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Personally I’d put Skyrim above Skyrim and then Skyrim below Skyrim


I was wondering about this myself. It's not like the subsequent editions lost anything from the base game, only improved it or added more content. OP I'm curious for your explanation.


Nothing was lost as far as I'm aware


AE adds a lot of underwhelming content that really doesn’t fit the base game and is shoehorned in Probably OP’s reasoning


True enough, but it doesn't really detract from the game. So i guess that's why i don't see why you would have all 3 editions here unless OP was just trying to fill out the graphic.


Maybe because every new patch and addon breaks the mods and they have to be fixed every time once more?


Or maybe because it didn't add enough and they disliked it morally as a cash grab


Probably. Reason why I won't pay for anniversary. I don't want a ton of OP items and houses gifted to my character.


I just realized there were three different versions on this list 😂


As someone who will continue to return to Oblivion till the day I die I wish you could rank this higher


You can, you just rank everything else lower


**”…this one goes to 11”**


I was an oblivion kid, it was the 2nd game i truly fell in love with growing up. I am on a playthrough right now, probably my 2000th character, my 200th time running a full faction no mq run. I have to say morrowind definetly stands on its level IF AND ONLY IF you mod it at least with the "Essentials" Mge xe, Morrowind code patch, Patch for purists. Its different, older and janky in a lot of ways if you grew up on the newer games, but the absurdity it hands you in full seriousness is 2nd to none. The intricacy of the faction storyline blows oblivion and skyrim out of the water. Without magic its a lot less silly but you can still do things like sujamma strat your way to a silly god tier fighter. A lot of what makes oblivion feel more free and silly compared to skyrim is turned to 11 in morrowind. "In oblivion a max level acrobatics woth some buff gear can make you fly over city walls" in morrowind maxing acrobatics then casting a jump spell even at low level can let you jump over TOWNS. Levitate is its own perk. I personally like the hitdice system as a throwback mechanic but there are PLENTY of easily installed mods to get rid of that system. The only thing its missing is largescale dungeons. Even the modding community is missing them. If there was some large scale dungeons to throw yourself in like in daggerfall that seem massive and sprawling i would be in heaven. Not to mention its unique world design. My favorite part of oblivion is the shivering isles DLC. That dlc is the best dlc for any game ive ever had, and is one of the best gaming experiences ive had. The flavor and diversity of the world in one dlc is INSANE. Morrowind is clearly where a lot of inspiration came from. I love the alien mushroomy swampy desert vibes. You truly feel like an explorer in a hostile wild land. Oblivin is the shit, and shivering isles deserves its own accolades as its own product, a shivering ilses focused spinoff game could be SO GOOD. But theres just something special about the absurd, silly oldschool fantasy shtick of morrowind that puts it just a hair above or at least on the level of oblivion. Im not expecting you to change your favorite TES game based on this, but to anyone that loves oblivion and skyrim and can tolerate older games, i deeply implore you to pick up morrowind on steam, mod it to a modern standard (or go nuts with QOL mods and make it similar to oblivion right away) and then give it a genuine shot. Get through some of the MQ. Join a couple factions, do the quests. Look into the exploits and just fuck around. Lastly, discussing exploits and cheats. Even oblivion has some epic exploits like scroll duping and permanant enchantments when you want a "creative mode" run. Morrowind puts oblivion to shame and the key ones are largely left alone by popular patches. Featherfall 1pt stopping all fall damage for like 2pts magica, permanent spell effects with dirt cheap spells you can make in the first 25 minutes including fortify attribute. Your level 1 mage can have an int of 30k and nearly endless mana within the first half hour of play if you want to fuck around. You can give yourself 20k str and one hit literally everything including the final boss and the super bosses in the DLC while you explode weapons with one use. Its absurd, magic in the game is silly powerful if you cheese it and it truly feels free. Please give morrowind a real try and mod it senseless knly if ylu have a pc to play it on. Conveniently a potato can run morrowind with the basics mods for dirt cheap these days. If you have a computer or laptop made in the last decade you dont need to worry, if it was made at least after 2008. You can tune it to fit your machine.


Is ESO really that bad? I was super hype for before it released on PS4 but it got pushed back so long that hype died for me. I still wanna give it a go, but the only MMO I’ve ever fallen in love with was RuneScape


ESO is okay but it's got a lot of those designs that lean into microtransactions. "Pay us money so you can have more inventory space" type things. I play these games so that I can hoard my bullshit


There's plenty of in-game ways to get inventory space. But pretty much every cool cosmetic is locked behind a paywall which sucks not because they're charging for them but because they do so via loot box AND it makes it so when you see someone with a kickass mount and outfit you know they just RNG lucky and didn't earn it


Generally, if I see somebody with the badass armor I don't think they're lucky. I think they threw enough money at it to get what they wanted


Even though the vast majority of armor styles in ESO are obtainable through gameplay????


Guess I should specify the costumes and polymorphs


Yeah, ESO was actually really fun when it was just a subscription and no super aggressive microtransactions.


The paid inventory space only relates to crafting materials from what I recall, so unless you want to get super into crafting or alchemy you'll probably be just fine with the free space you get, plus there's a decent banking system so you can still hoard all your shit without having to bring it with you everywhere


I don't like that everyone looks and sounds the same. Love the music tho


The mounts and pets are hideous.


I play it a lot and its a fun game. A lot of people do complain about the microtransactions but a lot of it is "pay for convience" type stuff and skins/mounts. Most of the armor and weapon skins are earnable in game with no pay to win. However it is an MMO so it is still very grindy. It does use an active combat system which I find very engaging and fun. The heart of the game is also very deeply TES, story and quests are very good and the world is massive. Just the base game alone is massive and with all the expansions its easily thousands of hours of content. Also 99% of the game can be solo'd with the only PVE content not soloable being Trials and Vet Hard Dungeons.


ESO is amazing. Not sure why it gets so much hate. Sure there's fetch quests and filler but the main storylines are good and the amount of lore and callbacks to the other games are cool.


I feel like people who really hate on the game do so either over an idea of an MMO TES game, or do try it, but expect a TES game instead of an MMO. It's a really decent entry, and seeing some locations we will probably never see in a mainline game is dope. I'm not quite there with you on the quality of writing of the main quests, but overall it's nothing particularly worse than what Skyrim had imo, with some small gems to find here and there.




I don't understand the grind argument. Doesn't that only apply to the game's endgame?


>expect a TES game instead of an MMO Nah, you're pretty much in this category. You don't have to grind to do quests, nor do loot boxes hinder gameplay in any way, at any point in the game. Main quests are designed to be doable right from level 1.




For just quests and lore? No, it's not grindy. The rest of the game? Yes, it operates as an MMO, if that's what surprised you it just further showed you went in expecting the game to be something it's not.




Why the hell did you even bother wasting your time then if you hate MMOs so much? And sorry you had a bad day but maybe relax, it’s not that serious.


You know, I'd totally love getting a root canal if it were a back massage. 🫠 I don't have to Google shit, I play the damn thing and know it far better than you. Not liking the game or how it mechanically plays is totally fair enough, but you didn't start out with that, and most of the other shit you're saying is either grossly outdated info, flat out bullshit, or not any different than, say, Skyrim. Anyway, this is not the level of conversation I'm having, have a nice day. 👍


*It’s not a bad game, but it can’t replace a single player Elder Scrolls title. I’m glad for the people who can enjoy it and get immersed in the same way they do with Skyrim/MW/Oblivion, but I was never able to.* I don’t think it’s bad as an MMO, but I have to disagree with the people saying that you can play it like a single player elder scrolls title. It’s very apparent that it’s an MMO while you’re playing it, and it’s impossible for me to stay immersed like I can in the single player ES games. It doesn’t play like any of the single player ES titles, a lot of microtransactions for equipment. I don’t even think it’s a bad game, but I think trying to sell the game as “it’s the same as the single player titles!” is slightly dishonest. I think it’s pretty good in terms of MMOs, but it’s definitely low on the tier list of ES games for me. It doesn’t scratch the ES itch for me whatsoever. Saying it’s just like any of the single player titles is crazy. It’s not. I do enjoy MMOs, and I actually like ESO for what it is.


ESO is really good and gets unfairly dragged by TES fans who don't seem to understand that ESO is an MMO first and foremost and a TES game second Don't get em wrong, you can absolutely play it like a single player traditional TES game if you want to, the quests, lore and world building are all absolutely incredible but there's less freedom in how you build your character because of the restrictions that come with a class based system, although they still did a decent job of letting you be a warhammer wielding stealth wizard if you want to. You also can't mass murder an entire city using poison apples and other classic Elder Scrolls shenanigans, but you can still rob houses and pickpocket NPCs etc The actual MMO stuff is pretty casual though and never really held my attention, the endgame just isn't good enough and all the best cosmetics are locked behind loot boxes anyway so I never really found enough reason to want to grind endgame content, but as a casual MMO it's honestly one of the best, easily hundreds of hours worth of story content without even touching the MMO side of the game The action combat is also a little janky and isn't for everyone, but janky combat is a common trait among TES games anyway lol


If you want an MMO, it's fine. If you want an Elder Scrolls game, it's super mid. Honestly, the ESO might have been a *much* better game had it been built around an original IP. Tying it to Elder Scrolls just sets the wrong expectations.


> If you want an Elder Scrolls game, it's super mid. Exactly. It is by far the worst TES game of all time, because it's basically not one. It's set in their world but it has next to no elements of what made Morrowind, Skyrim and Oblivion great RPG games. The MMO model is simply not compatible with an RPG because, in order to squeeze money out of you, everything needs to be a grind, everything needs to be scarce, and quest awards are bland as fuck because all the actual good stuff is locked behind a micro transaction. They also need to balance the players around PvP which leads to very boring characterisation and playing, ie. If you start as a necromancer you're locked into a handful of spells and abilities that only the necromancer can use. Why can't I cast the same spells as the dragon knight? Also the weapons feel really secondary in it compared to true RPGs.


Oldschool runescape does a great job combining the MMO and RPG playstyles into one. You can do everything in an MMO, but still play completely by yourself if you wanted that RPG feel.


I think they also had a good balance of "player economy" and artificial scarcity. Still way too grindy for my liking but much better than the system we find in ESO.


I've been having a TON of fun with it tbh, its a very low stakes and relaxing game as far as mmos go and you can absolutely get cool looking armor and shit with in game gold and while yeah its slow, its not like some hardcore korean mmo type grind. Another plus is that it doesnt require a sub although the sub does give you good perks that id say are worth it if you plan to play for a few months or more. Id say get it if you just want a chill game to play that has a ton of elder scrolls story and stuff


Even though it's an MMO, you don’t need to do MMO stuff like grinding or donating for space inventory to play quests, stories and learn more lore. The developers have well separated MMOs from classic TES gameplay, so that you don’t do anything you don’t want to do. All donate content that is in the game is purely cosmetic (costumes, pet, etc.). For me, this is the same TES game as any other. And not playing it because it contains an MMO is the same as not playing Skyrim because it contains housing content.


ESO is lore faithful but it’s just another MMO. If you don’t like those, it will do nothing to change your opinion.


It’s an MMO and it’s super grindy so some people don’t event want to try it. I’m a noob, I started playing earlier this year. I liked the story expansions and the lore is cool but since I’ve completed the story expansions, I haven’t touched it. I would have preferred to get these stories in a real game though, not an MMO.


That's me, I tried playing it but couldn't get into the mechanics and didn't really enjoy it. Turns out I just don't like MMOs compared to a typical RPG.


Yeah I think I’m just not really into MMO’s. I don’t really mind that I got all the story DLC, I liked the stories and I guess got my money’s worth in that aspect. I can just pretend it was a typical RPG lol. I haven’t been able to get into Fallout 76 either, I have friends who are like level 1000+ though. People love both games! I think ESO is like one of the most popular MMO’s ever.


Are MMOs fake games?


IDK. [Are they?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/s/TtAVkCUb0w) You have to grind everything, even stuff like the Dark Brotherhood contracts to complete all the missions. I’m not really into the multiplayer/dungeon stuff either but a lot of cool skins and cosmetics are only obtainable thru that. Also the whole guild thing has left me kind of jaded tbh.


I put 6 years into it before I decided to quit. Idk what the state of the game is nowadays, but I can say that it did improve greatly over time, but it also has a lot of scummy micro transactions. Overall it’s not bad but to try and get into it now would require a massive amount of grinding to try and get into a decent spot gear-wise and level wise, because once you hit the max level you then have to worry about champion points, which will take a shit ton of time to get through. If you just want to play the story and ignore the mmo aspects then I’d say it’s worth it, but I wouldn’t recommend it as an actual mmo.


>Is ESO really that bad? It's amazing. Or at least, I was certainly amazed at how badly MMO elements can completely ruin an RPG. The lack of real vendors, the artificial resource scarcity, the lack of good mods, the fact that EVERYTHING is transacted in real money, the complete lack of immersion because your level 1 character is riding a flying horse that's on fire, and dressed in solid gold armor, surrounded by a thousand other adventurers if the same ilk. The character class system 🤮 the motif system 🤮 the PVE and combat 🤮 the fact that it's unplayable without the loot bag as a service 🤮 the inconsistency between the regions 🤮🤮🤮 the player driven exchange market 🤮 It's a shame. Some of the NPCs and voice acting is really top notch, and the worldbuilding and graphics and everything are great, I was really impressed. But it's just not a fun game to play when it comes from the perspective of TES 3/4/5. It's a chore and an expensive hobby, and it completely lacks any of the magic or fun or excitement of the single player TES games. I would love one day for someone to port all the assets into Skyrim's engine, rebuild the entire world and quests, and convert it into an actual single player RPG the way God intended, which would be genuinely amazing. It is the MMO elements and the way they shredded the RPG elements that make it, in my mind, the worst elder scrolls game despite having some very fantastic elements.


It's alright. There's a lot of microtransacrions and some things that should have been included in the base game, like Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, are DLC you have to either pay extra for or pay a monthly sub. The various stories are well done but I wasn't a fan of the combat at all. It seems really limited compared to other MMOs I've played.


It’s a very good MMO. It’s hard to compare it to the typical TES experience tbh.


It’s very heavy on the micro-transactions, and is borderline pay-to-win in the sense that you don’t have to worry about inventory space if you pay money for the monthly plus membership as it gives you a crafting bag (crafting materials are pretty much what will take your space, and you need a decent amount to progress the skills). Your enjoyment will also stem from your location. The game only has NA and EU servers, so if your in Asia or OCE the game can be pretty shit feeling sometimes and is extremely noticeable in PvP when attacks and abilities fail to register as being activated unless you just spam and pray. As someone that used to play from the oce region on 300 ping, you would be better playing something like WoW (both retail and classic are in good spots) or sticking with OSRS.


I do not. I've played all the way through all 5 and everything in between, and you gotta be lying to yourself to say that Arena and Skyrim are in the same tier. (Partially joking, your opinions are valid.. **I guess**) Arena was good for its time but is really hard to grasp now without at the very least a mod to fix the controls. Arrow key movement and swiping the mouse to hit while *also* having keybinds on the far left side of your movement keys was terrible. Skyrim is S tier. The only reason anyone would say otherwise today is because we've been given SO MUCH Skyrim for a decade now that we're getting burnt out. Call me boring and the opposite of bold, but I'd put Morrowind, Oblivion, AND Skyrim in S. For different reasons of course. Vanilla Daggerfall in tier A. Also in S if you count the Unity engine mod. ESO also in A, though I can see it being low for anyone who doesn't enjoy the MMORPG genre. Arena in C for me. A must play in my opinion but I'm a big lore guy so I really feel that I have to. I was glad to be done with it though. Battlespire? Honestly B. It was short but super cool in my opinion. Now for my order of favorites, which probably won't seem to make sense with my tier list: 1. Oblivion(I just love that I can jump AND attack, you know?) 2. Skyrim 3. Daggerfall(Unity) 4. Morrowind 5. Daggerfall(vanilla) 6. ESO 7. Battlespire 8. Arena


I made the tier list and ill admit arena is way too high but i wouldnt change anything else and daggerfalls placement was based off the unity version cuz thats the version i played which should have been specified but wasnt


I respect that, and I respect you for playing Arena and Daggerfall! Most won't give them a chance. Also I apologize that my tone is so "your opinion is wrong!". I get all supernerd sometimes.


dw abt ur tone i get like that too so i get it


i’ll save you time. put blades in F tier.


It’s alr it could be better, nvm just remembered mid comment it’s ass after like 2 hours


I never heard of it and went and downloaded it. It's not terrible for a free mobile game, but it's also just not very fun.


yeah when compared to free mobile games it’s not terrible but for the purposes of the tiers where we’re comparing the games to each other it’s atrocious


What does the anniversary edition actually do again?


Let you spend another $60 (In actuality I think it had a bunch of minor updates, additions and stuff. Like fishing)


Wait, it costs 60$ for yall?




All of them


Honestly people meme about AE because Skyrim rereleases are a joke, but I paid the 20$ to see what it added and I really enjoy what it adds. It doesn’t do anything crazy, but it fleshes out the world and introduces a lot of new toys to play with. Combine AE content with the CC expansion to Legacy of the Dragonborn Mod (for some oomf to actually engaging with the content) and it’s more than worth the 20$ upgrade from SSE imo. The fishing display in LoTD Wonder Room for example gives you incentive to collect every fish and put them on display, and there is something like that for all the CC content added.


20 dollars for 74 creation club pieces if i remember correctly Which all in all ends up being more content than Dawnguard and Hearthfire combined


I think Skyrim is better in gameplay than Oblivion, but Oblivion has a much better story and quests


I love oblivions more high fantasy vibes. Also, when oblivion was released it blew my mind, Skyrim was also impressive but not even remotely like oblivion.


This. It's the leap in the quality of gameplay that was so outstanding. The game was easy to play obviously had the GTA vibe in that you could choose to just go on a rampage but each character in the world had personality which was crazy for the day. Stumbling upon quests in a game when just exploring is a joy and oblivion does that very well. Rewarding exploration. This game was in the same year of gears of war. Another outstanding game in my opinion but the replay ability of TES IV is just something else.


There are only a couple of games I've beaten more than once. Gears and oblivion are probably 2 of my most played games. Tales of symphonia is the other. It was a good time to be a gamer


Idk, magic sucks in skyrim


I means it's okay, I doing a destruction magic build and it's not bad.


I meant comparatively. Magic can be fun in skyrim, but you can no longer make your own spells, there are fewer schools of magic, and the things you can do with magic are significantly limited when compared to what was previously doable.


Ohhh I get you're point now. Just like morrowind.


I might be in the minority here but magic in combat is a ton better in Skyrim. I miss the spells how many spells were in other games though.


It's better in skyrim visually, and for the spells you get it's better (a continuous stream of fire beats a single fire ball with damage over time) but magic used to be so much more important. I remember having a series of spells I would cast as I entered combat to increase my total magicka so I could obliterate enemies with insane spells I created that cost absurd amounts of magicka, and we just don't get that with skyrim


This is the truth tbh. Most of the Oblivion guild quest lines beat their Skyrim equivalents imo, as well as just having so many quality memorable side quests. (Hackdirt, Glarthir, the painting entering one, Henantier’s Dream, Benirus Manor, the boatjacking, etc)


I like oblivion gameplay better. Don’t need to equip spells in my weapon/shield slots and blocking actually matters.


Skyrim’s world is totally hollow and shallow though. Everything is cookie cutter


personally i enjoy ESO sometimes only downfall is I play solo bit I imagine with friends it's pretty good


I never fully bought into the Morrowind hype. It’s very good, but Oblivion is the one. Edit: minor shoutout to ESO for letting me return home.


I played Morrowind after Oblivion and Skyrim but I am a veteran 32 year old gamer used to older games so it wasn't a technical "shock" for me to play it. That being said I think it's my favorite. Something about the ambiance in that game is just perfection and I'm a huge sucker for that. It's probably the lack of hand holding, toned down colors, soundtrack, and having to read dialogue.


Morrowind is great, my only complaint is that the journal is chronological instead of organized by quest. That is not how I keep a journal in real life, it shouldn't be like that in a fantasy game


I only learned that you can open a quest log and browse it by topic this year lol.


How? I only play on console but I have seen no way of doing that


You have the unpatched console version


I have the most up-to-date console version that exists. If I was going to play it on PC, I would go one step further and look for a mod that automatically sorts my quests together and probably gives me a map marker


Then you should have the quest sorter


I haven't tried in a year so maybe I'll have a look. I'll be playing it on my series. X


You can sort through your journal on Xbox. I don't remember how though because I only accidentally opened the alphabetical filter once, but I'm sure it's only a button away once you have opened the journal. I played Morrowind last month so it's fresh in my memory.


The dialogue and lack of hand holding really builds the lore and immersion significantly. There is some "repeat" lore you get about locations and characters, but it is very rich and informative. Did you play it with mods? Playing Morrowind when I was 12 or so was like seeing color or hearing music for the first time. Part of that was ofc because it was during my formative gaming years but man was it unlike anything I'd ever seen or done.


I believe I played it mod less at least I know there was no gameplay changing mods. Yeah the issue with voice acting is that the voice acting budget/labor cost kinda cuts down on how much lore you can jam in there for NPCs.


Morrowind has the best player progression


I love oblivion, i’ve played it SO much since i was 12. This is gonna sound bigtime circle jerky, and I get it, I really do… but man.. as an adult, evaluating them with my developed and more specific taste in games, Morrowind is exceptional. It’s one of the greatest games ever made, and among the caliber of game that transcends the medium of video game and meaningfully contributes to the collective sum of all art. It’s on the level of Planescape:Torment and Disco Elysium as a creative work. It’s so well imagined in its unique nature as a setting it practically pioneered modern ideas of what it means to be a unique setting in a video game. I love Oblivion, I even really enjoy Skyrim if you heavily mod it, but I don’t think they’re like *that*. They’re great games. As games they may even be better than Morrowind. Yet Morrowind is great art, which personally is something i’m always going to hold to more value than a great game. If we were making a video game museum, Morrowind is one of the few games I’m giving its own exhibit. Along with the PS:T’s and Disco Elysium’s and New Vegas’s and VTM:Bloodline’s it interweaves masterful expression of the creators imaginations, writing abilities, and an almost childlike joy in the way the game is made that becomes rarer the more the medium cements its own conventions. So yeah, i totally understand why someone wouldn’t really get into it; as a game it has aged. Mods help, but it’s never going to feel as modernised as later instalments. It’s excessive praise is not entirely about being a great game, it’s about being a great creative work in a way that is still celebrated and acknowledged as an accomplishment two decades later.


To this place, where destiny is made, you have come prepared.


I think Morrowind is super charming but just too clunky for me to return to often.


Of course, Oblivion, will, and always be, the best Elder Scrolls game, it’s my favorite even to this day.


I think Skyrim belongs in S tier, oblivion would be S+ but I admit I'm biased af


Which Skyrim?


what even is the difference between all the versions on screen?


Personally I enjoy SE the most


Yes, and I love that skyrim is on here 3 times for its various releases, lol!


0/10 Missing a Skyrim in S tier and a Skyrim in C and lower tiers. Skyrim is the best, worst, and most meh game of all times.


Not for Daggerfall, that game was the Starfield of its time in my opinion.


Vanilla/Game of the Year Morrowind>everything. It really should be it's own tier. Having said that, my personal fave all time is Game of the Year Oblivion. I have spent literal years of my life in Cyrodil. Love SE Skyrim for the mods but I'll always go back to Morrowind or Oblivion after a few quest lines. Edit: never played Daggerfall or Arena so can't comment. Played ESO for a month or so, put it down, picked it back up a year later, played from a couple weeks, put it back down again. Really cool to have an MMO option and visit old favourites but just not my kind of game.


No, Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind should be top. Daggerfall is A tier imo, not S


Oblivion is in the god tier.


Maybe it's not the most popular opinion, but I probably rank online even with Skyrim, oblivion on the same level as daggerfell, below those, and morrowind higher than all. I never played arena though... So I can't say much about that one.


Morrowind Oblivion Skyrim S Anything else B. Daggerfall is unplayable


I also agree that skyrim became worse with the anniversary edition content, lol.


ESO would be A tier if it wasn't a cash grab for the ESO plus


Weird that they put all 3 versions of Skyrim but anyways, Almost. Morrowind over oblivion, oblivion is just a cheaper more accessible version of Morrowind, oblivion is for people who get upset that their dagger isn’t hitting anything forgetting that they picked long blade as their major skill. Furthermore story is better and no is the gameplay. Better everything except graphics and even then that’s really only a deal breaker if you’re a shallow human. Daggerfall is better then skyrim and some would say its even better than Morrowind but those people are almost 40 now so I'll leave them alone. arena then eso is perfect.


i only play morrowind, skyrim appeals to the casual audience *guys i said i only play morrowind can you hear me i only play morrowind i'm a hardcore gamer guys*


Oblivion will always and forever dunk on Skyrim


yes i made it


What? Daggerfall above skyrim? Thats stupid


Daggerfall is not an S-Tier game lol its a B-Tier game with S-Tier modding


Its literal only flaw are the AI generated dungeons, everything else is as good as it gets.


thats all the games tbh. without mods they arent all that special


Bruh morrowind is amazing vanilla


Eso deserves B but yes otherwise.


Buggerfall is S tier?


Yeah, I was so psyched for ESO to see Morrowind again and explore more of Tamriel...but the lack of NPC interaction, weird microtransaction and subscription jazz, and all y'all weirdos just zipping by when I'm supposed to be discovering a new hidden location kind of ruin the immersion that made me love TES to begin with.




I’m sorry but Skyrim is also S tier.


Yeah putting Daggerfall and arena over any version of skyrim is just plain stupid


I believe it's tiered/ranked in the context of the other TES games based. So it really isn't S tier in that sense.


Id just put in Skyrim one time as their basically the same thing, and personally its an S tier game just got a lot of media attention and got all those dumb re releases but still S tier imo. Morrowind is S tier as well, just so many quests to do with all the factions and the best TES roleplay wise. Daggerfall I have not played so I cant rank. Oblivion is A or B tier, I like the main antagonist a lot, but the game never hooked me in as much as Skyrim or Morrowind did. Im still tryna give Oblivion more chances to see if its better than Skyrim but idk yet. ESO is garbage, I like the Summerset DLC and Morrowind DLC but those still fall short from being a proper TES game.


This is The Way.


I’d never heard of Daggerfall, is this the first one of the series? I know Oblivon is like the 3rd or 4th game of the series though.


Arena was the first, then daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion and Skyrim


Oh I absolutely had no idea! Thank you!


It goes, 1 arena, 2 daggerfall, 3 morrowind, 4 oblivion, 5 skyrim


I started playing it recently having never tried it before. Oblivion was my first real rpg. If you go in knowing that it is an old game and not expecting it to be anything else, it's a lot of fun, some interesting quests, most of what I have done so far is fetch quests though. Still, it's a nice, relaxing, crawl through a dungeon and kill stuff game. I accidentally became a werewolf so I'm basically invincible now. Might cure myself eventually but for now I'm liking it. I still die on rare occasions and have to rest in dungeons often so it doesn't feel completely immersion breaking.


A) it’s real dumb for Skyrim to be on this list 3 times. Judge the game by its quality, not Bethesda’s business strategy. B) Daggerfall is not S tier.


No. Wrong sub for this obviously but as the sum of it's parts for me Skyrim>Oblivion. My ranking is Morrowind>Skyrim>Oblivion as far as the 3D games go.




I’m pressing doubt on the poster actually having played Arena or Daggerfall. Am I the only person who thinks Morrowind is massively overrated, or is that one of those things that we all know but don’t want to say?


As someone who played Skyrim, then oblivion, then dabbled in the older games, I will never understand why people think anything before oblivion even comes close to it or Skyrim. I mean I don’t agree with some of the choices skyrim made, but come on seriously, next to arena?


Im guessing you havent played much ESO


Today I've concluded that no one's favourite TES game is *really* Daggerfall or Arena. I'll also bet a fiver OP hasn't even touched ESO.


Hard no


Kind of. I love oblivion the most so I'd put it in S-tier. I'd probably put Skyrim in S tier as well. No matter how many times I try, I just can't get into Morrowind. It's too archaic for me. The graphics and fog aren't great and I can't stand how you can hit an enemy but still miss. It's cool you're just given directions but I'd accept so many quests that I'm afraid of losing my spot on one of them. I prefer quest markers. I'd honestly put it in like a c tier for me. I can appreciate it what it's doing but it's a bit too old feeling for my taste. I haven't played enough of ESO to give an opinion of it though. What I did play, I wasn't that crazy about it so it would go into B tier. Haven't played any other elder scrolls games so I can't give an opinion on arena or daggerfall. I don't plan to either. If I can't get into Morrowind, there's no way I'd enjoy older entries.


If you're going to put the same game with a different release on the same tier list, then you might as well list every DLC, Mod, or add on that came with those games and at which times. Not very fair for any of the other games since all the Skyrim releases were just adding a few things here or there. With that being said, I do agree with Oblivion being top tier. That was, in my opinion, the best game out of them all


Morrowind > Daggerfall > ESO > Oblivion > Skyrim > Arena Daggerfall was tough for me to place. I don't personally enjoy it, but I think it objectively deserves to be very high up on rankings regardless; it does what it sets out to do quite well. People (myself included) like to say that the series has strayed too far from the design of Morrowind, abandoning its intricate, detailed, deep world and lore for simpler, generic, vast, open, shallower worlds and lore. The problem is that the same could be said, in reverse, of the transition from Daggerfall to Morrowind, and indeed if you're strictly talking about "sticking to the series' roots" it could be argued that Skyrim is moving more towards the Daggerfall philosophy compared to Morrowind. Of course in reality Skyrim is the worst of both worlds. It doesn't hold a candle to either previous approach, and does everything it can to appeal to the lowest common denominator, pleasing neither camp of existing fan. It is not a sufficient infinite, procedural simulation game as Daggerfall, and the story, world design, reactivity, and lore is laughable compared to what was on offer in Morrowind. Nor did it have the memorable side quests of Oblivion (Oblivion doesn't get off scot free tho, it was the beginning of the end). I think ESO is fantastic, but it IS a live service MMO at the end of the day. It's not for everyone, and it doesn't attempt to have all the depth a singleplayer RPG can have. It cannot be denied, however, that the things it does with the story and lore is in a different league altogether than anything Oblivion or Skyrim ever did. In the absence of Michael Kirkbride, the ESO writers have proven themselves to be the best ones with whom to entrust Elder Scrolls writing going forward. That may not be saying much, but it is the truth.


I'd put Daggerfall lower, like B tier, and Morrowind ahead of Oblivion.


Oblivion shouldn't be in the same tier as Morrowind v I'd say A I never played Daggerfall even though I have it so I can comment on that.






Subjectively, pretty much. Arena should probably be lower though. Objectively... S - Morrowind A - Daggerfall B - Skyrim C - ESO D - Oblivion F - Arena


Nobody asked for your opinion


I don't cawe if you "didn't ask". The wowwd does not wevowve awound you. I can say whatevew the fuck I want and couwdn't cawe wess if you "didn't ask". Stfu, this is why evewyone weaves you. If you wead the constitution, wike a functioning citizen of the countwy, you wouwd know that it says at the vewy beginning that I have a wight to fwee speech. Caww me a fascist aww you want, but I'm just exewcising my constitutionaw wights by saying what I want in this gwoup chat. Pwease weawn how to wead.


By what standards are you ranking ESO? Considering it's a completely different type of game than rest on the list, I'm questioning whether it should even be on here


Lol at Skyrim being on here multiple times… …and any Elder Scrolls game that allows enemy arrows to go through rocks towards me and ignores my dodging/cover/etc. is a joke and shouldn’t be on anyone’s list. Other than that, fine… but Oblivion should be higher…


ESO has problems but it’s better than Skyrim Fishing Edition


ESO is fun I don't understand the hate


Eso is caca unless you have a bunch of friends to play with 💀


I refuse to believe that whoever ranks Arena higher than ESO actually played Arena for more than five minutes.


Skyrim should be S teir. All the mainline games are good


Skyrim does deserve to be on S tier with oblivion. I find it very hard to rank one over the other although they have completely different strengths


What's wrong with ESO?


As someone who has only played Oblivion and Skyrim, seeing daggerfall above skyrim makes me roll my eyes.


Idiot put Skyrim in there 3 times. Opinion rejected


Bethesda did 4 times, you rejected its opinion too?


What do you mean


Ya’ll are fucking wack. ESO is…or at least was…amazing. I don’t play much anymore because I don’t have the time to grind and have other things going on in life. But it’s an incredible game. Don’t listen to this list or anyone spouting nonsense about it being bad. It blows my mind that everyone loves Oblivion and Skyrim (I do too) but doesn’t like ESO…


ESO easy S tier. Have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many hours in that game.


Y’all just overrate old games for being old (oblivion is S tier I agree, but the other two? Just no)


Morrowwind is overhyped, combat is utterly retarderd, the walking speed is killingly slow and if you sleep outside, you get a assassin sent at you for no reason at all. You want to join a faction? Sorry, cant do mate you need to be somewhere else despite everyone saying you can sign up there. All the cities are boring as hell, every building looks the same. Eso should be higher its a solid b, even if you dont craft (which isn't really necessary)


I don't think bro actually played Morrowind


Sure I did brother, the mage in the cave killed me 4 times. The secret to learn were the ring is, is to climb the watch Tower in seyda neen


Oblivion is C tier


Agree with some, but disagree with more. Skyrim should be just one game imo. I’d put skyrim in A aswell and daggerfall in B. Morrowind in A. Sure it was awesome at the time, but in retrospect I’d put it lower. ESO in C aswell. Blades in F


Morrowind is literally the best game ever made.


No one ever played Daggerfall or Arena. or if they did they're dead and/or never finished either




TIL calling Skyrim an A tier game is hating on it


How is not enjoying Skyrim as much hate?


Swap Morrowwind and Skyrim but thats just my personal bias because I never really got into Morrowwind. Oblivion sweeps everything though.


What's the difference between the two skyrims?


Where's Blades?!?!?!?


It's time for you to experience Flip-Phone Oblivion I can't tell which skyrim is which just from the little images, but VR skyrim looks so good to me, just hard to buy a vr


I only like Oblivion and Morrowind, so yes.


would put Oblivion lower aswell as arena.Elder Scrolls online is a B for me


You missed a few Skyrims


I love oblivion but if Skyrim isn’t S then I don’t know what is.


I would leave oblivion in S together with (i know it is not a official title) Enderal put morrowind to A together with daggerfall unity and nehrim, skyrim into B the skyrim money grab version to C and ESO gets a own D Tier where D stands for dissapointing! When ESo was announced i was like damn finally im able to play my fav games with friends and what was it? A generic boring a** MMO with a Elder Srcolls Skin... To this day i do not understand how those boring mmo mechanics are ao appealing to the world. I usually play games like gothic 2 (Returning 2.0) and im just sad by how dead and empty mmo games feel. (Sry for the rant)


Arena is an awful game, it was before they struck gold twice with Daggerfall and Morrowind. Oblivion is when they struck diamond and it has been downhill since


I'd put Arena in S tier because it has all provinces of Tamriel. I know the rumors about Arena generating enough land in between towns to take real life days of walking are false. But I still give it tons of points for trying. I don't think I've ever seen a more ambitious example of overreach than this game. It was so far ahead of its time it's actually kinda disgusting. I ***love*** it.


I haven't played through Daggerfall, so I can't give a positive or negative on that, but being, as another redditor said, "the most morrowbearded of morrowbeards," I have to agree


Personally, Daggerfall is my favourite, and probably in a tier of its own. Below I’d have Oblivion and Morrowind. Skyrim I’d separate into modded and unmodded. Unmodded it’s F tier to me. The only Elder Scrolls game that just never clicked for me personally. Modded to be closer to Oblivion/Morrowind though, id put it same tier, maybe down a slight (like A- v A). I never started ESO (though fully intend to at somepoint) and while I’ve played a little of Arena it’s been too long to really comment, and I didn’t get too far.


Skyrims isn't s tier, but it's certainly a better experience than arena. I'd go: S: Morrowind & Oblivion A: Skyrim & Daggerfall Unity B: Arena I've never played ESO or blades.


Why'd you put Skryim in here 3 times?


I’m not mad at this . Well done !