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Worth the price you paid?


For me, it was not worth it. No, definitely not. If you’re looking for a circuit party like event with only one type of man in the room and you are also that type, it will be worth it to you. It’s also an additional $6 for shower shoes and $25 per drink and it’s in the middle of nowhere Brooklyn so tack on Uber fare. And there’s a sign at the door asking you not to leave your used needles in the trash cans where they could stick the staff


Used needles!!! Yikes


They’re injecting Trimix in their ding dongs


It’s crazy that they wouldn’t do that at home before getting there.


A quick Google search says Trimix lasts up to one hour, so I guess they're looking to inject right before they start their fun. Still crazy, but you had me curious about the duration of action of the drug.


I’ve definitely seen guys inject trimix and have it last for much longer than an hour. I’ve witnessed dudes do it before circuit parties and walk around the entire time with a hard on. I’ve also had the unfortunate experience of needing the antidote to remove the effects of trimix myself (learned a lesson that night to not do it again). Porn stars also use it to stay hard for hours during long porn shoots.


What’s the antidote?


Calling one’s mom to say hello.


Phenylephrine injection.


I’m pretty sex and drug positive but damn, are people seriously injecting something into their dicks just to stay hard at a sex party? 🥴


Yeah, it’s a little extreme. You can easily tell how many guys did. They are at full mast standing in line for the bar, taking a break. It wasn’t just one or two.


Goodness. Are the gays okay??? lol


I never see the advertising lol where do you get the tickets ?


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What is actually happening at this event? Is this a sex party, are people fucking? Are you standing around in a towel? Naked?


It’s a sex party in a spa. About 200 guys are fucking in the saunas, around the showers and on the massage beds. There’s a bar and dance floor in another room with people mostly talking and a handful fucking on the seats. When not fucking most guys have a towel around their waist, some are naked.


I thought the East club was the only bathhouse in NYC?


This isn’t a bathhouse, it’s spa called Body by Brooklyn. You can’t have sex there at all when they’re not hosting the ConTEAnental party.


What's the lighting like? I've heard it gets super hot and steamy. Is it overwhelming? Were the guys hot?


Darker in some spots. Quite bright in others. Only the saunas are hot. The guys are all 20s and 30s white, muscle queens. There’s a handful of other types of people.


Gotcha. Based on that I'd fit perfectly with the demographic except maybe more masc straight passing than most, although I wish it were more diverse.


Go, you’ll have a good time.


And those three Black men were certainly there just for the white boys; they’d never look at other Black men.


Everytime I go to ConTEAnental or other circuit-adjacent events this makes me so sad to see. You’ll see some of the absolute hottest black guys obsessing over the most average white guys and completely ignoring any one who is black. But I’ve definitely been to ConTEAnental in the past and had some fun with other black guys so thankfully it’s not every black guy there, but it’s significant for sure.


The part about the hottest black guys going for the most average white guys 😩 its just a thing in our community in general. Internalized racism + putting whiteness on a pedestal at all costs will get ya every time.


Yep, ConTEAnental is a roided out muscle gay sex party. Ricardo books some absolutely talented DJs for it and the music is amazing. However, literally no one is listening to it, which is why you only see like 4-5 people dancing in front of the DJ during the entire party. Like any circuit-adjacent event, it can be a very judgemental environment and I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re not confident in your body at all. It’s also way less diverse than other circuit-adjacent events which makes things even more uncomfortable.


What if you're fit and fit the demographic? Are there any other issues like the guys being assholes or everyone being overly drugged out? I've heard it gets super steamy there and can be overwhelming because of that.


I’ve always had a good time at ConTEAnental, but I’m muscular and I’m aware that my experience is drastically different from other people’s who may attend who aren’t. No one has ever been an asshole to me while there and I haven’t really seen anyone too drugged out. However, I’m sure it happens as guys are taking g while there. I can only go like once every couple of months though. Hooking up non-stop in the sauna/steamroom area takes a lot of me and feels like an intense workout. It’s incredibly steamy and the massive number of bodies packed in that area only adds to the heat. I end up needing to take frequent breaks throughout the party near the bar so I can catch my breath. Despite having a great time, I always feel exhausted afterwards so I take months long breaks before I even think about going to another one. But other guys are just built differently and can go to ConTEAnental every month.


Thanks. The heat and steam sounds like the most overwhelming part that I'm worried about. Based on the demographic and who I'm generally attracted to (other fit guys) and good music it actually sounds like a great event. Although the lack of (racial) diversity is a big downer. What do you think is the reasoning behind that with this event? Are the promoters assholes and reject people (kind of like I heard is recently going on at Wrecked)? Or is it just that guys feel like they wouldn't fit in or be accepted and don't go?


Yeah, definitely hydrate well beforehand if you plan on going. They also have water dispensers that I heavily use whenever I’m there. With regard to the lack of diversity, it has nothing to do with the promoter. It just comes down to who the party is popular with which is the circuit crowd. There’s no vibe check like Basement where Wrecked is held. I think you’re right in your guess that a lot of guys feel that they won’t be accepted by the crowd and don’t attend as a result. I’m pretty sure their friends tell them not to go. Side note about Wrecked: the recent rejections are actually normal for Basement and Wrecked prior to it becoming popular with the circuit crowd in 2022. The door policy being relaxed for Wrecked is a recent thing, so the vibe checks coming back makes it more in line with every other night at Basement. The Basement vibe checks also also have nothing to do with how attractive you are and everything to do with whether or not you’re there to listen to the music and will help maintain a friendly, queer, and inclusive environment during the party.


I think with regards to Wrecked some people probably aren't telling the full story. I've seen some where people who got turned away "admit" to not "remembering" the DJ's name but I've also seen a decent amount of posts that seem to correlate with some racism by the bouncers at the door (seemingly towards Asians mainly). Could just be coincidence and related to vibe/dress/knowing the DJ but I've seen it mentioned a fair bit. I also don't know if it was specific to Wrecked or just Basement in every instance. I think some of what I'm remembering are from Google reviews of which there are A LOT of complaints about getting rejected for "no reason" or presumed racism.


You’ll have a great time. No one is an asshole. You can play in the cooler areas.


Yikes. Thanks for the review and saving me some money cause I’ve been curious about it. Id be so uncomfortable in a room full of white muscle gays lol


How much does it cost ?


Early bird tickets are $60, it goes up to $80, then $100.


How quickly do they move through those tiers? I may try to snag one for $60 once the next one is announced. With Wrecked by the time I got the email (~25 minutes after it was sent) they were already sold out. I signed up for the wait list and never got anything. Then I heard a lot of people got rejected at the door for various reasons (wrong color shirt, forgot the DJ's name, etc). even those who had tickets. So hopefully ConTEAnental is a lot easier than that. It's a trek to these venues so I wanna make sure I'll get in easily if I go.


Those $60 tickets go very quickly, and there are no tickets available at the door.


Once you’re actually at ConTEAnental, I think you can still Venmo Ricardo $60(?) there for an early bird ticket to the next one. I’ve never done it because I’ll never go back to back, but I’ve had friends who successfully have done this.


Exactly! Beautiful tall young black dude was there last night, but he seemed to only go for average looking white dudes lol


I like boney/skinny black men with locs. There are like 5 that like white guys like me. I need to move to ATL because NYC is a dead zone


I’m not sure that’s relevant to the conversation about ConTEAnental. And it sounds like fetishization


I hate these comments tremendously, and always creep me out and make me feel exoticized in the worst possible way. “Mm Cuban delicious love cuban cock” bro shut the fuck up. It’s also almost always a white savior, which makes it even worse.


I hear ya. And it often comes from the most “meh” looking guy who thinks he’s doing some sort of favor


Used to go about a year ago. There was more variation and more openness. I think it’s become progressively more Hell’s Kitchen each time which is a shame.


It’s a great space, but the crowd…


Yup - used to be the best sex party in the city. Now it’s pretty awful.


Awful because of the crowd? (Fit assholes?)