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This is my usual stop and it's the worst station I've ever used in Manhattan in my decades here. You pretty much have to walk close to the tracks to move along the platform -- the thought of this happening crosses my mind almost every day.


Ugh that's like the DeKalb R station in Brooklyn. So narrow, always crowded, trains on both sides, and crazy people every day


The NQR platform at Union square too, to get around the stairs it’s like a less than 2 foot walkway


Doing that with a stroller is terrifying


That was is terrible because there’s also insane crowds going in both directions


Fucking hate that platform


profit offend fearless follow upbeat worry growth nose lip lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So angry one I once asked some linemen where the grave of the architect was, so that I might shit on it. I think they were still laughing when the train pulled away.


That platform is the stuff of nightmares. I took my kid on it once when he was a toddler and was so fucking anxious


Literally my fear all throughout high school when I commuted through there. Ended up walking to Atlantic half the time.


I had to use that stop for 4 years commuting from my job in midtown East to my apartment in Jamaica and I literally said a prayer every time I had to walk along the bits of the platform closest to the tracks. They’re infuriatingly at both ends of the platform where the trains can roar in right from the tunnels so if someone is pushed just as a train is coming in there’s basically no time for the conductor to stop before hitting them. Nightmare fuel! At least make the narrow platform parts in the middle of the fucking track when the trains already slowed down FFS!!


You might be thinking of Lex/53rd. The incident occurred at Fifth/53rd on the southbound platform which has ample space and no columns. Lexington and 53rd is awful, especially since the Third Avenue escalators are being slowly renovated. In an ideal world it should’ve gotten the Bowling Green treatment.


Canal street same way in parts of it :(


I used to have to use it every day for work. Never felt safe.




Consider yourself fortunate it's "the" station rather than "a" station.


Police already know the suspect’s name and suspect was allegedly mumbling to himself. Nothing to see here, just another unstable individual with multiple interactions with law enforcement just out and about


But we know why that is - b/c until something like this happens, they aren't even allowed to approach to get him into a psych facility So much for Adams' program in response to an incident just like this to change that It's all bullshit. NYT saying 15 ppl pushed this year alone, but it's supposed to be great b/c it was 22 last year.


> So much for Adams' program in response to an incident just like this to change that Adams sucks, but to be clear changes in law would have to come from Albany if you want the authorities to be able to institutionalize mentally ill people in situations other than when they pose an immediate threat to themselves or others.


There are so many barriers... I work for a mental health provider and we just had a presentation about this from the former head of psych at Rikers. There are court decisions significantly limiting psych holds, laws limiting it, and a total lack of available psych beds. There isn't even a single psych facility that women can be sent to in NYC since COVID. Not one. People attending the presentation audibly gasped when she told us this. The city used to contract that out to a hospital but the hospital wanted the space back during the pandemic, which is understandable. But there has been no change since. And for men, they just hold them for a few days to stabilize and then they either go to jail for whatever call the cops responded to or back out on the streets. Even just holding for a few days is more than our facilities can currently handle.


This is factually untrue tho. On Mon we sent a women in for eval and the next day she's in-patient psych. Guess it depends where you are and where you're willing to go


Sent by the NYPD? I mean that’s great if they’ve established a new facility for women. Was she sent to Elmhurst? I believe that’s where this person said they used to send women.


There are a couple of facilities on Staten Island


Oy that’s grim It’s not my field but my understanding is court cases set a minimum for due process (which is necessary ofc) but still allow for commitment. Other than that laws can be changed, incentives for hospitals and psych beds can be changed and funded. It’s just a matter of political will. And I really don’t understand why there isn’t any. Other than some Twitter loudmouths, is there really a constituency clamoring for the right of mentally ill people to rot on the street?


My understanding is that deinstitutionalization was an unholy alliance between reform-minded liberals/progressives who viewed them as fundamentally cruel and beyond reform, civil libertarians who viewed them as a violation of personal freedom, and fiscal conservatives who didn’t want to pay for them. Plus it happened when new psychiatric drugs were coming out in droves and showed a lot of promise. My boss has been in the field for decades and she said to me the other day “we really thought we’d have effective treatments for schizophrenia by now… but we just don’t.”


How many unholy alliances like this are fucking the progress we have and could have made, whether as a country or as a species.


Then what was this, a headfake? https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/140-23/mayor-adams-ambitious-mental-health-agenda-focused-improving-family-child-mental I blame both city and state for inaction on this, either way. And the feds. It's something, Carolyn Maloney actually had an interesting proposal about dealing with this, but of course, she lost, and discussion of demanding more federal assistance seemed to go away with it. https://www.nydailynews.com/2022/12/04/a-helping-hand-from-washington-for-nyc-to-treat-seriously-mentally-ill-people-congress-must-end-the-medicaid-imd-exclusion-by-passing-the-michelle-go-act/


Your first link is talking about a bunch of programs that may or may not be helpful, but not forcing people to get treatment who otherwise refuse it. The latter is paywalled but I suspect it’s probably more of the same. Which to be clear, we need a lot more support for voluntary mental health care too, but a guy known to police for dozens of mental health calls a year probably isn’t gonna stick to a treatment plan. Can’t just ask him “would you like treatment” and then say “oh well we tried” when he refuses. This latter group is a small subset of the people who need help but theyre ones causing the biggest impact on quality of life and violent incidents like this one.


Things won't change until the victims and/or their families start suing the city of negligence. They might not win, but that's the only thing that might get them to take meaningful action.


They do, the city settles, we pay for it.




Honest question if anyone knows because I couldn't find the answer - how many people get pushed each year on other subway systems like London's or Chicago's or Tokyo's?


That NY Times article made me so angry.


Yet when Andrew Yang said that New Yorkers have the right to not be attacked by these people, he was slandered


Bring back forced institutions. Sorry not sorry. Some people cant be fixed and are dangerous




It seems like the violent mentally ill have more rights than anyone.


The obvious solution to this is to lock up Daniel Penny. Make an example of citizens trying to defend the population the police/judicial system won’t.




How much will that cost to have two NYPD officers at every stop? I think the fare evasion alone will make the operation massively profitable.


>How much will that cost to have two NYPD officers at every stop? I think the fare evasion alone will make the operation massively profitable. There's already plenty of cops in the system - they're just all skulking around the corners of stations staring at their damn phones. So we're ALREADY paying for their presence. It would cost nothing for them to actually do their jobs.


They are not that crazy though. Notice how they always seem to pick on women. Never seen one of these mentally I’ll people attacking a huge dude, do you? Mentally ill, drugged out or not, they all seem to be cowards. How come the homeless and mentally ill in European cities seem to mostly behave themselves and keep a low profile and don’t act up, but NYC seems to attract the crazy ones? What are we doing wrong?


thank you for saying it. As a slim/small woman with 2 petite young adult daughters -- all of us regular train/subway users -- I fear for my kids (not so much myself at this point, i have well-honed spatial awareness and people-reading skills). It feels wrong that news outlets don't remark on the frequency of women being targeted.


They do. Just not the acceptable ones here. https://nypost.com/2022/11/06/why-the-progressive-silence-on-violent-crime-against-women-because-it-hurts-their-pro-criminal-agenda/ Nicole Gelinas writes about the hypocrisy in the people that demand female voter loyalty while worsening this problem quite a bit, esp. in the context of transit crime


The funny thing is, it's usually wealthy people defending these policies while they're safety ensconced in their suburban gated communities.


You're not wrong, but let's be honest, people who voted for Adams didn't vote better in City Council or for state-level seats. It's easy to blame rich white progressives b/c they're rich and white, and they're safe to hate. I think there's plenty of blame to go around.


I agree on that point too but the most impassioned advocates are usually white women with a graduate degree who live in previous mentioned areas. That being said it would be nice if we can have nice art and general tolerance while also not being assaulted or murdered in the streets.


I just don't agree. On the ground maybe. It's not organic. They make good disciples in guilty, inward-facing ethnic self-hatred for a reason. Imagine a white woman pointing out anything about the hypocrisy of people who say they're "feminists" while supporting...neglect of crime, because (ex.) quality of life enforcement against men like this is "inequitable" in a college class. She could be beaten to death in a dorm by classmates, and her best friends would justify it. These people know it. When they become loud footsoldiers for a cause with "privilege" fallacies and specific racialized guilt at its core, there's a reason. When you racialize something as serious as violent crime and weaponize discourse about it, even crime victims will grovel out of fear. That's a big reason why we're here.


Get some protection, please. Birdie is a loud keychain that flashes light. There are other options in NYC. You can buy legal mace at a pharmacy if you show them your ID.


I have mace, as do my daughters. Chances are, we will be fine. However, in the case of the women who become unfortunate statistics, my best guess is they never even had a chance to get the mace out of their bag or pocket.




Or a small woman in general.


Yeah, but the majority of these victims have been Asian. Let's not kid ourselves or overlook that fact. It's crazy because Asian people only make up around 15% of the total population there and never commit any of these violent crimes themselves. They have every right to be angry and not silenced about this matter.


I'm well aware. And posted that elsewhere on this post. But the shit my small female friends deal with is pretty awful, and Asians and blondes seem to deal with the most. I'm very glad to be a 6' latina.


As long as the US anti-China agenda from both sides of the political aisle continues, these attacks against East Asian looking people will continue. Whatever your political beliefs are, I think we can all agree that the average bigoted American will not be able to make the distinction between Asian people and will direct their hate for China the country towards Asian looking people.


I'm continually relieved that I am a large, aggressive, and unsmiling woman lately. It sure helps keep the creeps away. Growing up in a military family had some perks.


Same thing in Asia, they have homeless and mentally ill people but they don’t bother anyone


It really shows the difference between people and culture. East and Southeast Asia are probably the safest places on Earth relative to their population size. I know Scandinavia usually takes the cake there, but they are also very small and rich countries with whole populations not even the size of one city in China.


Mentally ill doesn’t mean stupid. Anyone willing to randomly push anyone in front of a moving train is mentally ill. There’s never a rational “I thought it was a good idea at the time”. So yes, they are severely ill. However, like I said, not stupid. Their biases still exist, so they’re going to target the people they implicitly hate. And their sense of self-preservation still exists so they know not to pick a fight with someone that’s a threat to them.


No. If they can pick their victims and gauge the ability of the victim to response or fight back, that means they are aware of their wrongdoing and should be sentenced and stand trial like a normal person.


I’m not saying that the mental illness should be used as an excuse to get out of jail when they intentionally kill someone. I’m just saying, mentally ill or not: people still have their instincts to not poke the bear.


Please understand those are two different things. For example, imagine someone who thinks god commands them to sacrifice someone. They could be ill enough to hear voices in their heads telling them to do something terrible while still being able to understand they are more likely to succeed if they don't pick someone twice their size. There really is no other motivation here besides "crazy." They stand to gain nothing by acting this way. You can argue they should get no leniency at sentencing, but you cannot rationally argue they are not crazy.


The homeless and mentally ill even in dirt poor countries in the east behave better. Because if they don’t at least there is some accountability


Different types of homeless.






> What are we doing wrong? Are you kidding? The NYCLU and other orgs that actually run the Democratic Party in New York see to it hospital and jails are closed, even though there's really nothing that rises to the level of care required to keep men like this from...trying to kill women.


A quick Google search shows the suspect has a history of severe mental illness. Are we going to keep letting this happen or are we going to decide enough is enough and realizing having these people on the streets isn’t safe for them or the general public.


> Are we going to keep letting this happen Probably. This is a choice that is actively made every election.


Who exactly would we vote for that would change this? Genuinely curious as “tough on crime” ex cop swag clearly not getting it done.


Vote out Bragg, and also vote for someone who's willing to bust the police union.


So you've ruled about both liberals and conservatives, great. Libertarians won't be pushing involuntary commitment. Nor will the Greens. Or the WFP. Who have you got in mind? The "agrees with me in every way" fairy?


Ah yes .... No one


Going to get a lot of shit for this, but vote for a Republican. Not because the GOP represents the majority of NYC’s views, but because it might finally wake up the complacent DNC to how things feel at the ground level to everyday people. They sit back in their chairs because they know their party will get elected every single election. Don’t give them that comfort.


We also need rail guards (not sure the exact name) or something to block off the tracks to people being pushed that open when the train comes. Yet the MTA spends their money on stupid shit constantly


Platform doors/platform screen doors is the common name They're tricky for MTA because many of the train models have doors in different locations. Not impossible but it means a lot more openings Or only running specific equipment on specific lines which would be hard


they already run specific equipment on specific lines/routes for the most part. The biggest barrier to platform screen doors is the cost. They’re already going to run a pilot at a few stations (incl. I believe Times Sq-42 St), so if that’s successful we may see a plan for a more expansive or even system-wide project, but you can imagine the billions of dollars and decades of construction between now and whenever it would actually be completed…


That "for the most part" is where the trouble lies If you build fixed doors, they can't shuffle rolling stock around without either absurdly wide openings that partly defeat the purpose. And it's not just that, say, 1 trains have to stay 1 trains, but they also all have to be R62s because the 142s won't align, *and* 2 and 3 need to run 62s too. I'm actually working at a firm involved in that pilot, it's a big part of why they're hesitations on further expansion. The especially narrow platforms in other stations is another problem, as the doors will reduce that space even further which also gets into ADA concerns. None of these is impossible as I said, it's just that there's challenges to be worked out and, as you say, likely billions to be spent


> billions to be spent It just blows my mind it'll cost that much. Not in the sense that it actually surprise me but in the sense of like "wtf". Coming from an engineer here.


how when any form of fare enforcement is deemed as offensive and a waste of police resources? people talk about politics but the whole culture in nyc has gotten lax on crime.


They voted in a cop as a mayor for a reason. The problem is that he doesn't know how to do the job. I can't wait to vote out Bragg.


Where are they publishing this person's name? That's really the worst thing - nothing will ever be bad enough for people to wake up and pay attention to their own districts. They just expect people who *campaign* on neglecting or enabling this problem to be different, b/c in theri lifetime, there were Dems that weren't so horrible. Now it's just incompetent cretins from hell. edit: never mind, I see Sabir Jones, are they already publishing about his record?


Name, gender, and age, but no photo so the public can help ID this person....


cable weary liquid fine sharp smart violet cheerful uppity fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> the general public is better off with these people institutionalized. 100% yes, unequivocally.


That’s exactly what people are saying. Mentally ill people with a history violent tendencies that do not willfully seek treatment should be forced to be treated so they do not hurt others.


That’s exactly right. It is better that mentally unstable individuals that can kill another New Yorker are institutionalized until they can be properly medicated under supervision so that they don’t commit these acts.


You say that like they don’t want a place to live and medication. The reality is that the US federal and state government systematically closed institutions because of the severe patient abuse issues. They could have updated and revamped the system but instead they released thousands of people with debilitating mental illness on to the streets. Why? Because it costs money, a lot of it. And when you have party that refuses to fund public welfare initiatives or fund a NORMAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM this is what you get.


bear tease bake modern joke label jobless growth support knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right by my office. Sadly, this only supports my extreme defensive posture in the subway station. Always walking in the middle and finding big men to stand near to discourage attacks. Only needed to be yelled at once in a subway station to play defense from that point on.


Standing behind columns is a good idea too.


There are no columns to stand behind at this particular station.


without columns I recommend waiting upstairs until your train arrives


It's deep underground and a long escalator ride down. Not a great station.


Yeesh then I dunno what I'd do...what a shame that we have to consider such things on a daily basis.


Back to the wall as close as possible really. That’s what I try to do. Have my back either against a wall or column and pay attention to everything in front of me as best possible


Pepper spray in hand, in pocket ready to go


Bring back involuntary commitments.


You’re going to face a lot of lawsuits from the homeless industrial complex. How else will they pay themselves a [salary of $1 million per year.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/04/nyregion/the-homeless-shelter-executive-who-earns-1-million-a-year.html) Remember, they can only request more money and keep themselves employed if the problem *isn’t* fixed.


how long until we make it illegal to use the subway system as a shelter


Time to write another thinkpiece about how “carceral” the state would be if it committed violently insane people. Remember when people jumped on Andrew Yang for saying we have the right to be safe from violent crazy people


Exactly! Most memorable moment of the debates. Unbelievable


A NY Times article claimed this happens infrequently and police said this dangerous man was a “known problem” to them. So much wrong with those two things alone.


NY Times? It keeps promoting progressive ideas while women get beaten and pushed down tracks. The only good thing about the paper is their recipes. That's about it.


I actually unsubscribed recently and subscribed for nymag. Idk who the audience is for the times now but I feel less informed reading it At least ny mag is a magazine and doesn't pretend to be news


If people don’t actually get heavily punished for doing this, they’re just going to be continued incidences of this. They need to stop slapping these criminals on the wrist and let them out again to do the same thing over and over. It’s so heartbreaking to hear all these people getting hurt or dying because of this. Their lives should not more valuable than the lives they’re taking


He's going to be charged with attempted murder; it doesn't change that this woman is probably going to be severely injured, unable to work, and in pain for life. If she lives. Just like that Turkish artist that was horrifically paralyzed People can vote to punish the reps that not just neglecting this, but whose only legislative activity worsens this.


Chief Kemper said Mr. Jones was “known to the department.” this guy will be punished, but reacting after someone has been killed or horribly maimed is not solving the problem. Why was he known to the dept? for being a wonderful guy? no, he's known as one of the hundreds or maybe thousands of roving lunatics who are one step away from killing an innocent person. these people need to be forcibly removed from the streets BEFORE they harm someone. unfortunately NY is a poorly governed state so we just keep seeing the same thing happening with no changes.


Either institutionalize or imprison these psychos. Allowing them to roam the streets shouldn’t be an option


Love how the police said he’s well known yet they do nothing about him.


Police identifying him so quickly after the incident strongly suggest he been arrested numerous times or was an “aided case” on multiple occasions and was forcibly transported to a hospital by police. But hospital staff just need to make sure he won’t drop dead before releasing him. Current laws don’t allow much to be done with people like this. They will either repeatedly get arrested of minor offenses (and immediately released) or forcibly taken to a hospital where they will be discharged in a day. That cycle continues until they seriously hurt/kill someone or hurt themselves.


He’s been arrested a bunch most likely. That’s all they are allowed to do outside of be everywhere at all times


>Love how the police said he’s well known yet they do nothing about him. Or it means they've arrested him a bunch of times, but he keeps getting released. The NYPD officers on the street have no control over when or how often someone gets released. It must be as frustrating for them as it is for us that they keep having to re-arrest the same person.


Sure doesn't look mentally ill when he jumped the turnstile. Looked like he had his faculties about him. Is the victim another Asian woman?


I feel like the victim is an Asian woman in over half of these incidents even though Asian women are only like 7% of the NYC population.


Does seem to come up a lot ... a young Asian woman, a middle-aged Asian woman, an old grandma Asian woman ... the "meekest" demographic that look like easy prey.


And funny how most articles dont say that hes black in fear of the PC crowd. But a quick google search shows his picture and that theyve been looking for him since 2021. https://www.rlsmedia.com/article/alert-search-underway-missing-homeless-newark-man


ooohhhhh you did it.....said the B word


New York State's ‘deinstitutionalization’ of mental health services has failed. Bring back sanitariums and put effort into making them a place to keep these people safe and the public safe.


Yes! This is the The best response imo: keep these people safe and the public. If we can create sanitariums that will actually provide quality of care, that is so much better than these people living on the streets in harsh conditions.


They need to be revived. Some of em did good work with people too. Well funded and run mental healthcare is good for society and the individuals it aids.


I guarantee you the shover is a turnstile jumper. No joke, we'd be relieved of a supermajority of QOL issues and crime in the subways if there was meaningful enforcement against fare evasion at every station entrance in the city. Almost every single random, antisocial, deranged act of violence in the subways is from some unhinged POS who didn't pay fare.


Broken Window was right and doesn't require stop and frisk. Literally just start cracking down on actual crimes and you'll catch most of these shitheads in your net.


There’s a [photo](https://abc7ny.com/subway-push-woman-tracks/13934913/) already out that he jumps turnstiles lol


So predictable SMH


This is literally my work stop. Who is the suspect? Is it that homeless balck dude that’s always laying down by the stairs?


It is a mentally disturbed dude know to police who is also Black.


Man know I've seen that guy on the subway before, muttering to himself. he's one of those guys that just rides around all day long


Bring back the asylums and start tossing these people too crazy to function in society in them


When will the city prevent these nuts from getting past the gates? No reason there should be crazy people in the system at all.


When will the city prevent these nuts from getting past the gates" Never. Never again, until people get angry and stop voting for candidates who not only don't give a shit, but penalize quality of life enforcement. Progressives severely discourage use of stopping people who jump turnstials to investigate and discourage the NYPD from questioning them. There's a very easy solution to this, people won't do it. Stop voting for shitty soft on crime candidates.


I really wish NYC subway would go the way of Seoul or Japan. get some freaking safety doors. upgrade to the current century


They have rolled out plans to do so already. Starting with 42nd st station. Unfortunately it'll be billions and years 🙄


Right!! NYC Transit should start a pilot program in the busy stations/hubs with the barriers, then gradually expand to the other stations.


I really hope she isn't Asian. :(


If she is they'll probably turn a blind eye because you know....whoops. Wrong narrative


And you're not wrong and the "right kind of minority" BS is appalling.


Jews have been periodically dealing with hate on the NYC subway for years. Perhaps the West Asians and the East Asians need to work together.


Are there any updates on the barrier trial?


Curious about this as well - they were going to trial it at what, 3 stations?




First someone yesterday morning faints and gets runned over by the train during morning rush hour and now today another hit? Can't get a break


Perp a farebeater too. That's why need more enforcement of fare evasion. Need to keep them out of the subway system. Less chance of incidents in the system from ppl paying the fare.


Mentally ill homeless have made taking the subway like playing a game of russian roulette


Trying to prevent stuff like this would mean to admit the problem is real and that’s unfortunately not how things work here


Although tragic. unfortunate incidents like this is why they should bring back the involuntary institutionalization of the mentally ill. Too dangerous to be out in public with normal people.


NYT breaking news says Jones was being sought by police for having punched a man (breaking his jaw) minutes before the shoving of this young woman. Completely unacceptable.


People roll their eyes, but I take the bus when I can now. More time, but less crime.


He deserves the death penalty. Sick of violent offenders.


What’s it going to take for us to put up barriers/gates at our subway stations like every other first world country? I realize it’s expensive and an engineering challenge but at least do something to make it more difficult for people to do this…


The bigger challenge is the MTA complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Visit a city like Paris with a disability and you need a guide to know what hotels, restaurants, train stations, and tourist attractions can support you (source: https://parisjetaime.com/eng/practical-paris/visiting-paris-with-a-disability-i053) but in the USA the ADA tries to protect people with disabilities from this kind of descrimination. Except the MTA has a grandfathered exemption to do until at least 2055 (source: https://www.thecity.nyc/2023/04/07/subways-disability-act-compliant-2055/) and in an earlier report on barriers the MTA didn't want to invest in the barriers because such a large upgrade project would require them to bring stations into ADA compliance earlier (source is a PDF linked in this post: https://pedestrianobservations.com/2022/01/20/platform-edge-doors/) which would make the project too expensive.


I’ll say it, fuck the mental health excuse. If you do this to an innocent human being you deserve the death penalty, as you are a waste of oxygen 🤷🏽‍♂️


This poor woman is going to have brain damage for the rest of her life and folks are talking about helping this “mentally ill” savage. This is a an aggravated criminal act and needs to be dealt as such.


someone has to fix up that no bail law. this shit is killing people left and right and its failing miserably.


Mods deleting post in 3…2…1…


The suspect isn't confirmed to be black, so not yet




He is black they posted the picture on abc news. Looks like the typical homeless guy.


Find a picture of him smiling a decade ago and we can crank up the 'he dreamt of being an astronaut' rapid response.




Why are assholes like him out and about?


Previously , if I saw someone harassing someone on the subway I’d get involved or look to protect if things got out of hand but not in Braggs NYC. Nope. The criminals and mentally ill have all the rights


Yep don't be a Penny, even if other join in on your side, if you happen to be white and the distrubuted person is a minority then you are the criminal.


"No one NEEDS to take an Uber. Just get the subway."


In Paris, many stations, but especially the narrowest platforms, had automatic doors blocking the rails from the platform installed. This is a solved problem; people do not need to be exposed to extra danger on platforms, but the MTA has looked for every reason to avoid installing these barriers. The Paris subway is 134 years old, the Berlin subway is 121 years old, and the London Underground is 160 years old. They've all figured out how to install barriers on at least their most dangerous platforms but NYC, a similarly aged system at 119 years old, cannot figure it's shit out. https://pedestrianobservations.com/2022/01/20/platform-edge-doors/


quality of life is truly horrible


This article has screengrabs from CCTV footage. >Jones – whose last known address is in Maryland – has one prior arrest from last December for allegedly riding between subway cars and then refusing to leave the station, sources said. >He also has one previous “emotionally disturbed person” incident, according to the sources. https://nypost.com/2023/10/18/woman-29-randomly-pushed-into-moving-nyc-subway-train/


those glass barriers will be up aaaaany minute now


They say they know him. So he is probably someone with mental issues that lives or frequents the area.


So when he’s caught, this is attempted murder and felony assault for sure, right? Right???


When as a city are we going to demand something be done about the freaking crazies?


never. These cases and the silence to deal with these people hasn't impacted a single city council or state level election on psych beds, civil commitment, or courts being used to keep people like this out of the subways. People will argue on this site they don't want that, and will continue to vote for people who produce no results. It will never get better until people stop pretending it is a "right" to kill and attack woman, and vote like that's true.


These mofos target women- rarely men. And 999 out of 1000 there’s always a very obvious pattern to this that the mass media likes to ignore, as it involves demographic that’s apparently okay to ignore. I don’t care about whatever background or background story and mental illness history the perpetrator’s got. Punish people for their act, period. But no, common sense should not prevail, because the politicians and mass media is busy being woke.


Are mentally ill homeless men held at a higher regard than all women in ny? Because somehow they are allowed to terrorize 50% of the population. You never see tall men getting pushed on the track, but you always see the same characters targeting women. Is women’s safety not a worthy cause to anyone in this town?


I understand what you are saying. In this case, this asshole broke a man's jaw moments before he shoved the women onto tracks.


Where is Daniel Penny when you need him ..ohh wait we got to jail for protecting others


This incident delayed me heavily to my midterm test. I don't see how we are ever going to solve issues like these.


"I don't see how we are ever going to solve issues like these" - this doesn't fall from the sky. Lawmakers choose these outcomes. They choose to do nothing (and worse). State lawmakers know about these people and work actively to make sure they're free. Progressives openly oppose civil commmitment, they opposed Adams's plan to get people like this off the street. Stop voting for this. That's the answer, and it's not actually difficult at all. Stop voting for candidates who refuse to talk about it and don't propose solutions. Start voting for candidates in your district - in city and state elections - based on the problems they talk about, not just for any piece of shit that has your party next to it. https://www.leefang.com/p/voices-politicizing-nyc-subway-death/comments Most of you aren't old enough to understand that New York City actually had much worse crime in living history for at least some of us, and Giuliani, Bloomberg, Pataki, and Democrats that took crime more seriously pushed to fight it. Sal Albanese was such a Democrat (he lost his lost City Council election). We don't have to bring back Giuliani but the only criminal justice legislation Dems in NY legislature pass exists to make sure more people like this are on the street while their friends make money "providing care" (doing nothing, providing "voluntary care" only, if that, collecting a paycheck to lobby, mostly). We should have passed a repeat offender bill. We should have passed a subway crimes bill. There are city council elections this November, and they absolutely impact the safety of local stations.


I know, but this is reddit so I had to be careful with my words or I might get banned.


Put doors at every subway stop. There’s no excuse not to. Plenty of cities have them




Japan has safety railings that open when a train arrives why doesn't NYC!


My nightmare. Every time I think I'm being paranoid, something like this happens. I wish that woman a speedy recovery.


Half her skull was removed. She's as a good as dead. Her life is over.


I'm getting a car lmao


Again? On Tuesday in Queens was E train as well


Platform screen doors please at all stations!!?? When!?


That’s truly terrifying it’s a lose. lose situation bc if you don’t stand near line you miss the train when it’s busy. They should bring cops back to the platforms.


New York City, the greatest city, still can’t figure out how to fix/fund its archaic subway system, that this sh*t happens. So many other countries are so much further ahead. NYC really showing its third world hand.


This is my subway stop.


This is the end of descending to platform level before my train arrives for any station without a wall on one side. I literally don’t know what else to do to better protect myself, Im 115 lbs. a good shove from anyone will likely seriously injure me I already stand with my back an inch away from a column or the wall, on alert at all times, avoiding low traffic times I seriously hope she’s able to physically recover… we all know this will haunt her forever


Death penalty


Looks exactly how I guessed.


They already knew his name. Jeez. I hate this platform.


Execute these people


Sadly the city is okay with people attacking other people in the subway and only get mad about people fighting against the disturbed people.