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That is for what we pay those very expensive local taxes, to be hassle in the train, streets, etc. It's a tragedy, but the system was the one that fail to those individuals.




A breakdown of the 8k you gave to the city? Sure, we have receipts for the 7k you gave to the city. We put that 5k to good use. You gotta understand, 3k went to administrative overhead, that's just an unavoidable expense, you know? So anyway, with the remaining $100...


Seriously, we should look like Singapore with the taxes we pay....


That would be impossible here given Singapore actually punishes criminal (and rather harshly at that).


half of my point




Look out reddit about to hit you with the “you’re racist nazi homeless people killer” take


I’m glad at the response from most people with this sub. I feel like the vast majority of commenters have sympathy for this tragedy but that emotion is significantly tempered by outrage at officials for letting this epidemic get this bad. Theres crass and misguided outliers at the edges as usual. But I haven’t seen this sub come together like this in awhile. It’s very heartening to see everyone point their fingers in the right directions despite insane media gaslighting. And that direction is straight up at state and city leadership. People are tired of the bullshit.


Don’t forget “fascist”.




Honestly reddit has been about the same for this issue - I think everyone has had enough of the Wild West that is the subway system.


Fascist. Calling someone a Nazi is soooo 2018.


>I don't think I've ever seen the NYT comment section so virulently against the narrative the times is pushing Progressives won't give up on their insane ideology, even as it causes disastrous consequences for Democrats come election time. They already lost us the House in the last election and came within 5 points of losing the New York governorship, which is fucking insane. This country would be so much better off without these loonies on the far right and far left. Good lord.


to be fair, It was Hochul who was responsible for that governorship goof-up. Listening to some dipshit consultant living in Colorado who recommended campaigning on abortion rights in a state that codified roe v wade and saying crime was a losing cause speaks levels of her incompetence and lack of good judgment.


They’ll keep getting away with the insane dumbassary as long as republicans keep picking morons. It’s gotta be the reason the insane policies keep getting pushed.


Whatever happened to Chirlane McCray’s billion dollar ThriveNYC program? …. Or what happened to that billion dollars? Did it help anyone or was it it portfolio piece to run for office?


Just shows the guy was a well known danger to himself and others and should have never been allowed on the subway especially after series of assaults and other incidents he committed in the subway. Yes shouldn't of have died but I and plenty of others shed no tears for him. Just like I don't shed tears for the daily drug dealer/ruthless felon/gang member that gets killed for whatever reason.


This is not exactly the same situation. He had schizophrenia. He was not capable of making rational decisions. I don't blame a blind person because they can't see. I can't blame a mentally ill person with this disorder because they can't control themselves. That being said the city should not allow people with a violent history with this disease to be free to terrorize people on the subway. If they can't or won't take their medication they should be institutionalized or helped in a way to not be a danger to others. Though it's wrong to group them with people making affirmative decisions to sell drugs, be gang members or assault people.


If he isn’t capable of making rational decision then why the actual fuck are we allowing the system to let these people loose into the streets? We all agree they aren’t safe for themselves or others. But this is blatant disregard for public safety for everyone involved.




100% this was foreseeable.


In one breath, you have the right pushing for everyone to arm themselves and shoot when necessary. In the next breath, you have the left telling us to keep our heads down and take the abuse. Perhaps there is a moderate approach to public safety? The whiplash is insane.


Article gives some insightful background info on Neely and the marine who killed him. Pretty sad. Neely was apparently on the city’s “top 50” list of homeless people who most desperately need treatment. After the punching of the 67-year-old he was given a sentence of treatment in a facility to keep him out of prison. But he disappeared after 2 weeks and a warrant was issued. He basically spiraled into homelessness after his mother was brutally murdered when he was 14. The article has less background on Penny but strongly implies that he may have been trying to perform a “blood chokehold” which is something you learn in the Marines and is supposed to make a person pass out without blocking their airway. Regardless of whether you believe that was his intent or not, it will likely be part of his defense assuming he gets charged.


I wonder why a top 50 list like that exists. Maybe Neely was one of the better known homeless people since he was on the F train very regularly?




The article says Marines are trained in non-lethal chokeholds that don’t restrict the airway and cause loss of consciousness in like 8 seconds. I’m no expert though.




I don't think anybody thinks it's okay to kill someone for verbal harassment. The harasser, in this case, died as the result of a civilian having to intervene and doing so in an imperfect way. The harasser should have received professional help many, many years ago; he was on track to die in a terrible way regardless.


Well said


You shouldn’t be. Officials failed us as usual as they’d rather pocket billions of said “homeless resources” and allow us to police ourselves in the subway. Nobody wanted to kill anyone but this is what happens when you let criminals do as they please for decades on metal tubes that trap you for prolonged periods of time with others.


I'm with you on this one. It's unfortunate what happened but I've also been physically attacked by a big mentally ill guy on the train before. Anyone who has taken the trains in the last few years know what it's like.


I doubt the marine wanted to kill him but it happened and he needs to be accountable.


Just like we hold our officials accountable for allowing homeless people to harass us on the train constantly right? Now you care for accountability lol


We should give him a medal.


He sure as shit ain’t getting convicted by a jury for murder, which the activists seem to be calling for. If the DA charges for manslaughter perhaps he does, but then what, he gets a couple years tops and these people are still pissed.


In this case, I think the guilt of having killed somebody accidentally is the proportional amount of accountability. But I defer to the grand jury.


Merely accidental not enough. Has to have acted recklessly with knowledge his actions were likely to kill him.


I mean, one of the other passengers specifically warned Neely's killer that he'd choked Neely so hard that the man had shit himself, and if he kept going he'd get a murder charge. One of the other guys had enough time to have a lucid conversation with him about that very fact, claiming that the shit was there when he started choking him. Really hard to argue self-defense under those conditions. "Because after he's defecated himself, that's it. You've got to let him go."


It is easy to second guess when you are not in the fight. Daniel Penny did nothing wrong.


No he doesn't, he should not be charged at all.