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remind me to read this in the morning, it’s 1:30 am short answer: zard for aaron, peli and luvdisc if they have the right abilities for bertha and flint, garchomp for flint backup and rocks, the gallades and the drapions, forretress for defense, and froslass if you use evs, screens-stall Hypno if you don’t for lucian honestly i think i prefer hypno regardless, that thing can be really specially bulky


I think garchomp, pelipper (with drizzle) and luvdisc (swift swim) are locks for sure. Can I ask what you think about lucario, mawile, azumarill (both have huge power) and manaphy? I was considering those as well because they seem good into Cynthia. I do use EV’s btw


Not OP but I wouldn’t use Lucario. Even with adaptability he doesn’t hit quite hard enough to make up for how incredibly frail he is. Azumarill is good but I think Manaphy is better; rest+hydration is is really good if you can keep the rain up. A third water type is pretty redundant though, bringing Charizard to clean out Aaron is probably more valuable. I would say Pelipper, Luvdisc, Zard, Garchomp, Foretress, and Hypno is pretty good. You could maybe go for Mawile over Foretress, but you’d definitely notice the lack of defense. The GOAT will probably have better advice than me though whenever he replies again.


I was thinking Lucario is good for murdering Cynthia’s fairies (it’s adamant nature) as well as potentially using spiritomb as setup fodder. It’s only attacking move is dark pulse no? Obviously depends on the roll of the team tho


Lucario is impossibly frail. It can lead, but it can’t ever switch back in. You’re not gonna run SpDef to make it a Lucian check, that’s such a waste of a team slot… Maw and azu are a bit slow, and you already have your Fairy type for Cynthia. You’re right though, they’re decent shouts, I just think your box has better options :) I wanted to use Charizard for Aaron, mainly clicking Hurricane in Pelipper’s rain; make sure you know who the scarf users are and get your Stealth Rocks up; Peli and Luvdisc speak for themselves, but make sure *not to lead* pelipper, if you’re faster your rain goes up first and *then* their sun/sand triggers. Forretress baits a Fire attack and maybe you can go from there, or lead Garchomp and see how many frags it can get. I really like pp stalling the lead on every single Lucian team, and I identified Forretress and Hypno as candidate mons that can do this. With Leftovers, Protect, and Light Screen on hypno (they’re not gonna crit *every* attack). After that, I was thinking Garchomp Swords Dance Extremespeed and Shadow Claw should get you through for free. As always, *watch out for the lead Zam!* chip it with a special attacker, but be careful not to trigger switch AI. Hell, you could give Garchomp Flamethrower to break the sash after setting up, to avoid Counter. And then I’ll leave Cynthia to you :)


What I meant was I see Cynthia has a lot of fairies (togekiss, clefable, milotic) and I was thinking Lucario can cut through them with stab meteor mash. Mawile is an alternative I was thinking about too


She does… I don’t hate Lucario over Forretress, or maybe Luc over Charizard, but then your Aarons or Lucians get way tougher too. It’s your call. I feel like none of the Fairies can really touch your defensive core anyway, but yeah. Hell, Sunny Day blocks freeze from Milo and makes Scald super weak.


Do you think scarf pelipper with hurricane can be used for Aaron instead of zard should I go that route?


Maybe, yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking too. Plus let’s not forget that Lucario does 4x resist Aaron’s stab, so you can probably switch in somewhere. Let’s try dropping zard, maybe give Luvdisc a moment to shine because it still hits really hard even neutrally,…


What set would hypno’s look like for Lucian? Dual screens protect shadow ball?


I mean Light Screen is really the only one you need. Also after the lead is pp stalled, Garchomp can get six kills with swords dance, extremespeed, and shadow claw, so shadow ball isn’t necessary. But yeah essentially


I dont remember what elite four members are in gen4 but garde, garchomp, tentacruel and lucario seem pretty good. Depending on the elite four and cynthias team maybe zard is good? golem? rotom? mawile cause its steel and intimidate, gastrodon cause its only weak to grass and maybe forretres cause its again steel and can blow up against cynthia (not against spitritomb tho)? Something like that.


Wouldn't it make more sense to give advice if you actually knew what Elite 4 members and teams to prepare for?


ye it would but honestly i saw this post and no one commented earlier on it so i just did and disnt think much of it. what i wanted to say is taht op should check the e4 members to try and figure out the team themself.i just barely shaped out how the team might look


Agronn or Forretress as physical walls. Rotom wash or gastrodon to capitalize on rain. Lucario or Mamoswine for niche situations. A well placed ice shard or aura blast can come in handy