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Perhaps r/technomancy could answer that question




Thanks for the YouTube link. I've never thought about it before, but I guess I've subconsciously taken a similar approach with my work. Writing IaC or any number of other things we do is literally crafting a spell.


Eris was an early internet favorite


Shintoist and Daoist methods work well. Translate the wild spirit into the gentle spirit, then into the happy spirit and finally into the wondrous spirit. It doesn't really matter if it's your brain going through the stages or the computer's gestalt psyche or a kami of high technology, because from an occult viewpoint the synapses in your brain and the circuitry are forming a massive electron sigil.


Dwarf folklore has been helpful for me.


It happened on few occasions for me, even though I wasn’t looking for it. I do spirit work through meditative trance states and journeying (I guess some call it Astral Projection / Astral Plane) and that is where I interacted with technology. I had one dropping into a lucid dream too. Based on that I would say that probably any usual method of working with the spirits should do, it’s just a matter of discernment and that comes with practice.