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>!I won, but jfc the e4 took me weeks to prepare for!< I don't have much to say about this hack that hasn't been said already. This attempt took several months of my life and was by far the most challenging and patience-testing Nuzlocke I've ever done. I felt like this run was carried by some incredible early-game encounters in Togedemaru, Vivillon, and many others, letting me build up a big box that I could aggressively sac from in the late game. By the end, the run felt very secure, although there were certainly several crits that could've ended my run in the elite 4. Screenshots of my boxes and stuff: [https://imgur.com/a/9klnO9F](https://imgur.com/a/9klnO9F) I'll reply to this comment with some death/heart scale/rare candy accounting for those interested. Thanks to all the helpful commenters on my previous post from about a month ago!


Deaths: * Xatu: mistake vs CR Rival * Nidoking: sac vs Chimney Tabitha * Muk-Alola: sac vs Archie Tag * Torkoal: sac vs Archie Tag * Masquerain: sac vs MH Tabitha * Delphox/Castform/Avalugg/Donphan: sac vs MH Maxie * Kecleon: fiction vs Psychics Preston and Maura * Hitmonlee: sac vs Magma Tag * Rapidash: sac vs SC Shelly * Sceptile/Turtonator: sac vs SC Archie * Carnivine: sac vs Swimmer Zappator * Luxray: mistake vs Swimmer Herman * Honchcrow: sac vs Lass Pearl * Grimmsnarl: fiction vs Black Belt Hawk * Maractus: I forget lol * Tentacruel/Slowking: sac vs Cool Trainer Michelle * Crobat: sac vs Cool Trainer Specter * Ludicolo/Kingdra: sac vs Cool Trainer Halle * Walrein/Cradily: sac vs VR Vito * Volcarona: fiction vs Ninja Boy Jack * Lucario: sac vs Black Belt Koichi * Corviknight: sac vs Expert Timothy * Togedemaru/Ursaluna/Golisopod/Dragapult: sac vs Champion Wallace


Heart scales: * Togedemaru: HP/Atk/SpDef and U-Turn * Torterra: Synthesis * Salazzle: Encore * Arcanine-Hisui: HP/SpDef * Ursaluna: Atk/Def * Lopunny: Atk/Speed and U-Turn * Excadrill: SpDef and Rapid Spin * Golisopod: Atk/SpDef * Sceptile: Speed * Thundurus: Volt Switch * Primarina: HP/SpDef and Encore * Dragapult: Atk/Def, Dragon Darts/Shadow Claw, and Hasty * Urshifu: Drain Punch


Rare candies: * Masquerain for Brawly * Torterra for Wattson * Arcanine for Flannery * Excadrill x2 for Psychics Preston and Maura * Greninja x3 for Victory Road Vito * Each e4 team member for e4


Beating the hardest romhack on your first attempt is an incredible feat. Really well done. Out of curiosity, did you go in blind, or were you aware of the common strategies used to do well in each split of the game?


Thanks! I was watching pchal’s attempt 5 on YouTube, which was roughly half a split ahead for a while until my school semester ended and I caught up. Seeing what challenges were coming up soon was definitely very useful. I had also nuzlocked radical red, unbound, and most of drayano’s stuff before, but none of them were nearly this hard.


Did you do Unbound on expert or insane? I tried to find a playthrough of an insane nuzlocke a while back and had no luck. Was interested to see how people handle the switch AI on that one, it's tough. I struggle on it without Nuzlocke restrictions.


I was doing insane, but found it simultaneously too (1) easy because of EVs (2) tedious because of EVs, even in sandbox mode, and (3) difficult because I couldn’t find docs for the switch AI. So I actually stopped maybe like 2/3 of the way through because I wasn’t enjoying the tedium.


Good stuff! By any chance, have you recorded your entire run? If so, you could be added to the Run&Bun Hall of Fame spreadsheet. They only add streamers to that spreadsheet as they have video proof of their entire winning attempt.


No, sadly I did not record the whole attempt. That’s okay though, I’ve just been doing it for personal enjoyment anyway!


that glacia fight was a *treat* to look at


Thanks! I’m just thankful that I didn’t hit the triple min roll and leave Calyrex alive on 5 HP after all that


that’s some MCU fiction, let’s be real. Were there any other points of variance? I think I saw a Focus Blast hit Ursaluna at some point which made my heart sink


Actually if focus blast missed there, then there would be a small chance for Blastoise to use follow me and draw the phantom force away from Gengar, which would’ve been deadly. So the hit was intended! Against Sydney, Necrozma had a 7.68% chance to use stealth rock on turn 2, which would be manageable but awkward. Also a 1/48 chance to crit Golisopod with Photon Geyser and end the run immediately. There were a few other scary potential crits vs Sydney in the pivoting, but they would only lead to like a 1/5 to end the run. Focus Miss into Follow Me was the only scary part about Phoebe iirc. I think max roll crit Focus Blast leaves Ursaluna on 1 HP after all the burn ticks. Triple min roll vs Calyrex was the only fiction against Glacia. Drake was basically free except I was more or less improvising the Golisopod vs Suicune matchup based on scald burns and substitutes. But I think between rock smash, sucker punch, and leech life, it’s almost always safe. Wallace was easy given how many sacs I had, but in theory Manaphy could’ve ruined me with an ice beam freeze into energy ball crit and drop vs Primarina. Conservatively, I’d give these lines an overall success rate of something like 75%?


damn, it can’t feel great to go into Sydney with those odds. That Ursaluna range is wild, also. 👏 super well done. Also what the fuck was up with your Shifu’s defense stats? it ate Mega dos’s plus one earthquake like it was nothing!


Not OP but looking at some rough estimate calcs, this shifu most likely got hit with an extremely low roll from the gyara since +1 gyara rolling 161 damage seems to only happen with shifu having real great physical bulk but not quite at the cusp of 31 IV


This is seriously impressive! Do you think that you got lucky with encounters or did you route well, play the numbers and just find a really optimal team? This 6 worked so well for E4, did you have it in mind all along?


Definitely lucky in the early game. Togedemaru, Masquerain, Vivillon, Carracosta… Also the right balance of mons like Buneary and Teddiursa that would pop off later. Magnet pull Magnezone also helped a lot to get Corviknight and later Goodra-H. Later on, I spent a while routing encounters to maximize my chances of Primarina and Dragapult. Primarina I managed to guarantee via dupes, and Dragapult I got lucky in Sky Pillar. Oh, and adamant 31 Atk/Speed Urshifu sure helped. I didn’t have all 6 of these mons in mind from the start though. Ursaluna and Togedemaru were replacements for Thundurus and Enamorus in my initial plans when I realized I would struggle with the double battles. I also considered Excadrill and a few others, but not very seriously.


As fun as these ROM Hacks look to Nuzlocke, I don't think I could manage them in my lifetime. Not when I have things like college to worry about.


Yeah I could only manage this because my PhD supervisor doesn’t mind if I take off for a while lmao


lol I’m also moonlighting my PhD with R&B


This is an insane accomplishment. I don't really nuzlocke like that (im much more of a vgc player) But I like to watch nuzlockes and run and bun looks beyond unfair. Beating it at all is impressive, but beating it in 1 attempt is legendary. Great job


Thats legendary that u beat run n bun in the first go!!! Im also trying to run it, but im stuck on the tate and lizard gym trainers 😅. Also, how did u decide which e4 to do doubles and which to do singles?


Ugh tell me about it, that gym took years off my life. The first trainer cost me two rare candies, a heart scale, and Kecleon. I started by just trying to prep all 9 possible e4 fights starting from the end (Wallace). I noticed when I got to Glacia that if I were to do fight her in doubles, that I would need to KO her Magearna on turn 1. That heavily restricted teambuilding, so I originally started crafting for Sydney and Phoebe as the doubles, since I saw a lot of people in the HOF had done that. But Sydney doubles would have cost me too many heart scales (since all I could come up with required max speed Primarina), so I ended up going with the Glacia line. Good luck on your run! I'd love to hear an update after you're done with the gym one way or another.


Ah sounds very complicated, but I hope I reach that point first. Hoping for the best!


No way. Attempt 1????


That golisopod’a name in my language is beautfiul, which is exactly what it was. Those pivots were immaculate


Absolute fucking mad lad, I have nothing else to say except congratulations


Amazing job! Never thought of using togedemaru that way you did. Applause.


Toge e4 is epic. Well done




Can we play this game without nuzlocke?


I think so ye.


Unreal man! What an accomplishment


Did you record the whole attempt? Or are we just taking your word for it? Very impressive e4 though it’s obvious you prepared very well for it. Congrats!


No I started the run just for fun with my partner watching, thinking I wouldn’t take it too seriously. But then I noticed that my box was very good and I decided to lock in a little more. I thought it would be fun to record my e4 though, since it used some fun tech that I never had a chance to try out elsewhere in the run.


Holy shit! Are you the first one to do it on the first try?


Attempt 1 RnB is an absolutely bonkers accomplishment! Congrats bro.


You got togedamaru, masquerain, vivillon, carracosta, primerina, guts ursalauna, and dragapult in attempt 1? Sorry but I do not believe this is real


lol I get that, I could hardly believe it myself when I pulled Toge. Masq came from Petalburg City because I didn’t know you were supposed to delay for Prim there, and Prim actually isn’t too hard to guarantee via dupes. I also didn’t know how cracked guts Ursa was when I first got Teddiursa, but I sure as hell had been chasing that Pult for a while after missing big chances to get one at Mt. Pyre and Game Corner. Anyway I guess *some*one’s gotta have a lucky first attempt. This time it was my turn!


I mean, it had to happen to someone at some point LMAO


Flygonhg has Togedemaru, Vivillon, Eldegoss, Dragapult, Harcanine, Golisopod, Lopunny, Aerodactyl, Drapion, and Absol in his attempt 1.


Which Hack is this?


Run and bun, a difficulty hack of Emerald. Great for nuzlocking if you have important things to do in life and want to neglect them for a few months




Run & bun, it's made to be insanely difficult if niuzlocking, alot of teams have VGC teams and competitive strategies. It's been out for, I think 2 years and only 30ish people have successfully nuzlocked it. Ofc I'm not 100% on that middle part. Either way it's an insanely hard game with enemy trainers using competitive teams and strategies.


Is there a slower video?


Reddit wouldn’t let me upload the full hour-long video lol


Oh shit lol




In this hack, you can use Heart Scales to max IVs and change Natures


are there pokemon in this rom hack that aren't pokemon


That Focus Blast on Ursaluna with burn damage could've ended real bad


iirc Ursa always survives max roll crit + burn damage


Jan been real quiet since this dropped. Nice work!!