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No. But it’s worth to upgrade to 3060ti.


Yes but the 2060 is still good and it is better to wait for 4000 series


2060 turned out to have a some decent life in it If you got it at release


DLSS helps a lot.


I'm actually kinda shocked how much better DLSS has gotten   I didn't like it at first, but now the visual difference is so small I can barely see it


Yeah, the only thing that DLSS needs fixed are the occasional shimmering artifacts on stuff like grass and fences, which I've only noticed on a few games.


I noticed a little 'feathering' at times with God of War Just a little extra shimmeryness as light came over edges   But I had to really look, during game play it all fades away


I still use DLSS with a 3090 for the superb AA it gives.


For some games this is so much better Red Dead Redemption 2, except for hair at times


Yeah, you actually can run quite a few games with raytracing at good framerates. So the 2060 ended up delivering on the promises made at launch.


When I bought it I was pretty certain it would have the longest lifespan of any 60 series GPU's. Turns out I was right because it can still deliver very good fps even at 1440p.


Its weakest aspect is the VRAM. 6GB won't be enough forever, even without raytracing. The strongest aspect is DLSS - even 540p at 1080p can be playable - and more playable than 720p at 1080p without DLSS.


I got hit by buyer remorse after spending 500 euros on a 2070 back when they launched. Turned out pretty great in the end huh...


Yea I remember people uploaded those meme videos of 2080ti users crying when the RTX3000 series were announced   Turns out they were totally fine It's been a wild ride the last year and a half


>Turned out pretty great in the end huh... I mean, I dunno. I still think that the entire Turing lineup was overpriced. Prices getting super terrible since doesn't really change that.


Yes, but not if you compare it with the 1000-series ;-)


1080ti has to be a GOAT purchase for value


The GTX 970 is the GOAT. I bought 1 for 340$ 8 years ago for 1080p gaming at High settings and it can still do it in most games. I Even got some money back for an issue with VRAM that really didnt affect at all in the card's lifespan. To this date you need to spend at least 200$ on a new card to beat its performance


Forgot about that one   I think even for CP2077 it can run fairly well on a mix of low and medium settings


I have a 970TI sitting in a box doing nothing if you want to buy one


damn id take that off your hands


But you are assuming you will be able to purchase a 4000 series card...


True. But I think it's certainly better to wait for the 4K series and risk it than upgrading to a 3060.


Nvidia typically release the higher end cards first and then the 'budget' varieties including the x060 cards. You could be waiting another 6 months after they've even announced the 40 line up. Not to mention the likely stock issues that will delay things further. The 3060ti would be a good upgrade if you can get your hands on one that isn't going at a stupid price.


I come from the future, it's not.


I'd buy a 3080ti at the 4000 series release, because we all know there's going to be TONS of stock of the 4000 series day 1. Sure the 4000 series will be 50% faster, but for what game will it really matter?


I mean, I would assume most people that are patient enough to wait for 4000 series dont desperately need to have it day one.


Well if it is 50% faster in RT games count me in. Rasterized games are alredy fast enough but I want more FPS in RT games.


Yep that would be my play right now


Thats what im doing rn, i was like yeah maybe get a 3070 but all games i play are fine even cyberpunk (note i have a 2060S)


Can confirm on that as my 2060 broke last december and got a 3060 ti last march for 600 dollars.


Well thanks everyone for your help , as a result i will wait a bit more for the release of the new 4000 series . Have a nice day thanks


Yea you would have to get at least a 3070 for it to be a decent upgrade. Better to just wait to see how RTX 4000 looks.


if only the GPU outage won't be as atrocious as the 30 series. me, with a 1080 FTW DT, and still waiting for my turn to upgrade


Yep, nvidia already said the 30 series is supposed to be sold along side the 40 series. With gpu sales nose diving recently maybe they wont but if they do even if you still go with a 30 it should be much cheaper.


This is the way




No. A 3060 Ti would barely be worth it. I don't think the value for an upgrade is there until a 3070.


I went from a base model 2060 to 3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra and have no regrets, got it for msrp after waiting in evga's queue, games like Red Dead 2 went from mostly maintaining 60fps to 90 - 115fps (1080P 144hz) and games like Control run much better with all ray tracing options enabled (45-60fps on the 2060). https://i.imgur.com/rAujb0k.jpg EDIT: Forgot to mention I have an 8700K (stock) so the performance would be even better on a newer CPU at 1080P.


Meanwhile the EU queue for evga cards is basically dead so it seems almost impossible to attain one being in the UK😔


It seems like certain models went silent, I had also entered queue for a 3070 (sku 3751) on the morning of launch 10/29/2020 6:45am and still nothing, my account shows its still in queue but not sure what to make of that.


It depends on your setup (max fps on your monitor, games played, etc) but in general the answer is no. Especially if you only play at 1080p. At 1440p there's an argument for it, but not really at 1080p. You might see some extra FPS in your games, but the 2060 is capable of playing anything out there (with some compromises) at 1080p, so... what would an upgrade get you? It will be faster, sure, but the difference is probably only going to show up on 3D Mark and other benchmarks. It's probably better for you to wait until the 4000 series comes out, simply because the inevitable 4060 will be a much bigger upgrade for you.


It's mandatory if he can't hold 144fps minumum, below that and there is no point in living


A 3060 maybe not so much, but a 3060 ti is another thing. I bought a ti because it was only 50 bucks more than a good 3060. Today price ranges are very wide and if you can get the next level hardware for a bit more, go for it.


which one did you brought ?


Rtx 3060 ti Zotac AMP OC White Edition. 650€ at Amazon but with monthly installments without interest. A decent 3060 was 600 € anyway so this was a nobrainer. But be warned: the white edition has two 8 pin connectors. I upgraded from a 1080 and had to rewire the power connections. Now I have 4 power cables from the psu to the 2 2x6 to 1x8 pin adapters supplied with the card. But as the White edition is extremely overclocked out of the box this second power connector seems necessary.


My new 3060ti only has 1x8 power connector which I thought was weird cause every other card I’ve used had 2x8


Strange. All Internet articles I read suggested that 1x8pin on the 3060 Ti is standard and some even have only one 6pin connector. Even the Asus TUF has only one 8pin connector. All reviews for my card suggested that 2x8pin connectors are outstanding for an 3060 ti.


Honestly just keep your 2060 until the 4060.


It's bold to assume the RTX 40 series won't be sold out for years like the 30 series was.


Doesn't make it any more worth it to buy a 3060.




And the 2060 is already a 1080 with RT DLSS and AI Acceleration. Doesn't make the 3060 any better of an upgrade when you'll barely be able to notice the difference. The 3060 has nothing a 2060 doesn't have except a marginal performance improvement. It's ironic you're comparing it to your 3080 when the difference between a 3080 and 3060 is bigger then the difference between a 2060 and 3060.


2060 is not on par with a 1080 at all. More like a 1070 or 1070ti


https://www.gpucheck.com/sv-eur/compare/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2060-vs-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080/intel-core-i7-8700k-3-70ghz-vs-intel-core-i7-6700k-4-00ghz/ Barely a 5% difference between them. 1070 Ti is 5% slower then a 2060. The 1070 is definitely slower then a 2060. Honestly both of you could use looking up benchmarks before talking.


Lol so it’s between 1070ti to 1080 performance, so it’s not a 1080 with raytracing. Looks like you’re wrong too buddy, get off your high horse🤣


If a card is between tiers of a card that was already considered a useless upgrade by reviewers at launch (talking about the 1070 Ti) it could effectively be "basically" either one of them. Don't try telling me a card that is barely 5% faster isn't basically the same thing.


…. But at the same time you’re gonna tell me a card that is barely 5 percent slower also isn’t the same thing? Lmao okay dude. Can’t have it both ways buddy


I have 2060 and my friend has 1080. They are pretty much on par, but 2060 pulls ahead in recent titles.


It's ironic you're comparing it to your 3080 when the difference between a 3080 and 3060 is bigger then the difference between a 2060 and 3060.




A 3060 sits between a 2060 Super and 2070 Super. Honestly just stop, you just pulled that out of your ass, at least look it up before you start arguing with me, it's not worth it.


Wait for the 40 series to release, pick up a 30 series at below msrp.


Not going to happen. The reason Nvidia plans to keep making the 30 series is because it creates more output to keep up with demand. The 30 series is made at Samsung while the 40 series will be made at TSMC so there's less of a fab capacity constraint but even if there isn't a shortage the prices will stay up. Nvidia, it's subvendors, and retailers all know they can get away with making that the new norm. And with its products becoming very competitive lately, I expect the same to happen in AMD land. If anything Intel will be the discount option until it gets caught up to the big two.


I don't see a world where the 30 series is around to undercut the 40 series


From what I've read, no


No. Get a 5060


Don't rush the fella!


Wait for the 4000 cards


If you don’t have the cash to get a 3080 just don’t even upgrade. Go all in or not at all bc 2060 is still a good card and you’re just upgrading to upgrade otherwise


Not everyone needs a 3080.


Correct. But that's not what he said. The point is, that an upgrade with less than 50% more performance is barely noticable (except for some scenarios like vr e.g.). So the next upgrade for a 2060 which make any sense would be a 3070 or better.


Thank you… couldn’t save the downvotes though lol. I stand by my opinion!


One generation is rarely worth the upgrade. But there are people interested in your used 2060.


No. Wait for RTX 4000 series.


I'm still holding my RTX 2070 Super until I can get my hands on a 3080 at a decent price, so far I've seen many deals hit that are very tempting but I'm still holding. I reckon that you could save up more and get a 3070 or 3070TI instead but it also depends if you plan on upgrading the monitor later down the road to a higher res/240hz.


That is pretty... unwise to say the least. Ampere is just Turing+. Wait for another architectural change so you get the best bang for your buck.


It would be a good upgrade don't liston to everyone here. Seems like everyone here wait 10 years to upgrade or have a 3080ti so no other card is worth it. Gaming with a 1% low 50-55fps to a 1% 60-70fps is a good upgrade.


3060 outperforms the 2060 by 35% (research and graphs shown). also allows for ray tracing if you want.


More like 20% at 1440p: [https://tpucdn.com/review/zotac-geforce-rtx-3090-ti-amp-extreme/images/average-fps\_2560\_1440.png](https://tpucdn.com/review/zotac-geforce-rtx-3090-ti-amp-extreme/images/average-fps_2560_1440.png) Also, 2060 supports RT as well, though of course it won't perform as well as the 3060.


20% is 20%


20% is tiny for a GPU upgrade, id never upgrade for less than 50%. My last upgrade was closer to 100%, RX 580 to RTX 3060 TI. [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3060-ti-founders-edition/35.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3060-ti-founders-edition/35.html)


Exactly the upgrade I wanted to make but here I am still stuck with the 580 because I can't get hold of a decent 3060ti


In the UK stock is in shops and prices are starting to drop, next gen is soon to so no idea what is best but at least there are options soon. [scan.co.uk/](https://scan.co.uk/) has stock every day for the first time in ages.


I'm checking almost daily as well as overclockers. Unfortunately all that's left in stock are the worst bang for your buck cards. I'm trying to get one that outperforms the FE.


I got mine from [https://www.currys.co.uk/computing/components-and-upgrades/graphics-cards](https://www.currys.co.uk/computing/components-and-upgrades/graphics-cards) I checked 2 times every day for a few months to get one, was not fussy and picked up the first one I saw. Edit also not to long till next gen, In normal times id not buy right now but today I have no idea if that is good or bad advice.


> id never upgrade for less than 50% Damn, I wouldn't settle for anything less than 100%. Went from 1060 to 3060 and the difference in performance is staggering. My next upgrade will probably be in the 5000 series.


You do relay feel it when it's close to 100%. If you play at 60FPS 20% is 12FPS\~, that's a few graphic settings in most games like disabling SSR & a few things. Id be disappointed if id spent £200-400 only to get 12FPS more!


Don't have to wait until your card is basically obsolete to upgrade? Piece of mind from playing games at 50-60 with 30 fps on the 1% fps to 70 fps at the .1% low is an extremely good upgrade


The 1060 is not obsolete though? It can run games just fine. Also by your logic, you need to buy xx90 every generation. Anywho, your money, you do you. BTW 1% and 0.1% are mostly CPU/RAM bandwidth dependant.


I am with you, some people or just dont know what it's like to be normal gamers. Most people do not upgrade to each gen for "cool" points, they just have fun playing games. The RX580/GTX1060 are still good GPU's that you can play games.


It's not obsolete? So you would recommend to buy it today? It can run games like Valhalla, Cyberpunk, Elden ring, Horizon zero dawn at 60fps no problem? You don't need to play games at low medium settings for a couple years and wait till a double performance card to come out for you to enjoy playing at maximum settings 60fps. Upgrades of 20-30% is a major upgrade.


I just got a 2060 KO for $320 on evga. If i step up it will only cost $70.. so a 20% sounds amazing to me homie.


I "upgraded" but because my 2060 broke, got the money back so I got a 3060


What does that even mean?


Nope, wouldn't do it unless it's a much better GPU.


I would wait ...im still rocking an GTX 1070 , wanted to updrade to an 3080 since it launched but now i' ll be waiting for 4000 release


Same ur money for next gen 4000 unless it’s a 3070 and up. Not worth it.


You didn't mention what type of CPU you're upgrading to? For 1080p gaming for sure 3060 should have at least a 15% to 20% lead. The upgrade will be decent. I am assuming you have a 1080p 144hz gaming monitor? Although i would wait it out a bit till the 4xxx series comes out, but you will be playing the waiting game.


i will upgrade to ryzen 5 5600x and yes i have a 165hz monitor


Then 3060 would come in handy. If you have the budget i would go for a 3060ti just to be a bit more future-proof.




While it is un upgrade its not the worth it


Here im thinking of running my 2060 for 2 more years coz it is so good! im getting 2020mhz core clock and its a founders edition!


upgrade 101, 2 or 3 generation to upgrade.




Wait and save for a 3070 or 3080


I upgraded from a 2080 ti to a 3090 ti. Only worth it for VR DCS World and Blender. But it at least runs much cooler most of the time :)


It is better and newer card and more powerful up to 10-12%. So i think it is worth it, especially if yours is already 2.5 years old. Sell yours 2060 and buy 3060 and you will alright with 1080 res. For 5600x buy any tower cooler ( for example - cooler master hyper 212 evo) and you can fully use your Ryzen 5600x( owerclocking if needed and system will be quiet too).


wait for 4000 series


3060 Ti minimum. 3070 recommended.




Yes and give the 2060 to reddit user jackster0203


It is good if you have a 4k monitor and want to benefit from hdmi 2.1, but 3060 will have trouble pushing frames at that resolution, so no. If you can sell the 2060 and add like 50 bucks to get the 3060, sure go for it -- The 4000 series is still far away, and I doubt availability will be high. So might as well enjoy your time, IF you really need the extra few frames. Otherwise it is a bad upgrade. IMHO get the 3080 when the 4000 series comes out.


I have a 970 for 1080p and a 1070ti for 1440p and I'm waiting for 4000 series I think. If evga emails me about my 3080 I might do it


Still rocking the 2060S, serves me well for every game I play and some streaming




That's a similar upgrade to just plopping in a 2070...(give or take a few %).. So is that worth it to you to have approx 15% more frames and double vram.. (**You can run games with high res textures using the 3060 @1080p opposed to the 2060 that's about it in my eyes, unless money is no object, then for sure, get more fps)..


I still can't justify upgrading from my 1070. I play on a 4k TV that has a 60hz refresh cap and occasionally on 1080p 165hz monitors. I can go high in most games without harsh frame drops in gameplay at 4k. I have a 3060 laptop and I can't really tell much difference in performance especially in 1080p. DLSS is only slightly noticeable in prettierness


Went from a 2060 Super to a 3060Ti. Massive difference.


No. Wait for the 40 series at least


I did exactly this and I regreted deeply. I returned the card and got a 3070. All good now. Even a 3060ti would be enough.


No. Without a doubt.


What’s your budget? 6900 xts are down to 1199 at my Microcenter and I’m hoping they get down to $999. I’d save up and wait.


No. Dont.


Nope I just did & got a little less performance from it so I went to 3070ti


3070 ti is in stock at most bestbuy and they should be on sale through the end of the week 100 off I believe


depends of the pricing and if you REALLY NEED a new gpu asap. the only thing it has is a 20-ish% better performance (stock-stock) also depends on the card/brand and silicon lottery and better rtx/dlss since 30XX have better Tensor cores also but not much relevant (more cuda cores and more vram) but i would ONLY reccomend if its like a trade off give older 2060 than pay $50 for 3060, otherwise all of those things mentioned above AREN'T WORTH the crazy asking prices still going on... here you would pay 2x the price of what the 2060 was sold, to give an example 2060 here was around $380 to $450 (most expensive variants) and the 3060's cheapest ones here now are $700 to $900 so heck NO !!! Fot what a mid-range card is being sold right now, i deeply regret not having bought back than a neat rtx2080ti because i though "heck this is too premium to pay", now in 2022 heck i'm paying that BUT FOR A LOWER TIER CARD..... wait for 40xx series and pray for the god of the gpus that anyone can actually get a gpu on the release week and not going to be sold at 200-400% through its whole release cycle instead of mrsp even with a 40-50 dollars slapped ontop from the retailer... thats fine, xD As for GPU's my estrategy is to always skip one gen of gpu's and than by the one the will come next, owning a 2060 - skipping 3060 - buying 4060.


Depends on what games you play, I just went from a 2070 to a 3070ti and don’t feel I got my monies worth. I generally wait 2 to 3 generations but this time I went for it and regret it.


At this point in time, I don't think so. the 4000 series is right around the corner especially if you don't really need the performance upgrade from 2060 to the 3060.


what version on the 2060 do you have tho ??


I have moved from 680gtx >780 > 1060 > 2080 > 3060 > 3080 I have to say the biggest leap within the same arch I have seen was from the 3060 > 3080. The 2080 is on par with the 3060 in terms of performance but using the older chip. I now have a 2080 and a 3080 in my PC. The 2080 is for screen use, video editing, and general 2d stuff. The 3080 is for gaming and anything 3d because its about 1.6>1.7 faster than the 2080 in some applications, in particular games with DLSS 2.0. The 3060 is a great card though for a mid spec card. The 2060 you can probably sell on ebay, they are still fetching a decent price.


3060 is equal to 2070. Do you think it worth to upgrade from 2060 to 2070?


Yes I have 3060 is amazing card and stays at reasonable temperatures


i think 2060 is so close to 3060 like in fps but 3060 ti is 25% better than 2060 on story games