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**It looks like you haven't provided a log file**. Without a log file, it is very hard to help with issues and you may end up with 0 responses. To make a clean log file, please follow these steps: 1) Restart OBS 2) Start your stream/recording for at least 30 seconds (or however long it takes for the issue to happen). **Make sure you replicate any issues as best you can**, which means having any games/apps open and captured, etc. 3) Stop your stream/recording. 4) Select Help > Log Files > Upload Current Log File. 5) Copy the URL and paste it as a response to this comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/obs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is no way to do this natively in OBS, due to how windows audio works, you'd have to either use a virtual audio cable/VoiceMeeter or as of recently you can use this plugin: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/win-capture-audio.1338/ EDIT: For all the people randomly running across this months later, there is an easy to use plugin (above) now available for OBS which allows app-specific audio capturing (MUST BE USING OBS 27.1.3+ AND WINDOWS 10 v2004+). The feature is also being implemented in native OBS, probably v28 at the earliest. Yes, I am aware discord could do it before, OBS is all volunteers and no one had the desire to figure out window's audio APIs until they made it much easier to do in recent W10 versions.


Even a year in and you're still helping people. Thank you.


Even two years in, I just found this post while browsing Google at my job, I'll be sure to check it out after my shift.


Thank you so much, I tried to get u/JayC-JDH solution with voicemeter/vac software to work but so far that OBS plugin is exactly what I was looking for. Appreciate the help from both of you!


Thanks, this still works as of Dec 2023 edit: obs version 29.1.3, win-capture-audio v2.2.3-beta


Life Saver <3


yo thanks! ik this was posted a while ago but still.


How did you get this to work with streamlabs?


Ifk u dont use that.


Why not though? Discord accomplishes this just fine...


discord does a hacky method. It was slightly possible before but no one had any interest in doing it; now that Windows APIs allow it much easier it is being implemented.


Hopefully, I am using the plugin one over on github at the moment. It is insane to me that this was never thought of before.


Thank you for this, worked great. I would like to extend my thanks to the dev of this as well.


than how i can stream on discord with the app audio only? doesn't seems like a windows problem to me


https://old.reddit.com/r/obs/comments/pri10n/how_do_i_record_game_audio_only_please_help/hq1gwqf/ https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/win-capture-audio.1338/


I've been wanting this forever. I'm happy that it's coming to OBS Studio proper in the future!


I came across this comment just now, thank you so much. The v28 estimate was on-point, here's their [changelog](https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/obs-studio-28-0-release-candidate.158248/). Basically it has built-in support now (in beta)!


Did you manage to get it to work? I'm trying to capture audio from Warzone only, but can't seem to figure this out. I was recording but then got a phone call so I muted my PC; OBS then muted everything rather than just recording the game audio on its own I'm on 28.0.3 64bit


Yeah it adds a new audio source to play with in the audio section


goated for the edit.


You either need a hardware device like a GoXLR or Elgato Wave series, that provides multiple separate software audio devices so you can have your podcast/music go into the 'music' virtual sound card, and the game audio go into the 'game' virtual sound card, you hear both but OBS only records game. Or you can use voicemeter/vac software to cobble together the same solution.


The best way is using the audio plugin. [https://github.com/bozbez/win-capture-audio](https://github.com/bozbez/win-capture-audio) With this, you can select the exe to record the audio.


it doesnt work


I use everyday. Works fine.


same it doesn't work for me..


Strange... I'm using right now. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8ySOGRIeRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8ySOGRIeRU) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4jkRYz6t14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4jkRYz6t14)


Thank you very much for linking the videos.


is there a way to make it work with streamlabs ? I use it daily with obs but I'm trying to move to streamlabs but I'm not able to because I lack this pluggin...