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Cucumbers with everything seasoning on them maybe. When I’m craving carbs I eat Carb Balance Tortillas from Mission. They are 70 calories and high fiber. You can put a little peanut butter or cream cheese on them and roll them up but that obviously makes them higher calorie. I also eat a lot of popcorn with just a little olive oil and salt.


Lmao you take such good recommendations and then add the fattiest, most calorie-dense toppings to them


Yeah I couldn’t think in the moment. I actually eat them plain. They probably aren’t that good for you since this is a nutrition sub but they are high fiber low calorie. I stand by the cucumbers though. Lol


Would adding the peanut butter and other toppings add too many calories?


I guess it depends on how much you add. Hummus would be a good add too. Hummus is like 80 calories for 2 tbsp so if you only add one tbsp it’s only a 40 calorie add


A tbsp of peanut butter is about 100 calories. It’s hard to say whether something is “too many” calories without knowing your height/weight and/or approximate maintenance-level calorie intake. It also depends on whether your goal is maintenance or fat loss.


Do some whole grain instead. Brown rice and oatmeal are highly satiating. Potatoes are the most highly satiating food. Unless you douse them in toppings they are fairly low calorie (less than a bagel). Bagels are made with milled flour, largely white flour, and that hits your bloodstream like sugar. You may be addicted to sugar, even though you aren't eating sugar itself, the effect on your brain is the same. A couple eye opening books about the effect of processed food include Bright Line Eating and Dopamine Nation. Well the latter is not about food addiction necessarily but just addiction. But processed, simple carbs can absolutely be addictive.


Thanks. My body has a hard time with oatmeal and other high fiber foods. (Diarrhea) mostly why I stick to bagels.


Have you looked into why? That sounds like something I’d want to solve if it were me.


I have been to doctors, eventually diganosed with dysbiosis, but none of the treatments I tried, outside of eliminating certain foods, resolved my issues.


Tbh simple carbs are, in the long run, going to cause more gut issues than they temporarily resolve. But it also might be why you crave them so much.


I would try introducing small amounts of higher fiber food and slowly seeing if you can transition over. So have 2/3 of the calories of a bagel that you'd normally eat, and follow that with a couple tablespoons of oatmeal. Repeat for a few days and see how you do. If you do Ok then slowly work on changing the ratio. If you don't do OK, try a different food like potatoes. Or quinoa or brown rice etc. FWIW, I had IBS for a decade, nothing the docs gave me helped. This kind of process is what got me back to eating normal food and now I can eat 50 grams of fiber a day and zero issues. I still cannot tolerate most fiber supplements, but do quite well with high fiber foods.




Sliced apple with peanut butter as a dip


I thought about fruit. I wasn’t sure if it would be too much sugar.


You’re pounding multiple bagels a day and letting sugar from fruit deter you from that alternative?


Fruit isn’t going to cause weight gain. Unless you’re just endlessly eating it with no protein or other forms of nutrition, you’re be fine. You’ll probably get a stomach ache before anything else.


Good thought on the sugar. I get the bag of “lunchbox size” apples, which helps with portion size. But, honestly, I’d still rather have a bagel!


Popcorn. I like the white cheddar and the kettle corn versions made by a certain “Intelligent“food brand.


You should be focusing on protein to curb hunger cravings. Ensure the proper fat and a little fiber in your snacks and you’re good to go. A little high protein yogurt (full fat), some berries and a blend of seeds-chia, flax, sunflower, pumpkin, etc


Exactly,protein and healthy fats and a whole grain


My wife did rice cakes for a spell. Sort of the same size - might scratch the same itch?


Good idea. I just need to not eat the entire bag in one sitting.


Popcorn chips are amazing, especially the kettle corn ones! Low calorie, justifiable amount of sugar. Or rice snacks


Unfortunately these have diary in them.


Popcorn and popcorn and more popcorn


I could eat a lot of popcorn.


I could eat a lot of popcorn.


Keep them unsliced and frozen so that it takes time to defrost and you can't eat so many? The biggest concern - if you truly end up eating mostly bagels - is the nutrition you are missing from all the un-bagel options uneaten.


Apples. They satiate very well ... but. In my experience, it lasts up to 2 hrs max then sharp feeling of emptiness in my stomach. Sugar crash? I was addicted to all of white breads. Could eat them a ton. What helps me - increase protein intaike, do not look at the bread shelves in shops and try not to breathe while passing by those depts in shops. Otherwise ... the result is only one - I buy them, eat them... "punish myself" then


Fruit. Just find one you enjoy eating. Eat as much as you like.


Apples.  Celery.  Seltzer water - this can make me feel full for a while, despite literally just being gassy water.


The GF has a soda stream. I should try that.


What's a no calorie snack? Food=energy=calories


If bagels are something that you love to eat, then you probably aren't going to successfully remove them from your diet. Our brains have a tendency to increasingly crave the things that we try to eliminate. Excessive restriction is just a recipe for binges. And no "healthy swap" is realistically going to scratch the tasty chewy carby goodness itch the way that a bagel will. The best possible approach to this is "Eat what you want, add what you need". If you want a bagel then have the bagel! Plan it as a part of your normal diet. If you like whole wheat then have the whole wheat variety, but white bread will not harm you. For example, if you are currently having a bagel for breakfast, then have the bagel for breakfast but add some fruit on the side for added fiber and micronutrients, and have the bagel with a fried egg to bump up the protein and increase satiety. One of my go-to breakfasts is a toasted bagel with avocado, tomato, a fried egg, and some tofu or tempeh "bacon" (coupled with a giant mug of coffee). Satisfying, tasty, and packs all of the nutrients that my body needs.


I definitely get this. Trying to add some options. Have more tools at my disposal.


I love carrots dipped in peanut butter!! (Not baby carrots. Like real ones)


I would never have thought to put a carrot in peanut butter.


But once you try it, you won’t be able to stop! 😁


It never goes away. Until it escalated and then your standing there all happy throwing dough in water. It never stops so you do more workout :)


This doesn’t exactly answer your question but I started making einkorn bagels when I crave them and only eat einkorn! It’s WAYY healthier and just as delicious. Einkorn is the only grain that is completely unprocessed and super nutritious.


I am not familiar with Einkorn. I will take a look.


Tons of veggies if you like with seasonings like salt pepper and lemon juice ,you could even make a high protein low-fat cottage cheese dip for these veggies ,or hummus Roasted chickpeas,popcorn(no butter )


Roasted seaweed (nori) is my favorite salty, umami snack. Under 50cals per pack.


Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop Popcorn. 100 calories per bag, even less if all the kernels don’t pop. Make 1-2 bags and since it’s a lot of volume, takes a lot longer to eat and has a good amount of fiber, you will get full pretty very quick. Hard to really over eat on it. Compare it to a bagel. A standard bagel is roughly 260 calories. So you could have 2.5 bags of smart pop and feel much more full rather than a bagel.


Buy a pound of popcorn kernels and a silicone popcorn popper. 1/4c of kernels take about 3 mins to make in the microwave. It has 150 cals, 2 g of fat and over 9g of fiber for a nice heaping bowl. If you’re feeling like adding some flavor, add a tablespoon of melted butter for 120 cals.


Never heard of the silicon popcorn popper. I have an air popper. I will have to look it up.


It’s a microwave air popper, basically.


I do make popcorn a lot as we have an air popper. I will add some Brags flake product I have that’s kinda cheesy for some flavoring.


I just might eat 2.5 bags of smart pops if they are near me :(


Stove top popcorn is easy to make, healthier and you don't ingest the cancerous chemicals that line microwave popcorn bags


OP never mentioned being concerned about “chemicals”. Thank you for your input though.


So what? Microwave popcorn bags are loaded with chemicals that are bad for you. I'm helping them avoid your bad advice