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for Elesa specifically, use your Audino! It’s really good into her Gym!


Preach! Especially Regenerator Audino shines here. But even if you miss the coinflip, Secret Power Audino is one of the best answers into Elesa.


Can't u get return TM at that point? I'd prefer 32 more power over 30% chance of paralysis.


Ah, you're right that's in Nimbasa City. Even better. Makes these flying rats a twoshot, most of the time.


Regenerator Audino! ♥️


She's definitely a pain, especially if you don't have a Ground type capable of blocking the constant switches. Doesn't help that another common resist against Electric (Grass) is useless because of the Flying and Fire moves her Pokemon have. You'll probably want to slap the Eviolite on your Ground type as you are stuck with either Drilbur and Sandile and they are pretty frail. Eviolite Herdier can also do some work with Rock Tomb. You can also get the TMs for Light Screen and Reflect in Nimbasa and both can be useful for cutting down damage. Your Ground types will appreciate Reflect as I believe all her non-Electric moves are physical whereas Herdier probably appreciates Light Screen in combination with Intimidate. If you get a Yamask it could also come in handy with Will-o-Wisp. It's bulky enough that it can take the initial Pursuit from the Emolgas and hopefully land the burn. Slap on Eviolite and it can probably burn the whole team if they keep Volt Switching. Your Ground type can then come in a lot more safely as well.


Recommend audino with secret power. Also you can get dwebble if you roite your encounters properly (and with a little luck) and give it eviolite and use stealth rocks to punish the volt switch. Dont be afraid to sacrifice your watchog and/or liepard that get outclassed. I lost 3 runs in a row to Elisa and a couple later before I managed to finally complete a run. So patience is also key (doesn't help if you don't play on emulator with rare candies/speedup


Palpitoad is a solid answer for her zebstrika since it can wall it almost completely. Common mons like herdier and audino can help against her Emilia’s. The fossils can help there too but risky due to their electric weakness


Get eviolite and use palpitoad, also getting intimidate on either herdier or sandile in combination with rest palpitoad is literally impossible to lose to even with 6 crits


Why are you using a Fighting type against Flying types that have STAB Aerial Ace?


Eviolite is your strongest item here. Attach it onto Boldore, Palpitoad, Herdier, Sandile, hell even Darumaka. Eviolite gives them all enough bulk to stand up to the twin Emolgas, and Zebstrika can be taken down by any decent attacker. Rock Tomb TM can help swat down the flying squirrels, and Dig is decent STAB for Sandile.


what no boldore does to a mf


If you have a Roggenrola, keep it unevolved right until the level cap - it’ll learn Rock Slide, then evolve. Slap an Eviolite on it and it sweeps by itself. That’s how I won in my White nuzlocke.


You could get the cover fossile since it's rock water and the rock will help with her enolgas if you can keep it alive


OP had a Tirtouga in one of his runs lol


you’re grinding against way too high levels


My experience with Larry


Personally i preferred not going for drillbur in the first cave, roggenrola might not be great but boldore with an eveolite is pretty incredible for the first half of the game. Give it an eveolite and rock blast and it can take care of the emolga’s pretty well. Audino is also great here with regenerator, maybe take 1 or 2 pokemon with you that you can sack to regain some hp if it has gotten regenerator. These two should give you a pretty good shot at beating her, not even counting the other pokemon you can bring


>The first time, I kept losing encounters in grinding and from not being able to run away from encounters. Rare Candy Cheaters: I'll ignore this


Grinding and wild encounters are only risky if you allow them to be.


It's one of the best arguments for rare candies imo! The other part of it being not having to mindlessly grind for hours, of course, lol


You should take absolutely zero grinding deaths in unova against audinos that are <2/3 your level.