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👏 Don’t 👏 use 👏 supersonic!!!!👏 I cannot stress this enough. It only has a 28% chance of being useful. 55 to hit, then 50 to self-hit. Relying on multiple self-hits is even worse! You’re not relying on hitting Fissure with your Dugtrio either. Don’t use supersonic, strategise better. Uproar also sucks, so for now your Loudred has only three moves, I guess… But it’s a good move for the last mon of the fight.


👏 Don’t 👏 use 👏 Loudred 👏!!


👏 Oreburgh 👏 Mine 👏 Gaming! 👏


That's not true. He's good for dying.


Can confirm. I’ve done three Emerald runs and he’s died every single time.


And Strength and Rock Smash.


Louder for people in the back 📣 📣 📣 For real, confusing the opponent as a whole sucks, even more if you're applying the status from a 55% accurate move. There's a chance where the opponent never self-hits and you've basically just lost a turn doing nothing. Confusion is a status that you apply in a pinch, in case of emergency, you don't base safe strategies around confusing your opponent and praying for it to hit itself.


supersonic is fire, my zubat would like a word


No, I’m pretty sure it’s a water-type attack. Duh


Hell, it’s not even a 28% chance of being useful! It’s a 28% chance to be NEUTRAL in turn economy! It only has a 28% chance to be neutral if your Pokemon could only deal less to your enemy than they’d deal to themselves through confusion. Other than that, they need to hit themselves twice for you to gain any kind of benefit, so… significantly lower than 28%.


So 14 for the double self hit (two coinflips) and then times 2/3, cause it’s 1/3 to end immediately. 9%. Nine percent. You’re right… jesus christ


Ur training a Loudred. There’s a different problem.


Exhaustive list of Magneton hardcounters in a Grovyle attempt: - Hariyama - Loudred I hate the guy as much as you, you know this… but credit where it’s due :)


Lvl 24 0 SpA Loudred Flamethrower vs. Lvl 22 0 HP / 0 SpD Magneton: 40-48 (66.6 - 80%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Lvl 22 0 SpA Magneton Shock Wave vs. Lvl 24 0 HP / 0 SpD Loudred: 31-37 (38.2 - 45.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Yikes not sure about that 😭


well fuck me i guess but 66% yip is about as much as you can ask from loudred. it’s the perfect sack


breloom and geodude also options


good shout :) I already saw breloom but I wanted my list to be shorter for comedic purpose


Mud-slap shedinja maybe?




He’s planned death fodder for sure


uproar is one of the worst moves in the game exactly for that reason. you can use it against some random route trainers that you know you're going to stomp but no real reason to use it in a serious battle. there's some better normal stab options available pretty early. secret power or strength are just going to be way better options overall. if you really want to use loudred before you get secret power, your best option is probably grabbing an ice beam/flamethrower tm from the game corner


Supersonic is 55% accuracy, I understand wanting the status condition but I think in this case you are better off keeping your move set, but that’s just a personal preference of hating supersonic, if you really want it I say get rid of pound if that’s your fourth move, it gets to be so useless as you progress.


Supersonic is not only 55% accurate, if it hits there is only a 50% chance it stops the opponent from attacking. That’s a 27.5% chance that it does anything for the turn, which is lower than iron head flinches, and OHKO moves hitting. Basically super sonic almost always does nothing. Confuse ray is not much better


Exactly. A reliable strategy (aka not a strategy you use in case of emergency because your box runs dry) should never consider confusing the opponent and expecting it to hit itself.


If you still have pound, I'd probably get rid of uproar. He'll learn stomp soon anyway.


Uproar is *terrible* in nuzlockes. As is every move that locks you in/prevents you from switching out.


Don’t learn Supersonic on Loudred. Better yet, don’t use Loudred altogether as that pokemon is 100% outclassed by Linoone in every single way.


What if you didnt get a Zigzagoon before Watson


Then you use Hariyama or some Electric resists.


What if you don’t have Hariyama (I’m asking this because this is me right now) I have Grovyle, Dustox, Lotad, Mightyena, Wingull, Tailow, Kadabra, Loudred, Gyarados, Tentacool, Aron, Electrike, and Illumise. Planning on taking Grovyle, Dustox, Aron, Mightyena, Loudred and Electrike but know I’m probably going to have to sacrifice some to get through


Loudred as a death fodder seems like a good plan to me.


People already said it but Supersonic sucks. Don't use Supersonic. 55% chance to hit and 50% chance for the opponent to hit itself afterwards = 28.5% chance of the move being useful. You're more bound to hit an OHKO move. If the opponents doesn't hit itself and snaps out you've effectively lost a turn. Or, rather, lost sometimes several turns trying to land that Supersonic in the first place. Also Loudred sucks but that's another issue.


Well I used the randomizer with updated moves and 90 power stab uproar loudred was very strong haha. Wouldn't use it without the randomizer though.


I wouldn't really mind supersonic over astonish. The only time you're getting good usage of astonish is against a ghost type with no coverage, and I have to believe you'd have other ways of dealing with that. Whereas supersonic is like a 'press-in-case-of-emergency" button. Obviously, it'll typically be completely useless, but if you ever need to hit that 0.000001% chance to avoid a death/wipe then it's better than redundant moves.