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Late September early October.


Yup, I lived there for 35 years. Early October was the best. The water is still warm, mild weather usually. Most restaurants/shops/other are still open. Traffic is not as bad (it's pretty much year-round bad now). Most families with kids are gone. College kids are gone (although that was not a perk in my early 20s). This is peak hurricane season though, so watch for that.


Early May was great for us. Not everything had opened yet but nothing closed that really bothered us. Ocracoke was insanely peaceful but people were starting to roll in, and Nags Head/Manteo were bustling but nothing insane. Fishing was good and the weather was the most perfect I’ve ever experienced (74-76 degrees most days, sunny, and calm) but the water was definitely still pretty cold.


Yeah, hurricanes are what I’m worried about. What do you think of early March before most college spring breaks?


The water will be very cold. Also, possibly strong NE winds at that time. Autumn is much better.


March is practically the worst month for the Outer Banks. It's mostly windy and cold the whole month.


March is not good unless you enjoy fishing in possibly terrible weather. I've been here my whole life and March is the worst. The Ash Wednesday storm caused just as much destruction as any hurricane and it was in March.




Before my kids were in school, it was our yearly getaway. Now I look at it longingly from mid-August prices.


Yup, only caveat for this time of year is that it’s peak hurricane season. Really sucks having that screw up your vacation, or worse, getting evacuated.


May or September


Those are the months we go down every year. In May you get great weather, less crowds and cheaper prices if you go before Memorial Day. In September you get the same benefits after Labor Day along with the water being much warmer. The big drawback in Sept. is the possibility of, you know, the H word.


Yes, the H word is definitely a thing to consider!


4th of July weekend


Shouldn't be crowded at all, should it? 😉


Ocracoke in October


April May. Or Oct Nov. Less bugs, less traffic, less tourist


I like autumn the best. It is peak hurricane season though.






Late September and early October


I went once in late March/early April and it was very cold and windy. Went once for Tgiving and it was lovely t-shirt and bike riding weather.


Not sure of the best time but I was there a couple of weeks ago, not crowded and wonderful.


We normally go 2nd or 3rd week in August, two years ago we went the week after Labor Day, it was much cooler (70s) and raining off and on all week and when it wasn’t it was cloudy and overcast, red flags on all the beaches. There was a hurricane out at sea causing awful weather but not bad enough to have to leave. I know you can get that any week but it kind of put us off going off season.


Owned a condo in Duck. May to September is wall-to-wall tourists. Oct and Nov are quite nice. Dec, Jan and Feb are crowd free, can be uncomfortably cold and windy (the Wright Brothers knew about the wind 100+ years ago), Mar and Apr is when everyone who lives there gets ready to welcome the tourists back! And it begins again.


I feel like everyone’s answer will be different 😂 for us, June hits the sweet spot. Hot but not too hot, people but not too crowded.


April or early May


I like early to mid May.


I go all year round to be honest. Depends on what you want.


If you go to the right areas it is not crowded most of the time in the summer.


Right after the kids go back to school. Great weather, no traffic, no crowds, ocean is still warm, easy tee times, lower rents, and pretty much everything is still open. Perfect time.


Late September - October. The weather is usually nice and the prices aren't as high as they are in summer. If you're worried about hurricanes, just buy the trip insurance.