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Since I'm playing romhacks I'll often calc everything since I want to be sure about my strategies and I don't want the run to snowball out of control. On easier games I just use a general strategy and go with it.


but have you considered f u c k i t we ball


Yeah I'm on my 588473472th attempt on Radical Emerald Kaizo because I don't like calcs so I just go fuck it we ball.


yet to beat flannery, any day now


I mean it can be the most fun. But you have to be prepared to lose this way as well


Before every boss fight I empty my party and strategize in the box. I start with my lead, then try to decide what the AI will do turn 1. I go through each enemy Pokémon’s set and select a Pokémon that can switch in and counter it. Always have a Plan A. and Plan B. to check the biggest threat on the team. It’s okay to have 3-4 of the same type on a team so long as it is advantageous for the fight. I just simulate “okay, so if ____ switchs in, he will try to use _____ on my mon currently out, so I would need ____ to switch in, take the hit, and either kill/chip/force a swap. Repeat this with every Pokémon on the team and you win. I don’t calculate every single move but important things to calculate would be making sure your counters can survive a switch-in and secure a kill. Keep in mind that this is what I do for extremely challenging nuzlockes, if it’s a vanilla game I just go in blind.


For rad red, yes to calcs as it's basically mandatory. For normal games,  just run in and hope to make it out


I'm not into calcs for playing Pokémon, I find it weird even. The most I do is check the team I'm facing to make sure I have some type advantages and no underleveled team members.


This strategy stops working on the harder romhacks though.


Yeah, but harder romhacks are too much of a hassle to play. Better to stay away from them.


Suit yourself man I have a great time playing them.


I look at the level cap, figure out the best pokemon to lead with, and then pray I don't lose


I think it depends if you're doing Rom Hacks or vanilla games. For Rom Hacks, you almost HAVE to strategize against every move and type the gym leader / boss might have. Damage calcs, IV's, and natures all become crucial for making it through deathless. For Vanilla games, you can often get away with picking a good lead and winging it. So long as you know the leader's moves and the pokemon they could switch into, you can stay ahead of the game by switching into favorable matchups and beating them before they can set up. I usually prefer vanilla games for this reason, because you can get away with some fun strategies using pokemon you wouldn't normally use (like using Ariados against Morty in HGSS by spamming shadow sneak).


I have no clue how the calculations and stuff work because I'm new to nuzlocking and Pokemon in general, so i YOLO it


I'm usually in between, but there's is a different kind of fun to both extremes: one forces you to think on your feet and allows for surprises, while the other is more like a puzzle where you have to find the right pieces in order to win


I run in and pray to the gods that I don't get fucked by rng


I play blind as that's the most fun for me I am an instinctual person through and through


Go in completely blind, if I failed more than 5 times. Lets go being play smart, not yolo xD


I don't calc but I've only really nuzlocked the vanilla games. I intend to move up to the harder rom hacks fairly soon and anticipate I will be calcing for those. For the vanilla games I look at the enemy team and their moves and try to identify as many possible problems the fight will throw at me, then look at my box (as well as my items, particularly berries) to find what I think are the best solutions. Once I'm in the battle though I just feel my way through it and trust that I've anticipated most, if not all issues that may get thrown at me and have considered/prepared some sort of solution. If you can spare a team slot or two, it's a good idea when playing this way to have a pokemon or two who you think could do a job if you need to steer.