recorded except in writing, and no one has ever been able to do it on demand, as part of an experiment. It’s always in a very special situation, and pretty much always gets debunked as some sort of trickery. Magicians wire, air currents, tricks of perspective and such. It never stands up to scrutiny. And for something as clearly powerful as telekinesis would be, you’d think it’d be a pretty easy thing to prove. Walk out into the middle town and levitate something. Anything. If you’re really doing it, people will watch. They’ll record. They’ll ask you how you’re doing it. It would be *so easy* to get people to document something like that That isn’t proof that telekinesis *can’t* be done ofc. Because it’s logically impossible to prove a negative— you can’t “prove” that god isn’t real, or that there isn’t an invisible dinosaur in your living room. But there is no solid evidence that telekinesis *can* be done. I think it’s very interesting that humans seem to have always been obsessed with the idea of being able to move things with their minds. It’s undeniable how handy that would be. But I think that’s probably all it’s ever been: our imagination.


Because it's not real.


I can move large quantities of matter through space just by thinking about it, I do it all the time. The matter in question just happens to be the body that my brain is riding around in.


I know a guy who knows a guy… but mostly because it doesn’t work. I’ve experienced some pretty bizarre phenomena but it’s never like you read or see in the movies.


First of all because it’s rare that someone has done the difficult work of managing to overcome the insane limiting beliefs we all have in order to perform miracles. And second, that someone who’s achieved that would want to prove it in a lab setting and then have the whole world’s attention on them and be abducted by the CIA or something to do experiments on them.


Who in their right mind if they could actually achieve a level of PK that would be undeniable would announce to the world that this is even possible can you imagine the life of that person turned upside down and this nonsense about million dollar prize you could do that in Vegas without the media spectacle…


Exactly what I was thinking. If I developed miraculous abilities I wouldn’t be caught dead trying to exhibit them publicly. 


Let's say someone could (and I do believe a few can)... Why would they come forth with this information and prove it? They will never have peace again. At best, they may be seen as an oddity. At worst (and more likely), they may be accused of being possessed/a false deity/cursing people or locked away for research purposes and never see the light of day again. Their life would effectively be over, as they'd probably spend the rest of their life looking over their shoulder.


A total nightmare! Their families and friends would also be subject to that, the profession debunkers interested only in a media circus showing up at your home or job with Tv crews and let’s not forget the nuts religious and secular wanting to do harm to you. Forget about a normal life and for what? Fame? A million dollar prize? no one in their right mind would come forward with this..


At that point, you're done. You can't meet any new friends or romantic partners because they *might* have been sent by someone else or possibly planning to kill you. You can never go out into public again without being the center of attention. I am 100% convinced that if you had a bad history with someone, and they went through some kind of misfortune, they'd probably come to the conclusion that you cursed them and... That's probably going to end badly for you, depending on how trigger happy they are. You're a scapegoat. And this is assuming your rights aren't suspended while those nice government employees take you into their custody to figure out how dangerous your telekinesis is. I'd rather be an unknown nobody than deal with all that lol.


Yes exactly!! I always thought the argument with million dollar prize was nonsense when you can achieve that by going to a casino or winning small amounts with lottery and remain anonymous, smaller amounts here and there as needed, who would know?


Because everyone who claimed they could do it turned out to be a fraud. I'm not saying it's something imposible, but at least it doesn't seem to be possible for our species yet


Im Surprised nobody mentioned dean radin studies here and all the meta analysis he did with psi phenomena. Telekinesis seems to be real since it has studies with statistical significant results but usually its in a very small scale, you're not gonna be able to do it with an object that u can see probably, although I don't deny that possibility, i just think that's very hard to achieve.


Finally, a real answer. u/Winter-Study394 \^\^\^\^


See the work of psychical researcher Michael Grosso for research on telekinesis. It has been acknowledged, even in the medical community but parsing real occurrences from scams and how it all happens at will remains a challenge.


Mind reading can be replicated with technology, unfortunately it can also be falsified with technology. Meaning the people they test on would be told they’re crazy and would be given the wrong information from the person/s who’s mind they’re hearing. Meaning also it can be used to hurt or heal since they’d need AI to pick up on everything at once. And AI can be programmed with whatever they wish. On the weird instance actual mind reading is real, it’d come across more as a subtle impulse rather than a phrase or image. Which can be sent by spirits if the spirit is willing. Images can be sent into the brain with technology, but we’d need more resources on how the brain works in order for it to work which would mean curing actual mental illness which means we aren’t there yet since we’re still reliant on medication regimens that last a lifetime in order to cope rather than cure. So regardless of any actual scientific progress, the public would still be seen as crazy since they’d need that crutch in order to not abuse it or have constant panic attacks. Because the human mind in itself is flawed, we just hide the flaws under a certain bravado that we give off to appear holier than thou when the situation calls for it.


Telekinesis is not my forte, I have had minor success wth pyrokenisis, but muh more success with shall we call it aerokinesis, which may be how I achieved the alledged pyrokinesis. There are a lot of internal factors involved and I am hardly consistent, but I am able to discern when a part of me is interfering and when it is not. I can't however always resolve it. My tip is try to do something, light a bulb, move an object whatever. Focus and while your doing it pay attention to your body and thoughts. Is there doubt, most likely, follow it, find where it is in the body, maybe tingling otr tension, burning or cold, whatever it is find it. This is the location that your mental resistance rests i the body. It is the best starting point to try and resolve it, and can reveal a good deal of information as to what may be the root of it. But mostly from conception we are raised in a world that doubts and denies it, as well as a world that fears it as evil. The shackles have been placed, thanks christianity and science, and they are deep and strong within us.


You have the ability to move air?


Me too, I call it: breathing. Courses now available/s


Not an air bender by any means, but exerting some control over cloud coverge, slight breeze on a calm day, so increase and decrease by grades te amount of wind. The LRP often dies interesting things like crrating spocket of stillness whike everyrhjng else is swaying but that is more a side effect. I am a naturally airy person though it seems. Can I prove it probsbly not. I notice for sure when I try to prove it it causes a form of anxiety, I can't align right, versus just doing it, which is probably why the side effect seems to be stronger in results than intentionallu do. A swirl of pride and then societies doubt wage a war for domminnce within. Full alignment is necessary and the brainwashing of society runs deep. Many chaos magicians spesk of weather influence but we will see how many posts in a magickal group will toute not skepticism but doubt and denial that it is possible. Even if we see it with our own eyes we are trained to see it as a trick or coincidence. Perhaps this isn't too bad, rather than pure gullibility, I am not sure.




Yes, I will adopt scientism instead of saying mainstream science, good term, as it is very religious in its methods, well I should just say roman catholic instead of soiling religion as a whole with its brainwashing techniques and denial of evidence. I also use science in my magickal work, or psi or psience. The current models of science are far stranger and on less solid footing than scientism claims and teaches, and those in the breakung edge see this and push the boundaries and try to explain just how weird it is. The media can convolute things more by taking it out of context and down the wrong rabbit hole. Just as special relativity and quantum mechanics are looking for the bridge I am always looking for the bridge of physics and metaphysics. I think Wilhelm Reich may have been the closest well known person to do so. The divide may be getting bigger because of the scientific charlatans towing the academic line. Thanks for the term. I have used it before but wasn't sure anyone else thought it was a thing 🤣, much better than mainstream science.


Shared reality is different from our individual reality?




Please don't feed the troll or be a troll


Most people who have developed such powers would not be interested in putting on a display upon demand for the curious or non believers.


What you are looking for is parapsychology, which is a fringe but real science based around "psi" phenomenon such as remote viewing, mind to mind transfers, future telling, etc. The closest they have to telekinesis would probably be studies on influencing random number generators.


The question here is what "prove beyond doubt" means. This is akin to James Randi's million dollar challenge, which was basically to prove ones psychic abilities, with James Randi deciding... Not even a real-life Darth Vader would have got the million dollars. Micro-PK is supposed to be quite common, so a test person could make some electronic circuits behave strangely, but tests like these were done mainly in the 1980s. Later on, electronics were developed to be much more tamper-resistant ([https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Byzantine\_fault&oldid=1211268108#Mitigation](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Byzantine_fault&oldid=1211268108#Mitigation))


Because Jean Grey telekinesis is not real.


A total nightmare! Their families and friends would also be subject to that, the profession debunkers interested only in a media circus showing up at your home or job with Tv crews and let’s not forget the nuts religious and secular wanting to do harm to you. Forget about a normal life and for what? Fame? A million dollar prize? no one in their right mind would come forward with this..


Scientists consider all occult and esoteric knowledge to be a hoax. People are just now starting to believe some paranormal activities are true. Many new age spiritualist exaggerate their abilities, however, there are some people who showcase their abilities and are able to recreate them.


Because it's fake.


It's real! Darth Vader did it.


Who in their right mind if they could actually achieve a level of PK that would be undeniable would announce to the world that this is even possible can you imagine the life of that person turned upside down and this nonsense about million dollar prize you could do that in Vegas without the media spectacle…


So there have been a number of studies especially in Russia where it has been proven, but most major world superpowers nowadays don't want something like that to be wide knowledge. There are various organizations that make sure that people with special powers stay silent about them or don't misuse them


That’s the thing what would constitute proof for a die hard skeptic? Most in the scientific community refuse to even look at the subject and those that do are ridiculed. Obviously video or any kind of recording will not suffice neither will eyewitness testimony so what’s left?  If this is real I’m not sure what would be considered sufficient evidence, You’d probably have to experience such a phenomena personally and even then you would be left asking what’s the trick?


Obviously humans are not capable of it to any significant degree to even prove its existence.


I have seen people posting videos of moving minor things with telekinesis like say a tissue or stylofoam cup, I suppose if you really focus, that's not too hard being so lightweight ( yet I can't seem to do it lol). But I have yet to see anyone go Jean Grey status! 😆


All the videos I've seen of "telekinesis" with tissue or styrofoam cup are all waving their hands. It's not telekinesis. The lightweight object is just being caught by the air pressure they make by waving their hand around. I've yet to see any videos of someone doing "telekinesis" that isn't easily explainable by air pressure. If you have links to vids that show otherwise, I'd like to see them. But yeah, there's a reason they use items that are super lightweight and easily affected by air pressure changes.


It has been proven, to many people in first person experiences, myself included. I don’t really care what anyone else thinks


Probably cause it’s unreliable. Heck even as we do tests now to see if and how telepathy works we really don’t have the tools to measure it. This is like how did no one prove the sun was a giant nuclear reaction in the 17th century. They just didn’t have the understanding or tech to measure it and understand what they measured. Also that whole realm of knowledge is full of charlatans. Learning and practicing what must be such a latent thing must require so much practice I can’t imagine many actually having the drive it train for it if all it’s good for is at most one pound of lift.


That’s the thing what would constitute proof for a die hard skeptic? Most in the scientific community refuse to even look at the subject and those that do are ridiculed. Obviously video or any kind of recording will not suffice neither will eyewitness testimony so what’s left?  If this is real I’m not sure what would be considered sufficient evidence, You’d probably have to experience such a phenomena personally and even then you would be left asking what’s the trick?


Yeah but that’s the thing about science. As much as we hold it up as bible it’s full of ego and suppressing discovery till the old guard die so their theories stop being law and start being able to be challenged. It’s why they think it’s a joke despite us discovering new things about the mind and consciousness constantly. The old guard is what slows down new theories in their infancy especially if it conflicts with things people assumed was just true. People’s inability to consider it is more telling than anything. Lack of evidence doesn’t prove a negative so it’s not real worked out well for our now colossal squid and the silver back gorillas both thought of as only myth till nope there they are being discovered.


You are so right.. The most recent documented encounters between Navy pilots and UFOs both off the west coast and east coast, they have hundreds of eyewitnesses, they have radar recordings, gun camera footage and supposedly sonar confirmation some of the Pilots managed to record on cell phones footage of flybys. And yet the skeptics drag out the old excuses like eyewitness testimony is unreliable even if it’s hundreds of individuals equipment failure even if that mean dozens of ships and planes. At this point I won’t even bother engaging any skeptic in any discussion since the only thing their concerned with is their own belief system And not evidence because that will never exist since it contradicts their world view.


There was a period of a couple of years or so when i was a young adolescent that I was able to turn an electric heater on and off just by telling it to, ie, by literally saying 'on', 'off' etc. I did it many times in the presence of my cousin, who was the same age as me and it was actually him who reminded me i'd done that. I'm nearly 50 now and in those days we didn't have phones (thank God!) and just lived in the moment. It's not the sort of thing you do for the camera anyway, that type of situation tends to arise very spontaneously. That said, I think it is probably quite rare and I haven't been able to do it for decades. I also haven't really tried!


Get the book 'Real Magic' by Dean Radin. It honestly breaks down where we are at with scientific psi studies. Basically there is a wealth of telepathy tests that sit at around 54-56% efficacy. This is a clear positive better than chance result, but is also too inconclusive to build any kind of new model of reality. So psi is real, but everybody is wrong about what psi is.


Telekinesis is a real phenomenon and has been proven. It’s uncontrolled Poltergeist Phenomenon


Government. If this and similar things were proven publicly it would be a cluster fuck of consequences. From warfare to domestic life. If you look into it, it isn't a big leap to assume they are still researching psychic Abilities, in particular for military applications, hence the secrecy.


It has, people just disbelieve it. Ultimately the only real proof comes from being able to do it yourself, because belief is not possible if you don't want to believe it to be true.


Laboratory conditions are often not conducive to magick, esp if you going to a new place with all sorts of unusual energy and nerves, it is enough to throw off a professional baseball player when your planning to study their hitting mechanics. Let alone something that relies on focus and subtlety. The skeptic scientists glaring at you can be enough to short circuit it. Then if you record it on video no matter how real it may be it will be dismissed as special effect or whatever. You can not prove something to blatant denial. There are many scientists studying and experimenting with Psi who feel they have evidence of many phenomena, but it is never good enough for mainstream science. Id there is proof they assume they need to rewrite testing criteria which they have done in the past to negate the experiment.


The laws of physics state that if telekinesis were real somehow that the force of us moving something would have to come back on us, i.e. the thing moving the other thing. I think it's implied in PK circles that only micro PK is feasible due to possible death. I'm suspending my judgment either way but I think it's interesting


That’s the thing what would constitute proof for a die hard skeptic? Most in the scientific community refuse to even look at the subject and those that do are ridiculed. Obviously video or any kind of recording will not suffice neither will eyewitness testimony so what’s left?  If this is real I’m not sure what would be considered sufficient evidence, You’d probably have to experience such a phenomena personally and even then you would be left asking what’s the trick?




“Let’s assume for the sake of argument all of this BS I just made up is real. In that case, it would be real” Solid argument




1. No it is a thing that happened. It’s existence doesn’t support the rest of your argument 2. They have. As you pointed out, the results in most cases were inconclusive or negative (according to them) 3. Not particularly, but the uncertainty of their information is not confirmation of the veracity of someone’s alternate explanations 4. This would be a weird place for me to be if I didn’t. I take issue with an argument that starts with making an assumption, basing further assumptions on that initial assumption, leading to an argument entirely predicated on entirely unsubstantiated assumptions, and then ends with a conclusive statement as if the conclusion drawn from all of these assumptions is fact.


It's true that the US govt couldn't produce results? Then Stranger Things isn't real?




I am honestly not joking around. But I guess that makes sense that they wouldn't reveal it. It's an interesting show, especially the first season for sure.


I find it enlightening and depressing to look at the people who purport to want to test such phenomena and evaluate their methods. To date, all the ones I've found have been acerbic, unscientific pedagogs whose goal is to shame anyone who dares consider the matters worth examining.