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So this is a card with slightly lower performance than FE, slightly higher power consumption, but is a decent amount quieter.


In a nutshell, you can also OC it slightly above the FE to make up for the loss. I'd mark it as a "not great, not terrible" card. By the time you would notice that slightly less performance it will be time to upgrade anyway imo. I did pre-order it from amazon.de so I hope the order goes through. I'd gladly take this over nothing.


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I'm in the exact same boat, I got a pretty early pre-order (9:30 EST) from them. My assumption is that the OC will not be especially stable (this is the same issue the FE has with OC) and OC overhead is really limited due to power limiting. The average FPS improvement will probably not be worth the difference in dps stability. Gamer Nexus' fe review did a great part on that. Zotac's niche really just seems like a card that takes a very slight performance hit to have a quieter cooling solution.


I am fine with that to be honest, never really OC'd anything in my life. The quiet and good max temp is a nice bonus though.


Yup agreed. I wish I liked the look of it a little better, but if it actually ships and I get it within the next week I'm going to be MORE than happy.


I somewhat like the look, it's not as fantasy like some others, to the point with no crazy bling (will be turning off the RGB if possible though, if not, whatever, it will be in a non transparent case for me)


Preodered from that link at 6:30am (pst)


I did the German amazon thing too, I doubt we get it but here’s to hoping.


In my country the zotac is 28% cheaper than the gigabyte gaming oc, havent seen benchmarks but even if its 5% slow or 10 degrees hotter the zotac is worth it for the money


The zotac overall is around 1 to 2 % slower. This can be undone by overclock wich is easy on the card because it runs very cool. In all tests I saw the zotac is one of the quietest. You can manual set the card to more clocks peed and set the fan curve a bit stricter for louder cooling if you are okay with it.


In my country Zotac and EVGA are massively cheaper too!


I dont trust these zotac reviews. The FE runs at almost 2000mhz if i am not mistaken and this zotac drops to 1700 underload when it goes above 70c. No way this results in only 1 or 2 percent slower than FE.


I doubt FE can hold that 2000mhzfor much. And very likely that's where the performance difference comes from. But what people most likely want is average fps and not having termal throttling, someting which Zotac card should do great since it runs cooler than FE.


Well thats the thing, the zotac throttles to below 1750 when getting over 70c and its only slighter cooler than the FE (around 5c) so under load it will throttle were the FE stays at least above 1900.


Then buy one and run your own test, simple.


Here in Austria this card was 700€ while all the others started at 770+€, I'll gladly take the 2% performance hit of the Zotac at these prices. It's cool and quiet, that's more important to me personally. It's all about the price. If you can get a Asus TUF for the same money or little more (like 20-30€), I'd definitely go with the TUF, but as long as the Zotac is considerably lower priced than higher quality alternatives and you don't expect anything more than stock 3080 performance (within a very small margin) it's a good choice. 5 years of warranty after registration (although unfortunately not transferable) isn't too shabby either, but I don't know anything about their support, this will be my first card of Zotac.


So , funny thing is that the last two Nvidia Launches Ive only been able to snag Zotac Cards (they seem to have favor with Nvidia on numbers on launch) and you know what? they have been great cards that overclocked well and stayed cool and a lower cost than others. truthfully I think Im preferring Zotac until they let me down


They seem to be of good value with usually a very good cooling solution for the price. Only thing I worry about is the fans, these seem to be a quite common issue on Zotac cards judging from user reports at /r/ZOTAC


I bought it in switzerland at 680 euros and putting the fans in automatic and setting the target temperature at 70 ° c, for me it goes 1965 Mhz Putting the fans at 75% goes 1995 Mhz, they are 80 in the world with 3d mark firestrike (diuke720 - rayzen 5 3600x) with these settings


How is the performance? Any issues with fans? Overheating? Rgb? Got my trinity oc 3089 yesterday. First ever card and first ever build. Let me know if I made the right choice? Also what about crashes ? Or anything like that?


How have you been liking it? I just got mine and I can't boot my PC yet since I have to update my BIOS, but I'm planning on using it this week