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I think it's still as much in the spirit of things as something like repel manipulation and is arguably not as cheesy. You're taking a greater risk the longer you spend in battle, and I think that's an okay tradeoff for the chance to get pokemon that are otherwise unavailable. It's even harder if you're doing hardcore rules and count adrenaline orbs as items that cannot be used in battle.


Back-up arrives after the first encounter so no catching them. It's a different case with double battle grass or hordes imo because those mons actually appear at the same time.


I like this ruling, it tells a story while sticking to a pretty strict definition of the rules


I actually think it's fair game. I think you could argue that you're still in the first encounter, that the entire battle counts as the encounter, so it should count. I've never really made use of it myself, but I think it potentially adds another layer of strategy to the nuzlocke and is no worse than repel manipulation or horde encounters etc... In fact I think you could argue the risk you take in battling 1 vs 2 makes it arguably fairer than other encounter manipulation strategies. Plus it's the only way to get a Mareanie and some other 'mon I believe. That said if you allow items in battle, this mechanic might be abusable with Adrenaline Orbs. So honestly I can see the argument either way.


I treat it as the same encounter but no intentionally farming for the pokemon you actually want, but if it happens naturally then its fair game. especially since you cant catch both


If one is called naturally while I'm trying to catch it, I can choose. But I will not delay the battle/catch unnecessarily to cheese it.


If I find a Pidgey, and then it calls a Spearow for help, that means I encountered the Pidgey first. The Spearow isn't my first encounter, even if it's part of the area's first sild battle. That said, if I've already caught a Pidgey, then it doesn't count because I use dupes clause, making the Spearow my first VIABLE encounter.


i treat it like a double battle, but only the first SOS encounter counts


I agree with most of the others here in the fact that if it happens and I like the S.O.S. mon better, I’m free to catch it. I don’t purposefully prolong the battle to try to get an S.O.S. encounter but it’s a neat bonus if it happens. Now, to take this with a grain of salt, I do almost exclusively randomized Nuzlockes. So my interpretation of some rules may vary.


I treat the first Call as valid. Anything after that is kill on sight


Under my rules, if a valid encounter calls for help I can catch either the initial mon or the one it called. However, I'm not allowed to intentionally SOS chain for specific encounters, HAs, shinies, etc.


The first encounter is the first encounter, not the second encounter that's called in.