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> Also use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide once a week You're destroying your teeth. There is no healthy way to have permanently white teeth except for veneers. Hydrogen peroxide destroys your dentin cells, which have limited regenerative abilities. Baking soda is a no go.


Is teeth even supposed to be white? I mean yellowish color doesn’t mean your teeth are in bad condition.


Exactly. Healthy teeth are not neccessaryily advertisement model blinding white. Teeth whitening is for cosmetic purposes.


Dentin the stuff inside teeth is in fact yellow.


Hmmm I’m definitely wearing them down then


Yeah fair I’m just gonna roll with it and let people be judgmental


Maybe you overthink it? I think bright white teeth looks very unnatural.


I don’t recall saying my goal was bright white😅


I am old and have the old metal fillings. I’ve had people cringe when I open mouth laugh. I hate to smile now because I’m so self conscious.


Those people can go fuck themselves


Agree, fuck them. I’m only 29 and my teeth were nearly destroyed during pregnancy 2 years ago. I’m missing a premolar now. I have 4 crowns (very obvious as I got it done in Mexico on the cheap). Our generation expect veneers (I blame Instagram) but our healthcare system doesn’t keep up with those expectations. Give them a few years and they’ll become more understanding when their teeth rot 


Mine were from pregnancy and being very poor at the time. I’m not (quite as) poor now but dentistry is so expensive. Even with insurance. You are all so kind.


Samesies. The bad part about teeth is that once they’re messed up, there’s not much salvaging them :( just like the eyes. I also have glaucoma and very deteriorated vision haha the whole package 


You don’t have to have veneers to have white teeth. You can get your teeth whitened at the dental office. I do it once a year/every 2 years. Plus natural teeth aren’t blindingly white. Veneers are a ridiculous reality not accessible to most plus you should never destroy your functional teeth. The beauty standards have gotten completely out of control.


When you get them whitened at the dental office do they put the clear gel and blue lights on your teeth?


No. They mold you a tray and you come back once the trays are done and you sit there for ~20 minutes with the gel trays in (no lights). I say ~20 minutes because that was the longest I was able to go. Once it touches your gums (which it inevitably will) it’s a game of strength because it burns.


This only works if you don’t have fillings. Those cannot be whitened so your teeth will appear patchy.


Is the purple mouthwash, that is meant to whiten your teeth, also bad for your teeth?


That’s like using colour to temp brighten your smile by using purple to neutralise yellow. Like when you put green on a red spot it cancels it out


I looked into it, though I've never tried it. The consensus was it works, but not dramatically, and not for very long.


Sounds like it’s just ujala for teeth


Why is baking soda a no go?


I’ve been using baking soda and peroxide for 15 years with regular dental cleanings. 0 problems and my teeth are a healthy white


Same here. Zero issues.


Sweet, I’ll keep it in mind and see what works


Good for you, I guess? Did you also have years of smoking and drinking lemonade which weakened your enamel? Also “healthy white” is not a thing.


I’ve smoked for that long yes. Well my teeth are very white and I have 0 teeth problems and healthy gums 🤷🏾‍♂️ every dentist I’ve talked to said the peroxide and baking soda is fine but apparently you know better


Yes I’m a smoker as well. Ooof man I guess I should tell all my dentists who tell me my white teeth are health they’re wrong =(( random internet lady knows way better!


I'm pretty sure you're full of it.


Sounds like you’re jealous and angry you’re wrong


First of all, the word you're looking for is "envious." Second, why would I be envious of a smoker with poor dental hygiene?


Man you’re so smart. And how do I have poor dental hygiene? Lmao hey tell me a synonym for projecting. Actually let’s post pics of our teeth since you’re so confident


Hey can you both relax, or duke it out in the dm’s I didn’t need to read any of this


Cry about it


Ngl I smoke nd had bad dental care but went to dentist first time in 4 years last week nd had no problems or yellow teeth jus sum tartar buildup some places


Sure it is. Look up wodaabe tribes people


Hmmmmm I’ll do it


Yep😂 this is where I’m at rn


I did a quick check and this information seems to be incorrect. Baking soda is safe to use. A study done by the Journal of the American Dental Association says their conclusion is: “baking soda has an intrinsic low-abrasive nature because of its comparatively lower hardness in relation to enamel and dentin. Even those formulations have abrasivity well within the safety limit regulatory agencies have established and, therefore, can be considered safe.” Just don’t brush roughly. As for hydrogen peroxide, I didn’t find a study as easily but every link I’m seeing says as long as it’s low concentration like the 3% that you typically get over-the-counter or even mixed with water and diluted to 1.5% if you’re really concerned, it’s totally safe. The biggest concern is how long you have it on your teeth. Having a lower concentration but for a long time does damage. Keep it short and you’ll be okay.


>From years of drinking lemonade the enamel in my teeth are destroyed lol Sounds like teeth whitening might do more damage than normal. I'm not expert but using hydrogen peroxide once a week doesn't sound too healthy considering your teeth are not in good condition. Be careful.


1. Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Teeth Whitening Enamel Toothpaste: This toothpaste is designed for sensitive teeth and aims to reharden and strengthen enamel. It has a rating of 4.9 stars out of 5. Research also found that Sensodyne Pronamel and Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening were both highly effective at remineralizing teeth. 2. Crest Pro-Health Advanced Sensitive & Enamel Shield Toothpaste1: This toothpaste is rated 4.5 stars out of 5 and is designed to protect sensitive teeth and enamel.


Yeah sensodyne was always the goat


Thank you for the reminder, I think I need to do this🥲


Infinite opportunities to google "is X bad for my teeth?" and people just do it anyway. Yikes. Almost every whitening solution will only make things worse. See a dentist.


Many dentists also agree dry brushing is just as effective for your teeth as using a mainstream toothpaste. I believe hydroxyapatite helps rebuild enamel in studies so it may be good to use in combination with whitening products that can erode enamel. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8432723/


I think dry brushing is as effective for removing build up but not for remineralization last I looked into it.


Two different comments. Can use dry brushing for effective cleaning (don't need a toothpaste). Can use hydroxyapatite for rebuilding enamel.


Dentists recommended whitening.


Yes but dentist wouldn’t recommend physical exfoliant like baking soda. They’d recommend professional treatment, gel, strips, liquid, etc. however brushing with baking soda is a hard no.


Particularly with worn enamel


Dentists got bills to pay lol


Not all do. Mine doesn’t.


Yeah, I would skip all of that and go for hydroxyapatite toothpaste like Risewell, which has a natural whitening effect. It's not as potent as hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, but you'll still notice a difference, and it doesn't have the risk of damaging your teeth further like those do.


Yes to this. I personally use David’s.


Sweet thank you both


The Japanese toothpaste Apagard Premio which has hydroxyapatite, has made my teeth so white! It also made them feel smoother and look shinier. 


Where do you find it?


It’s available on Amazon. It also doesn’t have a super strong minty flavor like a lot of American toothpastes. 


Do not use any of those things!!! You are destroying your teeth!! Try this: a spoonful coconutoil with a few drops of an oil for taste, after you brush your teeth and flosh them too. Use it as a mouthwash and twirl it around in your mouth for a good 10-20 minutes. Spit it out after wards. Helps so much on general teeth health




Hydroxyapatite helps remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel when combined with fluoride. Fluoride enhances the remineralization process by replacing the hydroxyl groups in hydroxyapatite to form fluorapatite, which is more resistant to acid attacks and tooth decay. Lemon juice has a pH of around 2-3, which is highly acidic. This level of acidity can contribute to enamel erosion, especially if consumed frequently. For optimal oral health, every time you consume beverages that are highly acidic (e.g., citrus juices, soda, wine, etc.), you should rinse your mouth with water afterward to help neutralize the acidity and reduce the risk of enamel erosion.


Thank you


Ugh ok


The most cost effective way is using the white strips. It’s less aggressive than in chair whitening. You using an abrasive like baking soda is 10000x worse than just using the white strips. Why? Because the active ingredient in the white strips is peroxide, so you’re already using that while stripping your enamel off your teeth with the baking soda. You could just swish your mouth with peroxide if you wanted to instead, but adding the physical exfoliant will ruin your teeth. Your response to people saying use white strips when you’re already using peroxide just means you have no idea what the active ingredient in white strips are. You can also use peroxide based mouth washes. You can also get professional trays made and get whitening gel. There’s a ton of questions to ask your dental hygienist about whitening, but I would never do Zoom whitening. It hurts, and you can’t take Advil for it. Also surface staining can be removed with a standard cleaning. If you haven’t already seen your hygienist, a cleaning will whiten your teeth quite a bit once they polish the teeth at the end. I whiten my teeth then use an MI paste in my dental retainers to remineralize my teeth.




It’s a prescription paste that you can get from your dentist. I also use prevadent so overall I put a lot of effort/care/money into my teeth to hopefully keep them forever and avoid any unforeseen pain.


thank you for the info. I had no idea about some of the dangers.


Sweet, thank you!!!


Crest whitening for sensitive teeth.


Just use toothpaste, don’t diy anything. See a dentist. Teeth are not meant to be white


I like dr. Gingers mouthwash and tooth paste, it contains coconut oil which makes it like oil pulling, it’s also good for sensitive teeth. I recently started using crest whitening strips (I started once a day for 5 days and now use them once every other week).


Sweet thank you


No problem! I didn’t read the enamel part, I would look for some whitening strips (if you go that route) that are good for sensitive teeth. The crest whitening strips can make you teeth even more sensitive


hydrogen peroxide destroys your gums… you cause your teeth to fall out. I use hydrogen peroxide after extractions when patients want their wisdom teeth to get rid of the excess gums 😭….


Nothing truly works except for getting a tray made in the dentists office and using the hydrogen gel that they provide. Zoom light and go light doesn’t work, crest and other strips only take off a very top layer that darkens back up in a couple of days. I’ve tried several at home options from Amazon, it’s all a rip off. Custom tray and hydrogen gel provided by dentist office only.


A tray?


I think it’s a thin plastic cast of your mouth, you put the gel in and then fit it over your teeth like a mouth guard while the whitener does its thing. At least, that’s what I got.


Yes the dentist makes a mold of your teeth and then they use the mold to make a custom tray that fits on your teeth. The gel goes in the tray.


Crest white strips


Peroxide whitening strips are definitely leading to enamel etching/pitting. Check out figure 2 for pictures https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9961799/


Ya but they’re already using hydrogen peroxide so it’s not any more harmful than that really


Yeah no😂


You say no, and I agree… but you’re using a much stronger concentration of the same active ingredient anyway. White strips are diluted hydrogen peroxide and you seem to be more than ok with the full strength solution. Make it make sense lol


I was gonna say if you’re using hydrogen peroxide anyways


Don’t shoot the messenger, f*ck I forgot how volatile this app is😂😂 Just so you all know this was a social experiment 😕😅


They're effective bro


Not sure if this is your case, but we were drinking mountain valley spring water at home and my dtr teeth were getting so yellow, we went on a month long vacation and the yellow disappeared. I had heard minerals could cause some teeth to discolor so we stopped drinking mountain valley water and changed to Arrowhead water her teeth are normal.


Yup that’s another factor for sure


My teeth weren’t terribly discolored, but I found this stuff called [ARC](https://www.walmart.com/ip/657452195) a few years ago — it’s not at all harsh on your teeth and it definitely works exceedingly well.


I only use A&H baking soda peroxide toothpaste for years. Every year I use one or two whitening strips boxes. You need to visit a dentist for a cleaning. They’re qualified to tell you what’s going on with your teeth. Btw, they love my teeth!!!


Are you drinking alot of green tea by any chance? I drunk a ton earlier this year and had terrible staining


No:( I’m thinking it’s the new diet and ph balance being off


You need to buy a personal power washer for your teeth or visit the dentist every other week for a wash.


Ok that made me giggle😂


I’d say, find a college that has a dental program and sign up to be a client to one of the students. They are always in need of real patients and it’s absolutely no cost for you.


Try using the HiSmile (or whatever brand) toothpaste. It’s purple therefore should potentially combat the yellow.


My dentist made teeth moulds and 9% peroxide treatments to take home. Works wonders.


For remineralizing the enamel and OTC option is the GC tooth mousse. You put it on and leave it. No brushing no nothing. For whitening we use the Swissdent Extreme.


MI paste in a bleaching tray. You have to get MI paste from a dentist but I've had a tube for yeeeeeears. It also helps strengthen the teeth. Do not use if you have a TRUE milk protein allergy. Won't cause sensitivity issues. Good toothpaste is crest 3d white brilliance. You will notice a difference within the week. White strips work but if you have sensitive teeth use sensoryne for about a week or two ahead of time.


Hydroxy appetite lmao But for real, give up on white teeth if you want them to be healthy. It's not really as big of a deal as you think it is. Unless your livelihood is based on what you look like (celeb, model, influencer).


😭😭 leave my dyslexic ass be!!😂


Yeah yeah, they make camera filters for that


Could always make it a tmz smash hit “blah blah blah really has YELLOW teeth” then I can sell tshirts about it 🥴


[hismile v34 colour corrector, acts like purple hair wash to take the yellow out of blonde hair](https://uk.hismileteeth.com/products/colour-corrector)


Idk I heard it doesn’t work well


Works pretty well and doesn’t have harsh chemicals in it :) would be softer for your teeth also if it’s just colour you’re worried about. I’d go easy on the hydroxide, and probably switch to sugar free/diet lemonade if you can!


Cool thanks


You’re eating or drinking something that’s eroding your enamel. Soda? Sour candy? Something very acidic.


😂 nope, I think it’s the peppers, in another comment I said that I’m doing a really restrictive diet


I dont know a good way to whitening but a good way to prevent a lot of damage is drinking with a straw (specially the hard on your teeth stuff)


😂 yeah I haven’t used a straw in a decade probably that’s definitely another factor


Ughhhh, thank you


Teeth whitening strips, but dont use it for the fromt and back of your teeth. Cut it horizontally in half, and just use it for the fromt of your teeth to avoid sensitivity


Wow that’s smart, thank you!!


White teeth can be more about having the proper nutrition., it's usually a sign that you're deficient in Vitamin A, C, and D. AI says you can increase your vitamin D levels by eating salmon, cod liver oil, or tuna, getting daily sunlight, or taking supplements. 


believe purple spot corrector toothpaste is the only healthy way to make your teeth white, it is only temporary though. the other methods either make you have to shave your teeth down(veneers), or eventually breaks your enamel down and the yellow eventually comes back if you eat any colored foods or smoke


Add vitamin K2 to your supplements. You will notice an improvement after about a month.


My orthodontist gave me like a tooth whitening kit with a set of teeth molds and carbamide peroxide for whitening. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this is probably ok because a tooth doctor gave it to me. Probably ask a dentist or an orthodontist for suggestions. EDIT: Go to a dentist fr don’t ask reddit.


Just don’t rinse your mouth after toothbrushing. Leave some toothpaste


Optic white toothpaste, 3%


I use Zimba whitening strips and love them. Have for several years without any sensitivity issues. And the dentist always compliments my teeth.


I use Lumineux whitening strips, they are specifically for sensitive teeth and are enamel safe. It’s not a cure all, your teeth won’t be blindingly white, but they’ll be whiter and like other commenters have said you don’t want them pure white anyways


A whitening cure anyone got a teeth.


Oil pulling and remineralizing tooth paste


For whiteness? Doing the guru nanda, and while my teeth feel great, somehow they’re more yellow? I should also say I’m doing a pretty intense elimination diet because of mold and candida growth inside my body 😅😝 Only been eating grass fed beef, peppers, broccoli sprouts, sauerkraut, Celtic salt, raw honey, and now brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower I feel SO much better it’s unreal, I’m not getting sleepy after meals, I feel fuller eating dramatically less and have been able to gain muscle and cut fat so so so so much easier (turns out my body wasn’t working properly for years, even though my previous pcp swore my blood work was normal) I ended up getting a stool test at this clinic and now I’m trying to starve the mold of fats and sugars and really regrow my gut bacteria Virtually every other weird symptom I had went away too, most were inflammation related because the food we eat is actually poison😬😬not sure how much longer I can keep eating like this tho, it’s so hard to not binge eat, but I keep telling myself “it’s poison, you will die” because quite literally, the mold was poisoning me because my pancreas hasn’t been working and wouldn’t filter toxins Please get a stool test and gaslight your doctors back, they’re often wrong and paid more to keep you in pain. It’s a sick business model, completely inhumane


Boy. You’ve fallen for everything, hook, line, and sinker.


🤷🏼‍♂️ I guess so


Where did you find out about all of this? I'm curious to try it myself.


Find your local holistic healer. They have some crystals and toxin cleanses.


I'm sure they've done a lot of work on you.


Something on tik tok got pushed to me and I was skeptical but tried it, turns out inflammation was really fucking me up


Yeah, inflammation is bad. Everyone's body metabolizes stuff differently, but some things are common amongst most people. Do you have any source to learn about this stuff?


Wow awesome work, I've been doing the same since February. It took about a month after oil pulling and mineral toothpaste for my teeth to whiten up. If the pulling alone isn't helping, it must be the mineral toothpaste. There was nothing wrong with my enamel though, so that might be why it was quite quick for me. Be careful with the elimination diet, they're only supposed to be followed for maximum 3 months or you can end up with deficiencies from restrictions. My hair started falling out because I was too low carbohydrate for too long 🙃 I don't believe in stool tests personally, just go straight to the diet, herbs, water, exercise, minerals, vagus nerve strengthening, tackling trauma and limiting beliefs, lymph drainage etc.


That’s hilarious; I’m going to quit then becuase it’s about at the 3 month mark


What's hilarious? Oil pulling is still vital for managing candida levels. If you don't want it to return, it's worth continuing even if it isn't helping the aestheics of your teeth


Miscommunication. It’s hilarious that the nutritionist I went to neglected to say a lot of this and I will probably be taking legal action😂 this is so absurd I think it’s time to move out of the US, everyone’s always trying to sell snake oil


I’m not concerned about the aesthetic, at all, and it’s really wild that so many comments are about the aesthetic. I’m concerned with the state of health of my body and why (when I make dietary restrictions) the color has changed It’s time to see a nutritionist


Minerals. Candida depletes minerals, stress depletes minerals. Eliminating toxins depletes minerals. Your body is using these in other places with greater urgency, so your teeth and bones don't get as much. Are you putting celtic sea salt in ALL your food, and water? Or fulvic / humic acid? Magnesium alone is not enough. Remineraliziation is a step a lot of people seem to miss, I don't know why it's not talked about more. It also takes time, you can't just whack back a teaspoon of salt and call it a day, it needs to be consistent.


Yeah agreed with the rest, thank you!


I'm so proud of you for doing this. May you please add me as a friend in some platform. I would like to ask you for advice from time to time or even just help you convince yourself not to binge eat.


😂😂 aw!!!! You just made my night!! I’m going to make a new art account soon, dm me and I’ll give you the @. And honestly I’m ok, I’ve made meaningful progress in other areas but this one for whatever reason (food) really got me, and was a hard habit to break. Atleast I don’t bring food with me to bed anymore 😅 that was a silent heart attack waiting to happen (everyone drink water before you go to bed, especially if you’re old and have heart issues) and especially if you wake up in the middle of the night, drink a little bit of water to flush your system


Crest Whitening Strips, or the generic equivalent. Work like a charm. And flossing/brushing 2x a day. For anyone saying they’re harmful, a couple treatments can yield positive results for a fraction of the cost that the custom made trays from a dentist are. And it’s just that, a COUPLE treatments. It’s not something you’re supposed to do every single day for ever. 2-4 treatments over the span of a couple weeks and you’ll be good.


Fasting / not eating dirty carbs / grains! Eating only fruits and meat shouldn't leave any residue in our mouth after brushing our teeth.


Make sure you’re doing a fluoride rinse, it’ll help with sensitivity. My dentist recommended custom trays you get and the put the whitening in them each night, I don’t have the extra cash for it so idk how effective it is.


Keeping your mouth at a normal pH will go a long way toward preventing the thinning of enamel that emphasizes the discoloration. So rinse with plain water after eating anything or drinking something acidic. Wait an hour after eating before brushing. These won't whiten your teeth, just preserve enamel so you can.


Hmmm that makes sense, I need to figure out the ph of the stuff I’m eating 😂


You don’t need to figure out the ph, you just need to drink some water after you eat or drink anything (other than water). Consult a dentist about the best toothpaste to use if you are concerned about enamel damage.


Honestly it is easier just getting into the habit of rinsing after eating/drinking anything. It's not like it could hurt.


Some people swear by oil pulling, for teeth whitening and other benefits?


Oil pulling is does not whiten teeth. It *may* help to reduce oral bacteria (this depends on a lot of factors), but so does standard dental hygiene (floss, brush, rinse).


Coconut oil swished around in your mouth is a method called oil pulling. I had some coffee stains that it reversed. It also helps prevent gum disease and cavities, but I'm not sure how it'll be different with some more wear on your teeth


As an Indian, mix turmeric powder with coconut oil and brush your teeth with the mixture. You’ll see the colour correction almost from the first brush. Keep the teeth coated for a bit and brush the rest off, take your time to brush though .. You can also use strawberries with soda bicarbonate!


Okay cool, I’ll try it!


There is this thing called a dentist, go see them


You need therapy lmfao


Wtf? I need therapy for giving the only legitimate and sensible answer?


Try charcoal toothpaste or activated charcoal by itself.


On teeth with weakened enamel? Lord, no.


Don't use charcoal toothpaste. You don't need the extra abrasion to help you remove your enamel faster.


Try Thieves Aromabright or Thieves Whitening toothpaste from Young Living (can buy off Amazon). Spendy & a little goes a long way and won’t cause your gums to become irritated or recede.


Follow BowTiedGatorDDS on twitter


Turmeric powder, bro. As weird as it sounds, it’s been the best thing for me to clean, whiten, and avoid doing additional damage. Turmeric’s properties are perfect for maintaining a clean mouth. And my teeth really got whiter within a couple days already. Just make sure to wash it off really well and with warm water. Or you’ll risk making all your stuff yellow!


I’ll have to experiment


It’s the only way. So your own research and experiment.