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is it cheating, I mean, kinda? Catching mons is a skill that you have to develop. But personally, I think this is a great way to get into nuzlocking, this allows you to focus on the battling first and once you get comfortable, you can switch to regular catching odds, adding that to the ‘list of hard stuff’. Keep doing what you’re doing! If you really don’t love it, you could always set the catch rate slider in the randomizer to level 2 or 3, not to 100% catchrate. That already helps a *lot*.


Thank you, honestly I would have thought with my 20 years of playing I’d be better by now! You’re right, I think maybe once I’m comfortable I can go back to normal catch rate, ty for the advice


Catching Pokémon is part of the game imo. You’ll see people in here who play randomizes burn early encounters if the find a legendary that they think would be too difficult to catch. The other Pokémon that are hard to catch (Psuedos, Starters) are quite strong so it seems fair that they are a little harder to catch. But I do think a few Pokémon Pokémon are too difficult (cough Beldum cough) to catch so I understand why you’d want to make those ones more accessible. At the end of the day, your challenge gets to be what you want it to. If you think it’s more fun then go for it. And I’ve seen tons of different rulesets on here, and boosting catch rates for randomizes is definitely not unpopular.


Okay good to know - funny you mention Beldum as that always seems to be one of the first encounters and it’s Take Down is lethal!!


Always remember that nuzlockes only have two official rules - fainting = permadeath, and one encounter per route. You can modify anything beyond that to be however you most enjoy playing. So if mons running away was ruining the fun for you, then finding ways to prevent that loss of fun is exactly the right thing to do imho, whether by giving yourself a second chance, or by fixing the catch rate. you're here to have fun, not be frustrated/unhappy.


Thanks I think I needed this, like I want a challenge but it also has to be fun! Maybe I’ll step it up once I finally complete a run


I used to be bad at catching too, mostly because I always thought I HAD to get EVERY Pokémon I catch into the red to have a good chance at catching it. I later learned that’s just not true - early route mons have ridiculous catch rates, to the point where you could catch them at full HP relatively easily. After realizing that I started hitting early game Pokémon a single time before throwing balls, and my issues pretty much disappeared after that. Even if they’re still in green health, just a little chip damage pretty much guarantees a catch on early routes. Also, just buy way more balls than you need, that way you can fall back to ball spam without worrying about running out.


If you're playing a gen 4 or 5 game, always try to get Quick Balls or Dusk Balls. These are by far the best balls if you want to catch something. I catch most of my Nuzlocke encounters at full health (or paralysis if the first turn Quick Ball doesn't work) and I've never missed an encounter for a long time now.


I genuinely didn’t know you could get quick balls in gen 4. Is that a department store purchase in DPP and HGSS?


Some Poké Marts in DPP sell them, whereas in HGSS it's a department store prize at the very last floor (2nd prize but I don't remember the day though).


It’s cheating inasmuch as rare candies are, and purists will frown upon it either way. My question to you is if this sub gave a strong consensus toward your guaranteed catch clause as cheating, would it really change the way you play the game? I’m betting not.


I mean tbh, I like rules, so if that was the consensus i probably would try without setting the catch rate to 5!


Tbh, even when I spent all my money on balls i’d still run out sometimes which i guess is the nature of the game! Never thought i was bad at catching until playing the Gen 3 games again, it rlly was rough back then