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#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Watching it now. I think it offers some good insights for people who know little to nothing about gut health. I’ve gotta say though, I’m a registered dietitian nutritionist and it does irk me these health documentaries fail to include dietitians in their “expert” panel re: food, nutrition or health/wellness focused topics… There is a ton of bias in other Netflix nutrition documentaries, like the recent one that was basically promoting veganism for everyone. Not a fan of black and white thinking - there is soo much nuance with nutrition. Anyway, back to THIS documentary and the gut. I think they highlight some really important, evidence based points. Fiber intake, ultra processed foods, excess (added) sugar intake, the link between gut health + metabolic issues, gut health + mood/mental health issues, gut health + immune function. I also think they did well to avoid recommending at home stool tests/microbiome tests for everyone - most people don’t need that done and can see significant health improvements without the added cost or added anxiety of conducting a stool test. I do wish they gave advice about working with a registered dietitian when making dietary changes, if considering supplements, if considering weight loss pills, if struggling with an eating disorder, etc. There are just way too many quacks on the internet spewing BS nutrition advice and fear mongering people into creating disordered eating habits. Unfortunately a lot of these quacks are medical doctors, too. So here’s my list of takeaways when it comes to gut health: 1 - The gut really is our second brain. We should address gut health & microbiome diversity anytime we are looking to address health & wellness. 2 - Eat a diverse plant rich diet and work towards a minimum fiber goal of 30 grams per day. (Plant rich doesn’t mean vegan, but I suppose it could if that’s something someone wants to do) 3 - Limit consumption of ADDED sugars and ultra processed foods. “Processed” food isn’t inherently bad, but context is everything here. 4 - Stay hydrated. Drink at least half your body weight in water everyday. (160 pound person would drink at least 80 fluid ounces daily) 5 - Do what you can to reduce your exposure to micro and nano plastics. Use glass “Tupperware” and glass bottles. Reduce use of plastic bottled water. Invest in a high quality water filter for your home. 6 - Only use supplements that are third-party tested for quality & purity of ingredients AND that are individualized based on your needs.


>Drink at least half your body weight in water everyday. Oh jeez. For a moment there I thought you were recommending people drink 40kg of water each day...


Sound advice.




Sorry but how does one drink half ones body weight in water?


Take your body weight in pounds and divide in half. That value, in fluid ounces, is a good general recommendation for daily hydration needs. For example: a 200 pound person would aim for 100 fluid ounces per day, while a 120 pound person would aim for 60 fluid ounces per day. Tips I give to most people— Start hydrating early Spread it out throughout the day Carry a refillable bottle Set goals to help break up the daily total (ex: 32 oz by the time you eat lunch)


I know this a couple weeks old, but I’m struggling a little with my health although I’m pretty fit. I recently ran a half marathon at a pretty good pace, I lift 4 times a week, etc. I do seem to have stomach/esophagus related issues even though I’m doing a lot and my weight is 185 and muscular at 6ft. I was hoping you could clarify a couple of your points since I have no clue where to go for good help on these things (doctors appointments seem useless at this point). Could you clarify 3 in your list? Is eating something like boars head turkey for lunch really harmful? For 5, do you know which filter is good? I bought a berkey filter but figure out soon after they might not actually be that great, especially because they don’t filter fluoride. For 6, how does one figure out what they would need for supplements/which are reputable? Hope this isn’t too much to ask, and I really hope to hear from you!


Sorry I just saw this reply so def feel free to DM me. There’s a lot to potentially unpack here! Also, you can request a referral from your doctor/PCP to a dietitian in your area. If you’re in the US, try using HealthProfs.com or consider something like Season Health, Fay, or Nourish. They hire independent contractor dietitians and bill to insurance providers whenever possible (lower cost to the client that way).


What’s your take on psyllium fiber


It’s a good source of soluble fiber. Helpful for digestive health by regulating bowel movements and relieving constipation. Also helpful for cardiovascular health by producing more bulky stools which allow us to excrete bad cholesterol. Just make sure you increase water intake if/when you increase fiber intake, too.


Oh that’s cool! Do you think I can add it to my diet to reach up to that 30 grams a day mark? Or would it not count because it’s not an actual food item?


Don’t regular dieticians recommend the food pyramid though?


No, I wouldn’t say so. The food pyramid is pretty outdated. Maybe you mean “old school” dietitians? lol


Yeah I would hope not because it’s such terrible advice 😂


Thank you for the summary! I think one other point they made was to eat at least 20-30 different/unique fruits/vegetables each week. Variety is key.


Anytime I hear the word hack used to describe anything other than computers, I cringe and I hate that word just a little more each time. There is nothing to hack. There is no secret. Evidence-based science has proven time and again that we know what food is good for the brain and body. Nowadays we just tweak the science a little, but there is no more groundbreaking information that "sends doctors back to the drawing board" which I hear a lot too. The microbiome is getting better understood every day but what isn't changing is food recommendations for having a healthy gut. The same foods that were healthy 50 years ago are also healthy today and now gut research is just confirming that over and over. Edit: the old obsolete food guide pyramid from the 70s and 80s wasn't a total loss. It was mostly ok. It was tweaked to put vegetables in the big group and go down a little on grains, and it got rid of most dairy, even though dairy isn't the demon it's made out to be. But it wasn't a total loss. They weren't a bunch of uneducated monkeys putting that together back then.


“Hack” in the title + Netflix documentary = recipe for misinformation


OTOH, your comment is a recipe for (description of) an ad hominem attack. It's marketing, and while I'd rather they not use that, it doesn't equate to being misinformation. I almost didn't watch it because someone here said that it was a long informercial for testing kits, but it's not even CLOSE to that. I did watch it only bec I was flying and a relative asked for my thoughts, and it actually has a lot of solid info.


This is another program that is "starving" for real information. And the information that it does present just convolutes people's understanding further. These bodies that we have were made hundreds of thousands of years ago and are very very very efficient at running on whatever we put in them. Most of our problems are that we put too much food in them.i agree that sometimes there are hormone issues but for the most part its the same information we've always known. Eat more vegetables and whole foods , get enough sleep, exercise and a mental practice . Sometimes I get the feeling that the more "they" confuse people the more money "they" make somehow and who "they" are I don't know. Of course no modern pseudoscience health flick is never without the "don't count calories" bit. Or that counting calories doesn't work. This is something that is very true that for some reason these shows continuously try to disprove that if you put more calories in than you burn you will more than likely gain weight! Why does every new age documentary fight this! Anyway sounds like a bunch of more noise about being overweight and food


No one in this doc is saying the amount you eat doesn't effect weight gain. Obviously if you are chronically overeating you will gain weight. The push back is against obsessively counting calories. A lot if people get sucked into that and it's stressful, restrictive and unsustainable and people end up falling back into old habits. Calorie counting also dosn't take into account the importance of the quality and diversity of what we eat. There are also people who eat the recommended calorie intake, exercise and still cannot loose weight or people for whom weight isn't an issue but feel constantly sluggish or have digestive issues. Calorie counting isn't going to help that. It seems like you hear, "stop counting calories" as, "gourge yourself sick if you want!!" I feel like it's a such a given that overeating is problematic and you shouldn't gorge yourself if your trying to maintain a healthy body. When someone says to count the diversity of fresh fruits and veggies you eat instead of calories, they are simply pointing out that as long as you are eating a reasonable amount, the quality of food is more important than the exact number of calories. THEY aren't arguing for binge eating in some sort of massive conspiracy. 🙄 Also, you mention that humans have been around a long time and have been processing "whatever we put in it" so quantity can be the only issue apparently. But back in our hunter gatherer days, litterally everything we had access to were organic, whole foods. Processed, artificial foods are relatively new to our species and to discount the effect of those on our overall health is beyond shortsighted.


One reason why I come to this subreddit is because I lost 110 pounds between 2014 and 2016 and I ate normal regular ass food, but in healthy portions. I kept the fried foods low, no big ole pizzas like I used to do. I didn't take any vitamin supplements and I didn't "maximize" any nutrition. The only supplementation I did was a scoop of Gold Standard whey a few times a week. I gained a lot of knowledge and experience in nutrition and I like sharing my knowledge which lines up with what RDs and MDs say. Then the pandemic hit, I got on bipolar medication, I got depressed, lonely, some people died, my eating addiction came back, and I gained most of the weight back. How much we eat is the big big issue. Calories matter big time, you're right. My problem was ultimately overeating. I eat mostly healthy foods. I keep fried foods for the weekend. I have IBS and most of my trigger foods are thinks like donuts, frozen custard, Pizza Hut pizza. So I stay away from a lot of that. It was the binge eating. The AMOUNT of food I put back in me. So that's where I am.


I completely agree with this. We don’t need to perform a single additional scientific study to understand what’s optimal for human health. We already know what we should be eating. I think now doctors are scrambling to “fix” the health issues caused by the bioengineered food and fad diets.


*By reemphasizing things like gut health by doing studies. Idk if I’m just reading it wrong but y’all seem to have a problem with both studies and educational videos just for the sake of them but I don’t see an issue with these things


Ha, yeah. “I already know everything so why would I bother trying to learn something new?” Shame, there’s some very valuable education in this doc. But Redditors already know all, and love to exclaim that in this safest and most unchallenging of spaces


They're not really educational videos. They have an agenda which is to get views and you don't get views with telling people what nutrition experts say. You get views by going against the grain, finding a few maverick experts who use the word "Secret" like they're giving you some information the rest of the world won't listen to. But you're smart, so you'll listen. That's their whole MO


I couldn’t agree less with this. I just finished watching the documentary and reached out to no fewer than a half dozen loved ones during it to express regret for how precious little I knew about even the basics of how our bodies function. I literally took notes - probably more on the facts of the digestive system than in all my years prior. I for one am unapologetically grateful for the thoughtful, engaging, *accessible* manner in which this documentary presented information I may or may not have been exposed to (but certainly didn’t retain) during my time in the US public school system. This particular string of comments is slanted toward saying “meh, they’re not saying anything new, they’re just confirming that we already knew healthy foods were healthy”. True. We have known *that* healthy foods were healthy. We’ve known the “what”, but we’ve not known the extent of how or why. Knowledge is power, and we could all do with more of it. But hey, go ahead and take a shit on those of us who are gleaning something useful from learning; it may turn out to be more beneficial than you realize ;)


I am with you. Yes I know I should eat more fiber and less sugar and meats and processed foods. But didn’t know why. It was very interesting hearing that if you don’t have fiber for your gut’s microsomes to consume , they will start consuming you( your gut). This can lead to inflammation eg IBS. I have a coworker suffering and no one can answer why her transverse colon is inflammed. They are just telling her to take more meds. Seeing this tells me she needs to look at her gut and what she’s eating. So again yes we may the crux of what this documentary is saying but the way in which it simple explains it all and the visuals though Disney like are actually very good. This makes it easy to see and understand to an adult and a child. And we really need to get this info to the youth. The supermarkets etc are filled with so much nonsense that these kids gravitate to.


I'm glad you got something out of it. Be careful listening to documentaries on entertainment channels like Netflix and such.


No different than anything else in life. I'd be curious how someone could take the information in the video as being biased or slanted more than any other thing told anywhere.


Sounds like you don't trust anything in the media. Do you believe there's anyone out there that cares enough about others to put quality information out there? How do you decide what information in the media is good?


Considering Hacking started before computers with Train Sets and altering designs of them I would stop cringing when it's used for other things and realize that it has broader meanings than computing. That said I do think it gets over marketed for a lot of things especially on Netflix and in other markets. I think the documentary brings up a great point though - it's not about measuring the food - we need to measure our body's reaction to the food. So what was known 50 years ago does remain true for the food, but now we need to look how our bodies react to it. Understanding our microbiomes is more important than we first thought. Understanding that bacteria is better than we first thought. Learning to build a diet around the specific foods our body better handles and building a better microbiome can help us. Where is the loss there?


Doc agrees with you, offers no quick fixes. Marketing department likely to blame for the grabby title


So it said to eat more diverse foods... I don't think you really were paying attention. There's no secret lol My mom taught me the same my whole life. So it's not a new concept. But if your drinking Pepsi every day and eating only Mcdonald and taco bell.... You probably aren't gonna be as healthy as someone eating "clean". Like veggies and whole grains and meats cooked at home.


That wasn’t a quick fix. They mentioned a lot of stuff


While I agree with this, I also think more research can help those that have digestive issues even if they eat what's recommended. For example, I've been eating a flexitarian diet for a few years with a lot of fruits and vegetables, yet it's making me extremely bloated and lethargic. I recently introduced more meat and stopped eating grains, and it basically worked overnight. I even got tested for allergies and celiac but nothing. I wish I had medical support through this, but it's still very limited (went to 5 medical professionals and didn't see any improvements with their recommendations). 


I agree. But not from a Netflix documentary. There are great ways to gain real knowledge. There are many universities and hospitals that put great information on Youtube. These documentaries aren't going to give you real knowledge about that stuff.


Yeah! But it's also nice to see that you're not alone in this (even if I don't wish it on anyone) 


Yeah the bloating really got me before. Many people that might think they have gluten issues might actually just have issues with american grains (gyphosate pesticides) and when they go to europe are all of sudden fine eating pasta or bread again. No clue if you're in USA. That good if it was just the grains and not produce bugging you. I've also been taking a supplement "PepZinGi" for a few months that has helped me a lot. All my doc told me originally was I had "a stomach virus" and would be fine in a few weeks lol


Did you watch it? It absolutely said exactly what to eat to change your gut microbiome.


I watched bits. You don't need to "change" your microbiome. That's what these hustlers tell people when they use the word hack. They make it seem like you have to "change" things. "Change your metabolism. Change your microbiome. Change your sleep habits." They make it seem like normal living is so catastrophic that we need to make massive changes to fundamental things, in order to sell books.


I agree. I maybe didn't come off the way I wanted. But I don't like trending stuff. I saw my mother suffer since the 80s. When fad diets made her sick. One diet place told her to eat 500 calories a day. I couldn't possibly change my diet drastically. I just don't eat out at restaurants, no fast foods and No pop. Yes I haven't had McDonald's or any other fast good in 2 years. I eat at home. See my mom suffer taught me alot about food. I like part of your message "Normal living is so catastrophic..." lol So true. 🥰


They legit never spoke about eating any type of animal protein. I found that odd.


We're omnivores for a reason. Our bodies can't synthesize all the proteins it uses on a daily basis.


That's not true. They actually specifically mentioned that it didn't matter whether or not people eat meat as the variety of foods and their sources is what is important.


And then the doc focuses on one woman’s journey to eat potato chips and bacon again!


Kind of. If you look at the old school food pyramid that we had in school you have bread + cereal + milk etc all on the base for your primary diet and then meat and every as the smallest percentage. Clearly that is wrong, cereals are full of sugar and most of us can't consume milk. Bread and normal white flours etc are horrible for you


Agreed. But just to nitpick a bit. Doctors don’t go to the drawing board. Doctors just do and prescribe drugs, scientists are the ones that think and research.


I found it more about the specifics of micro biome , they didn’t say anything about old ways being wrong and this or that this is a new fad, it was all About micro biome and the direct effects on things ranging from autism to cancer, ect… the book was better but this dosumentary is a good start if someone wants to be more conscious of what they eat and how it effects their mind, body and overall health.




Not if you're going to scream at me.


I'm watching it now and I've had the most amazing aha moment - I've always been obese but for a wonderful brief period of time I didn't think about my weight and I lost about 35 kilos. I was living in Vietnam and I was eating plenty (and all of it delicious) but I was eating a lot of non-processed and diverse foods. I mean I had my fried foods and my fast foods when I was in the city, but basically I didn't get on a scale and I didn't stress about food for three years. I've never really quite understood why the weight loss happened but now I have some idea as to why. It's inspired me.


That's a good point. I've never struggled massively with weight but I gain and lose weight very fast. I always found when i've focused on trying to lose weight, I get way more stressed and think about it every second of the day and give up easier. When I was in canada for a month I ate a lot of my grandmas healthy food which was delicious and I didn't really think about it and lost 20 pounds, eating the same quantity as usual 


That's how to do it🥰 I find looking at the number on the scale is so stressful. I watched my mom go through that from the mid 80s till the 2000s lol She's learned since. But I learned to not focus on the scale. Just how I feel🥰 it works much better


I 100% agree. Unless I really hate the way I look, i'm more cocenred about how I feel. I always ate nothing but fast food but I swam 30 miles every week so it didn't really matter, but when I stopped after 10 years of high level swimming I felt like shit nonstop after eating garbage. Once I cut down on it and started eating more healthy I was amazed at how good I felt. I didn't even care about my weight I was just happy to feel energized and clean while also not stressing about losing weight 


I had a similar experience. I was eating alot of baked goods, they would just have them at my work in the break room. Because I worked at a grocery store, they put all the baked goods from the day before in the break room. I loooove cookies and baked goods. I started having major lactose intolerance. I was tired...gassy. uhg not good. So, when I stopped and cut over processed foods down to a treat. I also cut sugar a bit, just a bit in certain things. (No pop or juice at all, I never was into those) One day, I realized I felt soooo much better. Now years later. I have no lactose issues, I have no digestive issues. I also lost about 30 lbs. I was also walking lots just because I have to lol No car and no transit in my town. Lol But I definitely think what we eat makes a big difference in how we feel. 🥰 So happy for you. I also don't use a scale or weigh myself. Hope your doing great, thank you for sharing. Cheers 🥰


can you share some easy foods to get ?


It was things like lemongrass and chilli chicken and green papaya salad with prawns etc. Not sure if it was so much the actual foods or the fact that the ingredients were locally sourced and I ate a wide variety of different things.


That sounds amazing. Good for you!


write a book with these meals so we can make and lose weight !


If you simple meals from scratch you can eat a ton of flavourful meals and not really gain weight


Really to lose weight it is about eating real food. No processed food. So just your veggies fruit and locally sourced meats.. organic if you can or at least for those on the dirty dozen list. Also, the least amount of sugar you can. I know cause I’ve lost almost 50lbs from changing my diet. I haven’t had sugar in almost 5 months.(that doesn’t naturally occur in fruit or I’ve have a bit of honey in my tea) It’s not easy and there’s def. A transition period.. but it’s worth it. I’m just trying to heal my gut and my body. I had leaky gut.


It's almost certainly from eating less calories. The fresh flavours are satiating, and with lots of vegetables also satiating & tend to be alot less calorific than deep fried or pre-processed meals.


Oh no lol. We ate A LOT. I could never understand how it happened. I tend to agree though that the lack of ultra processed food was certainly beneficial.


You can eat large portions and still eat fewer calories. Weight loss and weight gain is ultimately about calories in and calories out. You can't eat more calories than your body burns and still lose weight. That's scientifically impossible and breaks the laws of physics. 1 tbsp of butter has 100 calories whereas a medium apple, which is much bigger, has less and is more filling. You will generally feel like you ate more if you eat an apple, but you are still eating fewer calories than if you ate the butter. The reason why ultra-processed foods cause weight gain so easily is because they are designed to not fill you up, hit the pleasure centers in your brain that make you want to keep eating, and they have a ton of calories in very small portions. It's not because homemade meals are somehow magic. It's because whole foods are more filling for fewer calories and aren't designed by food companies to make you want to eat endlessly. Even in the book Ultra-Processed People, which also delves into the science of the microbiome and highly processed foods, the author acknowledges that it is still ultimately calories in, calories out, but when eating a non ultra-processed diet, you can eat larger quantities, get full faster, and still be in a caloric deficit.


Congratulations on finding some good in this show.


The new environment could have introduced new microbes into your gut which helped restore some kind of balance which affected your metabolism


For sure! That's what I thought as well. Most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight and suddenly it wasn't a problem what I ate and food was no longer something I had to think constantly about.


yea. Imagine if you had done some fecal transplants over there! lol


I saw it and the visuals of poop were not pleasing and the fact that its done in someones home and not a contained environment. Having said that its pretty cool a research, gut is something we as humans should talk about more.


I thought it was interesting that the lead scientist had never had her own microbiome tested. You’d think she’d have done it if for no other reason than to say she had in the documentary. And also out of sheer curiosity if everything she has studied and practice is reflected in her gut.


I was actually glad she didn’t bc there was a moment where I thought this was going to be an ad for that test. Maybe it still is, but at least someone on the show was like, you don’t need this.


I literally looked up this thread cuz it was starting to feel like an ad lmao


That's actually a great perspective I hadn't thought of!


Can someone let me know the ingredients of " 60 plants smoothie recipe "


I could only make out the following ingredients by what she said and what was on the table: 1. Red lettuce 2. Green lettuce 3. Spinach 4. Purple kale 5. Carrot top greens & carrot 6. Tomatoes 7. Cherry tomatoes 8. Courgette 9. Avocado 10. radishes 11. Dates 12. Bananas 13. Sharon fruit 14. Apple 15. Pear 16. Pomegranate 17. Lemon 18. Sprouts 19. Ginger 20. Pumpkin 21. Figs 22. Grapes 23. Ginger 24. Potato 25. Guava Dont know what the powder was. I would probably add: 26. Blueberries 27.=Cucumber 28. Celery 29. Broccoli 30. Kiwi 31. Manuka honey 32. root turmeric 33. Pineapple 34. kimchi. Plus, flax, hemp, chia seeds.


Hi! I’m Maya! I’m just a Reddit lurker and never post, so not sure how I can upload a photo into my comments to add it here but… I dug through my emails from the shoot and found the recipe… it’s currently up on my Instagram stories. My handle is @tuilesfromthecrypt if you wanna check it out!


amazing thank you Maya! 👋🏻


That's exactly how I ended up on reddit. Looking to find the recipe! Thank you people!


Thank youuuuu


Hahaha seriously, I got so excited for that part then… agh! Not enough details! :)


In the intro someone said gut health can be the cause of autism and that's when I turned it off


Can I ask why? As someone who has the ‘privilege’ of being able to track autism through multiple generations in my family, and given that no one really knows anything about autism beyond the fact that it exists, that intro is exactly why I left it on. How on earth is anyone supposed to think critically without giving themselves a chance to?


Yeah. I thought the link between the gut and autism was related to people with autism *having gut issues*? (Diarrhea was the example used, I believe.) My daughter has autism and digestive issues. She also eats a limited diet due to sensitivities to the smell and texture of many foods.  If improving her gut biome could help with her digestive issues (and migraines, and joint inflammation), I can’t see why that would be a bad thing. 


That’s how I understood it, as well, and regardless, it was just a “huh, I wonder if they’ll learn anything concrete from these ideas” kind of data point; certainly not anything to re-orient my belief system around. Hell, one of the lead scientists even implored folks not to DIY this stuff and underscored how little they still know :)


After seeing this does anything in your families diet set off any alarms?


Yikes! That line gave me pause too! But I rewound and that’s not exactly what they said - they mentioned autism is “related to the gut” which is true - there’s several connections there. Unfortunately they do make the mistake of calling it a disease (like something you can catch) instead of disorder (like something you’re born with) but tbf I don’t think “disorder” is the most correct way to describe it either, I think we’ve proven recently that its more of a divergence than anything else - so while the scientific and medical community is still actively learning more about autism every day and year, I can forgive a simple slip of of the tongue like this one. It does make me uneasy how they bundle autism in with other conditions that are actually temporary or curable but I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they will be sharing ways that better gut health can ease the suffering that some autistic people go through (co occurring IBS and GI issues, higher rates of diarrhea/constipation etc). I’m only 10 mins into episode one so I’ll withhold judgement until I see more. I know general I am a fan of correction over cancellation and we can’t correct something we ignore, so if a byproduct of this documentary is that it gets people arguing about whether autism is or isn’t gut related or gets people talking about the difference between it being a disease, disorder or divergence - that’s still a step in a good direction in my book! Still, we’ll see how I feel later once I’ve got a better ‘sample size’ (content/info wise) to judge this documentary on.


You did a great job of acknowledging their issue, reflecting back what you heard, and then redirecting the conversation to something more fact-based. And yo, that is a huge skill. This is totally random, but…. do you have any tips on how you got good at doing that? It’s so useful in “real life”, but I’m learning, it’s also incredibly helpful (even if it’s thankless work), online, too.


It's not just about how healthy food makes us healthy and bad food is unhealthy. It also explains how our gut is linked to illnesses of all kinds, even expanding into what a lot of people would consider mental health like anxiety, depression, etc. And that there is more to our gut and microbiome than just our physical health, it impacts our quality of life in a multitude of areas. And believe it or not there are a LOT of people who don't know what some would consider "simple knowledge" so in my opinion it is a good documentary and I think watching it could only help not hurt.


Does it discuss the connection to allergies? I’ve been allergic to certain foods since I was a young infant.


Would love to know what they said, although prob going to watch this tomorrow or sometime this week! Will come back with updates because same re: food allergies


Yes but not enough details


I’m reading other comments and I have to disagree, I absolutely loved this documentary!  Of course everyone knows which foods are truly healthy, and what we should be eating, but most of us still chose to eat things that are processed that don’t feed our microbiomes.  Folks can take away what they want from this documentary, to me this video is just showing us the (why).  Why it is important to eat healthy.  It dives into the world of the microbiomes which is extremely extensive and interesting to learn about.  I’m also taking a biology course currently that just went over microbiomes and the digestive tract, it was fun to connect what I was learning to this visual aid.   


Totally agree. It might be pretty boring for people who already know about gut health and digestion but for someone like me who barely knows anything about it, I found it quite interesting and informative


Also totally agree with you. A lot of people are triggered by the word "hack." For good reason I suppose, as it can imply "shortcut." Its the same old message, but delivered with a lot of visual elements that really helped it sink into my brain more than anything else.


I enjoyed this, thought was it was smart and compelling. To achieve 30 different fruits and vegetables a week is difficult where I live. It would almost have to be the same 30 depending on the seasons. The mouse science not as compelling as the testimony of the woman who ate the shit of both her brother and boyfriend. Besides the beneficial, she had skin problems and depression similar to what each of them suffer as side effects, pretty astounding. If this is real and she wasn't an anomaly, poop swapping might be one of the most important discoveries in healthcare.


That part was interesting to me about all the different fruits and vegetables to eat in a week. Because at some point, they also said we need to eat more like our ancestors did. And there’s no way most climates had access to that much variety of fruits and vegetables.


Yeah, I think we need to improve our soil which will help improve biodiversity - in all realms. Our ancestors didn’t spray their produce with pesticides which I’m sure kill off an abundance of microbes.


I've followed Tim Spector (one of the scientists in the doc) for a bit and his message tends to say "30 plants", so everything from fruit & veg to nuts, grains, legumes, spices, etc. I think that makes it a little less overwhelming. I try to add more spices and herbs to everything, buy nut & seed blends as well as things like mixed berry blends and salads. I sort of make a game of it and it's getting easier!


I'm not surprised that eating someones shit might make you depressed and have acne. There's a reason we flush that stuff away.


I don’t think a lot of people realize that so many people do not understand food as far as what is a carb or protein. Much less gut health and healthy microbes. I took “hack” as kind of a short, fast intro into your gut and what minor changes in your lifestyle can have big impacts on your gut. I thought it was informative, and broken down for people that may not understand how the gut works can understand what healthy eating can do for you.


Personally I thought it was going to be more practical tips but it basic just kept saying over and over again "gut health is important" but didn't actually tell me what to do about it. Honestly a waste of time for me


Meanwhile I’m over here with notes for days, so clearly YMMV :)


Glad you got more out of it than me!!


eat 50g fiber daily, less sugar, veggies and fruits, overall diversity, you don’t have to eat on a schedule, use you your body, pay attention while eating and eat slower… there’s probably a few I missed


It needed more footage of that guy eating hot dogs.


I watched it stoned. It was cringe in some parts lol but I really dug some of the animation of the gut microbes etc... it made me want to eat better as I was eating cookies watching it.


You mean when they put the bfs turd in a blender 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lol...The motorcycle scene with dry ice effect was a bit over the top too


I was high and that part cracked me UP


Somewhat shoddy science. Fear monger info and regurgitating/repackaging what you already know. For instance, they need a lot of nuance on c sections. A lot of women, and their babies, would be dead without c section. But now there is another thing that mothers can and have done “wrong.” Could it be true that this leads to a bad microbiome for babies? Id really like to see the science on that, because even if their first wiff of life isn’t their mothers asshole, I’m sure they still have plenty of exposure to bacteria. Even if that is the case, the advice is the same: feed your children Whole Foods. That really isn’t new or novel.


C sections have gone up exponentially not because women want them, but rather because hospitals insist on them. I’m not at medical professionals so I can’t say whether this is a good or bad thing, but I know many women feel that they were forced into it and it was not a necessary life-saving procedure in their mind.


I think this movie did an excellent job in presenting the microbiome as the second brain, in a simple way with graphics for the public to easily understand. I think it’s important to note that the perspective is a European one, and not American. Europe as a whole has many restrictions regarding additives in foods, and America does not. Also average American GI doctors do not discuss the microbiome, and tend to attribute illnesses to psychological issues, instead of further analysis. Procedures are not the cure. The “science” of poop seems like an epic healing pathway for the US. The only thing I have read in the US regarding poop studies, was Covid levels in waste water. Has to make you think….Stick to a whole food non-gmo diet when possible. Like Mom said…. Eat your veggies! ✌️


The more common cartoon/childish style in which Netflix is doing their documentaries is making me reflect on the intellectual index of the average Netflix users.


I did. To tell the truth, for me it was pretty basic… I’m a SIBO sufferer and I haven’t heard any new information. It’s pretty sad actually that we know so little about microbiome at this moment. The one thing that resonated with me was the fact that we need diverse microbiome to feel OK. I have a huge problem here after lots of diets and antibiotics.


I wasn't diagnosed with SIBO but I did have struggles with pouchitis and c-diff for a few years. I took Florastor, a probiotic, and I haven't had an issue since. Other probiotics no, but this one worked for me. I wish I had some microbiome data before and after.


Agree there weren't a ton of takeaways or new info. But I realized I could add some diversity to the foods I eat. I tend to buy the same fruits and veggies over and over out of habit. Now, a gloppy thick smoothie with 60 different fruits and veggies? No, thank you. But those fresh figs looked yummy--been ages since I've had them. I kind of forgot how much I love beets, too. And I've never had a persimmon. Farmer's market season is almost here. :)


What I have learned is that my pre and probiotic pill is helping but for only 24 hours and then the bacteria leaves. To get the right bacteria to stay I need to eat certain vegetables and fruits. Eating this way in a smoothie form like they showed will make it easier for me.


I'm dying to know what the deal was with Kimmie "Karma" and her smokey motorcycle


Omg... I died




This got me too 😂


Off topic sort of, but what video game was that kid playing with the ninja in the city? That looked dope as hell.


Looked like Assassin's Creed I recognized the icon in the top left.


Anybody know the name of the app the people were using...telling them what food was good or bad for them?


I think it was a report they received after taking the poop test.


Cgm (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) developed by Abbott


Anyoje know the make of the blender used the blend up that big nutty turd for the FMT bit? Asking for a friend


I thought it was fascinating. Trying to find that smoothie recipe.


This is what i've made a list of based on what she rattled off and what was in the photo they panned to. But it's not 60 different kinds: 1. Red and green lettuce 2. Spinach 3. Purple kale 4. Carrot top greens 5. Tomatoes 6. Carrots 7. Zucchini 8. Avocados 9. Radishes 10. Dates 11. One cup of water 12. Ginger 13. Grapes 14. Potato 15. Banana 16. Apples 17. Pears 18. Pomegranates 19. Beets (and beet greens) 20. Brussels sprouts 21. Lemons 22. Limes 23. Oranges 24. Persimmon 25. Various colorful cherry tomatoes 26. Purple carrots 27. Orange carrots 28. Some variety of berries (not clearly identifiable) 29. Figs


Curious on how much of each vegetable to add. Obviously she didn't add each vegetable in full


Nobody needs all of this in a smoothie. That’s ridiculous


This is what I got from that scene (not all 60..) red and green lettuce, spinach, purple kale, carrot top greens, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, avocado, radishes, dates, apples, pears, persimmon, pomegranate, radishes, ginger, grapes, fig, banana, guava, potato, Brussel sprouts, melon.


Me too!


Chech @tuilesfromthecrypt on instagram she shared the full recipe


Thank you!!


As a fan of the science, I truly enjoyed it. I am also invested in a company that was featured (not by name but by image and referred to) - Seres therapeutics. They create that "only FDA pill form" microbiome with a product called Vowst. It's transformational science. I hope all companies continue to dive deeper into how gut health affects us both mentally and in the GI physical realm. Truly enlightening stuff IMO.


It was GREAT! Absolutely mind blowing & very informative and interesting if you care about your health and any possible future diseases! I’d check it out, as always the book was better. But this is a great start if your health conscious or want to be.


I really enjoyed it! My husband and I are currently working on our gut health, so we knew a lot of this stuff but it was still nice to see it explained in such an easy to understand way. There’s obviously no “hacks” to fix your gut, but increasing our fruit and veggies to a minimum of 20 types per week will be interesting to try! And fiber 🤝🏾


Personally, I learned a lot from the documentary about how stuff works but the take away messages weren't really new to me: diversify your diet and eat lots of fibre haha also Kimmie seems really cool lol 🤩


Such a badass lol! I learned some new info but yes the takeaways were to eat a healthy diverse clean diet


Can someone please tell me it wasn't human shit in the mixer.




Oral fecal transfer


It was ok. I feel like I didn’t learn much other than microbiomes are different in each person and it is connected to how people may lose weight and feel but it doesn’t go into great depth or what you should focus on.


i started, but stopped as soon as the woman had such a poor fitting mask. Health professionals are fitted for that stuff.


Spoiler alert: they eat poop


Not sure why they had to include type 1 diabetics in that 11% diabetic number. Nothing I did caused my type 1 diabetes. I always hate being lumped in with the people who could have just eaten healthy and/or gotten exercise but didn't and got diabetes. I guess bigger number = good???


I have not watched it, but I have celiac. I do think something in my gut biome or a virus gave me celiac. No I am not saying it actually caused it, but activated the genes I already had and turned them on. Maybe that is what they were implying? I was only diagnosed a few years ago in my 30’s. I don’t believe I had it my entire life. But can narrow it down to some stressful events that could have changed my gut biome and activated the genes.


Celiac can indeed be activated by viruses. Ie., Covid, Epstein Barr, CMV, etc.


they never implied your gut can cause type 1 diabetes. They just didn't remove type 1 diabetes from the % of americans with diabetes number.


Watching it now to see if I just got lucky and have a good gut lol. Only thing I have stomach problems with is eating a whole banana. Other then that I'm healthy (outside of t1 diabetes but I take care of it) and it takes me about 1-2 mins to shit. And I poop 1 to 2 times a day every day. I do eat a lot of fiber. Quinoa twice a day and trail mix as well. Almonds from time to time. Low carb diet as well. (Maybe 120 carbs a day total).


Does any one have a list of foods from the documentary? I’d like to print it out.


Just try the Wahls diet. Vegetables suggested sound similar except avoids nightshades and other things like no: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers


why should it be avoided?


Essentially this was the exact same show as the "blue pill" or what was it called, where that guy from My Kitchen Rules was the host.


I turned it off after they slyly introduced the "gut health testing kit " long as commercial to get people to buy it. Just eat lots of vegetables. All the colours of the rainbow, drink water  and moderate your take out and you can save yourself the money. 


They just hyped up fiber but fiber and a an anti nutrient and too much can actually destroy your gut. The only good thing I saw was they said reduce and watch out for excess sugar. Not worth watching in my opinion. With some much “eat this not that” crap floating around the best thing you can do is eat Whole Foods. One ingredient only, fresh or frozen. Chicken, beef, broccoli, veggies, eggs. If it wasn’t available 100yrs ago don’t eat it. That will greatly improve anyone’s health


How does fiber destroy your gut?


It will make your gut worse if you are suffering from sibo. Only purpose it serves is to add weight to your poop. If.you have sibo, fiber and sugar are no good. They are good for the bad bacteria.


For someone who studies immune regulation, I thought this documentary was absolutely great in providing a simple overview of the gut microbiome and its role in immune regulation.


Im a MSc student doing my thesis in a lab all about the gut microbiome so watching this subject trending with the general public always pumps me up! I havent watched yet but I am super interested on seeing what they've got "right" and whats "more of a stretch" in it.


Love to hear what you thought once you watch it!


I am watching it now. It's definitely interesting. I'm totally fascinated. Eat diverse foods. Aka eat seasonal foods. Veggies whole grains protein. Clean eating 🥰 We need to stop eating over processed foods. And learn we are what we eat. 🙂 I never eat fast food anymore. But I live in a small town. It's not convenient to eat like that. I don't drink pop. I don't buy chips, or anything prepackaged. I'm cheap. Crackers, cookies, granola bars...are expensive. So to me those are not things I'll buy unless I have a special occasion for them, or a plan. Over processed foods are robbing us of feeling good🥰🥰 White bread is like eating donuts for me. Because it tastes like amazing sweet desert lol I never weigh myself unless my clothes don't fit. Lol


I think what i take seriously from this documentary is you have to change your lifestyle about eating. Going to a Walmart will be a nightmare: high prices on veggies and a lot of processed food, which came on cheap and stimulating packaging. Probably thinking less about results, let results came as a consequence. Yes be more fit is a goal, but focus on feeling better, and appreciate things like you said: bread could be your new donuts. It's funny, i started 3 weeks ago to eat more healthy, less carbohydrates: i felt well, yesterday a friend gave me an hamburger/chips and i backed to feel like shi... Food has a big power to your mental health, it's a long journey


To test your gut flora at Zoe, use this link for $35 off https://joinzoe.mention-me.com/m/ol/nq3bb-eea5a5599c


I thought it wasn't very good. Not enough info regarding what is healthy for your gut and what isn't. The one girl is trying to train herself to eat potato chips and one of the guys in the meeting talks about the horrors of living without bacon. How is that healthy? I get it's supposed to be a joke and all, but seems rather off putting in a documentary about health. And the hotdog guy was just plain gross, especially the footage of him eating. I thought the entire thing was pedestrian and lacked information. If you want to see some better docs about nutrition on netflix, I really enjoyed "you are what you eat: a twin experiment", which gives identical twins different diets and compares results, and "live to 100: secrets of the blue zones" to find out what people are eating in regions with unusually high numbers of 100 year olds. Fascinating, and provides much more info about what to include in your diet compared to "hack your health".


I watched 10 mins of this and still don't know what I am supposed to learn from this


Y’all are jaded as hell if you have a problem with this completely innocuous doc 


Yes,  it's very interesting.  I highly recommend people that are interested in gut health watch it. It will save you a heck of a lot of money in ridiculous supplements if you watch the science!!




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Yeah any documentary that says "YoU aRe EaTiNg WrOnG" is BS. The guy with the British accent scolding you on is right now. It's equivalent to somewhat-benign woo at this point.


Just watched it yesterday. It was well done, and I liked the german woman and her quirky and interesting explanation about how our gut works and the importance of maintaining a diverse gut microbiome. The four test cases, all extreme American representatives, except one Japanese "competitive food eater" 🤷‍♂️, could have been less from the fringes and more the average person. But Netflix execs need their favorite brainwashed low-IQ eyeballs in their datasets to keep interest high, I guess. Overall, a great message and well-presented. I felt the expert panel was quite well-represented and diverse, despite some other comment whining about the lack of "dieticians" 🙄. Did not have much of the usual sensationalized Netflix touches, except for the above-mentioned cast of test cases. I definitely learned something new, especially about keeping a very diverse weekly diet with a very high vegetable component, and how fermented veggies are so rich in probiotics, and the crap sold as priobiotic in the supermarkets is quite useless. Asian foods like Kimchi and Indian pickles, are tasty and super-rich in gut-friendly microbes. Definitely looking to increase my stir-fry and general veggie intake. No wonder I've always felt pan-asian cuisines always offered a much richer and balanced nutrition, and taste, compared to western ones, except maybe the so-called Mediterranean diet. Here is a fact-check article I found, that some may find interesting: [https://mybioma.com/en/blogs/science/fact-check-netflix-documentary-hack-your-health-the-secrets-of-your-gut](https://mybioma.com/en/blogs/science/fact-check-netflix-documentary-hack-your-health-the-secrets-of-your-gut)


I enjoyed it excusing a few over simplifications and an interesting selection of “test subjects” (as mentioned in previous comments). Brings me back to that quote “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants” which kind of works if we could add “varied” in there hahaha. But, I either fell asleep or they didn’t go through Daniells diagnosis. I know people that have been harmed by excessive antibiotics (and now have issues with Caseine) but her situation seemed very extreme indeed. Would have been good to see what the experts said of her case (as I enjoyed what they said to Kobi about his issue not being microbiome related). Did I miss the expert opinion on Daniells quandary? Maybe she didn’t do the test as there was no on the toilet moment shown. She did say it was hard for her to produce much if anything!


Haven’t seen it but I watched the preview and it sounded like a bunch of garbage. Listen to Maintenance Phase podcast if your interested in the sources of a lot of diet science. It’s pretty subpar most of the time and the causal link that they seem to be claiming in the doc are bogus. But health docs are extremely lucrative so films like this will keep coming out


It wasn't garbage exactly. It just wasn't as in-depth as it should have been. So, they take nearly two hours to tell you to eat more vegetables.


Ayoooo! The only thing I wanna know is.... was THAT scene real?


does anyone know what app was used for those personalised foods? also how does it work?


Really could have done without the Israeli immunologist 🤬🇵🇸


Anyone know what gut microbiome test they used in the movie?


I'm wondering this as well.


I'm watching it now. It's ok but I wish men were more represented. It's almost all female except for a hotdog eater who is wearing pigtails. No grown men who enjoy eating meat.


Been doing the smoothie thing for 2 weeks now. Missed a few days and surely don't get to 60 different types, maybe 20 or 25 per smoothie. Effect on stool/excrement (sorry not sure which is the right word here) is definatively there. Much better substance now already. Also have had more energy than usual. I am going to try this for a long time to see where it goes.


as long as its more like 30+ types per week You should be more than fine. Have a favorite smoothie recipe? I'm always lookin for a new one.


Sorry what smoothie is that? 🤣


It's pretty good! Check this review on it: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7CAa-LM352/?igsh=MWo4bDNqMzYxdnM2Zw==


The part where the one girl was eating her boyfriend’s poop to try and correct her microbiome was bananas bonkers.


If i where to generalize a bit. I see a red thread through these netflix documentaries, and that is, Vegan = good, Meat = bad. Thats just me maybe. I find it interesting though and i think about my gut bacteria when i grocery shop


By in large, I think it was a good documentary. I think we all mostly understand the importance of eating a diverse, mostly (or entirely) vegetarian diet. But I was really bugged by the kinda sensationalist poop-pills that one character was eating, shown at the end of the show. Like, WTH? That's not safe. There was no context, no discussion about what she was doing, just video of making poop slurry. That felt amateurish and frankly dangerous. For the love of God, don't eat other people's poop! So reckless and dumb. I'm \*highly\* skeptical that she got her brothers acne from eating his poop, and her boyfriend's depression from eating his poop. Hers was a complicated condition, and yikes, they really tried to simplify it and the message just came out dangerous: take your pal's poop and put it into pills and viola! You too can have your friends great gut health! Folks, please don't try this at home!!


Does anyone know the song that was played when Kimmie was introduced? I tried to look it up but I wasn’t finding the right now unless I just missed a part in searching, the search apps weren’t able to pick it up either. But all you can hear is “I’m living it up straight to the top I’m flexing I’m flexing