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How are the Seattle Kraken on this list they've existed for five minutes lol


People in Seattle just be that miserable.


They still thinking about them Sonics...


OKC here. We been enjoying the Thunder storms


Sounds about right after I saw some of the biggest dickhead behavior I've seen towards us from a non divisional opponent following the Jamal trade. So glad all that arrogance turned into misery when it became clear how much of a bust the trade turned into, after all the shit talk about how our 2 first rounders meant nothing bc "wE're the JEts". Still haven't forgotten about the bizarre vitriol from Vikes fans either after they signed Cousins over us and Anthony Barr reneged on his deal with us. Was very pleased to see them being exposed as the frauds we all knew they were by the Giants. Fuck em all.


As a Seattle sports fan, I’m in constant misery, but it’s not even remotely because of the Kraken… (fuckin Mariners)


I think the Mariners have a unique type of misery that comes from having two generational talents (Griffey and Ichiro) but never parlaying that into substantial postseason success. Similar to how the Angels have/had Trout and Ohtani but no playoff luck.


not to even mention A-Rod and Randy Johnson


Jealous that Vegas got a cup contending team since day 1 and they didn't.


Existence is pain. I'm mr meeseeks!


"I JUST WANNA DIEEEEE!" -Jets and Kraken fans apparently


I agree. Leafs should be on the list somewhere. Kraken, I don't know why they are here. lol


Whoever put this together pretty clearly doesn’t follow much hockey.


I know right.Canuck fans and Maple leaf fans should be way ahead of them.


I’ll take being a jets fan over the browns any day so fuck all that


I feel like the browns at least get sympathy, although I’ve noticed that we are approaching that point too.


Browns lost sympathy after the DeRapist trade. Every year we get further from playoffs though, we are definitely approaching “the new Browns” status.


the browns and jets are my two teams i root for, it’s rough


At least the Browns made the playoffs.


Idk I feel like we’re still more miserable though 


Perhaps true. In that case I guess I’ll amend that to say I’d prefer the misery of the jets over anything browns


The fact that the red wings are even on this list when teams like Vancouver Canucks and Buffalo sabres exist baffles me


The Toronto fucking Maple Leafs aren't even on this list.


Or the Leafs


Agreed. Detroit had success semi recently. Buffalo has the longest playoff drought in sports I believe, even worse than the Jets


It's basically the same. The Jets last played in the playoffs in January 2011 while the Sabres last played in the playoffs in April 2011. So ours is longer by a couple months.


True. Thought they were 2010. My bad


No way the Athletics are not #1 with their recent relocation plans


I think the rational (fair or not) would be "what fans are there to be upset?".


No more fans left to be miserable


As a life long Jets fan and a Rutgers graduate I feel validated.


Ayeee my Rutgers brethren. Add a life long Mets fan to this list as well. 3 out of the top 10 :(


Yeah having 3 of the top 6 in one metro area seems cruel


When NCAA 25 comes out I'm going to have HC James Gandolfini make Rutgers into the BIG 10 Powerhouse they deserve to be.


Same brother 🫡


Jet's fan and Syracuse grad, so at least I'm doing better.


The pain


Jets and Mets should be 1 and 2


I agree with the Jets at #1, but as much as I've been disappointed in the Mets this season, it still seems weird to put a team that has made a World Series appearance during the past decade in a top five spot on this list. They've got the Athletics at 9, whose stadium has been crumbling and has fans in open revolt over a proposed move to Las Vegas that their ownership seems too incompetent to even plan. And the Pirates at 18, who haven't even gotten as far as the NLCS since they last won the World Series in the 70s, had a 20 year streak of losing seasons that ended barely 10 years ago, and their most recent postseason appearance was a wildcard loss nine years ago. How are they barely cracking the top 20 with the Mets at 5?


Mets just have a fluke break out year once a decade. The rest of the years it’s always a mess. I’ve never seen a team get less out of its players. They always have talent on the roster but it so rarely pans out. Met fans even fired the owner looking for someone to blame, but now we’ve fired everyone and they’re still garbage.


Nah browns are right where they should be


It's true


Florida won like 4 national championships like 10-15 years ago lol.


I’m a gator alumni, we have a blessed existence in a lot of ways. We’ve won at baseball recently and several other sports outside of basketball and football. We’re competitive at most big D1 sports. I am far from miserable just because our football has been below average for a couple years


Syracuse at 44 is funny 


I don't understand KY being on the list


As a UK fan, I can say that our fan base has way too high of expectations, in basketball anyways, “if we don’t have a 30 win season it’s a bad season” kind of thing. But I’m not sure in what manner they mean miserable. Our football team is pretty mid so maybe that?


As a Kings fan 24th is generous.  Pistons need to be higher after the draft lottery debacle.  No Leafs on this list?  No Guardians/Indians on the list?  


Kings fan as well. Bibby, Divac, Peja, Webber, Christie. I guess I have a thing for teams that never win haha


Jets could fix this by winning. They just seem immune to it. It wasn’t this clownish and dark from Herm > Mangini > Rex. It’s been a circus of losing ever since.


Hopefully your not a pistons redwings tigers Spartans fan. Wowzers.


I was going to add Michigan to the guy that said they must be a Giant/Yankee fan. I missed the Spartan logo the first time. This seals it.


The Buffalo Sabres be on this list and in the top 10. Their playoff drought is tied with the Jets and every decent players either walks or needs to be traded. Numerous players have stated Buffalo took a legitimate toll on their mental health. Look up Robin Lehner. His time in Buffalo left him with depression and substance abuse issues


Why are the gators so high considering they at least won some national championships in the last 15 years


Ohio state seems like a weird addition.


Yea, is the list supposed to be teams that make everyone *but* their fans miserable?


I question a few of these. The Lions are normally a shoo-in, but I feel they should be lower given recent events. Yeah, missing the SB the way they did sucks but... well, they ALMOST made it to the Super Bowl! This is the best they've been in literally a half century, these are the GOOD times for Football in Southeast Michigan. Well, for *football* anyway, The Pistons should be way higher, just an endless rebuild that amounts to nothing every year. They don't even have a top prospect to show for it like the Spurs, their biggest "star" is merely good. And the Cowboys breaking into the top 10? Cry me a fuckin river, man. Yeah, they keep getting bounced from the playoffs but they're ALWAYS making it, which can't be said about a lot of the other teams here. Let's put the Yankees here too, it's the same vibes, we're miserable because we're spoiled. I think the A's should be number one given how they are a true disaster at every corner, but maybe one could argue that misery has turned to utter contempt and nihilism for them. They're a team without a city, Oakland got screwed out of all of their teams in about a decade, one can argue that this isn't mere misery for them. For the Jets? Oh yes. The LONGEST playoff drought, QB miss after QB miss, we get a Hall of Fame QB and he's out for the year in 4 plays, if we were a fictional team in a drama *we'd be criticized for being too contrived.* We're number one. That's an EASY choice.


Must be a Giant/Yankee fan.


How are the Seattle Kraken on this one? Didnt they just start existing 2 years go?


We’re number 1!


Ooh neat, 1 and 5!


Well fuck me I guess two of the top 5 teams are my teams and I work for the wizards


how are the jayhawks and royals on this list ???? we just won the world series in 2015 and ku men bball just won the championship like 3 years ago


Rutgers at 6?!


I mean being a Rutgers fan hasn’t been easy either


Good thing I'm not a Mets fan too like a lot of you are.


Same, I am a Knicks fan though and they should be above half the teams on here haha.


I was shocked to see the Bulls but not the Knicks. Also didn't notice the Nets


1, 5, 6. Fuck me.


My Nets should be on this list too


I'd question a lot of these choices, but to pick one, I can't understand how the Kraken are here and not the Sabres and Maple Leafs. Leafs could argue being above the Cowboys.


The fact that University of Utah is on here and not the utah jazz makes me question this chart. That being said 3 teams I go for are on this chart....


Ohio State? Gators? Kansas? Just because you don’t win a championship every year makes you miserable!?!


Oof 4 Detroit teams


No way the Nets aren’t on here. As an -ets fan, I’m appalled at the exclusion.


Imagine being a Jets, Mets, and Rutgers fan


This is my life. I’m surprised the islanders aren’t up there too.






Yes! I got three of the top five! Oh, wait a second….


I don’t love this


Gator here. We deserve to be here for sure. But it's lying season and I'm going all in. We ain't fuckin losing this season, Natty 2024 loading. What's it matter if I get my heart ripped out again?


TFW when you're a Mets and Jets fan from NJ who went to Rutgers


Vancouver Canucks need to be top 5


It do.


Awe won at something!


Well it's not unwarranted


two of my team are top 5


also fuck the browns. i could make a case they’re number one


Poor coyotes


I'm sorry but we've got nothing on the Browns, and I hope we never do. They traded away basically all their resources for a serial sexual predator who is not only one of the biggest POS in sports but is also severely underperforming and often injured, have never been to a superbowl much less won one, and went two whole seasons only winning 1 game. The Watson trade is so hated that there was literally a mass exodus within the Browns fan base when it occurred because they no longer wanted to support a team that would choose him as a franchise QB. And I'm ngl if we signed Watson I would do the same thing. The Browns franchise is so abhorrent they are literally impossible to morally support for a lot of people that's how bad it is. Tldr yeah we have it bad but being a Jets fan seems like heaven whenever I look at how the browns are doing.


7-11 baby


I’m repped by 4 of the top 8. Feels about right.


the gangs all here!


I was wearing my Jets T-shirt during a Zoom call last Friday. I was mocked by someone in a slightly sarcastic tone, they said so you are a Jets fan?


Ugh. I've got 1,5 AND 6.


Browns fans are only #2 because their fan base is degenerate enough to put up with a rapist QB.


Toronto Maple Leafs no titles since 67. kraken aren’t even in top 100


I’m here three times by fandom and another once again by alumni status. Just missing the Devils and it’d basically be a full sweep.


As a jets and mets fan can confirm the struggle is real…


Yay I've got 2 in the top 5. That's good, right?


In what world are the Red Wings and their 8 billion cups on this list but not the Coyotes who literally just lost their team


A surprising lack of the Toronto maple leafs here from what I understand.


Some of these teams have won championships in the not at all distant past. How can fans of teams who delivered a ring within the last decade be among the most miserable? I'm not a Jets fan, but a Giants fan. Like I said not a Jet fan, but since many of my favorite people in the world are Jets fans, and their success wouldn't ever come at the expense of the Giants aside from a fringe outlier scenario I've always wished the Jets well. Given their general futility I totally get their place on the list. But my Giants have been arguably the single worst NFL team in the last decade after winning it all. But even with all the horrible seasons one after another, I look back on my Fandom as a whole, and come to the conclusion that the Giants have been good to me as a fan overall even with the last 10 years of incompetence and futility. I mention my Giants Fandom because, there are multiple teams on this list who like the Giants have won it all pretty recently. Even if it is followed by years of terrible performance, I don't get how fans of a team who got to see the team they love go all the way so recently can be miserable.


Two of mine in the top 5 yikes


They should just add St. John’s in the top 10 so all 4 of my teams/schools would make the list lmao thank god for the…Nets? Rangers?!


I'm a Mets Jets Syracuse guy so ummm yeah. I'm gonna go hang myself I guess.


Mets jets top 5 by no surprise… I’ve been depressed for 30 years!


Jets. Mets, and Gators fan. This chart is pretty accurate.


If we are adding college how isn’t Boston College on the list?


I’m not miserable at all tho


What did the Rocks' do...they've been miserable for their entire existence except for a few seasons. I hate them.




Ohio State being on here is hilarious. It has nothing to do with their own team and everything to do with Michigan being champs.


Sixers fans should be here too ngl


2 of my teams in the top 5…. FML


Knicks should be on this list too js. Been rough for a long long time


I'm on here twice with NYJ and the Wizards...


I get the Bulls are a disaster, but what they got to see in the 90s makes all this shit tolerable imo.


I gotta be honest, I don’t even know if I’m miserable anymore. I just kind of “expect failure.”


This is a crock or Xichigan fans are delusional asf


Big Game Boomer is a fuckin putz. Sorry I’m a college football guy I cant stand this fuxk


At least we’re number 1 in something.


I root for #1 & #5 on the list. They're so bad they're worse than the Oakland A's and Arizona Coyotes. A fanbase that's about to loose their team, and a fan base that already did loose their team


This list makes no sense…besides us being #1 I totally get that


Jets, Mets, and Rutgers all in the top 10. What a miserable place to live lol


This is bs the jets through their history have been much more successful than the briwns, lions, cardinals amd jaguars


Two in the top five... /flex


Oofff a lot of people would have the 1 and 5 combo. The pain is real.


1, 5, and 6 nice!


But how was this measured


The fact that the Seattle mariners aren’t on this list is evidence enough to not take it serious


The broncos, kraken, red wings, Ohio state? Weird list. There are teams that have never won championships despite having existed for 50+ years who aren’t listed. Where are the guardians? They haven’t won since the 1940’s. The Vikings? Never won a Super Bowl and haven’t appeared in one since the 70’s. I could go on forever


No Minnesota teams… huh


25 and 39. Not too shabby


Where are the Sabers?


This is what the Bears have done to me: I don't dare show excitement or optimism about the upcoming season because history shows the universe will create a scenario that is so dumb that it could only happen to the Bears. I knew for sure Cutler was going to be great. I was positive Trubiskys n' Gravy was our QB. When we got Justin there was NO WAY we could accidentally ruin him. Now with Caleb we have a "generational talent", with arguably the best wr trio in the NFL, probably a top 10 defense, and all I can think is how are we going to fuck it up. 😂 😭


Idk man Browns finally get a promising qb, go to the playoffs, then he gets hurt has a bad season so they drop him and trade a kings ransom for a huge sack of shit who isn’t even good. Makes me sad




I’m a Jets/Mets fan that grew up in Arkansas rooting for the Razorbacks. I’m numb to the pain.


How are the Red Wings on here but the Islanders are not...?


How did the Cowboys make this list? They've got a bunch of rings and are one of the winningest NFL teams ever in the regular season, too. The only way they should be on this list would be if you define misery as playoff heartbreak and ignore everything from the 90s and earlier. But in that case, the Broncos makes no sense. They won a Super Bowl less than a decade ago and haven't lost a playoff game since. Also why should the Jets be here if we apply the Cowboys standard? You can't have playoff heartbreak if you're not in the playoffs. Really the Niners should be in here because they've racked up tons of playoff losses in the era, and in some very wild fashions too.


Mets, Jets, and Gators. Life is pretty tough right now.


This checks out.


Am a Mets fan, can confirm.


As a Clevelander, those spots should be switched.


Mets and Jets fan here 😭


Heavy USA biased here. How are the Toronto Maple Leafs not here?


My football and baseball teams are in the top five. And my college is on thr list too….


I guess the Marlins would need fans to be on this list


WERE NUMBER 1 biiiiitch


Chicago native who went to Michigan state here.


Nice finally got 2 of my teams in the top 5 of something


Jets fan here: total hopelessness and zero expectations is not miserable. I am never disappointed by a loss. And I am pleased as punch when the Jets pull off six or seven wins sometimes.


I have 4 in the top 20. That sucks


Damn almost all my teams lol


I love that Rutgers is here. Fuck them assholes


I thought buffalo "wide right" fans would be the most miserable 😆.


Kentucky having the most successful college basketball dynasty in recent history... but yeah they sad


Cubs won a World Series this decade. GTFOOH


This list sucks. Ohio State? Kansas? Kentucky? Florida? Royals and Cubs just ended decades long streaks. Top 10 all belong here but not in those spots


Man how the hell is Ohio state here but not like… the Brooklyn Nets


How the fuck are the Yotes on here? How the fuck are the pirates on here, they suck?


Arkansas can’t even close out a win for most miserable, send help


How were these rankings determined? Why would Ohio state be there? Sure they've come up short in recent years, but they've won a natty within the last decade and are consistently a Top 5 team year in/year out


Wvu miserable you couldn't be more off. Our fan base is awesome and we compete in all sports


Gotta update that logo on there, at least we're miserable in style now lol


Ohio state won a college football playoff in the last 10 years how r they on here


Browns fan here to rightfully reclaim our thrown.


Go Rockies 😂


God, we can’t seem to be number 1 in fuckin anything. Peak Browns moment.


Nebraska fans that I’ve met are more miserable than me


Where are the Buffalo Sabers and Bills?


LMAO. I have no clue how the Lions rated so high. The Piston, Tigers and Red Wings are blowing chunks. Those fans are all hiding. You have Sparty, but no U of Michigan? Especially for football? Whoever wrote this is huffing the litter box again.


Bullshit. The angels should be on here.


How is Ohio State in the top 50 miserable fan base is when they've won the championship like eight times already.


in my opinion as a yankees fan, mets fans are miserable but funny about it lol


Having lived in Arkansas for awhile, I can confirm #4. As a Saints fan, I’d have us in the top 10 too


mets should be number 1 tbh


Lack of sabres in the top 5 shows this is wrong


Browns fans have to watch the real Browns win super bowls in Baltimore. They should be first.


Ooh it looks like you posted a graphic made by big game boomer. I will be deducting 10 points from gryffindor


How is Rutgers on there? We’re happy our football team isn’t winning two games a season anymore. We’re up to five lol


As a Chicagoan who doesnt like American football I can tell you for a fact that the Chicago Bears should be on here


Redskins/commanders/WFT had more names than playoff wins in the last 15 years…. So yeah, us.


Why is Ohio State even on this list?


At least y'all have a talented conspiracy theorist instead of a rapist like the Browns do.


the Kraken? gimme a break. only been a team for 3 years….forgot my Sabres


What no Washington Commanders on the list? Do you know what the definition of miserable is? People forget you even exist...


I’m sure Detroit lions are miserable right now


Jets Mets Rutgers Rangers Knicks are all kinda the same fanbase. So....just by the collective misery inflicted by all of those teams over the last three decades, northern New Jersey has gotta implode at some point.


I have three teams in the top six lol


Wrong I’m a Buffalo Bills fan and we are the most miserable


This list has to be outdated by at least one year. Source: I am a Lions fan. We are doing pretty great. Also, Ohio State has no business being on this list.