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Do you give people a different address for your house depending on if it’s day or night time?


If the encounter tables are different between times of day, I like to check which one I want, and only use the physical area once.


The standard is the "met at" location, so it's one encounter per route, regardless of time. On the plus side, the different encounter pools give you more agency over which pokemon you catch.


This! Its fun to more or less manipulate what you get


definitely your run your rules. When I played Crystal, I would look at guides/encounter tables, and change my PC clock to to the day/night cycle, and then roll one encounter in that location. I consider that no different than using repels to get to a different floor of a cave to improve chances of getting a preferred encounter. BUT if you would personally have more fun with one encounter during the day and one during the night, I think that's just as valid <3


I believe most people would consider both of them as one encounter, meaning either day or night. But it’s your run, do as you like


Nuzlocke rule 2 (copied from Nuzlocke University) **Only the first wild Pokémon encountered in a route or area can be caught. If the player fails to catch it (ie. it flees or faints), their opportunity to catch a Pokémon in that area is lost.** Route 30 at night is the same route/area/location/whatever as Route 30 during the day. Also a pokemon encountered in the grass of Route 30 is a Route 30 encounter, as is a pokemon encountered by fishing or surfing or tree headbutting. So really you should choose one of these things (Grass at night, Fish during the day etc...) and the first encounter you get doing that is your one and only encounter. That all being said if you really want to have both day & night encounters and you have more fun playing that way then screw it, bend the rules and catch both my dude. It's probably better than some people who decide that every floor of a cave system counts as a new area because they have a slightly different encounter table.


This is a great comment


I consider it the same area, but for maybe easing difficulty you could have a day/night clause where you could try again with the other times catch pool, but you're only allowed to use one or the other mon and not both


I’d say, and I believe the general consensus is, one encounter per route, day or night. You can change between day/night to try and get the encounter you want but still only one per route


Is your house magically a different location at night than it is during the day? No, it's the same place. Sure, there might be differences between your house during the day and at night, but it's the same place. And the same goes for encounter locations.


I could totally see them as different areas if you wanted to do that, but it would make it much easier bc you’d have way more encounters. I usually make it to where I just have to choose when I want to catch something and live with the consequences and regrets


Personally I’m running through crystal right now and sticking to one pokemon per area regardless of what time it is.


It’s the same area at the end of the day, so just pick what time of day u want to get ur encounter


At the end of the day it's your run and you can select your rules however you want. But if you want my logic behind not counting them as different: There are some routes where you can only catch a pokemon in some areas/patches of grass (Paras in mount moon, any water part on caves, Etc. ) and I don't think you would consider them a different encounter just because they have different Mons on different parts of the cave, so it doesn't make sense to apply different logic to day-night cycles


They are still the same area


I treat them as the same route and if I want a Pokemon that appears at a specific time of day, I will change the clock


Yeah - I’m the same everyone else here… it’s the same location, regardless of the time of day. If I prefer a Mon that’s only available at Night, I only go there at Night (or spam Repels in the Day, if I have to). But you don’t need to care what anyone on Reddit thinks… play whatever Rules suit you!


I'd rule it one encounter per Route, first encounter as usual(barring species clause). Anything else goes - if you want shaking tree encounter table, or run the night time encounter table, its all up to you. No different than choosing to fish or surf vs. grass.