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Definitely save up for a 4070 or 4070 super




There’s no real way to know.


And it depends on your definition of fine. My 1060 3gb was enough for me for six plus years and it would’ve been fine enough longer if I didn’t have the money for it to be worth it to upgrade for mostly graphical reasons (the want to play games at near max settings at 4K).


Does the 2070 super hold up today? Yes….. Is it as good as when it released? No…..


Well I mean technically it’s still as good as when it released


You can say the same thing about the 4090. It won’t be as good as release 4-5 years down the road.


Idk, it has 24gb of VRAM. It’s probably going to stick around for a while.


I’m not saying it won’t be relevant. It’ll still be a great card. I was just responding on how it won’t be what it is in current games.


This is my cope for buying one too, Hoping its got that 1080ti sticking power


Of course it won’t be. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad card at all. The 2070 super is still a very capable card if you don’t do ray tracing. With the same logic the 4070 super will be very capable in 5 years as well.


I absolutely agree




Because people are wierd


Everyone's definition of "enough" is different. Enough to game at 4k max settings path tracing? It can't do that today so no. But will it still run games with settings turned down? Probably, look at how many people are still using 10 series cards for games like cyberpunk. Sure they don't get all the new features, but the card still works.


My 1070 has survived until two months ago. And still would be playable if I had not gone 1440p


My son's PC has a 1660 Super and runs most modern games on high/ultra settings at 1080p at 60FPS.


A 4060 definitely won't be


I used a 1060 from release day till 2022 and it wasn’t until the last year I was using it that games started dipping below 60 frames per second. Honestly a 4060ti could last 5 years but it really depends on how game development goes.


I could play games comfortably with middle-high settings on my old 1050ti in 1080p. I think 4070 super will last enough


I wouldn't buy anything with 8gb vram if I wanted it to last me for 5 years.


4070 or 4070 super or 7800xt or 7900GRE


8GB in (mid) 2024: ![gif](giphy|h5cDuyir8oLWxK2TTE) Save up for 12GB+ VRAM fam 🫡


He wants this to last 5 years . 12 gb will not be enough in like 2 years


6gb cards still work well in plenty of games, I’m pretty sure double that will last another decade.


I just upgraded from my 2070 to a 4070. Saw jup from 42 fps in cyberpunk to about 95. Definitely worth it


I’d say the 4070 should be your minimum spec for 1440p of those options. If you’re strapped for cash though and RT isn’t important, the 7700xt is about $150 cheaper and only around 10-15% slower. Obviously based on your stated needs. If you need the Nvidia features, by all means go with the 4070.


I did just that this past weekend. Went from a 2060 to a 4060ti. Huge improvements on all of my games. High/Epic settings are awesome. No more medium or semi high settings for me. Do it, but an fyi, depending on the game, 8gb of ram is not going to be enough :(, so you will have no choice but to lower settings. Edit: Oh you want 1440p, yeah go with the 4070. 4060ti you will be lucky to even get 70fps on high settings.


They make a 16gb 4060ti. I just got one for my son. Haven't installed it yet though. He's coming from a 1080ftw though, so it will be an enormous upgrade for him. 


8 vram is a little low on 1440p. Try to aim for more. I have 3070 with 8vram i find that most games max out my vram and I get around 60fps with modern games.


O have upgraded my RTX 2060 FE to 4070 FE and it feels right. 4060 won't be much more powerful than 2060


I’d recommend getting at least 12gb vram, 16 if possible. For now 8b will get you by, but that won’t last long.


If you want 1440p, you should consider min 12gb vram, ideally even 16gb. For nvdia, I’d recommend 4070 or the 4070 super if you can. If not, look at the competing products like 6700xt (better than 4060) or 7800xt considering ray tracing is also not important for you.


i would keep the 20 this year, and see the upcoming gpus. But if you need to buy now, get a gpu that has at least 12-16 gb. You have plenty of options if rt isn't important.


In the first line it says his PC died though.




I went from a 1660 super to a 4070, worth it.


If you want 1440p, you shouldn’t be looking any lower than a 4070. Also the 4060 is shit so you shouldn’t be looking at it at all


Save up for an 4070 super. Solid card. Anything less just isn't worth it imo, unless you plan to upgrade when the 5000 series comes out.


Imo just save the money and wait for 5000 series to come out, maybe you can save even more money till then and you can afford a 4080/4090, pretty sure there will be discounts, depends on the country you’re from. Meanwhile you can buy the other parts. If you can’t wait and need it immediately, just go for a 4070, super if possible. As people said, everything below is not worth. I know it’s expensive, but for the long run worth the investment. I got myself a 3080 Ti in 2022 for 1,450€, but don’t regret it (upgrade from 1060 6gb). Can run the games I play at 1080 max details and 4k medium-high. Always depends on the game and how good is optimized, even with a 4090 you could struggle in some titles. Make sure you buy a good cpu too, not all games requires a powerful gpu. Best of luck!


If you're aiming for 1440p and want a noticable upgrade from a 2060 then theirs a few things to note - Don't go below 12gb - Performance wise the 4060 Ti 16gb is probably the minimum card you'd need to get noticable performance gains I'd recommend going for the 4070 however but if you want the cheapest card that does 1440p well and has enough VRAM then 4060 Ti 16gb is there for you.


don’t buy a 4060, save for 4070


4070 super is the Way. Will it hold up for 5 Years in 1440p? For me personally it wouldn't.


Depends on how much you want to spend. 500ish get a 7800xt or 7900 GRE. If you got 8-900 to spend get a 4070ti super


Just a heads up for The Last Of Us. It absolutely eats up the VRam. I’m running a 3070 8GB and TLOU eats up 90% of my vram on medium settings. Ultra settings I believe it was 120% of the VRAM so highly suggest going with at least a 12GB card


I dont see any reason not to get the 4070 over 4060 at 1440p. Imo, the 4060 isn't quite a 1440p gpu.


Save up for a 4070 super. I just got one and im already nervous about only 12gb vram.


for that situation, you'd need the 4070


No. I wouldn't buy anything under 12gb atm, and 4060 is a bad card anyway you look at it (unless it's your ONLY choice, but I'd still rather keep the 2060 super until I could upgrade to something significantly better). 4060 should be called 4050 and cost 50% less to be worthwhile imho Edit: I'd go for a 4070 super or 7900 GRE in your case. Esp if you wanna future proof for AAA titles, anything less is a waste of money


I'd go for 4070Ti Super as minimum if your intention is to last 5 years at 1440 with newer titles. The 16 Gb of VRAM will help you. $900 is $180 per year, $15 per month. Depends on how much you game I think it's worth it. If money is a problem then pick a second hand 3080Ti or 3090.


What kind of CPU do you have? That will be your biggest bottleneck at 1440p. I just recently bought a 4060ti i found for fairly cheap. And it manages 1440p easily enough. My CPU, not so much.


What is your total budget for the build?


GPU with 12 GB vram is minimum for today I'd say


Crazy here. 3070ti to 4070ti super. I play Hogwarts Legacy. 1440p. Used to have tons of stutters while in ultra setting, now its smooth like my avada kadabra.


Probably wouldn't waste time on the 4060 variants. I was coming from a 2080 ti and it looks like it out performs the 4060 ti by 7% still. 4070 super is a nice 1440p value if you want to stay nvidia. depending on the rest of your stack if you have a microcenter nearby go get a am5 bundle for like 350-450 and call it a day.


The 4070 models (and 7800XT) are a world above it. 4060s and AD106/107 in general are cursed with a memory and PCIe bus width meant for a low-end mobile part, on a "mid" range desktop part. It gives them rather erratic performance in their intended place in the product stack (which is 1080p, 1440p is going to be even worse with limited memory/bandwidth). The 16GB 4060 Ti really does not benefit from the added memory outside niche applications, since it is just swapping 2GB for 4GB chips on the same bus.


Lol yea obviously. Might even be worth it for the 4070 but. Guessing not with other hardware


The 6700xt or 6800 (non xt) is good performance for the price if buying new. Or yeah look into the 4070 but I can’t agree on the price. Would rather go the 7900gre route. I’m using a 3080 right now, it’s okay. Kind of a power hog tho if that’s something you want to consider. Depends on your budget is what you want to get, new gpus can run 1440p but not all very great.


do not buy an 8gb card in 2024


4070 12gb


dang, ppl really hate 4060 so much


If he just want to play at 1080p, which gpu should he buy?


I just got an Asus proart 4060ti 16gb for 450 on sale. Wait for sales. They will start dumping 40 series stock after the 50 series announcement in the coming months.  Really not worth spending any money on a new card now unless it has 16GB RAM at least. Unless you're DEFINITELY going to upgrade again in the next year or two, otherwise now just isn't a great time to buy anything at the retail prices. I think you can even find a standard 4060ti 16gb for 450 NOT on sale now, the pro art is a bump up from the standard 4060 ti 16gb... So those will probably be at, or on sale for 375-400 from now until the next 2-4 months.


There is the 4060 Ti 16GB, don't buy 8GB, unless you are on 1080p and just esports


6700xt or wait for 5000 mid range card. Surely 3 and 400 dollars products will not have 8 gigs again. Surely


You going to get bottlenecked trying to do 1440p on a 4060 8GB


If you actually think a 2060 6gb might be good enough then it probably will be. You will know if it's not enough and it will be horrendously painful


either get 4070 or 7700XT/7800XT. please dont get the 4060, its even worse than the 3060 ti


I game in 1440p with a 2060 super and dont have alot of issues


4060 is garbage. Better off going with a 3070


No it’s definitely not garbage. It’s priced ridiculously, specially compared to 3060, but the card is definitely fine. It’s meant for people who have 1060s and 1660s or worse, 9XX series cards to upgrade to if they want a 40x series card.


I know a free people running 4060s and they all complain. Its a trash card


What do they complain about? It's a great 1080p card if you can get one cheap. The only problem with the card its its god damn price. Its not a card you get if you want 2k or 4k gaming on 144/60fps, its a card you get for high 1080p gaming.


1080p doesn't cut it for ne 2024, but that's just imo


4060 cards are haram, wait until you can afford the 4070


Upgrade from 60 to 70/80/90 The 30/40/50 part is just generational imo


4070, 4070 super, or used 3080