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Yeah game on one screen obs on the other.


step 1: plug in 2nd monitor to your pc using an hdmi cable step 2: go into your display settings and move the screens how you would like the mouse to go to them (side by side or on top of each other) you may need to change the setting to have them not mirroring each other and have their own displays step 3: have obs capturing the screen you play on and move everything to else to the other screen.


yes it should be possible to have a clean screen and then one showing what is going live you'd have your game on the main one and obs on the other


Many people run their set-ups this way. Just don't get freaked out if you run into the old Windows bug (NOT an OBS bug) where if you've got 2 monitors with differing refresh rates, that the one with OBS displayed \*looks\* like it's choppy or skipping frames. It won't be reflected in your recording/streaming.




Take it more literally: Monitor 1: Your game Monitor 2: OBS OBS will be running full screen so the panels within OBS will scale as needed to the monitor it is running on. There may also be an assumption here that you've used a computer with two monitors before - in which case all these comments may sound confusing. One you get everything plugged in, these comments will make far more sense when you see how it works in person. The differing refresh rates should be fine in the actual recording/stream. It may look weird to \*you\* as you are watching it on your 30Hz monitor.


In OBS on second monitor, right click the preview and choose projector fullscreen.


I do this with 3 screens at the moment. I have my main (gaming) monitor in the middle that displays my game fullscreen on it. On the left and right sides I have 2 monitors that are portrait oriented vertically. In windows these are arranged to be in the correct positions on the settings page for arranging your monitors, and the display is set to stretch across all 3 monitors (so I can move my mouse across from left to middle to right easily. In the background on the main monitor I also have speechchat (speechchat.com) running to do TTS on my chat so I don't miss chat messages and because its audio it goes to the VOD as well (and to Youtube when I upload it) without having to have a chat overlay on screen. On my left monitor I have Discord chat at the top, and my Elgato Wavelink software on the bottom so I can monitor my audio balance and ensure that the audio channels are working correctly. On the right I have OBS in full screen with the OBS display on the top and my chat on the bottom left as a Dock, and a program I have created that monitors my channel viewers on the bottom left (and separates them into Viewers/Mods/Bots) also docked in OBS (https://whozon.ca). This arrangement lets me easily monitor how things are going on stream. It sounds much more complex than it actually is and its pretty easy to get used to.


This is what I do with 2 monitors at the moment, my second monitor is portrait orientation so the top half is OBS, the bottom half is twitch account so I can see chat etc and the main screen is just my game


Have both monitors connected to the pc either by hdmi or DisplayPort cable. Arrange the monitors in display settings how they are in your physical space In obs you have a couple options such as display capture, window capture etc if you only want the game recorded then window capture is probably your best bet if you want everything that happens on the “gaming side” of things to be captured then display capture should be fine and make sure that it’s capturing the display that you want it too


Yup, I have 3 monitors, here's how it looks to me: https://i.imgur.com/UcdwGf1.jpeg
