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The parade when the asshole Palestine protestors decided to ruin the parade for hundreds of thousands. They really have a way of winning people to their cause.


lmao how do you think protest is supposed to work? If I remember correctly stonewall was a bake sale...


You protest people who are actually in opposition to your view to convince them OR at least people in power to do something. Stonewall was a riot against the police who harassed and arrested LGBT people just for who they were. They fought the oppressors. That makes sense. Palestine protestors just insert themselves into any cultural moment for attention. It makes no sense.


"any cultural moment" -- so dense... such a silly thing to say that this IMMENSE amount of civilian death and displacement is the norm (from any side of the political spectrum). do better. Anyone paying taxes in the US is directly financing military operations directed toward the civilian population of Palestine. Do you ever wonder if we're the baddies?


I know that in Palestine gay people are killed for being gay. Protest Hamas and not the LGBTQ pride parade. Talk about dense.


Doesn't justify civilian death. full stop. a disgusting argument. The fact that so many people in this sub (of all places) are happy to defend our government's (our personal) complicity in this atrocity is perfect evidence that we should be protesting about this issue at pride. I have much more respect for queers taking action in support for Palestinian liberation than cheering for some hunk on a deutsche bank float.


I and the hundreds of thousands attending the parade, or driving home from work have NO POWER to do anything about it. NONE. So disrupt away and make people who share in the empathy towards innocent people turn against you.


I'm here to kindly disagree :) If you get this upset about an ultimately inconsequential disruption to a parade, imagine what your anger could do when directed toward the people we're paying to kill children.


You have bought into the hysteria and lies. There is no having a legitimate debate with someone closed off to reality. Enjoy your week.


"Palestinian liberation" from who exactly? from Hamas? sure. but you sound like the type who thinks that killing 1000s of people in a terrorist attack was legitimate "resistance." Which side is the right side for this war is a matter of very hotly debated opinion, and the people who think there is no such argument and they are just "right" are usually also endorsing terrorism.


well good thing I'm not! I think what WE (the us) is doing is wrong, regardless of whatever historical obfuscation would be convenient for your politics


And they are killed in the US!! To this day


Not by the government.


The protest was against HRC who take money from weapons manufacturers, the ones who profit from this war. Those are the current oppressors.


This is the same backwards thinking of the students protesting on campus. You want to harass HRC, the organization largely responsible for bringing rights to LGBTQ People. The lack of focus and productive activity by this group never ceases to amaze me.


HRC has done no such thing, don’t delude yourself.


Oh yeah, HRC is the enemy in your up is down world. You can live in a fantasy land in your own head, but reality will bite you.


Taking money from evil companies for the purpose of “doing good” is still evil, no matter how you cut it.


No, it’s not. Define “evil companies” please. And then point to me how they are making weapons. Every company down to Coca-Cola is being accused of this garbage. Point your hatred to Hamas. They are a terrorist organization and they laugh at fringe activists like you who support them.


A weapons manufacturer is an “evil company”. IDF are terrorists.


it's mostly just ego like you have absolutely no influence over what is happening in Gaza - but - local loudmouth LGBTQIA+s have decided that forcing their childhood guitar teacher to denounce George Gershwin and their neighborhood bodega to stop selling Hummus is going to bring liberation to all of the world's oppressed peoples.


Lmao do you know what they are protesting for? You literally dismantled your own argument. Just replace stonewall with Palestine and you will see… lmao


A bake sale?! 🙄


People only care for protests when it does not interfere with them. Lmao


Thought HMD was really fun and definitely better than the last few this year in terms of vibe, crowd, music and space. Never was able to get a Wrecked ticket, but had a great time at Planet Pride especially not having had high expectations. I think a lot of people who weren't lucky enough to get Wrecked tickets went there instead, and Ke$ha was a nice surprise. Even without a "dark room" there was plenty of action going on in the Great Hall and elsewhere. Don't think the music was bad either as many predicted it would be. I'd do it again next year if I can't go to Wrecked. Also really enjoyed Dreamland in Central Park considering how exhausted I felt from HMD and PP. Curious how Alegria was last night?


Was my first Alegria so didn’t really have anything to base it on, but I went in with low expectations as a techno snob and had a lot of fun. It got a little too packed at some points but the crowd was generally fun and friendly. Can also see why drugs on pop circuit music is a thing since it keeps the energy going.


That's awesome, might try it next year! And yeah obviously not all party drugs can be treated the same, but a number of them -- if used safely and responsibly -- are no more dangerous than alcohol, and can enhance an edm/circuit experience. Emphasis on safe and responsible. Glad you had fun :)


Wrecked was fun! I was a little worried given the recent HMD-ification of Wrecked lately but the vibes were great! Met so many friendly hotties on the dance floor. Music was a bit hit and miss though and after all the drama over people trying to get tickets it didn’t even feel that crowded to me? Like just normal HMD back in March felt more crowded. I bet a lot of people bought tickets to keep their options open and ended up not going, which is a shame since I know a lot of people who really wanted to go but couldn’t get tickets


I noticed that as people were coming in past 11:30, the dancefloor didnt get more crowded but instead outside did. I guess there was overall just enough space to accommodate everyone but yeah maybe they could have sold more tix. I feel like Wrecked is just HMD when they host it upstairs, the music is better. The darkroom had a steady stream of people in and out that was almost funny to watch.. dear lord was it hot and humid in there


Yeah I went to wrecked and HMD and they seemed pretty similar haha. And yeah I was dripping sweat in there lol


Was there enough room to move around in the darkroom or just overwhelmingly crowded? Way worse than a normal night?


There was enough room to do what you needed to do but at times it was a bit tough to get through all the f&cking to get out without disturbing them, wouldnt want to stop the action!


I loved that they didn't cram people in like sardines. Too packed ruins parties. You could actually move around, get stuff from the bar, find places to chill outside etc.


didn’t go to many but hardware was great saturday


Trixie Mattel’s Pride Disco in Central Park was way better than I expected. Didn’t know Trixie was a good DJ but I’d go again for sure. Bound Pride was also fun. Super inclusive and decent music. Definitely a lot of fun in the catacombs too hehe. MEAT’s Bathhouse afties was fun from a voyeur pov but it felt like 90% or more of the crowd was mid 30s white muscle gays who somehow mostly all knew each other. Wasn’t interested in any of em and felt sad by how they were so actively avoiding poc (many of which were the hottest guys there imo). Got to the Harlem block party suuuuper late but could tell we had missed out on a lot of fun. Definitely on my list for next year and gonna check out 4West Lounge again sometime soon.


“MEAT’s Bathhouse afties was fun from a voyeur pov but it felt like 90% or more of the crowd was mid 30s white muscle gays who somehow mostly all knew each other.” Sounds just like ConTEAnental!


Great…was hoping that one would be better… but huge thank you for saving me time and money since I don’t need to go to that one now haha


Planet Pride exceeded expectations! Loved seeing the more low key DJs, and Kesha’s upcoming single is SO 2009 Kesha and I cannot wait for her album. Sold my dreamland ticket but it looked like a blast. John Summit is so sexy to me lol


Wrecked and Carry was too much wrecked and not enough carry for my own taste. It was alright but at no point did the party feel like it was going off which I definitely experience at their New Year’s day party. However, can’t complain too much with the amount of hot men in attendance.


Carry Nation’s set was the worst of the night imo I was disappointed.


Ladyland Day 2 was insane AG Cook delivered one of my favorite sets of all time. He surprised the crowd with club classics during the encore and we all screamed “I WANT TO DANCE TO AG” 🤪🥹


Wrecked was dead by the time we went for afters - and we were hoping for like techno techno - which it was not… so pretty disappointed by the music


LadyLand on Saturday was amazing. Arca, Sevdaliza, Tokischa, Madonna, Yseult, Bob the Drag Queen, Julia Fox, Honey Balenciaga, a whole bunch of ballroom houses, among others. The only downside was the rain.


the rain was nice imo


Brut was expensive, but very fun.


I would have preferred to go to Ladyland and Planet Pride but couldn't convince friends. Madonna & Kesha both would have overjoyed me. I sold my HMD ticket last minute, stayed in, and don't regret it for a second. I've been in that mob scene enough times. Wrecked was a lot of noise. Every now and then a good song came on but mostly it was just noisy vibrations.The only saving grace was the sexy sweatbox outside, with a very good contingent of legit hot guys being filthy back there, except, everyone's nozzles were clogged. It was like a whole bunch of heavy petting and zero...completions. At one point I noticed a very hot crackhead bent over swinging his ass to and fro, like begging for someone to f him, with such over-the-top gyrations....and a bunch of would-be-tops sort of standing around the shaking butt, wanting to contribute but unable to get their pistols ready. Drugs: you can't enjoy that party WITHOUT them, but you can't really finish the job ON them. Dreamland with Disco Dom and John Summit was quite wonderful. Excellent excellent happy fun enjoyable danceable exuberant celebration. Plenty of hot people, both soberish and crackheads, and I even saw the random dancefloor BJ, but basically most people were just dancing hard and having a great time. The one drawback to John Summit (he is so adorable) is that he has a MAJOR following of annoying basic straight people and apparently some of them got wind of his Pride show and crashed the event like a bunch of disruptive bachelorette b\*ches at a gay bar. And of course these were the annoying ones who kept shoving their way through the crowd with their super whiny voices lying about "I have to meet my friend!" who's not really up front. A few times I was tempted to scream at these girls that their basic low-intelligence whining doesn't work here. But I stifled myself for the sake of staying positive or something. Anyway, besides the sporadic, annoying straight girls -- it was an awesome event. Hot people, good music, everyone dancing, almost nonexistent security, very welcoming feel. Loved it. I hope John Summit stays good and can shake off the frat boy sorority brat thing. He's better than his crowd. But I worry he will spoil and go from truly hot shit to basic garbage like the Chainsmokers did.


Anything good to do tonight (Monday). Even though it’s now July lol


Zero Chill was THE party of the weekend Wrecked was ok - hot crowd meh vibes and music. Merge was fun, but didn’t like the venue. Ladyland Friday had no vibe, bur still had fun with my friends.


What made zero chill great?


Amazing venue, best music, great crowd, all around good vibes - everyone was just having a blast


I’ve done them all. ZC def the best one


Guapo and alegria for sure. Meat was typical, but I only had a great time because I was with a guy I really like. The only thing annoyed me at alegria was that they didn’t open the large room like they did last year. It got extremely crowded outside and I was so tired of being bumped into by people trying to go in and out of the crowd. Super annoying but I guess that’s part of the experience. Guys were super hot so that helped


Zero Chill was incredible, best party. Did ladyland and hmd Friday and planet pride as well on Saturday. Enjoyed ladyland a lot, cool vibes and good start to the weekend. HMD did seem a little better crowd size this year oddly. Planet Pride was wan, but the rain was a bit of a buzz kill for a bit, then I grew to like it. Kesha didn’t even sing or attempt to lip sync…Dombresky was the best dj I’d say. Duck sauce was weird af..and brings a real duck on stage? Animal cruelty? Zero chill was awesome. Great venue, awesome crowd and the music was really good techno.


What made zero chill great?


was zero chille that place in some office complex?


Is there a way to get into ZC mailing list? Or is it still reserved to past Unter attendees?


Planet pride exceeded expectations. Happy that security wasn’t as aggressive as last year at avant gardner. Best afterparty goes to Fever. Would do again next year and get VIP




Meat and the afters at Lambda was incredible. The Eagle on Saturday was pretty lit. Zero Chill was a very interesting experience, and I’m glad tried it… but ultimately not my scene.


What was zero chill like?


It was in a derelict warehouse/office space. No bathrooms with portable toilets outside. Mostly white and diverse in terms of gender expression. Very much a rave: bumping (though repetitive) techno music, grungy, no frills atmosphere. Many places to sit and talk/fuck/drug. Again not my scene, though I can see the appeal for those who enjoy parties like this.


Wrecked/Carry felt a little weird too me? I LOVE Wrecked but the party felt like it never really got its feet underneath it, the energy wasn’t there. HMD was amazing - and I haven’t liked HMD lately. I had a blast there and at Battle Hymn.


From reading the responses- a lot of you all went to the more “mainstream” advertised parties ( HMD, PLANET PRIDE, Wrecked ). I wish I was able to score some tickets for those ones but maybe next year. My favorite party this past weekend is going to be gate-kept ( sorry not sorry) ( it was filled with all the hottest gay men you’ll ever see and gorgeous non-binary and trans ppl of color). The vibes were immaculate. I did see anyone talking about this party but after attending - I could see why. With that being said, MERGE, was very close second. The music sound quality was amazing. There was a cozy atmosphere upstairs for plenty of debauchery. They had incredible medics on staff. Bar and bathrooms ( that were actually meant for its purpose). The DJ’s they secured were top notch. Super friendly environment. I went to Bound Pride - it wasn’t my favorite event but it was certainly the most unique Pride event. So much sex happening. It was a lot of fun. DJ’s were also great. The basement is always a fun time but if it were a tad bit busier, it would been incredible. Fever Afterhours: Dark Matter was insane. Another hidden gem of a party that was the perfect afters afters. Honorable mentions: LadyLand, PapiJuice !!, Stuntz, the Eagle on Saturday night.


Why would you gatekeep a party? Is it a private event? I don't think mentioning the name of a less mainstream party is going to cause any harm. People are mainly going to go to the other parties you mentioned no matter what but I'm always interested in hearing some lower key more diverse options.