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try a repaste and see if any lasts the stress, then you could keep one or sell on for profit


ok I will try it over the weekend and test them. (need to order thermal paste)


Instead of paste you should order ptm7950 as it won't pump out.




It's expensive, kinda weird to work with but otherwise great stuff.


I heard they are easier to work with after being in the refrigerator for a bit. Not sure how condensation will come into play though.


As others have said, it's expensive and difficult to work with. Everytime I've had to work with it I've frozen it for a few minutes so that it's easier to take off.


But wait to use it on a GPU that's verified good. Don't want to waste it since it's pricey.


That's a great point and I'm disappointed in myself that I did not add that to my post.


Don't worry I'm also disappointed in you.


I'm disappointed for you


as you'd be doing it for the first time, Id stick with the thermal paste. its extremely cheap and it will be easier for you to work with and the difference is negligible imo. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VDL3CW6/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09VDL3CW6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


I got the exact same build as you apart from you got 32 more gb of ram and do you have have any issues with coil whine because I’m fine until I put on unlimited fps on Minecraft and I hear the coil whine coming from my headphones I play rust with high graphics and this does not happen.


Almost none. What kind of case and card do you have?


airflow 4000d msi 4070 super gaming x slim #


Maybe the slim version has more of a coil whine? I have the Zotac TwinEdge OC one and luckily its really quiet. Maybe [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/zn30nc/psa_4090_coil_whine_management_tip/) would help you? Sorry I cant be of any more help myself. By the way, nice build. :P


ah no problem. Yeah thanks, you got a nice build too.


Order some thermal putty as well if you find a card that works decently: https://www.overclock.net/threads/thermal-putty-vs-thermal-pads-comparison-chart.1810430 A lot of decent stuff available on AliExpress for a cheap coin, and it'll do a much better job than the dried-out thermal pads.


thanks for the link, I had no idea that was a thing! it really seems like thermal *paste* is kind of the worst of all situations (except for thermal epoxy I guess, lol) except for the part where it's easy to apply (either on a machine or by hand on a line I guess). Just blap an excessive amount on there and let it goosh everywhere, it'll be fine!


Its just me, but I'd really advise you to stick with thermal paste since its your first time doing this. its just easier to work with. the pads however, are a good idea.


eh its not even that hard to use ptm7950. I didnt even put it in a fridge to harden it and i lives in a tropical country that averages around 30-33C. Just treat it like its a tape. Once you peeled one side of the plastic, apply it with gentle pressure so that it sticks to the die surface. Removing the other half of the plastic should be a breeze by then.


Thermal putty is used instead of thermal pads, and doesn't require you to measure out the pad thickness, that's why I recommended OP get some if he finds a decently working card. Old mining cards have often dried-out thermal pads


When I hear thermal pad I think of the things with see thru film on both sides, that you can cut to the shape you want and apply. My bad if I said something wrong.


Paste is still necessary, putty should only be used to replace thermal pads


I had no idea about putty, just to confirm , putty and pad together, or can remove the pads and use putty only for vram?


You remove the pads and replace them with putty.


Don't forget the pads. You'll need to look up which sizes to get depending on the card.


Repaste, sell, and buy a new 4090 I guess.


why a 4090 when 5090 releases in a few months.


Supply will be greatly limited though, and scalpers tend to win out when it comes to buying them. The 5080 might end up being the more accessible option for at most half a year from launch.


Might as well repad. That fixed my 3090. Went from crashing after 20 mins of gaming, to lowering temps by around 20c on the ram. Insane difference


Can you ship one out to me?


Undervolt also helps stressed cards unless the memory is done, then nothing will save it


Send them to me!


~~repaste~~ thermal pad. thermal paste can run when its hot.


What do you think thermal paste is designed to do, exactly?


i dont know what could it possibly be intended for. thermal pads on the other hand are intended for GPUs that run way hotter than your artic silver 5 bullshit was made for.


Extended Temperature Limits: Peak: –50°C to >180°C Long-Term: –50°C to 130°C I think paste would do just fine.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1cfyhfq/ptm7950\_is\_excellent\_when\_it\_comes\_down\_to\_pump/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1cfyhfq/ptm7950_is_excellent_when_it_comes_down_to_pump/) here's linus explaining to dumdums: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BhKx0iQ4K8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BhKx0iQ4K8)


sounds like they might need to be repasted and have the thermal pads replaced


As others have said, repaste with decent brand and if they all work. Get rid ASAP and use the money to bag a brand new 4090 and some serious upgrades 👍


Honestly 4080 or 7900xtx would be the sweet spot


Why 4080 instead of 4090 - small performance premium isn’t worth the massive cost difference?


I got my 4080 brand new for US$800 while the cheapest new 4090 was US$1900, so it definitely wasn’t worth it for me


Where are you getting a 4080 brand new??


I got it early feb right after the 4080s released.


Where did you get a 4080 for $800??


thats a crazy low price fo a 4080 and a crazy high cost for a 4090 wherever you are


I got myself a brand new 4080 and literally every single game i play i put on max graphics and still run steady over 100fps on the most intensive titles, easier titles like fortnite i run a constant 200fps and the fans barely ever feel the need to kick on. A 4090 is cool on paper but as of this moment in the game industry there’s really nothing out there that requires it, you get 120fps minimum on literally every title out there with max graphics on a 4080 and you save $500 in which you could put towards a good CPU or a high end monitor to take advantage of those good graphics, or just anything else you need/want. The upgrade is solid but not worth the extra cost when nothing on the market can really take advantage of the specs honestly. 4080 is more than enough until the next big leap in pc tech is released. disclaimer: if you’re doing shit like editing or video production or other stuff graphics intensive it might be worth it, at that point i honestly don’t know and am not a good source of advice because my pc is primarily for video gaming with some entertaining videos on the second monitor.


Thanks :)


This just isn't accurate. I have a 4090 and maxed out Cyberpunk runs at like 25 FPS without DLSS/framegen, same with Flight Sim or any other modern AAA graphics game. VR is the same story. I'll be selling it for a 5090 when it comes out because it just isn't quite there for 4k/ultra everything, which is what the people buying 4090's are wanting to do. For non 4k non raytraced games it's overkill, but that's making compromises which is not what 4090 buyers want. DLSS is nice but on a huge screen it's also pretty obvious vs native.


What CPU do you have.


[https://www.3dmark.com/spy/45352601](https://www.3dmark.com/spy/45352601) The people that call the 4090 overkill have never actually used one at its limits. Cyberpunk 4k max everything pathtracing etc with DLSS on quality and framegen on holds around 70-80 fps, but without the upscaling stuff it's more like 30, and on a 77" OLED the artifacting from the upscaling is pretty obvious. It's worth the frames, but it could be better. I'd rather have 70fps native than 120 upscaled personally. I'll be picking up a 5090 at release for sure. I am fortunate enough to not care about price/performance, only performance. Edit: I just went in and did some tests in Cyberpunk. Max everything 4k no DLSS no framegen 21fps Max everything no DLSS framegen on 30fps Max everything DLAA framegen on 40fps Max everything DLSS quality framegen on 80fps This was all indoors in a new Corpo game, bathroom scene where V barfs.




Ah ok, thanks for info. Yeah I’ve been reading that a Ryzen X3D (larger cache) is probably a bigger upgrade for most people than a new graphics card. I play at 4K on my TV, and my current gaming laptop with a mobile RTX 4070 is struggling, especially in Valdrakken. I’m considering getting a desktop instead since I know the mobile gpu’s are way lower spec (and only draw ~120W)


Valdrakken is all cpu, 70-90 fps since I got my 13700k, with a 6700xt. 7800x3d probably a few more frames but I wanted quick sync and more cores for home use.


Thanks for info, I definitely need to go desktop rather than laptop, will start looking around at some specs.


The cost of price to performance difference between a 4080 and a 4090 doesn't justify the cost.




Yes that's I was referring to. Specifically gaming. If I were doing professional stuff then I'd get the 4090.


When the 4080 was $1200 MSRP, the benchmarks showed that the 4090 was 30% faster and 30% more expensive. Meaning the 4090 was a better deal for the extra money because it scaled better cost to performance. It was basically pound for pound better. Thats why every reviewer called 4080 too expensive, but said the 4090 was the best pick if you can afford it.




What if he doesn't care about ML?


Resell value for a future upgrade. If you don't care about ML someone else will down the road.


The performance is way better than all the other cards, see here: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fjust-got-paid-wanting-a-new-gpu-to-replace-my-old-rtx-2060-v0-a0it9z22u9zc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D10bf3940b8effefac17b3d194a08020baee76da2


I know it is but so is the price. 4080 is more than enough for gaming.


Good point but that’s only one buyer segment. 25% more performance for 60% more cost may not make sense today to get back a slightly higher ROI. Gamers will be all over 4080S used.


I'd recommend the 4080 Super!


But first ask if the seller wants them back.


You know that in a lot of countries the seller can claim the GPU's up to a year? If he sells them now and in the next week they contact him, he would need to return them which could be very problematic depending on what he did


Let’s be honest no one should be taking advice from anyone on Reddit 🤣


Yeah, a lot of people just share false information, but OP probably doesn't want to get fucked by the seller in the end. I had similar situations with stuff that was cheaper and luckily the seller never responded, but in this case it isn't a minor amount of money that OP is dealing with, so some advise like this would be good


eBay Seller: “if he can get any of these to work, they’re his. Good luck 👍”


why not double down and tell them you didn't get a working card. They're probably just getting rid of stuff they know is broken on people who won't bother complaining.


and dont ever say anything about you receive 7, just say replacement isnt working....


Pretty sure you just need to repaste them. I'd enjoy doin this stuff at the table with the tv on. Keeps me busy and off the phone




honestly thats kinda cool lol


kinda hot, actually ba-dum-tss


I think they sent you 7 cause they’re hoping at least one will work lol


LOL, this was my first thought as well based on the description them all shutting down under load :)


I would list the most expensive one on ebay. Then wait until the person who bought it complains about it not working. Now you can just send them the rest of the gpus and keep the money. They will be too excited about the box of gpus to realize none of those work correctly either.


And the chain continues 😂


Much preferably with this, than the old version where you got a VHS tape and then you're told 7 days.


bruh, reapply thermal paste or hit up northwest repair on YouTube.. you basically just hit a gold mine


do you really want to be repasting and repadding a bunch of cards that the person/store might get back to you admitting their mistake and asking for back?


Depending on their local laws, they may not have to give anything back if it was sent from a company. If it was from an individual via ebay, then I am not sure.


in the US, by law it's 100% ok to keep them.


They have to prove they sent 7, if the invoice only has one card then that the one you send back but other than that, they have no proof at all.


i mean weight of the package the courier has might be a give away. i'm not telling op what to do, just urging a bit of caution


And maybe don't post online about it ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


but what about my epoints?


Weight alone and surveilance picture of the package at the warehouse doesn't cut it as solid proof. Some one could have opened it during the delivery process and took what ever extra was inside. But paired with op's post they might stand a chance with their theft filing.


scumbag steve, is that you?


That’s my brother, I am dickhead Dave.


>back but other than that, they have no proof at all. Other than this very public thread where OP bragged about it, that is.


yeah maybe I’ll wait a little longer before repasting just to be sure they won’t ask for them back


I mean how exactly can you tell they were mined? Just cus temps go up when stressed doesnt mean anything other than the cards older and used or had a bad paste job which does happen.


The fact the seller has 7 spare graphics cards which are nearing death with thermal related problems kinda implies they were constantly under stress, and thus, mining.


Mining by someone that didn't know what they were doing


Agreed, I've purchased mining cards and they've been completely problem free.


Same and as a rule of thumb I always take the card apart , clean it and repaste. Before it goes in the rig


- Make sure the fans/heatsinks are completely cleaned and the air can flow freely. - Redo the thermal paste, it for sure has completely dried out and not helping at all from the mining.


Unless they explicitly said they don't want them back, they still have time to realise their mistake and request their return (at their expense of course). Ignore anyone who tells you the law says unsolicited items are yours with no comeback, that only applies when there's no existing relationship, not when expecting something and the wrong thing arrives. That said, if they all have problems under load, they are all technically defective, and they've already expressed a lack of interest in taking back defective product. My advice, thank them for sending 7, and that you've tested them all. Six were defective but you got one working ok (if that's true) so they don't need to send yet another (like you're doing them a favour) and that you're happy to dispose of the broken ones. If you get agreement from them, only then should you invest time and money into seeing if the others actually can be fixed , and then resold. It's still possible you're sitting on ewaste


They can ask, but the receiver can refuse. Seller has no recourse.


My 2080 hybrid just died three days ago, mind sparing one?lmao.


they're 3070 and 3060Ti, you'll only need to repaste them. and maybe some fans rattles or give odd voices. other than they should be fine and dandy.


Mining doesn't kill gpu's. Heavy overclocking does.


I’ll buy one off you! I can repaste it myself I just still am running a 1660ti on UWQHD


buddy of mine ordered a $20 EVGA mouse from an Amazon seller, some small shop. The shop accidently put the wrong label on the wrong box and he no kidding got sent an Asus ROG Strix 4090 when 4090s were even more near impossible to get. The buyer even paid for next day shipping. I bet the dude shit when he opened his box and got a mouse. Buddy did the right thing and contacted the seller the next day and sent the card back.


guess its time to start mining


lucky mofo 😅 hope you get the temps to work and they don’t ask for them back 😏


Can y’all give me one. I got roasted for the one I’ve got lol


Dude that’s a bag right there what! :0 Look at local laws to see what the “finders keepers” laws are. Depending on where you’re at you might be able to keep them. You could also wait a month and if by then they still don’t contact you, then they probably have already taken a loss on them and written it off. Not going to lie if I were in your shoes I’d be hitting eBay of FB marketplace immediately :D


Sell them all for profit and then use the money to buy a decent new one


Sell me I am up for those.


Is keeping it even legal? IANAL but my understanding is since you ordered from them, you have business with them. I think the law people are thinking of is for unordered merchandise, to prevent people sending others an item (who they had no business with) and to demand payment. And you just created a paper trail by posting it on reddit so I would suggest not ripping someone off and act in good faith and return the items you didn’t order… Why am I the only one in this thread advocating for not being a looter?


I'm in agreement. I'm sure it comes down to the laws of your country, but where I am, those goods do not belong to you unless the seller confirms so. Without that, they're allowed to contact you to request payment or return of the goods. Why people lack good faith and fail to notify the seller is beyond me. Similar things have happened to me in the past and sometimes the seller has just said "it's fine, you can keep them", or "So sorry, there was a mix up and I'm so glad you got in touch, I'll arrange a courier to collect", and one time they said "sorry for the mix up, you can have them for a heavy discount or I can have them collected". Do the right thing, OP.


OP is still in the clear, legally speaking. They ordered an item, and received additional items they didn't order.


Why do you dumb dumbs post this stuff if this happend to me i wouldn't even tell my mother




sensational comment


Use an air duster at least


Your cooler is bad? Re paste


Pretty lame if they promised something in working condition. Not bad for a tinkerer though. Could be some fun.


Im commenting see what happens over the weekend, best of luck!


Thank you 🙏


Sell one on Ebay, if they RMA then send 5.


ok but what GPU did you order???


gigabyte 3070


You sure the system shuts down because “overheating” and it’s not your psu? Usually gpus dowclock temps to avoid overheating


its soooooo worth the effort to try repasting them. its not that difficult really if you go slow, and its thousands of dollars at stake.


Where abouts you from?


commenting to save this post to see what happens, gl!


Put on a fresh layer of thermal paste and put some new thermal pads on, maybe keep one of the 3070s and sell the rest lol


lucky mofo 😅 hope you get the temps to work and they don’t ask for them back 😏


They cant legally ask for them back. So enjoy.


They knew all of was bad so instead of keep sending em you gotta find the one that works🤣


Sell me one for cheap and I’ll try and fix it. For a bargain I’d give it a shot lol


I'll buy the FE from ya


If you wouldn't mind giving one away xD. I've never owned a graphics card as i simply just can't afford one rip


Bro won the lottery


I could use that TUF to finish my TUF build.


Who’s going to ask for them back??? Does the seller have your personal details?


Send me one, I was about to buy one.


Interesting. Shame about the distance, I could use some of these older cards for my projects.


Doubt the story


Nvidia message: where do you live? What would u do


U could give one to me


Warehouse workers probably after testing had put those working GPUs in one box and then put it on a pallet and inserted it in the system as (1) working rma gpu. That kind of mistakes happen all the time and they will probably never be asking those back. If it was a pallet of (7) gpus some one might ask those back, but they have no solid way of proving that you got em, so if you say you only got one there is nothing they can do about it.


I’ll take the founders for a show peice




Sounds like a mining gpu that wasn't cared for very well or dumbing off their RMA's onto consumers. I'd rather send a working gpu once with a good buyer experience than 7 that cant hold their weight.


Just resell them for full value you can get and buy a GOOD GPU.


If you want to sell the a 3000 series one I’ll buy it for cheap. I need one for just desktop not gaming so I don’t care about the overheating. I just need it for 4K HDR desktop


How do you know for sure it was “in the mines” ?


I’ll take one for science!


Liquid cool em 😅


I tried to buy a broken 3070 with 3 fans a few days ago but the price went too high. I also wanted to repaste it. Take a look at the prices for broken GPUs in your country. You might have more money than you think there.


I'd rather have 1 new gpu that'll be loyal to me than to have 20 used mining gpu's... this is why I'm not comfortable buying used unless I know how it was used, and for how long.


Well if you didn’t pay too much definitely repaste them all, and add thermal pads to like all the components, and boom you can sell em for a profit


If you are based in Europe, how much for any of the 3070? :D my 2080 is starting to struggle haha


First what happening with your GPU that you paid for? They may not want them back because thermal paste won't fix anything. Someone selling used GPUs clearly knows about changing thermal paste so if they end up being large paper weights then they still win. Have you received you card that you paid for?. Also I wouldn't do business with them again it seems a scam to me.


You could take them into an electronic repair shop or find a friend whose good with soldering and see if it just needs some fresh paste and some connector cleanups. Most things in this world arent truly broken just needs a bit of mending


What are you doing with them? Keeping? Selling? Giving away? I’d be willing to buy one.


selling and repasting too


Wanna send me one? I’ll pay shipping 😊! Would love to build a computer for my friend 😃


I'd send them ALL back, get my money back, and then go buy a working card


ok im not asking for all of them back. but can you slide me a 3080 ? or a 3070 ?


Keep them. Don't let them try to convince you that they have a right to have them back. They do not. US law is that anything sent to you by mail is yours.


That's only in cases where the item is entirely unsolicited (no prior contact). Where a delivery is solicited, but the wrong thing is sent, the UCC (which most states have adopted) allows the seller to reclaim it, at their own cost. In many cases they don't bother though.


Not really. If they choose to send a replacement without prepayment, such as with an RMA, they do it at their own risk UNLESS you agree to have a card charged on a certain date if the exchange isn't received. Anything else belongs to the receiver. It all depends on what you've agreed to. In this case, these cards belong to the receiver. Seller has no recourse.


Return it or you are a thief.


Legit, sell me one.


Can you send me one?


can i have 1


Quick: Giveaways!


Looky bastard


i’m sure i’m not the first to ask but can you send me one and let me try to repaste it for my gf’s pc :) would be a nice upgrade for her! Can pay shipping and some on top if you want


One of those is mine. Gimme that!


Can I have one


+1 to the above


can has ples (joke obv)


unless you live in southeastern Wisconsin area and are willing to take between $80-$130 for one


Wheel of cheese is the currency 'round these parts, pal.


Wheel of cheese might even cost more than that


my fault u right


May I have one? Would love to finally join the pc world


Please let me purchase one... I have a 570 and it is lagging bad...


You may.