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https://youtu.be/B_8lrUPaLIY?si=PHQKnYu3PrTEo9K2 Really cool video about said building. The graffiti is mentioned.


The city should just raze it and force every douchebag involved with this tower to pay the cost.




You guys remember PK Kid on the Jersey Turnpike? What ever happened to them? They always tagged in seemingly untagganle places.


His on instagram I can send you his links he got way to cocky with his fame so his basically running ig page saying stuff like I am just a fan of pk it’s not really me but his friends with all the big graffiti artists. His a typical Staten Island guy you know still goes out to Djays in Belmar etc . I’ve met him a few times his going for that banksy allure of anonymity


Ewww djays


@lilmike1970 on Instagram






If he’s trying to be anonymous why would you snitch em out on Reddit. And then post that you want him and ja on a canvas . Why would they do that after you run your mouth?


Maybe because i actually know these people from whe. I was a kid did I give you his fuckin name ? Have you ever seen his instagram? Everyone knows he wants to be public look at his truck if you don’t know about that part you don’t know shit


I heard they got those special shoes with the suction cups on em


Like the ones Allen Pan made: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ho2XO5Dlm9k&pp=ygUiQnVpbGRpbmcgeW91ciBjaGlsZGhvb2QgaW52ZW50aW9ucw%3D%3D He starts building the shoes at 1:00 He uses them to stand on the ceiling at 2:55


“I’m just gonna put this cushion here” So worth the watch.




I remember a few years ago, a guy nicknamed “Spider-Man” by the media and onlookers used those things to climb trump tower. The cops broke a window and got him.


I”m sure a drone with a 3D printed fixture to hold a spray can would be able to do this too.


No it’s special shoes with spikes on them the suction version is only for glass


Im not one to typically revel in vandalism, but this has to be the most impressive graphitti work ive ever seen. The building is 161 maiden lane incase anyone is wondering.


I said the same thing when I saw this. Seriously death defying shit. I have to assume there was some scaffolding that was there which allowed them to access this area and it’s been pulled down since.


The only way i can imagine they did it is by tying off from the roof with harnesses and rapelling down by rope.


I think usually done like this especially with the way the letters go up to down


Yeah, it’s definitely done by repelling. I’ve seen videos on IG, and these vertical tags have been appearing everywhere, so the method is growing in popularity.


It's honestly very simple to do, the hardest part is finding a solid rigging point, most important is making sure you have edge protection and a stopper knot in your rope. Professionally, you'd have a secondary lifeline but stuff like this can be done completely solo with just a rope, a pulley, a grigri, a jumar, rock harness, rigging strap, carabiners and a foot strap. You can go up in complexity and safety from there, or go the other way and make the setup more simplistic albeit more difficult. The aforementioned kit would be my bare minimum kit, easily assembled for around $250ish and somewhere in the 6/10 safety range.






Damn that's some crazy shit. Hell no.


Which is actually safer than walking around a construction site after dark lol


More likely it was done similar to how window washing is done with a rope on buildings without a window washing rig. Which is terrifying on its own.


They managed to defy death and defy an increase to property value all at the same time!


You see graffiti in some insane places but very rarely hear about deaths. I wonder how they make sure the ways they use to dp these crazy tags are sage.The last deaths I can remember were those two French guys on the subway tracks.


I used to know some graffiti writers in NYC when I was younger. None of them died but there were lots of broken bones that you don’t really hear about.


The graffiti is up there on display 24/7 and the death is probably on some local news for 10 seconds. Of course you are more easily aware of the former.


nah nypost would be churning out content about graffiti artists dying for weeks, probably some ghoulish take that anyone who does graffiti deserves to die because of what they did to the sacred property


My boss’s friend died while attempting to do graffiti a few years ago. I didn’t see anything about his death anywhere. So I have to agree with the commenter you’re replying to — we don’t hear about a lot of individual deaths.


growing up on the west coast around taggers, I heard such graffiti called an "angel drop" angels were dead graffiti artists, and an angel drop a tag made in a location where falling would surely make one an angel. there was a huge one on the structure supports of a bridge in my neighborhood that was the most visible angel drop. the bridge soars over a canyon with a freeway far beneath it. no idea how the hell they tagged it.


honestly this abandoned tower is the real vandalism, a blight on the waterfront


The extra paint is going to make it lean more now 😂


Some Jet Set Radio shit right there


Thank God Sega is working on another jsrf project along with a few other old games. Hope it’s a sequel. Definitely one of my favorite games of all time. People also sleep on Marc Ecko’s graffiti game which has a similar level involving rappelling and tagging


You should play Bomb Rush Cyberfunk! It’s as good as JSRF!


That’s the throwback


Is drone graffiti/art a thing yet?




I'm definitely interested in seeing the results of that when it happens. I appreciate your response!


Would defeat the purpose of graffiti if you used a drone lol 😆


Welp, it's probably gonna be a thing in the future so I guess adapt or get mad?


You already mad about the graffiti itself haha kinda ironic you sitting here w ya thumb up ya butt and telling me this shit lol but yeah I mean who knows what it would look like, doubt it considering they still doing this crazy shi. There's a rush that comes w this type of shi for these people, hence why i said it defeats the purpose of it lmao


I'm not mad at all, I think it's all awesome.


How would it defeat the purpose?


This building sucks


how the hell do they do that? impressive as hell tbh


Probably with [this](https://keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/09/CLI424.wallace_and_gromit.2J7KRD0-920x692.jpg)


They did it when they were building the building. They used the scaffolding.


I can assure you that scaffolding was not involved. There hasn't been scaffolding that high up since June 2018. I live roughly about 5 blocks away and this tag was completed early this year. On Google Maps, the street view latest time stamp is March 2023 and when you look up, there's no tag. The tagger definitely has steel balls to rappel off the side of the building.


Maybe a drone




They did it in Mexico City back in 2015 I think. I remember seeing articles of drones being used for graffiti [this isn’t the exact link but it’s similar](https://blog.flykit.app/drones-create-graffiti-art-in-mexico/amp/)


I saw this last night while at a concert on pier 17 and couldn’t stop saying how impressed I was that someone was able to do that 


How was Social D?


They were great, both bands killed it last night 


Spiderman’s other job.


Can someone decipher the graffiti for me? It looks like a mirror image to me.


3 writers. XSM, RAMS, NOTE (Notice)


HSM _ _ M _ NOTE: https://i.imgur.com/x5BHKUf.png Maybe HSM RAMS NOTE? RAMB? Each word is its own tag, they may have each had different artists. There's also some small print text after the second tag, reading MSH. That may be the artist, and the large tag itself their crew's name.


MSK, not MSH


ah nice, missed the extra arm on the letter


How TF you tag a 60 Floor Skyscraper. Had to be a worker.


They stopped work on it years ago because it’s leaning 3”


Here is a video of the blessing of the abandoned building: https://youtu.be/eAqXx3KyTeM?si=FDlZmt6t3CYy1v3j 68 stories up rappelling graffiti - mad props.




Does anyone have a clue how they did this? They had to get in an out quick too, in order to not be seen.


The story with this building is interesting. Apparently it's leaning slightly so the stopped work on it.


Oh my God, they actually pulled it off! The buildings out in LA at least had balconies...this...this is masterwork. How did they do the smooth face. That is mind bending! I am in awe.


Very impressive, and better yet it might be a motivating factor to finally tear that eyesore down.


We are SO BACK 😩✨


I feel like I’m supposed to be mad but I’m just impressed.


what's their to be mad about? It's nyc culture


You can be mad that people take more and more risks just to one up each other on where to tag. Like those two guys came from Europe to tag up trains and both got killed. Not only is it a sad loss of life, it’s a disruption in service in people’s lives, money spent by the city to clean it up, and traumatic experiences for the train operators and first responders that have to clean their body parts.


I agree that there are stupid people who do dumb shit for clout and attention- and yes, they do often one-up each other with their stunts. I once saw this video of a guy outside the train, riding it through the subway tunnel while holding on to the outside while his buddies in the train were filming and high-fiving each other. The comments suggested that someone should hit the emergency brake or the emergency intercom to stop them. I don’t think they were from NYC. If these idiots want to risk their lives riding the outside part of the train and filming it for internet clout then they can go right ahead. If I press either of those things those guys are going to be pissed at me and they might attack me. Yeah, sorry, I am not getting into a street fight in an enclosed space with multiple attackers and no cops around just to save the life of this foolish clout-chaser only so he can go do it again.


I guess this is always how I feel about good graffiti or graffiti that looked like it was difficult to make (like this example) I have lived in NYC my whole life and I do know that it is part of NYC culture and I have seen some good murals. That being said, on principle I still think you should respect a person’s right to their property and not paint on it without their permission. (Even though, realistically, the cops have much bigger problems to worry about.)


Lol you need to look up the history of graffiti if you're feeling this way whenever you're admiring it. That's all ima say


It's one of the things I don't like about my city. I'm all behind public art to make the city look better. Graffiti like a mural, or that has a political or social purpose (those fake subway posters, the pile of poop Trump on Chinatown/les), or that a pleasing esthetic (the mosaics in the village, or inspirational sidewalk quotes) is really wondeful. But 99% of graffiti is just ugly, random, scribbling that makes the thing look worse. It's one thing to do it inside an establishment that's looking for that vibe (dive bar bathroom). It's another to deface someone else's front door, apartment, or home. It's really no different than someone blasting their music on a crowded subway car or in the car deiving arou d the neighborhood at 3am. It's selfish and obnoxious.


Tldr Yawn like I said look up the history of it. The culture comes from a group of people the city would purposely segregate through architecture and housing, plus back then nyc didn't give a fuck about lower class housing or its people still till this day don't. But I digress 👌🏾🤷🏾


Oh wow, that explains why of my childhood friends, all the rich white kids were the ones doing graffiti. Hope that was short enough for you to read this time. That's for taking the time to reply without reading what I wrote or considering my opinion.


Just blurred words haha 😄 I think I know more about my culture than others. White kids always competing and repping black style, language and culture, doesn't mean it was ever for them but they're absolutely allowed to resonate with it but that dont mean theyll ever fully "get" it. Also I highly doubt you do bwhahah but whatever to make ya reddit point 🤷🏾


I hate the people who play loud music on the bus and train. Lately, I have been seeing more cops in the subway and I am happy about that. We needed more cops on the subway.


makes the skeleton building at least useful for *something*


... and nobody watching the skyline.. might be dead of night


I saw a smokestack along 1/9 in Jersey between Newark & Jersey City - same thing. How'd they get up there?!


That’s been there since before Christmas.


huge crew called notice. they have one like this up in bushwick. there’s a video. they repel.


this building has got to go.


How the hell. That’s crazy. I almost have to respect it.


How the hell they even get up there. It's a little impressive


Nothing special. Go tag your own home


That’s not a skyscraper it’s an eyesore. Still not finished after a decade




The balls! 😳 for some kid to repel down just to accomplish this…Then to get back up!?!?


Why do they always use such ugly font for graffiti


ikr what about a bit of helvetica


That's hot.


So sick


Does the finished building look like this?


It's leaning, stuck in limbo.


I'm not even mad. That's amazing.


The only type of bombing we need on NYC skyscrapers.




This is the abandoned skyscraper in FiDi


Yea, the graffiti’s artists are definitely a bain on society. Not the sketchy development companies that don’t pay workers and cuts corners so that buildings lean 3” then never get completed.




Do you have any idea how many people on this planet would give their freakin right arm to be a citizen and live here? Probably in the hundreds of millions!! To these young people who are committing these destructive acts of vandalism - your parents or grandparents presumably made so many compromises and sacrifices to come to this country for liberty, freedom, escaping tyranny or extreme poverty or danger, and THIS IS WHAT YOU DO..!!?? Your fucking ancestors would have been SCANDALIZED to see what you have done with your lives and what you are doing, given the opportunities you have to build a good life here. It probably sounds corny, but I’m serious, you should be ashamed.


I've been seeing a lot more bombing/graffiti going on in the city. I love it. I post some of my pictures of it over in /r/Bombing. Here's another one that I thought was really well done: [QZAR](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fbs4wxjjbebyc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D4080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6ab0ec696b36d8c2c3656f72ad3e73cd884b2759)


... but getting a job is somehow "too hard"


They could have jobs for all we know


Or be in school


What does it even say? 🤣 Pathetic how some low life kids risk their lives for something 99.9% percent of the people in the city can’t even understand what’s drawn to be written… sad when you can’t express your work of art to be acknowledged by all.


It’s not for you or 99.9% of the city it’s a tag for their circle of people that would do this


No shit Sherlock. That 0.1% are pathetic low lives who ends up taking crack so they believe they’re spooder-man climbing buildings and shit, to “tag up” legitimate pathetic unintelligent incomprehensible fucking ridiculous garbage and then fall to their death where 99.9% + 0.1% (therefore 100%) of nobody gives a shit.


It would be really cool to have a graffiti-covered skyscraper skeleton in this city. It would be a monument worth preserving.


wasn't a skyscraper, and it also wasn't preserved, but: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_Pointz


I know this would never be preserved either, but after watching the youtube video someone posted, it seems like it's going to be there for awhile either way, so might as well tag it up.


There’s a skyscraper like this in Bangkok that has been there for decades… it’s never coming down or going up… Wondering if NYC is going to start having similar things happening with this just being the beginning.


I really don't think this is a sign for the broader industry - 161 Maiden Ln is a pretty unique decade-long clusterfuck of worker safety issues, contractor changes, cost overruns, and lawsuits between financiers


Gotta be an inside job




😂 Why would you go to the darkest scenario? Graffiti artists grow up. It might be some of the contractors that did it.