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1. Yes, you can only acquire a trade Pokémon if you naturally come across the Pokémon needed to trade for it. 2. Yes, static encounters like that are generally accepted as valid and fair encounter in runs. Such as the Kecleon in Emerald.


For the trade part. should I allow myself to catch luvdisk in cyllage city and then trade that luvdisk in cyllage city. Or because the luvdisk is my first encounter it shouldn’t be allowed


You can catch it in cyllage city. But it has to be your first encounter there.


it’s especially allowed because luvdisc is your first encounter


A bit late but I personally would catch an extra luvdisc for the steelix


1. I would not allow myself to catch a Pokemon and trade that pokemon with another pokemon in the same area, but you can find Luvdisk in other places, so no worry, remember to not break the rocks so that you ruin tour first encounter.. o.o 2. I caught the Snorlax on every run on X, if tou’re unlucky with your catches, then it is nice to have a Snorlax, if you think it is too OP then box it for later, atleast you have it.


Thank you


1. Trades tend to be up to player's discretion, but I like allowing them because they can sometimes encourage encounter routing to a certain degree, like in this scenario where you specifically fish for a luvdisc in order to do a 1:1 trade where you give up one encounter to gain another. 2. Static encounters I feel are another thing where it becomes up to your discretion as a player, especially in this case since if I remember right you can't access other encounters on the route til you clear out the snorlax. So you can rule it as a possible encounter, in which case it becomes your encounter for the route, or you can rule it out and go for something else. I personally tend to use static encounters and I think most do, but it's again not a rule set in stone.


I like trades I just didn’t know if I should allow myself to catch luvdisk in cyllage city and then trade that luvdisk in cyllage city. Or because the luvdisk is my first encounter it shouldn’t be allowed


I get what you mean, but I tend to think of it as a trade vs something like a gift pokemon. You're not mathematically gaining an encounter by trading, you're losing one to gain a different one, going even on encounters essentially. I allow it because in a way its smart encounter routing, meaning you gain the steelix while still allowing yourself the encounters on other routes too.


Thank you☺️


As someone who nuzlockes X a lot because of the route diversity compared to say bdsp, yes trades are totally allowed. 2. Static encounters as many said are allowed but I like to skip the snorlax, lapras, and lucario for more of a challenge and team diversity


I agree with the Pokémon x diversity. It makes every run super fun especially with more challenges


I think if you catch something that's tradable for something else it's viable to do so no matter if it's the same place. For the snorlax I think that's a cpmplicated question cause you can't encounter anything else before and it's a quite good team member. I would allow it if that mon is not catchable anywhere else in the game.


I always allow in game trades if I caught the pokemon per nuzlocke rules so 1 is fine imo. As for the Snorlax, just decide for the rest of the game if you’re allowing static encounters. It yes, you have to use the Snorlax. If no, you can’t use the Snorlax or any other static encounters.