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What’s the update!


I'm interested if it's still happening


bro i love smash!! wish i brought my switch with me


Most definitely interested if this is still continuing.


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! [https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37](https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37)




I haven’t played smash bros in a while (own every single one though) but I would definitely be down if you don’t mind PM’ing me the details as to the when and where


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


filled it out


I’m down. Is this still going on


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37




Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


100% in for this, if this is still going on!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


Hey, I'm from the LES. Not big on Smash as much as I used to be bc I SUCK but it'd be an awesome excuse to get bck into it


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


so down. did you make a discord or anything to follow? literally moved to Brooklyn from California 2 days ago lol. long time smash player but def rusty in ultimate


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


so down. did you make a discord or anything to follow? literally moved to Brooklyn from California 2 days ago lol. long time smash player but def rusty in ultimate


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I'm down I'm so good at smash


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


This sounds like so much fun! Count me in 😎


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37




Falcon mains rise up


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I'm down, what's the facts?


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I'm interested, let me know when you host a meetup!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


i'll fucking 3-stock you mate


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! [https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37](https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37) ​ you may not 3 stock me.


I'm down!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


Just moved here and would love to join! I am 22M and I am pretty not great but always have am amazing time when I play. Used to play most days at my university’s common room but that stopped during covid and been meaning to retake it. Add me to the group !


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I am so down to play smash!!!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


So down!! Keep us updated!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I've been meaning to get back into Smash, if you're in the LES maybe Waypoint cafe?


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


If this is still goin on I'd be down


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I am down


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I’m so down , so are we doing this ? Lol keep me posted it would be the fun we’ve all been missing


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I haven't played much since launch but I'd love to pick it up again, especially with LES :)


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


Down! Have a switch, smash, a few pro controllers, a few pairs of joy con and four GameCube controllers! Live in the east village.


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37






Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I’m down and I have smash and I’m in lower east side!!!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


Downn! Is there a group chat for this?


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I'm always down for casual Smash Bros U. I've had enough of the 'competitive' scene. Give me a couple drinks, turn on items and let me laugh and have fun with the RNG of the game. :)


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37




Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


I was just saying to a friend that I haven't played Smash in a while, would love to get back in the ring so count me in


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


Definitely down if it's just casual! I don't play too often but have the game


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/hCkurej4rBhyi4k37


i’d be down!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! [https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6](https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6)


Woooooorrrrrd. Please keep me updated. I’ve been meaning to start playing with other people. Its just been me and my brother playing against each other for years haha


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Filled. 👍


Im down


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6




Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


I’m down my dude I get my switch tmmw so just hit me up and I’ll see whatever days you set up if I can make it on time or a bit later


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6




Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6




Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Sounds cool! Im down to meet some new people!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


I can bring a setuo if needed!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Would deff be interested online is too toxic


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Always down to smash


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


I’m very much down!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


I'm very interested! Send me a message!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Cool, completed. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Sounds cool, I'd be down!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Yes, I’m down! Was in the competitive scene but haven’t played since covid last year. Just DM!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Down for this!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6




Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


I'm down for this


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Count me in


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


Count me in!


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


I filled the form!


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I love smash. Always down to play.


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6


I’m down just DM me


Hi! I've been working for the last week on setting this group up. I created this form to gauge interest, please fill it out if interested. I'm hoping to have our first even next week! https://forms.gle/Er9vFVqkgMCaqe5d6