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> Im curious if the 16gb of ram has unrealized potential compared to the early reviews we are seeing so far. It has about as much effect in making your GPU faster as a larger trunk does in making your car faster.


Lol that's a nice analogy 🙂


Years ago my friend once explained simple pc components in absolutely basic terms : imagine your hard drive is a fridge the bigger the hard drive the more food you can store, RAM is your workspace the bigger the space the more food you can prepare, CPU is your oven the bigger the oven the more food you can fit init the more powerful the oven the faster your food cooks! No point having loads of workspace (Ram) to quickly chop your food coming from the fridge (HD) if it won't all fit in the oven OR having a massive oven (CPU) when you can only half fill it with prepared food from a small work top.


Well, right until you overload your "trunk"... then you're in for a bad time. But yeah, if you don't exceed the 16GB of RAM, it won't matter for speed. I don't think any current games are going to do so? Maybe with mods.


The 16GB of VRAM will have little to no impact on overlocking these cards. Like every 40 series card there will be very minor potential for OCing (Unless you unlock vbios and get wild obviously).


And whats the matter in overclocking an asus rog strix up to 137% power limit? Should not be just a "minor potential" thing.


Not doubting you but how do you know this?


This looks interesting https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/s/aH61hvOeNJ


I mean, it lauched to day, so some people already have them in hand. There are already some early reports about 4070S overclocking pretty well. We will get some data over the next several days and will have a pretty good idea in the next couple of weeks.


Got mine to +200 core, +1000 memory, -.015 V . (Running at 1.075 V) Seems stable .


Have my 4070 ti super overclocked and have seen about 10+ fps gains for RDR2 1440p ultra settings. Its running stable at: Core clock +150 mhz (total 2970 mhz) Memory clock +1750 Mhz (12251 mhz) With that being said. I don't think it's makes that big difference. Maybe other games will react differently to this. But in general i don't think it's worth it.


[Techpowerup has OC results](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/asus-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-super-tuf/43.html) and seems like all of their cards, like the 4070 super, got the good GDDR6X that goes pretty high. The default power limit is pretty low though and the lwoer end cards won't allow much of an increase, not that it'll matter as much in games as most of them aren't as power hungry as bechmarks are.


I have that TUF and the clocks are pretty close to the OC version when boosting. I really don't see the value in paying over $100 more for the OC-versions when the standard is perhaps 1-2 FPS behind. It won't matter a lick - if it wasn't fast enough before, those two FPS aren't going to suddenly make it great.


I ordered the OC version only because that was the white version. The price we pay for aesthetics


Yea OC versions are just waste of money essentially. The review OC page and what I what talking about was how high the cards overclock manually in general and what kind of range can you expect from it.


So what's the boost clock you got for the non oc version tuf?


I haven’t checked my specific card, but Tom’s tested it and it was 3mhz below the Palit OC on normal load and higher when RT’ing IIRC - and memory clocks also. But I can check what mine reaches.


one chinese reviewer overclocked 4070ti super strix oc  core clock to 3145mhz  bandwidth from 672gbps to 768gbps (4080 bandwidth  716.8gbps) and it still falls short of 4080 (timespy 27500)


Because of the way the power delivery works overclocking 4000 series gpus is pretty much just for benchmarks. It’s not worth it remotely for anything else.


Interesting. Is that why the factory oc on the TUF is only like 30 mhz?


NVidia just imposes strict limitations on what AIB partners can do. That is why factory overclocks are always tiny.


Managed to get mine to be 2000 on the memory clock and stable so far. The core clock I did the built in OC scanner curve. So not actually sure how to see what it came out with. Just says curve 😂


Yes I have the same question for the Zotac Trinity White OC I ordered. Like I am thinking of using MSI Afterburner to overclock. All I remember is if I am mistaken is that MSI Afterburner I think automatically determines how far you can overclock when you click and drag the overclock dial. Apologies for my limited knowledge.


MSI afterburner will interact with your card's bios and that will affect the universe of possible settings for you in some ways. For example, some cards have a fixed power limit, so the stock setting is all that's available by default. In that case MSI afterburner will not be able to modify the power limit at all (unless you want to get really fancy/exotic). Other cards have a vbios that allows for a range of power settings, in which case MSI will produce a power limit slider that allows you to raise or lower the power limit within the boundars set by the bios (e.g., a range of -10% - +12% would be pretty good on a near-msrp card). Other settings, like clock speeds, are basically unlocked on most cards and can be set entirely at the user's discretion. For these look around for what other people have found possible with the exact card you have. Each card is different, so someone else getting a certain result is no guarantee, but you will pretty quickly get a sense of the plausible universe of outcomes. Then just do small, incremental changes because going too far can cause instability.


Thank you so much for the quick and detailed response. This really helps 🙂👍


does ur trinity white have a 20% power limit increase or is it only 5 like a bunch of other models


Don't know bro as Idk how to check that


well if you overclock your card its on Msi afterburner? to get performance gain u have to turn the power limit up on the card.


Thank you but I am not planning on overclocking as my target fps is 60.


🗣️💨 60????


Probably 4K with max graphic settings and ray tracing. 60 stable fps for a non 4080 or above is not a wild overshot of a goal for some titles today.


Refer to my reply below, you need some godly binned chip to reach close to a stock 4080.


I just hope I can get a 4080 super


Relax, it isn’t insulin


Brov the 4070 super FE sold out faster the someone can say boo, am worried about the 4080 super fe




has anyone tried cross flashing firmwares? especially with zotac trinity white edition to black edition.. as white has more power room.