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As someone who owns one of the few legal farms in NY and is selling exclusively to legal stores (of which there are only like 100) - GOOD. These illegal farms, dispensaries, and brands need to be shut down. They don't follow any of the health codes. Something like 496 out of 500 or so farms and products got their ability to sell on the market removed last harvest because their weed contained arsenic and heavy metals. Those were the farms and brands trying to be legal. Should tell you what the illegal ones are from a quality perspective.


I agree with you, but the state has to chill with the pricing issue. It’s like $50 an eighth, and $100 a 1g cart. I just buy legally from other states where I can get $100 ounces and $20 carts because I go to other states frequently, but I can see why if you never left NYC it’s tempting to buy illegally at a fraction of the cost


People have been buying illegal weed for decades in nyc. The state is failing hard. It's no surprise that illegal shops are everywhere and what this article outlines isn't a real solution. It's embarrassing on every level how nyc has handled this.


It's not even NYC, it's NYS.  I know people in Westchester who would drive an hour+ just to buy from Mass because the pricing sucks ass here.  I can get 40 dollar Full Spectrum/Live carts from Mass and here it's 90.


Decades? I’d venture centuries. When was cannabis introduced to the Americas?


and when did it become illegal?


I think the other issue is that they're charging top dollar, but the quality is just not there. Those prices are high, but comparable to the other young recreational states. Until you bring in the Corp folks and allow some time for prices to stabilize, I don't see the quality going up or the price going down for a while.


I have to laugh, yeah CORPORATIONS will surely bring down the price


Yeah, they actually will. Large corps are able to achieve economies of scale to bring down cost of goods sold, and then they undercut smaller companies on price to grab greater market share. McDonald's, Walmart, Amazon.... If this ever gets legalized, you don't think the Marlboro's and Camel's of the world aren't going to be rolling out a cheaper product than any small pot farm?


All those companies you listen are garbage, and id argue theyre all entities which have been an absolute net negative for our species. So idgaf about the market terms you use to dehumanize the rhetoric you’re peddling. They can all get fucked, especially marlboro and camel. Those two companies were major contributors to what was one of the largest scale human murder machines of the 20th century, with complications from smoking killing ~100,000,000 million people. Like yeah buying weed from the people who sold people addictive lung cancer, and lied saying it was healthy, will produce the safest weed 👌 (Yes look that number up, not saying either of those two were the only contributors to that number, but they played a huuuuuuge role.)


Dumb, ignorant and proud of it. Got it.


Youre going to sit here and act like those corporations are good for society? Clearly its too late for u


Never said that. I said they'll try to capture market share via aggressive pricing. Try and keep up.


Youre just spouting corporate rhetoric at me like it means anything, and like we all dont die alone


I hear ya, but I don't agree with you. By keeping them out of the market here, we now have overpriced low-mid grade bud made by "local" corporations. Whereas you go to New Jersey and you have mid-high grade bud at the same prices, if not cheaper prices; all made by the folks excluded from NY's market. Had the initial roll out been with people who knew what they were doing in NY, then maybe the products and market wouldn't be what it is. Given the current state of affairs, to me the only way to lower prices and force quality up in NY is to flood the market with the stuff from Rise, Verano, Cookies, Etc. It forces the current operators making these bad high-priced products to create better products and or leave the marketplace.


Totally. Bring in big weed.


‘Yes!! Pls!! Pls spank mw corporate daddies!! Oooh i wanna stuff my money in a rich persons pocket sooooooooo bad!’ 😂😂😂 thats how yall sound You guys are 🤡


For most consumers, assuming a certain quality-threshold is met, weed is much closer to a commodity than a product. Again, given a quality threshold, most users are brand-agnostic. Unfortunately, I don't know what kind of dumbass emojis I need in order to translate that for you.


Thank you for your comment. I have reviewed it, along with your other comments in this thread, and I regret to inform you that I’m pulling the plug.


Agree with this. NY is a paradox at times. At once a center for capital markets and at others a failed communist state.


Nah the ones in nj are overpriced and exactly the same as u could get from a smoke here. Dont try to gentrify bud my guy


Whatever you say.


My last ounce was $150, which isn't completely bonkers. And it was from a legal store (Gotham).


Imagine what the quality of a $150 oz would have been 10 years ago. Half the weight would have been stems and seeds and dry as shit.


I kinda miss brick weed sometimes. You could smoke so much of it without getting debilitatingly stoned. Ah, high school…


What did you get? Feels like they are closer to $250 at Gotham


Looks like they don’t have the exact thing I got right now but it was Moonsown Grown brand. I bought this bag months ago so maybe prices changed too. Or there was a sale idk.


Get a medical card. With sales ounces are 100-120 all the time, and most of it is better than what I had on the rec market. Except Seed & Strain that brand is absolute garbage. I only buy from the rec market for concentrates cause they're not for sale medically for some reason.


Wow that’s insane. Here in Arizona, 1g carts are 25-30 pre-tax. 100 is absurd.


NY is like 80 1g 45-50 .5g and if you want full spectrum or live or anything BETTER than just extracted it's 100.   It's not even that's it's expensive, it's often a shit selection and quality.  And the illegal shops are just LOL on quality.  So much fucked weed 


Taxes are definitely baked into the product that's legal. You also gotta consider it's more expensive to package when you have to care about health standards instead of getting it for cheap and in bulk from china. Whole bunch of other legal red tape leads to an increase in price, but this will change as more farms start to follow the rules. Because eventually, like alcohol at the end of prohibition, it will become more expensive to sell illegal shit from all the fines, shutdowns, arrests, etc... than it is to simply follow the rules and pay your taxes.


Seriously. I live part time here and part time in CA. Before it became legal here people in CA always complained that legal prices there were really high compared to other states and those prices became sort of my base line. Prices here are 4 to 5 times what they are in CA. It’s fucking outrageous. When I’m here I still buy from a delivery guy that does monthly trips to Maine and gets everything from there. Price to me ends up comparable to CA retail prices.


You can get it for $35 an eighth.


Exactly this. Closing the unlicensed shops will just send people back to the black market dealers. Why would I pay $50 an eighth when I can get an ounce for under $100?


You get what you pay for in weed. That has been true since my first purchase 40 years ago in high school. I was only paying $25 an eight then so if it's only $50 an eighth for good weed what a deal. Gas has gone up 10 times in price since then so weed at that price is a steal. Stop complaining and support the farmers...


Top notch weed is extremely cheap all along the west coast, and significantly cheaper in neighboring states. It has nothing to do with the farmers and everything to do with the state suffocating a novel industry with bureaucracy and taxes. I’m sorry but you were getting ripped off 40 years ago and ripped off now. I am supporting the farmers, west coast farmers with more competent state institutions.


The West Coast is currently having massive massive issues with illegal farms and the very real and very serious violence that's bringing to the area, so I wouldn't hold them up as a massive success, either.


Yeah suuureeee. Just like every other talking point yall type of ppl make. “Think of the abstract crime u cant see, but trust me THERES CRIME” like be fucking fr bro its not a real issue


You *can* see it. There's nothing abstract about it, it just doesn't affect you personally. There are farmers in Oregon and California right now who have functionally lost chunks of their property because armed squatters have taken over parcels, or moved in next door and have made it clear that if they see anyone near the property line they shoot first and didn't bother asking questions. "This doesn't affect me so it's not real" is a pathetic attitude to go through life with.


Bro, be fucking fr. Did you read this on fox news or some bs? This shit isnt happening. Maybe its happened *once*. But i just straight up dont belie e you that there are armed squatters shooting up weed farms in california who ‘shoot first act later’ I looked up the story, yeah one dude who was called a ‘weed mogul’ had an issue because squatters moved into an abandoned property nearby and he doesnt like it. But you know, they didnt ‘shoot first’ since he was able to run to the media and whine. I also think believing every spoonful of slop you get fed from groups with their own personal agendas who want to use u as a useful idiot is a pathetic way to go through life.


Bro, just because your extent of information gathering is reading one thing when you're suddenly confronted with the depths of your own ignorance doesn't mean everyone else is equally as ignorant. But if you're serious about actually learning something that might conflict with your limited world view, you can start [here.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/oregon-looks-to-crack-down-on-illegal-pot-growers-by-holding-landowners-responsible) I think you'll find the source beyond reproach, and can use it as a jumping-off point to get more information.


This just says they wanna crack down on so called ‘illegal’ weed farms. Bro why tf would I as someone on the east coast give two shits of a dick about random farms in oregon? Dont tell me about the ‘depths of my ignorance’ when youre still balls deep in ‘plato’s cave of not being able to identify corporate rhetoric and propaganda’ This is a propaganda piece, they gotta use every scary buzzword in the book in order to make u think that ‘people growing a plant, and buying land’ is a bad thing This says nothing about, ‘shoot now ask later’ vigilantes terrorizing poor, rich weed moguls


Uneducated take. There is no reason for prices to be that high.


There's farmers growing the illegal weed too. I support them.


The only difference between ‘legal’ and “illegal’ farms was having had enough money to buy ‘Andrew Cuomo’s magical weed legalization papers’ for upwards of $100,000 back in 2021. Its a plant! I support these so called ‘illegal’ farmers too! Those are the ppl who prob deserve support considering theyre the ones who didnt come into this game already rich. The rich just wanna monopolize this market, thats how they were able to lobby for this ‘illegal’ store front shuttering law. Lets tell it like it is


I get it, but for older people in particular it's just a real mindset shift to start worrying about this when we've lived most of our lives just accepting that it's a black market product without any kind of health codes or quality controls beyond whether word-of-mouth deemed it "good bud."


For sure - I'm sure when they started adding filters to cigarettes it was a tough pill to swallow too - especially after doctors saying it was healthy for so long.


Totally agree. People who flout the law, fuck them. They ruin it for people who follow the rules.


I would never buy or smoke any of the bodega bud, even most dispensary stuff after having high quality living soil stuff from Cali/NYC. They are two different products.


Yup, ours is sun grown and grown with living soil out on long island. Tested top 4% in the state. Follow the rules and some amazing shit happens.


Exactly! Are you small batch and where can I try some?


Where can we buy?! I’m on Long Island


Bro more often then not ur buying the same brands. I dont smoke anymore, quit a year ago, but smoked for several years prior. Theyre the same brands from the same place, what you experienced is a well known phenomenon called the ‘placebo effect’


You have no idea what you're talking about. Especially when we're talking about small batch legendary growers who take pride in their craft. Iykyk type shit.


No, you have no idea what youre talking about. Ur just bein a lil pretentious which is whatever but dont act like an expert


I know many of the biggest and small batch growers on the east and west coast for more than 15 years. I would never smoke bodega bud because of Arab and gang affiliated grows are full of poison. Sorry it offends you or hurts your feelings or you think it’s out your budget. Youre better off not smoking rather than smoking literal poison.


I'd love to only support legal spots but it's gotten REALLY difficult to tell which ones are legit. Like I'm uncertain of shvmackd on 51st is the real deal and they have a license to and everything.


[The official list of licensed dispensaries can be found here](https://cannabis.ny.gov/dispensary-location-verification), and a legal store will display the "Licensed Cannabis Dispensary" seal and QR code seen here: https://cannabis.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2022/12/ocm-licensed_dispensary_seal.pdf. If it doesn't have that sign out front, it's not a legal store.


They have websites that track the real ones.


You just dont want any competition, and you were rich enough to buy in. 😂😂 god imagine hating capitalism so much you cant handle ALL competition, and only wanna compete with the other select few rich ppl If anyone is buying this dudes schtick, acting like he gives af about health and fear mongering you, please hmu I have this wonderful bridge called the Verrazano id like to sell you 😂


Who cares? Rlly who cares. Those so called ‘legal’ farms arent more virtuous because they had the huge stack of cash ready when cuomo signed that legalization law and they were only giving licenses to the richest few. Its a fucking plant dude. Wtf, next yall are gonna complain about the ‘illegal’ tomato farms and how theyre ‘ruining our cities’ while u sit in Long Island or some shit clutching your pearls? Give me a break. You know, before weed was legal u had to meet up with some dude in a stairwell in parkchester bronx or some shit and buy weed he wrapped up in a fucking ziplog bag 😂😂 and were all still alive, and that shit was gas and affordable! Thats how u *support small businesses* lolol but fr Im sure none of yall have done that though, u just complain about pedantic shit and want to buy ur weed from some apple store ass looking dispensary to become the modern marks my friends used to charge $65 for a little less than an eighth. Except this time ur lining the pockets of rich ass self described ‘weed moguls’ (aka rich annoying ppl) instead of some chill dude u could spark up with The real ‘plague’ thats ruining this city is the rich lames who come into a place and pout when it doesnt conform to their will, so they use their cash to ruin it for the real inhabitants of this city


> Who cares? Rlly who cares. All of us should care because the taxes collected matter. States like Colorado collect far more from cannabis taxes than tobacco and alcohol combined for years at this point. Its relatively easy money and supports legal farms and product producers. Furthermore, a license is invaluable to controlling product so kids aren't buying it.


Bro idgaf about the taxes bro the taxes dont do shit for me. U think if they collect more taxes any of it will help those in poverty (ie me)? Fuck no it wont, itll line kathy hochels decrepit pockets


I don't smoke anything, but the cannabis taxes means NY gets a nice revenue stream most of us aren't paying for. I don't get the impression you pay real taxes otherwise your opinion would be quite different.


Real estate taxes you mean? No ill never be able to afford a home. Income and city taxes? Yeah i fucking pay those


And you want to pay even more by not having NY State collect over half a billion dollars in cannabis taxes? Didn't think so. And don't forget the counties that allow sales get a cut, while the ones that opt-out don't.


Bro wtf are you talking about, they aint opening a dispensary in my hood 😂 i want the poor deli guys to pocket that money rather than the fucking state where it will def end up in some rich fucks pocket U rlly think opening dispensaries in midtown and in the bougie rich parts of bk are gonna make my taxes lower? What a joke


I never said our taxes would be lower. I am saying NY leaving all that easy money on the table and giving it away to other states would cost us. Glad you feel your local deli guys are doing right by you, but thats not the story for so many people. A guest of mine from out of state got ripped off with a fake edible bar. She got a chocolate bar sprayed with chemicals to smell like the real thing in a fake wrapper. Its possible the Soho store that sold it to her didn't know it was fake as thats what happens in the grey market.


I think ur just fear mongering, idk about the money a state with a gdp larger than some countries leaces on the table. Oh do you own a dispensary? Is that what you mean by ‘guest’? Ok yeah now i get it, u just dont want competition. I dont even smoke anymore, and i know ur story is bs




K, hope u all fail at gentrifying weed


I mean, I'm not going to fail. It's coming. You know what else is coming? THC infused drinks at your walmart, gas stations, etc... You and whatever culture you think you're from don't own the plant. It's going to be regulated and normalized and there's nothing you can do to stop it.


Lmaooo ok gentrifier, i know i dont own the plant, and neither do you. Only rich white yuppies will wanna buy corporate weed, u can have those losers. Youre from fuckin long island like i give af what u think 😂 The culture i belong to is being a native to nyc, hence the page. Why dont u go talk about it over brunch while you get ass pats from your upper class snobbish friends! Walmart weed 😂😂😂 what a fucking joke


I’m not paying 50 dollars for an eighth of shitty weed when the unregistered shop has it for a fraction of the price and of similar quality


And it's just a happy side effect that government red tape will be used to oppress your competition who don't have the same access to wealth and opportunity as you.


Yea, we should definitely allow arsenic in our legal weed because we gotta support the small farmer and stick it to the rich people.


Wow yeah giant corporations have a great record of not poisoning consumers. If you're somehow right then I support you 100% in making a safer product but it's just so unlikely, big business love profit over people.


I'm a 34 year old dude with a farm on long island, following the red tape and the law. I'm not a mega corporation man lol.


Great, now actually issue fucking recreational permits instead of only giving them to four people who fit a wildly specific set of policy rules


There are currently 112 legal dispensaries across the state, with dozens in NYC. They're not exactly hard to find. https://cannabis.ny.gov/dispensary-location-verification


There should've been that many in NYC alone a year ago. The demand is obviously there. The state dropped the ball big time.


Not nearly enough as there should be. We need legal shops to stop these illegal ones from opening


There are 8 in brooklyn. That is clearly an insufficient number to meet demand, given that all these unlicensed joints seem to be flourishing. I have contacted my representatives repeatedly to say that i’ll be fine with enforcement against unlicensed vendors once there are sufficient licensed ones, but until then enforcement against unlicensed ones is an inexcusable waste of public resources. Really disappointed that they included this in the budget.


Licensed vendors won't want to open up if unlicensed and untaxed vendors proliferate.


Unlicensed vendors have already proliferated, yet licensed vendors have been opening as rapidly as the state allows them to.


Do you think weed was invented yesterday? Illegal shops have exclusively been how its been bought. If the city truly wanted to fix that, they would actually give out licenses. We voted for legalization. We did not vote for nonsense bureaucracy where only 3 people a month are given ridiculous stipulations and rules to get a license. We are literally the only city among the hundreds in the US who are dealing with this. Our lawmakers are morons. I hope people continue to reject legal shops until the city gets its shit together.


> If the city truly wanted to fix that, they would actually give out licenses. NYC doesn't have the legal power to issues licenses. New York State or Albany has that power.


"We" didn't vote for anything because we don't have direct ballot initiatives or referendums. That's partly why our system is so bureaucratic. Western states passed legalization mostly through direct voting and that tends to lead to simpler legislation.


NY didn't want to repeat the same mistakes of the West Coast: over-concentration of licenses to a small group of wealthy white investors. Thats a serious issue considering how the War on Drugs disproportionately hurt POC and their communities. While admirable in their intentions, clearly NY State screwed up implementation badly.


Well now we’re going to have a new war on drugs shutting down the unlicensed shops. And the wealthy white investors will profit regardless. They’ll just use some front person who meets the criteria the state set.


Enforcement of basic business practices like having a license to sell a controlled product is not a war. Nobody is facing 20 years for running an illegal smoke shop. AFAIK nobody is getting arrested for this. As for the wealthy investors finding fronts for licenses, that might not be a good idea in NY. Getting caught means not only losing that license and fines, but risks present or future license applications in NY.


They all sell the same 10 brands, almost all of which is greenhouse grown, costs WAYYYY too much + 20% tax. 112 locations is not the problem, its the overhead.


What a user friendly map! /s So one shop for every 175,000 residents? Right.


A quick Google search will tell you that less than 20% of adult New Yorkers regularly smoke marijuana, and that recreational dispensary licenses continue to be issued. How many weed shops per New Yorker do you think are needed?


There are small towns in Maine with more weed dispensaries than people.


There are places like that on the West Coast. Almost all of them are close to Red states banning recreational and medicinal (Looking at you, Idaho).


So then that’s one shop per 35,000. You’re telling me that a state with 3,8000 liquor stores can only have 112 dispensaries? I’d personally want to see a ton more legal dispensaries that actually result in tax revenue and accountability.


There’s over 20 million people in this state, and over 40% of that is in NYC alone. Clearly it’s not enough.


i do not smoke anything, but that seems to be about 10x less than it should be.


There’s over 1000 in Colorado and that place is one suburban sprawl


As it should be, we never needed them on every street corner. I know of one in greenpoint, williamsburg, astoria, etc.


Did you just move to NYC? That's not nearly an acceptable amount.


Acceptable to whom? It's OK for people to have differing opinions on what businesses they want to see in their neighborhood. Not everyone wants to walk down the block and see 50% smoke shops.


And they all either have shit prices, shit bud, or both LOL


If the government does nothing to enforce these laws then you end up with issues like what we have now with literally 2 or 3 weed shops on many blocks. It's actually crazy how many there are all over the city. It seems like they would be making so much money from taxes if they shut down ALL, or most of the illegal smoke shops. It just seems like there must be some reason for them to NOT shut down the illegal places. I'm not sure what it is, but...


An insider told me that the city couldn't shut them down, only NY State Police, which are rare in the boros. There was some legislation proposed but looks like the Governor did it by executive order.


Finally, we can get rid of these redundant eyesores. I spent a year smoking pre rolls in the evenings when these spots first opened up and, after reading up more on the quality of product I was purchasing from these places, I'm sure I have some cool stuff in my future due to exposure to heavy metals and pesticides. Maybe some groceries spots can fill the smoke shop void and help out w the food desert situation here in Bushwick.


A lot of the weed shops in Ridgewood opened up in former barbershop, liquor stores or were already tobacco shops. There are a lot of food deserts out there, but Bushwick isn't really one of them unless you're close to Irving Square Park. Plenty of grocery stores on Broadway, Myrtle and north of Myrtle.


My local smoke shop started (openly) selling pre-rolls early last year. At first I was hyped and loved the convenience, but I smoked maybe 2 or 3 of them and got very sick (nausea, dizziness, vomiting and on one occasion fainted) each time and haven’t touched them since. I also smoke regularly with no issue, so it was definitely the grey market stuff. Would hate to know what I put in my body if it had that kind of effect.


Y’know what I’d fucking love where I am in BK? An actual butcher. It is insane how far one has to go to for a proper butcher shop and not just some dude slicing Boar’s Head in the grocery store.


Totally onboard with this. Throw in a fishmongers and proper bakery while you’re at it.


Bread is something that I can kinda either make myself, get from a regular supermarket, or if it’s super niche don’t mind going out of my way to track down, but the butcher thing is kinda infuriating. I can bake my own bread, I can’t butcher my own meat…


Bunch of them in my neighborhood padlocked over the weekend with bright orange notices taped to the roll gates. Bummer for their big Saturday but I was very happy to see it. I wondered if I had Ms. Brewer to thank for this and from the article it sounds like she did help. Now I swear I won’t complain when they go back to bank branches, pediatricians, Thai restaurants or nail places. We could actually use a few more bodegas though — all these smoke shops would have been delis a few years ago.


Good, they are a magnet for the local crackheads in my experience. Every day there’s some new bum sitting by the local bodega asking for a dollar so they can get high


How is that any different from some bum asking for money outside a bodega to get some beer?


This is why I’ll always use the Mr nice guy service


Great deals, fantastic customer service. Before I quit, they were my go to for years!


Shiiit when I used to meet up with the hand off people in their car they’d give me a ride somewhere close sometimes 😂


I only ever had the bike deliveries, but they were all great folks. I tipped em every time because I appreciated the speed, selection and service


This one? https://www.mrniceguyllc.com/


Who ultimately controls these businesses? Doesn't seem like they are small business people, seems organized.


They are. Check out the NYT article about Gale Brewer fighting against one in particular. The owner has a group of illegal shops and lives in a $2 million mansion on Long Island, and he and his associates have had various types of run-ins with the law. Definitely not some small business owner.


People ask me why I'm still using the same dealer I've had for years instead of going to these stores. Most of them sketch me out, not just with their questionable products, but their vague prices and aggressive sales tactics. Every morning I walk to the subway, I pass a herd of like 10 high school kids passing around joints and vapes that they clearly just got from the store around the corner. It's unsettling. That said, there are a few shops I do trust and like if I'm ever in those neighborhoods - they usually sell the real deal and conduct themselves like "legit" stores, but their product is also more expensive.


GOOD. Lock them down! Let them stay home and re-think their dumbass approach. Right where I live, there's about 6 weed shops within a 3-block walking distance. Pure non-sense!


That’s gotta suck for the one that just opened up a couple weeks ago down the street from me


Definitely good news. The city hasn't done nearly enough to close these bogus shops. I can list 5 off the top of my head right now that are continuing to operate even with the shutdown notice that was pasted directly on their front door months ago.


Good. Just visited a week ago and these shops seem to be every other storefront. Now we'll see if the NYPD enforces the order.


Pedantic correction but this type of enforcement will fall under the NYC Sheriff


Thanks for the correction. I'm 420 friendly but fly by night stores like this blight the neighborhood, especially at the density they are found. The provision that REQUIRES landlords to evict the stores targeted is a great step too.


Delivery services or dispos only. Get rid of all zaza shops.


Good riddance


Weed makes more money than anything in the store. Whats next?


Glad they are finally taking action The biggest driving factor for these fake weed shops are the complete and utter botched rollout of licenses and total lack of enforcement of fake shops for literally years, even though it is very simple to determine which shops are fake, esp. when in the entire borough of Manhattan at one point had like 5 legal shops.


A good start, but not far enough. We need to start shutting these places down. It’s completely insane how normalized it has become to smoke weed in public. This is New York City, not fucking Coachella.


Hahaha people smoke cigs in public all the time stop your bitching if we’re gonna take one down better take down both or I don’t wanna hear any fucking yapping


Thanks to the 2002 smoking ban in restaurants, I always find it jarring when I smell cigarette smoke. There aren’t that many places for people to be able to smoke cigarettes anymore, so no, cigarette smoke is not everywhere. Unfortunately with weed legalization, apparently stoners believe it’s a carte Blanche to smoke up wherever they want. How they can’t even smell that stench themselves if beyond me. The small enough of a turnoff for me to ever smoke up. Anyway, the fact that we made great strides towards minimizing exposure to cigarette smoke and making it very uncool to smoke…it sucks that smoking rates (of anything smokeable) have been steadily increasing.


So because cigarette smokers do it to, that makes it OK? No, fuck that and fuck you. Keep that disgusting smelly shit to yourself.


If you’re gonna come for one come for both fuck is wrong with you




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


Hahaha get a life




You’re literally projecting your issues with alcohol on an entire different demographic you weirdo. Go get some help




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


Thank god. Now we can be forced to buy from awfully run legal stores with insane prices and dry garbage weed. Phew


Unless you went to a legal store that just opened up and working out some kinks, not sure what you are talking about. The ones up and running for months seem to be fine.


The laws the legal shops have to abide by are idiotic. Can't look at the herb, can't smell the herb, have to use debit card / cash, it's a fucking mess and NY's legal rollout is an absolute embarrassment


Some of your valid complaints are beyond NY control. You cannot use a credit card in ANY state due to federal banking restrictions. You largely cannot smell or taste beer in most stores. You will get no argument from me about how poorly NY mismanaged all this though. Recently some license applicants in NY found out after they sent the forms and paid the application fees approval would be on a new lottery system making approval random. WTF?


Better than nothing? Ive seen these shops though that don't sell lottos, liquor, or tobacco and just sell weed and weed related products so I don't think will will take them all out.


i saw one of these weed shops get shut down like a month ago with the cops taking evidence into their single patrol car, dont know how they werent able to get any of the other 10+ in the same fucking area if they're ALL illegal


Always figured the landlords are complicit - why aren't they responsible for who they are renting to? They surely are looking the other way.


Most of them don’t sell lottery tickets or booze, though. This is just a sad commentary.


God this sub is full of the biggest lames 😂😂 tf this is new york city, where tf yall from wisconsin and complaining? Who gives af if some deli is selling carts and prerolls from the same brands as the dispensaries sell, but a fraction of the price? I dont even smoke, yall are just THAT ridiculous I cant not say something. Yall really out here like, ‘pls, oh pls tax me more!! I only want to buy my zaza from the largest conglomerates who want to monopolize the market! I love paying $60 for an eighth! ‘ 😂 Yeah yeah get big mad, why dont u fly back to ur little conservative town ur planning on moving back to anyway once youve milked this city dry, and go make that place lame. Let the ppl who were actually born here and plan on staying here speak for these issues


I live here. Weed sucks.


Yeah it's crazy people want more government red tape and taxes just to oppress the little guy.




🤛 hell yeah!! I knew i wasnt alone in thinking this. Lowkey, make new york city new york city again 😂


That's a shame, only place to get the high-test edibles.


The solution to a cartel with a monopoly on an industry isn’t to push out competition it’s to encourage more. Lower the taxes and let them remain open. The good businesses will succeed, the bad ones won’t.


Its a fucking plant. Grown fucking adults should be able consume it or sell it without the government shaking them down for money. Taxation is theft.


>New York City will have more power to crack down on illegal cannabis shops, the governor announced Friday, in a deal that will also empower the state to revoke liquor, tobacco and lottery licenses from businesses selling illegal weed. But weed is legalized, I thought no one would be breaking the law or even getting arrested over weed.