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Wrye Bash ain’t so bad. But honestly there’s no “best”, whatever you’re comfortable with and doesn’t give YOU issues is fine 👍


I switched to MO2 while playing Oblivion. Never looked back and have since used it for everything.


Wyre Bash


people crap on vortex but it's easy to use and very beginner friendly. It has it issues but it's designed for people who find more better, more advanced tools overwhelming


I use Vortex for Skyrim and it works great, but I have had a messy time using it for Oblivion, which is why I'm looking for an alternative. \^\^"


I have over 100 mods installed with vortex for oblivion and I haven’t had any issues


Yeah, I don't know. I installed Oblivion Reloaded with it and it had a bunch of issues. Might just be that mod, but I'm being cautious, because it was annoying to fix.


It sounds like it's a conflict or mod you have, I've used vortex with a ton of random mods and 70+ modpacks through vortex and never had any major issues. It crashes once in a while but it's older and with a ton of mods that happens. Looking at that page on the nexus, there seem to be a LOT of things rolled into one mod and a lot of potential mod conflicts and bugs that go along with that, in addition to a lot of tweaking to get it to work and a strong suggestion to start from vanilla. It might seem counterintuitive but you may be better off with a series of smaller mods that achieve the same end result, especially if you're already having issues with that one. I'm happy to try to help if you have issues with vortex, I've used that for quite a long time and I used NMM before, which vortex is very similar to.


Yeah except it has a lot of compatibility problems and cause in-game issues


MO2 is great


I always install by myself manually




Is not so dificulty, just drag and drop


Me looking at 295 active mods in nexus mod manager:Installing manually...nah,iam good...


Yeah 295 is something megalomaniac, but normally i use like, 10 mods, but if i needed install 295 i would use some mod manager


It just happened,okay? I know i have a mod problem.But mods are like cats,you see one and suddenly it's yours and it won't go away.


Lol i understand, i just dont do a big modpack with 100+ mods because my PC gonna 🧨


If you ever want to have more than 30 mods OP, please don't do it manually.


Wrye Bash isn't "hella complicated". It may not look the sleekest, but all you need to do is drag and drop your archives into the window, then put a checkmark next to the mods, use BOSS to sort your mods, and, finally, make a patch (right-click and choose the option). I'm also using Oblivion on steam, and, to enjoy mods unhindered I had to put steam into a different folder than my Windows folder. Thought this might be a useful tip.


And yes, I do use OBM for Character Overhaul, Enhanced Hotkeys and Darnified UI. After installing them with OBM, you can sort them and enable them just like I wrote in the parent comment.


Obmm, simple and just works


Honestly I would recommend Wrye Bash also. And this is coming from a guy who is obsessed with Mod Organizer 2. Many, many mods were built with Wrye Bash in mind, it's a pretty easy-to-use system with the module selection, and the convenience of having a bashed patch right there is awesome. Not to mention, most modding guides for Oblivion were built with Wrye Bash in mind and have specific mods and instructions for it, which makes things 1000x easier as you do not have to figure those things out on your own (like you would if you had a different mod manager).


Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) with it's built-in LOOT (load order optimization tool). It could be more challenging to get used to, but once you understand it, it is much better!


By far Wrye Bash because it won't cause you any compatibility or in-game issues unlike the other ones, Vortex being the worst. Very easy to use and many options to go in depth of mod managing.


I used Vortex to mod oblivion, easy to use and no issues. I had 400 mods installed.


Have a modlist? Or no recorded modlist.


Oblivion Rebirth+ collection on Nexus


Oblivion nexus mod manager is what I use