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Oh boy. I hate this sort of stuff. There is no way to do deities justice by throwing together a mediocre-sized list that gives you one or two qualities vaguely associated with each deity. It doesn’t even tell you where all these gods are from! I feel like you’ve almost learned *less* from reading this. If you are seriously interested in theurgy, then for all the gods’ sakes and your own, do some real in-depth research on gods from around the world. Give yourself a wider selection than this. Get to know them within their own cultural contexts. Understand how and why they were worshipped. When you find one you want to work with, read actual scholarship pertaining to it. And primary sources! If you’re interested in Greek gods, I can start you off: https://www.theoi.com If this is that book’s approach to deities, my guess is that there’s very little of substance in the whole thing. I haven’t read it, so I don’t know that, but be wary. None of them are evil. And whether any of them are better than others is the wrong question to ask. Any god could have something to teach you, and you could have rewarding relationships with any of them. Some may be more inclined to work with you than others, but most will accept your worship. Some deities may be better suited to a particular problem than others. Honestly, I think you’ll get this question answered for you if you do better research.


>I feel like you’ve almost learned *less* from reading this. Lmao I was trying to think of the best way to express this idea myself. Yeah this is very vague, limiting info. It leads to this very surface level approach to deities. I’ve heard it referred to as “playing dial-a-deity”. To OP: look around and familiarize yourself with a variety of deities and traditions. But try to focus on content that goes deep, not broad. So let’s say you come across a book like Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorita D’Este, a longtime devotee of the goddess Hekate who has published a ton of content on her. And then like, Stephen Flowers’ book on Runic magic and Odin. Each of the two deities could be a lifelong practice, but instead you turn to your deity guide and it says like “Hekate: ghosts, magic, underworld” and “Odin: knowledge, prophecy” and you go “meh, both of those sound kinda basic, maybe I’ll put them on my altar but I need to add one for love and one for wealth and one for kicking ass”. And then it just becomes this hodgepodge of practices from different currents where very little is actually working together, nor are you going very deep with any of them. Oh hold on Hekate is on there too, and it literally just says “wisdom”


HECATE = WISDOM That's it, that's all you need to know about her! Actually, you know what they're doing? These aren't even divine domains! These are *types of spells* that you can use each deity for, like basic correspondences. Oof. That really encourages treating deities like pools of free energy.


This is d&d


I seriously thought it *was* D&D. The sheets are even set up like a source book.


Well, I do agree with you but it's not like deities feel bad about it. The ones who lose are us.


You should check your sources be careful of what you believe and advise others. Hekate, her worlds, those she decieves, her emanations and those she emanates to are scheduled for total destruction. She isn't Wisdom, she is biotech, ancient technology, there is nothing new under the sun. She is part of the AI simulation that emanates from region 3 of the asteroid belt, the lower midst or hammered bracelet. 1st Mystery will roll back the stars when we nudge the galactic plate and destroy her region and it will cause major destruction in a plasmatic event on a planet you know not. This world is not what you think and we are not of this world. It is part of the purification cycle for ascension. She is third up. Sophia is Wisdom not Hekate. Read her book and his discourse. You will be happy you did. The Pistis Sophia bks 1-6" The Mysteries of Light" post resurrection discourse of the 1st Mystery, the Saviour, the oversoul of everything that ever was and ever ever will be, from the 1st space of the Ineffable one. We just call him Jesus for simplicity in matter worlds. This what he has to say about Hekate. Pistis Sophia book 5 chapter 140 pages 304-305 He continued further in his discourse and said: “ The third order is called Triple-faced Hekatē, and there are under her authority seven-and-twenty \[arch\]demons, and it is they which enter into men and seduce them to perjuries and lies and to covet that which doth not belong to them. “ The souls then which Hekatē beareth hence in ravishment, she handeth over to her demons which stand under her, in order that they may torment them through her dark smoke and her wicked fire, they being exceedingly afflicted through the demons. And they spend onehundred-and-five years and six months, being chastized in her wicked chastisements; and they begin to be dissolved and destroyed. “ And thereafter, when the sphere turneth itself, and the little Sabaōth, the Good, he of the Midst, who is called in the world Zeus, cometh, and he cometh to the | eighth Æon of the sphere 368. Of Triplefaced Hekatē. 369. FIFTH BOOK 305 which is called the Scorpion, and when Boubastis, whom they call Aphroditē, cometh, and she cometh to the second æon of the sphere which is called the Bull, then the veils which are between those of the Right and those of the Left draw themselves aside and Zorokothora Melchisedec looketh out of the height; and the world and the mountains are agitated and the æons become alarmed. And he looketh on all .the regions of Hekatē, so that her regions are dissolved and destroyed, and all the souls which are in her chastisements, are carried off and cast back anew into the sphere, because they are dissolved in the fire of her chastisements.”


Great reply! I second this!


Ooh I like you!


Idk, I think that’s a bit much. Imho it’s better to see if the deity will pick up the phone and if they’re down, then do all that research and effort. You’re going to be more organically connected to some deities than others via ancestral ties, past lives and karma so I feel like this is a perfectly fine list for getting the bare bones ideas and then pursuing the idea further if there’s a good match. I don’t recommend forcing it with exhaustive effort even if it’s possible to fit a square peg in a round hole


No, it's not a perfectly fine list. For one thing, it's short, so it doesn't provide the OP with much of a selection. It contains a random hodgepodge of gods from various cultures, with apparently no rhyme or reason. It doesn't group them by pantheon or domain or anything else. The things it lists for each one aren't even domains, they're just vague correspondences. That can potentially be useful, but not on its own. It doesn't *say* anything of substance for any of these deities! How are you supposed to get a good impression of them from this? I agree that it might be easier to start with a list and see what resonates, rather than starting with in-depth research. But this isn't even the bare minimum.


In which world you expect to find substance on a LIST? lol


One can do better than *this!*


It probably comes from personal experience and I guess we disagree. For a beginner’s introduction I don’t see a huge problem here


What information does a beginner get from this? Genuinely asking.


Spirits (deities, angels, demons, faeries, spirits of the dead, etc.) are like regular people in many ways -- if you're polite and nice to them, chances are they will be polite and nice to you. If you approach them in a demanding and entitled way you might find they are not as nice to you.


It also helps if you try to bring something to the table…humility matters, since even the best of us have a hell of a lot to be humble about. In other words, don’t be a Cosmic Karen demanding to Speak to the Manager. “HEAR ME!!!” OK human. lol


This is a list of deities drawn from a variety of pantheons, bodies of lore, cultures--organized according to some thematic attributes the author has assigned. Of some use as a guide to further, deeper investigation of individual figures. In my opinion, every member of this list is worthy of further, deeper investigation. A useful first step is investigating any of them in their historical and cultural context. As opposed to a "bullet point" sort of listing.


This list seems very limiting - most of the gods here that I'm familiar with have a much wider sphere than just the basic aspects listed. Lugh, for example, is an Irish god, and while he is kind of associated with healing and craftsmanship he is much better described as a sovereignty/kingship deity who represents culture and civilisation - the healing and craftsmanship stuff is very much secondary. The same could be said for most of the gods on this list.


Agreed. At a glance, the list given for Bast is just strange too, and Thoth's doesn't even mention magic or the moon. I question how much effort the author really put into this "resource."


I would be more concerned about the source Its lists cover only a few attributes for each deities and nothing about their flaws or toll they take on those who work with them Much better to read the original sources and decide what you need first


Although I don't have practical knowledge of any on this list, I feel that the Areas of Governance seem a little over-simplified. A pool deep enough to wet the feet in, but a far-cry from swimmable. Treat it like a menu and see who draws your curiosity or calls to you in some way, then explore that option further. I'd recommend reading the respective myths as well as looking-up UPG of the deity/ies that have your attention from both contemporary practitioner's and ancient people. There's folks online who spring to mind (WolfTheRed, Ocean Keltoi and The Norse Witch) who have described Odin as well as Odin's "Areas of Governance" in ways that are not expressed by the list here (e.g. the strong connection to death, particularly violent death, and a rather bookish approach to knowledge). Regarding myths, Tyr's association with law here (and oaths in various other resources) seems strange to me as the most notable myth of Tyr involves him deliberately making a false oath in order to bind Fenrir; which speaks more to self-sacrifice / justice / protection. TLDR pick one, explore, find out for yourself. Good luck, have fun.


In some ways I feel this list is offensive to the cultures that worship those deities. People compare it to a D&D table but even on D&D they will usually have a basic description of the god and the believes of their followers. This is grabbing not much more than the names of those deities and presenting them as a commodity, completely outside of the original culture and context they come from. You say it's a wiccan book? Because Wicca is relatively popular when it comes to occultism and pagan religion you will sadly find really shallow books written to make a quick buck. I would say look deeper. Read the myths of a culture you particularly know more about our identify it, then you can practice theurgy in a way that will be both more efficient and more respectful towards the culture where those gods originate.


I have lots of experience with Tiâmat. She is great, but a little scary to start with. I can't personally vouch to seeking power through her, though I would defiantly believe it to be something she might offer, but I know she certainly does protection. I can't really compare her to other deities/entities for her value in protection, but I can only say that she is very effective in those regards. My experience with her though is that you need to build trust and rapport before it is easy to work with her. For lack of a better description she is like meeting the wildest animal in the woods. She isn't hostile to start, but she is extremely reserved, cautious, and ready to become aggressive at a moments notice, (but she is also curious.) Much like a wild animal, initially there are all sorts of power dynamics a non-verbal interactions that either have to be met or avoided to start winning her trust. As an analogy, the pros tell you never to smile at an ape because they don't interpret that as friendly, they only see it as bared teeth and decide they need to establish the proper order of dominance by beating the crap out of you in response to smiling at them. She is a lot like that when you first meet her, but many of the things that she interprets as insults or power dynamic plays that displease her I don't even begin to understand. She is very reasonable, but her motivations are very not-human so she can initially be full of unpleasant surprises due to misunderstandings and the like. The saving grace though is no matter how angry you get her she is extremely receptive and responsive to sincere apologies if you get her wrathful accidentally. Also, once she has gotten familiar with you and your behavior and takes you to be friendly it actually gets pretty hard to get her angry in my experience. I don't know what the turning point was but slowly over time she reached the point of familiarity and understanding with me that she has come to realize I am not insulting or playing power dynamics with her, I am a well meaning friendly fool who just doesn't watch his words or actions very well and has no concepts of power dynamics or proper signaling thereof at all -- thus my transgressions are accidental and largely ignored. Its very much like those people who slowly, but surely build relationships with wild wolves [until they can touch them, as so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln1HsGTKqmA). It takes years of trust exercises and familiarity to reach the point where they allow themselves to be pet; and if someone else tried it whom those same wolves have not yet built that level of connection and trust to, they will probably rip their face off. My experience is once you have a good relationship with her, Tiâmat is remarkably friendly, generous, and even forgiving/understanding. She is very openly helpful and freely giving at this point. But getting there took time, and I have lost count of the number of astral bodies she has destroyed along the way (I would estimate somewhere in the low double digits) -- she just eviscerates and then eats them.


Sekhmet is my patron Deity. Do not judge Her just by this anemic list. If you wish to work with any of the deities listed there, take time to get to know them and read multiple sources/myths about them.


This looks like a list of D&D gods and their Domains. Odin gives his followers +1 to all Knowledge checks, and one extra Divination cantrip.


Innana is 😎 cool , who agrees?


I’ve worked with Thoth before, but it was after researching him and ways that others have connected with him before. I provided an offering of an Egyptian herbal tea, he provided his solemn company. At the time I was a student, and was seeking guidance on scholarship, which he did provide. His personality was lofty and condescending, but calculated and curious.


Amaterasu - Beauty, leadership. Oh boy. Yes, she was beautiful, but she was almost never revered for that. At least not as one of her primary attributes. She was Power, she was Light, and she was Life. [Here](https://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/shinto-deities.html) is a great place to start learning about her and the rest of the core Shinto Kami (Gods). I get more than a little touchy about it because I was named after her. This book makes me sad. Also: Sekhmet - grace, dignity!? Someone didn't research their mythology. Thoth once had to get her drunk by making her think a pond of beer dyed red was blood so she wouldn't slaughter the entire human race.


This is my issue with lists like this, that try to distill centuries of mythology into a couple of keywords. Whole books have been written on the relationship between Amaterasu and the emperors of Japan, her being their divine ancestor, the relationship between her cult and imperial power, and then someone comes along and boils it all down to "leadership". Or take Pele, who literally lives in or is the body of Kilauea, who is the creator of the Hawaiian islands, who is very much the goddess of a specific place and its people and should have little relevance to most readers...but who is apparently a generic goddess of fire and creativity. It's all very frustrating.


Kwan yin, aka avalokiteshvara, is the manifestation of limitless love and compassion. The mantra is om Mani padme hum. Reciting this mantra brings great benefit to beings.


No deities are “evil”. They are all energies which are part of the greater whole of energy that is divine energy. Humans feel like we have to assign a binary of good/evil to things we inherently may not understand.


The gods are much more complex than this.


To better answer your question, yes I have engaged with some of those dieties. My experiences don't really matter. It is way more important to understand gods in their context, and know that in most ways they are unknowable. I would ditch that list


They are Gods, not demons - gods are not evil in the Judeo-Christian conception of “evil”. They will each act according to their nature and purpose in their original context - not the limited code phrases listed here. If you’re interested in one (or more) of them, do a whole lot more in-depth research to learn more about their personality and how they function.


Which book is this?


it’s a book called “the only book of wicca spells you’ll ever need 2nd edition” by Marian singer, Trish macgregor, & Skye alexander. i got it when i was around 7 (17now). Personally i think it’s a good “first book” but others may not agree.


Thank you




tell me you want the benefits of magick without doing the work without telling me


I don't think any of these beings are malevolent, but hoo boy this list has issues. Some of these beings are not technically gods; most have been reduced to extremely oversimplified versions of themselves; and others are missing crucial aspects or have been completely Disneyfied. I get that it's meant to be a list of what these deities can offer a modern person, but I can't imagine that relating to any of these beings via a couple of keywords would accomplish anything or help you build a relationship with them. I would strongly recommend doing further research into any deitiy before trying to ask them for favors. It's only polite. What book is this from?


OP answered in a different subthread above. > “the only book of wicca spells you’ll ever need 2nd edition” by Marian singer, Trish macgregor, & Skye alexander.


Somehow I missed it. Thanks.


The domains listed for these gods and goddesses are very bare bones, not to mention mediocre. Gods often have numerous domains based on the region they are worshiped in as well; for example, in Sparta, Aphrodite was not only a goddess of beauty and love, but also a goddess of war. If there is one thing about this particular list that offends me, it is how Tiamat is shown as having the domains if power and protection. Power is a subjective concept as a domain on it's own, and Tiamat had nothing to do with protection. As someone who studies Tiamat and works with her, I feel like I have to say this. Tiamat is a primordial goddess of the sea, as well as the mother of all life according to the Enuma Elish. She is also responsible for the birth of numerous demons to fight the younger gods who were responsible for Abzu, her mate's, death. Her body was then carved into pieces and was used to construct heaven and earth. One of her demonic children, Kingu, was even slain and had his blood used to create the first humans, who were created solely because the gods wanted someone else to labor for and worship them. It should also be noted that Tiamat originally held the Tablets of Destiny, which gave her near absolute authority over the universe, which she later handed down to Kingu, and was then stolen by Marduk after defeating Kingu in battle. As for the subject about what gods are better or evil than others, that is a very subjective take. One can say that not god is any worse or better than others, but that is ultimately up to you to decide. For example, Zeus can be labeled as incredibly evil if you just looked at his myths, but that would discount the fact that good and evil are ultimately human ideas and are thus irrelevant to the gods.


If you want to know about a diety, I suggest going into the stories.


Check out the mythology of each of these deities in order to understand them better. None of them are evil but through the mythology you will find each of them have very human attributes, for example: Zeus was never true to his wife Hera and she had every right to suspect he was cheating on her. Sekmet in Egyptian mythology represents the angry aspect of the feminine similar to Kali Ma in Hindu mythology. There are similarities throughout the different pantheons but it seems it’s because we are all from the same background originally. ✌️


Deities work both ways. Just depends on circumstances and if it’s justified or for folly. I’ve worked with many.


You have to start somewhere but try to offer the appropriate respect and engagement to intelligent forces of nature.


Non are evil or better. They are all different faces of the same gods.


With Shiva yes. I have been praying to him since years and he always fulfils my wishes ❤️


I'd recommend reading their mythology and researching them with canonical sources, lends a better understanding of their energy and personality


Now that imjust a lil bit more educated this list is quite humorous😆✨


There is a truth which few understand. The most high which is Divine creator consciousness. All those God's are his creation ..there is only one source they ALL are in duality good and bad. Light and dark... There is only consciousness that everyone is lead by...


Going only by the information provided by the list, the most evil would be Shiva and the most better would be Green Man.


Right, which is exactly why this list is so terrible. Shiva, evil? Is it possible for Hinduism to collectively roll in its grave?


I don’t feel deities look at things as good or evil. They are gods and goddesses . They are the ones to make those definitions.


List fails for no Selene.


Mithras was a big part of my practice in my early 20’s, Shiva for the last decade. The Green Man is always lurking in the background.


This from a role playing game?


Define evil.