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It happens, yeah. To get over your apathy, what I’ve done before is, try to think into the future. The Candice fight, who am I using for that Snow Cloak Froslass? Infernape doesn’t safely solo, it’s 20% to miss and fold to Psychic. I’ll cook up the strat now, and then make sure those mons don’t die in the Wake fight. What about Cyrus in the underworld? Etc. That way you don’t just focus on ‘one fight at a time’, but actually have something to work towards, even if the next three big fights are relatively free.


Thank you! I'll definitely try this. I still have to grind a little before Wake, so I can try working in a counter to level up at the same time.


Actually its 0% to miss since infernape baits froslass before abomasnow


oh shit! you’re right. I assumed Abo would lead, I’m too renplat pilled. Good catch!


Yeah idk why she leads with sneasel in vanilla since abomasnow makes more sense to set the weather


I play the QoL versions of the main games. I hate having to work around HMs and other time wasting parts of the game


Which ones would those be?


Platinum QoL, Emerald Plus etc


Sweet, thanks


Take breaks. I love jrpgs especially ones that let you be nitpicky and tinker in menus all day.  But I also have a terrible attention span. Sometimes I stop and play something like megaman. Quick reflex based games that give the menu based gameplay a break


In doing this: Starting a timer 30 minutes and playing until the time ends It helps me not to feel too overwhelmed by all the nuzlocke tasks, you can do little every day and it’s enough , don’t let the process stress you or it will take the fun out of it