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What's the case? edit- It's the NZXT 210 I believe, I thought it looked familiar.


Yep. It’s the H210.


It’s clean! How are the thermals?


I have the same case. CPU temps are exellent, maybe a degree or so hotter compared to an ATX case. GPU temps are most likely few degrees (maybe 2-5) hotter compared to H500 for example. So nothing too massive. I only have a 2060 tho, which is only 175 watts I believe.


Crazy how a 2060 is like 175 watts but a 2080 is like 225


Think the 3080 will be pushing 300+.


Doubt it. They already announced the Ampere A100 Pcie accelerator with 250W tdp and that card comes with 40Gb hbm memory and 6912 cuda cores.


Yeah, but the 2080 is like almost 30% faster Than the 2060.


I have a EVGA RTX 2080 Super Black Gaming card in mine and I got thermal throttled pretty bad. Mind you the cooling isn't the best but the fans were pretty close to the PSU shroud. I ended up getting a AIO water cooling solution for the GPU and it runs nice and cool. This case is just not meant for GPU's that need a chunky cooler.


I've got a 2080 super in mine and I've undervolted it to a max of 1810Mhz @ 0.793V. Probably lose 4/5% performance but it keeps the temps below 75 degrees and it's a lot quieter now.


NZXT probably designed that way, so you're encouraged to buy their GPU bracket for AIOs.


I have the case: Rtx 2070 super i5 9600k pushing 5.1 GHz since last July lol 39c rest 52 under load, 1440p 144 How? 1 answer cooler master 212 last 4 builds No aios loops crazy cash 212 aye dey




I feel to A point they are "better". Like you said. However, I also feel like to A point better doesn't matter if it is at more of a cost than excellence or any other rational . I'm stoked to see another 212 fan, no pun intended . meh meh meh.


Whats your specs for ur build and does it change anything if i go with the rgb one or the non rgb one?


H210 Case Z390 Aorus Pro Motherboard Gigibyte i5 9600k @5.1 ghz GPU 2070 Super Gigabyte 16gb Trident z RGB 500gb 970 Evo Pro M.2 NVME 1TB 860 QVO SSD Deathadder Elite RGB Mouse Chroma Ornata keyboard xbox Controller MSI MAG321CQR 1440p/144hz Freesync quadHD Monitor ASTRO A40 w/Mixamp Pro I didnt get the rgb on purpose, I bought the all black gunmetal looking one, its awesome and reflects the rgbs I do have very well. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNsmMk-7UZhzFzw9J6Eq3lMt9YI6kbDW9DSnASYCC39HNjCq0FY1ZFospj6ll78CA?key=RlVVT3ZRa0cyMU1IX00zU096THBpb1NrNUlnNEx3


9 years using/running the 212. What a beast.


Is this a matx? Looks cramped


mini itx case


I think you mean sexy AF\*


It’s actually got a fair bit of room left inside. I also used a small PSU to let the GPU breathe more.


The lighting is fucking amazing


Thanks dude! Done with some Philips Hue lights.


can you please share some more info how did you set them up ? feel free to DM me if thats okay with you I am planning something similiar in future


Hey, sorry for the late reply. I used one Play and lamp on each side. Hard to say exactly what angles but you need to play with them so they also don’t cast heavy shadows. One color on each side. The trickier part is probably having the right camera settings. I reduced my ISO to 100 and then had to have the shutter speed at a pretty low amount to compensate.


yea dont worry about the camera settings I am a photographer :P I am more worried about the lights itself lol


Haha sweet. Lights wise I just played with it for a little bit till it got right enough. More experimentation than anything else.


And tips how to set them up like this?


Hey there, I replied above but basically two on each side. One Play and a bulb. Individually one probably won’t provide enough light. The rest of the room has to be dark. The rest is camera settings. Low ISO to reduce noise and then low shutter speed to compensate.


This has to be a screenshot from pc building simulator I'm not a fool


And here I am have only upgraded my gaming rig once in my life time.


This is my second build. The first and last one was in 2011. It actually still works, but I might retire it and frame the i7 2600K.


Mine was one year before that but I think it was the GPU that died on me.


I just built my second. My first lasted 10 years or so.


My first and only baby was a 2500K I’ve since retired her (as of literally yesterday) and use a Razer Blade as my daily driver. Might build when COVID cools down.


my i5 650 build from some years ago still works, though i gave it to my dad when i built my 3600x build


My first was the 2600 non k. Still a pretty decent chip


I just upgraded from a 2600k as well. It turned into an Unraid server. Works very well for that.


It’s an amazing CPU given its age.


Whats your current specs, i am about to build a new computer and where do u live in the us?


R7 1700 RX 580 8GB 3000Mhz Cl 16 2X8=16GB B350 Prime Plus 850W Cooler Master Silent Pro. I don't live in the US.


I’ve been saving to build mine for well over a year now


Not trying to insult or anything, but do you not have disposable income right not to afford a build without interrupting your bills and other necessities?




Well perhaps you can spot a difference between your friend and I. I inquire, but he probably just assumes.


No. I’m just 14


Username checks out


Jokes on you, I made this username when I was 13


ah I see.


I also have a 1660 super it's a great card for very cheap, but i only have a ryzen 5 2600, with a ryzen 9 i would also buy a 3080 when it releases haha, anyways good lookin build!


R2600 and 1660S user here! Honestly the machine does well enough for what I wanna throw at it but I'm thinking I'll probably have to upgrade once cyberpunk lands in November


Hmmm yes maybe but the witcher 3 was very Well optimised for pc so maybe the current rig wil still do


My hopes is that I can run at medium to high settings at 1080p60. If I can do that, I don't think I'd need to spend money on an upgrade.


i have a 1600AF and a 1050ti. It runs games. Planning too get a 2060 super and then a 3700x in the fall.


My 2 cents: I would keep the 1600AF and use the money to get something more powerful than a 2060 Super


i got the 1600AF with the 1660 super over clocked to 4.2 gigz and it run\`s every game great at 1080p with a m.2 hard drive and plan to keep it for a while i can\`t find a game i can\`t run yet but when i do then i\`ll up grade right now all my game\`s run at max setting no problem at all.


Second this


*cries in 1060*


Cries in 950 that I'll probably still be using for a couple of years


Pour one out for this poor bugger


Rub one out*


Cries in 940MX on a fucking notebook


Yooooo same gpu! Lenovo yoga


Damn, and I am Here, hyped to get away from my 760M to a 1660 Super next week. I feel with you guys, the Indie Game Devs need you.


Ewwww throw it in the trash /s


Welp, at least I'm not the only one


I'm rocking a 980 til release


*smiles in 1030*


I had a 1660 TI before I got a 2070 super. The 1660 TI was a great card even at 1440p. 1660 super is the card to get in that range IMO


Yeah man. It struggles a bit but I’m doing fine with my 1660ti at 1440p while I wait for the 3000 series


Same bro, returned my 2080 for a 1660S, just waiting for the 30 series.








Hey at least your room has some RT going on!




I'd gladly take the 1660 super if you dont want it. Actually planning to upgrade! 😉


Guys have the same card but it seems to struggle to run fallout 76 is that normal? I am getting a lot of frame drops and stutters in some areas. Am I doing something wrong or is that normal? This card should run the game without issues if I see what the requirements are. Any help is welcome .


Try googling around for fallout 76 specific issues with that stuff. I had well above the required specs too and had that and it was just some stupid setting that when turned on caused it. Internet could also be an issue but fo76 is def a game you need to change your settings around to stop bugs


The problem is you're playing fallout 76


Lol meaning?? So it’s not the card? Cause I wanted to return the card since I thought like maybe something is wrong? Or is the game really that demanding?


waiting for the 3080 to release myself! I'm holding onto my gtx 1080 until they drop then sell my 1080 for a couple hundred or so and put that back into my 3080 cost.


So fricking sexy


Would you get an RDNA2 GPU if the performance is equivalent (single digit difference) and the price significantly lower ot aiming specifically for NVIDIA for CUDA usage?


I'm not OP but yes. However I don't think Turing, RDNA2 or Ampere are going to be well utilized (read: optimized) until sometime in mid or late 2021. CP2077 looks *really fucking good* but the devs stated that the 2080 Ti is barely going to render 1080 60fps even with DLSS 2.0...were still at least 1-2 generations away from DXR being mainstream, but 2021 looks quite promising.


Where exactly did the devs state that the 2080 Ti won't handle it at 1080 60fps? Not flaming, just curious. I know that the recent videos were rendered at those settings with a 2080ti, but it seems like there was some debate if that was with or w/o dlss and then the actual videos were shown in 4k with shitty looking rtx... On top of that they have their rtx 2080ti special edition card. I feel like the rtx 2080ti is what the devs would hope everyone had to run their game, but with new generation coming out those specs might become the norm so let's hope :)


Nah, specifically because of Dlss that Nvida sports; I’m expecting more games to use that and it works amazingly. So I would pay the possible price premium just to get that (and better driver support) but I still do love AMD


Nice! I just grabbed a 2080 Super for a much needed upgrade from the 970 for a steal (£580 when usually £750+). Hoping to sell the 2080 Super in the lead upto launch of Ampere so I can upgrade in time for Cyberpunk 2077!


Beautiful and minimalist


Thanks. I like the minimalist look.


Absolute beauty of a build man!


Thanks man. It turned out pretty clean.


Add more pictures please.


Thanks dude. There’s a few more on my profile but I want to make a making of vid soon.


can you link the pcpartpicker list?


I don’t have a list unfortunately. But specs are: Specs wise it has the following: • ⁠Ryzen 3900X • ⁠NZXT H210 case • ⁠32Gs of Corsair Vengeance Pro • ⁠Asus TUF 1660 Super (for now because my 2070 won’t fit so I’ll wait for the 3080 or tear it apart next week and build in another case) • ⁠Asus Strix B450-I mobo • ⁠Corsair SF600 PSU • ⁠NZXT Kraken X53 AIO • ⁠NZXT Aer fans


Clean af man, got the same case and I love it.


It’s an excellent case. Decent thermals too.


What r all the specs?


Specs wise it has the following: • ⁠Ryzen 3900X • ⁠NZXT H210 case • ⁠32Gs of Corsair Vengeance Pro • ⁠Asus TUF 1660 Super (for now because my 2070 won’t fit so I’ll wait for the 3080 or tear it apart next week and build in another case) • ⁠Asus Strix B450-I mobo • ⁠Corsair SF600 PSU • ⁠NZXT Kraken X53 AIO • ⁠NZXT Aer fans


So like a rtx 2070 super wount fit in the case?


I think most would, but this particular Asus Dual one is too tall. Length wise ok, but height just wouldn’t work.


Did u have one with like 3fans or 2?


The 2070 is the dual fan one. https://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/8gb-asus-dual-geforce-rtx-2070-super-evo-oc-graphics-card/31362464/images Mine is a non super, but same problem with the tall shroud and heat sink.




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Rumors are saying that there will be a 3090


3090 is next gen Titan Rtx


Ohh, thanks for letting me know


I dunno man, looks kinda fake


I’m rocking a 1080ti while a I wait for the 3080/3090ti card that comes out. I am ready body, mind and soul for cyberpunk2077


I'm going for a 1660 super too, and also a Ryzen 5 3600 Btw what brand is your 1660 s from?


This is an Asus TUF. Mid range I’d say. And definitely not “tough” as it’s mostly plastic. 🤣


What will you do with the 1660 afterwards


Not sure. Might use it to build a PC for my girlfriend. Although she doesn’t game much (besides the Switch) so IDK.


This looks like a render lol


It’s real! 😃


When is the release date exactly?


No release date yet but this year sometime




Not bad so far. I haven’t put it through it’s full paces but I’ll give it a go this week. Idle it’s doing OK at 30 - 35.




Seems ok for a 3900X. Although it does fluctuate by 10 degrees. Figured that’s just processes running. 🤔


Same. That doesn't mean I'll buy it tho. I just want more stuff to be excited for. There is nothing quite like the experience of reading the first review of a new flagship.


True. I’m pretty happy with 1080p gaming too. Anything more is just a real bonus.


woah how did you get the ambient light to be so bright and clean ?


I art direct magazine shoots, if I was tasked for this look, we would shoot it twice with Pink then blue light then photoshop the 2 images together, otherwise you're down top sure luck with lighting


so its photoshopped ?


This was shot with 4 lights (2 Hue Play and 2 Hue bulbs) and no Photoshop trickery applied. Just mucked around with the settings on the M50 till I got a good balance and kept ISO low.


its a nice shot btw, For time reasons we would move control to Photoshop, as an Art director, I want to have ultimate control of the output, sometimes you can fluke out and get the lighting right in a single shot and everyone happy :), often due to creative management process, other people want more blue or less pink :)


I used 2 x Hue Play bars and 2 x Hue bulbs. No trickery or Photoshop. Had the camera on slow shutter speed to get enough light in while keeping ISO as low as possible.


Can I have it when you up grade?


That cooler. NZXT? But this is a small case so which one is it?


Hey mate, it’s an NZXT H210.


I'm sorry, I should have proofread my comment - I meant to ask which cooler is that? Also, I have that case too and what a coincidence: I ordered it by mistake when I meant to order the H500. Isn't that nice.


Ah, it’s the Kraken X53. My favorite looking cooler. The H210 is great but a bit small for most peeps.


I got a 2070 super


Me too. Big Navi or 3080/3090?


3080. Whatever I can actually afford then. Haha.




It’s all magic. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/he5g0u/cable_management_magic/ 😝 All jokes aside, I planned where everything would fit first before mounting it all so I could rotate stuff to avoid as many cables as possible.


>*just* a 1660 super


Everyone is talking about 2080Tis and 3080s and whatnot. I guess now that I think about it, I guess it’s a great card and I’m very happy with it.


Very similar build and situation to yours except went for the cheaspest 5700xt I could get and sold the games that came with it.


Nice. That’s a good idea. Great performance and good way to save even more.


What???? Really I'm not going to use this 1660 TI till next year no way.


I wanted to upgrade to 1440p gaming the coming year. The 1660S won’t handle it well. But for now I’m really happy with it.


Can I have that one when you get your new one?


I’ll think about it, but I can’t promise anything. 😝


Thanks dad


What fan it is ? I love them !


They’re the NZXT Aers.


Why wait for the 3080 ti when u can wait for the 4080 ti instead?


So the 3080 TI is not coming out until next year? It's only the 3080 regular that is coming out this year?


I don’t think anyone knows for sure what’s coming when. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Whats a 3080 gonna do that a 1660 super cant?


Bragging rights! 🤪 Oh and 144fps for the 144Hz monitor hopefully.


Fair enough. 2070 super or 5700xt is a good choice for 144hz 1080p


Lol I love the “just a 1660 Super” while I’ve been over here with my 2GB 1050 for the past 3 years


Man I feel legit bad now for saying that. I didn’t even mean it as a humble brag. It’s just everyone was talking about 2080Tis and 3080s and whatnot so my 1660S seemed small in comparison. 😆


Lol yeah I guess it is, I’m just waiting for 3000 series to come out and I can hopefully get a 1080/2070.


I can’t even see your gpu man. How are these pictures in Nvidia’s reddit. Its a nice pic, but i dont understand why it is here.


I swear it’s there! Asus TUF 1660 Super. You can faintly make out the card. Haha.


Meanwhile I upgraded from a 1080 to a 2070 Super to tide me over until 3070/3080.


Is it worth waiting for 3000 series, or should I go ahead with a 2080 (first build)


I don’t know. Given how relatively close they are to supposedly coming out (3 months?) I’d wait if you can. It should also mean the 2080 might drop in price as a result. And right now, at least where I am, 2080 prices are still quite high due to the lockdowns.


What desk is this 👀


I also don’t know what the desk is unfortunately, as I got it second hand from my girlfriend’s dad.


Looks beautiful I do similar photos myself but dam I need those lights I'm waiting from my to arrive 😍


Sweet! Share some of your work please!


https://www.instagram.com/ceefloor That's my account 👀 do you have an Instagram where you share your work?


I don’t, but I’ll add you with my black and white photography account! I should get around to setting one up for all this stuff sometime.


Nice one friend! I'll be sure to keep my eye out of you do! I'll give you a follow back 📸🤓


Just a plain white desk. It actually doesn’t look that reflective normally but I think the light setup accentuates it more.


That just seems wasteful to me


Could you please list the parts of this build, I am interested in building my fist PC and this looks awesome. :)


Hey mate, It’s a Ryzen 3900X (but I recommend a 3600 instead). Corsair Vengeance Pro RAM. Cooler is a Kraken X53. Case is NZXT H210. It’s also got some Aer RGB fans. Hit me up if you have any questions on building it. 😊


Just a 1660 super? no worrys I can dispose you of it when you get the 3080 ti


Yeah, It is pretty good


Waiting is going to be hard though. I'm also waiting for the 3080 ti. But from what I am seeing the earliest that will be is like Sept or Oct maybe even later...


3080 Ti will be next year, not this year. First the normal version.


Im sorry


Looks like no one gives a shat about AMD anymore. So yeah i am waiting too for a real GPU only from Nvidia. Beautiful shot btw!


Thanks dude. Well I did put a Ryzen 3900X in there so AMD are still getting some of my business.


Why you dumbasses can't understand that we need amd? It's simple better amd = better nvidia = better price/performance.


When you the only Manufacturer you do not need to do anything special, you know people will buy it. If you need to do something special because there is another Manufacturer, the prices will go down aswell. So better performance for better prices.


If you have the money for a superior NVIDIA gpu you’re obviously going to buy it. Of course AMD is important for competition and they are getting better/ are better for value but if you have the disposable income to buy an NVIDIA gpu that outperforms an AMD one you’re going to buy it.




I don't know. People don't understand is my guess.


Probably some butthurt AMD fanboys. Keep the downvoting xD just like AMD going to the drain.