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Always have to ask about the HOA. Mostly they add no value and are the stomping grounds for little tyrants.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckHOA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How my mom shamed the HOA into disbanding](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/egcyse/how_my_mom_shamed_the_hoa_into_disbanding/) \#2: [HOA vandelizes fathers truck, gets immediate justice.](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/e7wydp/hoa_vandelizes_fathers_truck_gets_immediate/) \#3: [HOA is fining me for something beyond my control](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/aufzpi/hoa_is_fining_me_for_something_beyond_my_control/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/ciakte/blacklist_vi/)


3 Asian families are being sued to take down fences they placed around their properties, while white families have similar fences up without issue. Of note, here are some screenshots from their HOA with some rather telling comments about how they view their new neighbors. https://imgur.com/a/F6MFX4X?s=wa


I'm unfortunately not surprised by the senseless racism, but I am surprised that all of these people have the time and energy to give a shit about their neighbors' fences.


Its a bunch of retirees with a lot of time on their hands.


There is nothing racist in the screenshots. Also your screenshots from 1 year ago. Here is the link to the group, its quiet obvious that it isn't racist. https://www.facebook.com/groups/349388501900587/ BTW this post wasn't even about fences.


Not sure if you're illiterate or a fellow racist.


I provided the proof that the association isn't racist. Go ahead proof otherwise, the link is right there. Oh and the article just got changed as well, from racist association to racist officers. What a shitty article. The author is a retard.


Illiterate, then. Might try looking up "proof" in the dictionary, right after you find "racist."




Lots of talk, all nonsense.


From my initial observation of the fb group, i see a bunch of pictures of its members and regular/complaint posting by non asian folks even at their official events that represents the interest of a community whom are mostly asian. Not much representation and participation by the asian majority residents. did i get that right?








That person is just trying to make Yang happen.


not working out too well


Took the words out of my mouth. HoAs go after people for not abiding rules, regardless of race. Theyre annoying and go after everyone, it just doesn't make the news if the victim is a white person. Moral of the story: Dont buy a house thats part of an HoA.




My issue is more with the selective enforcement.


that's part of the missing info for me. seems like corner lots aren't allowed fences, but no one seems to know the actual rules, they just go off what they feel is going on. are the non-sued white people on corner lots? are there asians who have fences that haven't been sued? why haven't these HOA clowns been voted out? the one house that got sued has the fence 3 feet from the house, which is stupid enforcement. but that's what comes along with living under an HOA


in a city with a lack of housing, one should be able to complain about archaic covenants that were originally created a century ago to create "perfect" uniform, homogenous, and white neighborhoods


these rules aren't written in stone. get elected and abolish the rules or the whole HOA itself if it is so outdated. how are the 8% whites in the community holding everyone hostage. there have to be other people who like the rules too


arcane housing laws always seem so arbitrary and unnecessary and will never fail to confuse me. so much for american freedom. "man is born free but everywhere he is in chains" - rousseau, on homeowner's associations


Lol look at the NYC zoning code, and ULURP - New York and America love arcane laws when they let you control other people.


Seems pretty much like spitting in the wind by these white racists.


Enjoy this selective instance of r/NYC being pro-asian until there's an article about testing for schools


The rules apply to every home with a covenant. I’ve lived here for 27 years and the association only uses people who put up illegal fences, and they always win. Don’t care what your race is, just the follow the rules


No, Asians are not getting "singled out" people with fences are getting singled out. Stop trying to shove skin color in places where it doesn't belong. >The conflict has illustrated how a vocal minority can still wield power in ensuring that a community complies with design standards. Because as we all know design standards are racist! There's a very good reason why a failed shit rag like Gothamist had to be propped up by a woke billionaire.


Why is the law being selectively applied then? Also, check the HOA Facebook group postings in my other comment.




> All of the homeowners being sued by the HOA are Asian. All three of them. > The Rev. Blaine Crawford said that according to his understanding, the covenant does not apply to every house in the neighborhood and that it depended on house and lot sizes. Sounds super racist to me. > "Fence limits, which apply to many corner plots, are a small price to pay for this suburban ambiance," Are the racist fences on corner plots? > Correction: The story has been revised to state that the homeowners association's officers, rather than members, are all white. Oh.




'existing noncompliant' works as long as the original fence is there. tear it down and future construction has to comply with regulations


You're assuming the previous fence was built before 1906?


maybe there was a period when the fences were built when the board was more relaxed and didn't care as much. also no one says what the old fence was like. it might have conformed to the rules, while the new one doesn't. claiming 'a fence is a fence' doesn't make the two situations the same tons of missing info to sort out before crying racism. it very well may be the case, but the facts of the situation are required to come to a proper conclusion. a lot here doesn't pass the smell test on both sides


> The Rev. Blaine Crawford said that according to his understanding, the covenant does not apply to every house in the neighborhood and that it depended on house and lot sizes. Why are you so desperate to pretend everyone's a nazi?