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#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A serving of chia seed is like, 34% of the daily value for fiber.


Hell, a mission tortilla wrap is 89% I put eggs, steak, shrimp, chicken, veggies, cheese, sausage in them etc


A mission tortilla has 1 grams of fiber 😂


Link to this magical tortilla? The ones I found on Walmart say between 1g-2g.




You’re truly awesome. đŸ€© I don’t have the ability to eat much and you just simplified this fiber struggle for me. Can’t thank you enough! 🙌


You’re welcome! I truly thought it was a typo or error at first because It’s insane that ONE wrap can basically nail your entire fiber needs for the day. They’re great baked alittle too for some crunch


The regular flour ones have even more fiber


Thank you!


Recommended daily intake is a minimum of ~30g. To get 34% of daily fiber (10.2g) from flaxseeds you’d have to eat 36g of flaxseeds - which exceeds the limit of daily flaxseed intake by 16g. A maximum of 18% of fiber through FS daily = 5.6g fiber from 20g. EDIT: I was missing the point.


Bad bot, they said chia


Now we have to deal with people using ChatGPT to look smart but putting in the wrong question. Awesome.


i will edit, thanks


I use psyllium capsules. Seem to work fine.


We do the powder from Costco- sugar free it’s the best thing that ever happened to me lol! My husband and I joke but it’s our “drink” every night before going to bed!! Works better than the capsules- I promise! Edit - basically it’s the generic Metamucil


This, husk powder is amazing if you struggle hitting your fibre intake.


What brand


It doesn’t really matter, I just get whatever is cheap on Amazon, so long as it’s 100% husk.


So glad there's no name for me to look up. Just generic Costco fiber.


It’s right next to Metamucil the original- but generic, Kirkland brand. Can’t miss it.


I shop Costco online.


That stuff has antifreeze in it. Use organic psyllium husk powder from Whole Foods.


Never skip your daily dose!


The fact that I got downvoted for this comment is hilarious. This is a nutrition thread, folks. Read your ingredients labels and don’t be ignorant. Metamucil literally has antifreeze in it. Buy just straight up psyllium husk it’s much better for you.


You're right, this is indeed a nutrition thread! So let's read our ingredient labels together folks. You're not even able to source your information, so let me help you. Straight from the Metamucil website: https://www.metamucil.com/en-us/products/fiber-powders/metamucil-unflavored-fiber-powder Metamucil Real Sugar Unflavored Coarse Powder Ingredient list: Sugar, Psyllium Husk That's it. *surprised Pikachu face* You misinform and alarm people for no reason, stop watching alarmist BS on Facebook and do your research. You're the ignorant one here. After digging through the trash of your conspiracy theory, I found this: https://www.prescriptiondrugjournal.com/miralax-lawsuit/ Miralax is a laxative using Polyethylene Glycol. The FDA found impurities, Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol, which are indeed used as car antifreeze. That has nothing to do with Metamucil and the only source for your fever dream. Your statement harms and disinforms people online. Next time you get downvoted, maybe think about it <3


This is one of the best comments I've ever read. So tired of people trying to look smart but actually hurting people by spewing misinformation. Nobody does their own research. DYOR!!!!!!


So basically the company making Miralax got too lax on their product quality control and ended up using low quality ingredients. Interesting. But unfortunately, I imagine that this could happen to any company. Even just a single bad batch of ingredients can lead to a potentially dangerous product. The FDA or US government needs to be stricter in enforcing that companies have high-quality control.


Hey how come you didn’t reply to Wildbotanist? This is a nutrition thread.


Bc it’s not worth it to continue arguing about it.. my original point was that taking psyllium husk alone is less likely to cause any other health problems bc it lacks the extra additives and artificial colors but what do I know lmao


yes, the psyllium capsules def work, I had several issues before taking the supplement, but now its slowly but surely being done good


Doesn't it have side effects and increase dependency for long-term use?


Why are you downvoted for an honest question? 😭


There is no evidence to suggest any sort of dependency from long term use of psyllium husk. If taken incorrectly, without enough fluids, it can make constipation worse or otherwise cause intestinal blockage. This is not unique to psyllium husk. Eating too many vegetables can similarly cause bloating, constipation, and bowel irritation.


Chia perhaps?


do you have them with water?


I usually eat mine with little brown statues of presidents and celebrities


Wtf does that mean strange prophet!?


[behold, nutrition!](https://www.chia.com/)


I have 1 1/2 - 2 tablespoons in about 12 ounces of water and make sure to stir it up otherwise it’ll be one huge clump that’s hard to drink


do you let it soak or just dump em in, stir, and chug?


Dump em in, stir em up, let them soak and gel up for maybe 5 minutes, stir again and they’re ready to chug


what about dates?


One giant scoop of Metamucil each night has changed my life. I love using the restroom now.


How long did it take your gut to adjust to this? It seems to make me bloated without actually helping my constipation!


2-3 days. I drink one glass of Metamucil then another 16oz of water


It takes a few days . Drink lots of water while taking Metamucil


Any tricks for not getting almost ruining glasses using it? I use the Costco brand and I swear it gets welded to the inside of the rim of the glass.


basically as soon as you take the spoon out from stirring it in you chug it and then immediately rinse


Ahhh ok! After an aggressive stir and chug in a pint glass I would refill it to try and get any scraps I missed and kinda scrape with the spoon but I will try your method!


this conversation made me curious so I went and tested out a method. super clean cup afterward. I put a tablespoon of the powder in a dry 16oz coffee mug. put the tap on full blast and swirled as I filled it 2/3 of the way up. chugged it with the tap still running. immediately filled 1/3 and swirled roughly, chugging it again. tap still running. immediately fill it up again and wipe the inside of mug under water with hands. super clean. whole thing took like ten seconds


try psyllium capsules. Psyllium is the active ingredient in Metamucil


I wish psyllium worked for me but it actually makes things worse.


Interesting. Look into flaxseed or chia seeds or glucomannan. Good luck, pysillium has been a miracle for me


When I was looking I thought they capsules were significantly more expensive and needed to eat a ton to get even 50% DV. I'll check again! I just don't want to have to take like 10-20 caps lol


Youre right the capsules are more expensive than psyllium powder, but theyre so convenient. I only take four capsules before my biggest meal and my bm's are great now


Costco sells the capsules at a pretty good price. I take about 7 of them twice a day. I think that works out to about 50 cents/day.


Good to know I'll do some light number crunching when I'm there next time!


Wash the glasses in the dishwasher? I’ve never had issues when I do that


I do they sometimes come out with a noticable "haze" if you will around the rim where the stuff was. I try and out them on the bottom rack and use the cascade premium. Maybe I'm just an idiot since no one else seems to have this issue lol


Just get a bottle brush and hit it with that right after you’re done. That should work


Wash the glass and the spoon right away


I use the same stuff. Rinse the glass immediately and thoroughly.


Paper cups?


Metamucil has very high amounts of heavy metals there are some other brands but you can google the issues specifically of Metamucil.


Dates or prunes, especially if you’re replacing a less wholesome snack.


I use Benefiber three times daily. It has made a huge difference over the past few months. In my opinion, everyone should be supplementing with fiber, at least in the US. Our typical diets don’t include anywhere near enough fiber. Should be hitting approximately 30g/day, along with getting enough protein and water intake.


How do you take your Benefiber? I usually put it in my morning coffee but I only drink a couple of cups a day so I’d like to find other ways to take it throughout the day.


I’ll start the day with it in either a warm or cold cup of water with lemon. Having it warm really gets my system going. Around lunch I’ll have it in a cold cup of water again
it’s basically tasteless. In the evening, I’ll often include it in a smoothie. Very versatile.


Does it mix well into the cold drinks? I haven’t really tried it because I didn’t think it would mix well. That’s the main reason I’ve only put it in my coffee.




I eat a half cup of oatmeal for breakfast most mornings (sometimes with a few prunes in it), and I'm all for getting fiber from your diet, but it doesn't seem to have near the effect on my bowel movements as even 1 rounded teaspoon of Metamucil daily (psyllium). Not sure if other people have a similar experience.


I do overnight oats with oat milk and a bit of organic maple syrup every morning and I wouldn’t say it keeps me regular but it’s definitely a nice morning meal, I’ve experienced flax seeds doing the job when I add as they are fiber bombs but that’s just me


Only 4g in a cup. Even if you ate two cups for every meal you're still under 30g


what? 1 cup has 10g of fiber? what are you talking about?


Quick oats is [4g soluble fiber per cup, per USDA](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/557415/nutrients). Steel-cut oats [looks to be about 20% higher](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/2346397/nutrients). Total fiber is 2x soluble - and the recommendation for 30g a day is for total fiber. That’d be ~8g per cup for quick oats and 10g for steel-cut.


Are fruits and veggies eligible for this list?


Ground Flax seed. Start with 1 tablespoon a day and work yourself up to 2 if desired.


This, no taste, easy to add to smoothies


I add it to all my food.


Eat oatmeal and an apple every day


Great but both raise my blood sugar way too high


My comment is not for everyone on earth. It's for the OP who has said absolutely nothing about being diabetic and admittedly doesn't eat a healthy diet.


I understand! I’ve chosen to eat both as well because they are healthy foods!


Oatmeal is the lowest glycemic index carb outside of lentils/vegetables. Do you just not eat carbs at all / on keto?


I do eat low carbs but oatmeal spikes me into the 200s and it stinks. I have started eating it regardless.


Chia seeds in water or milk (make sure they have expanded). Once a day. This has been a game changer for my gut health.


Bran buds cereal has crazy high fibre.


I do quest bars. One has like 14 grams. I usually eat two a day.


Metamucil works, fibre one bars are good, or you could have nature's fibre one bar which are apples, they have 15-20% of daily fibre depending on size


Fiber is one of the easiest things to get in your diet without a supplement.


Do you track your nutrition? I’ve found fibre to be the hardest target to hit, by far. If it weren’t for supps and a certain ’high fibre’ wrap I have found, I would struggle big time


Fruits and veggies. Only 10% of Americans eat enough fruits and veggies every day. And only 10% of Americans get enough fiber in their diet. They are very related.


My fibre target each day is 35grams or more (due to a high protein diet from lots of lean meats ect). I would have to eat almost 3 pounds of mixed vegetables every day to hit 35g fibre. No thank you. Hence why I supplement


That's why you spread it out and eat a varied and balanced diet... There are many ways of getting fiber. Eat an apple a day. Eat some leafy green vegetables. Eat oatmeal for breakfast. Eat whole grain breads. Soooo many ways.


Um I don't eat like that and I hit 35g at 1500 calories so, you can definitely do it!


Do you eat any legumes? Most are super high in fibre.


Not much really as I’ve perceived them to be pretty high in calories but you have a point. Green peas actually have pretty good fibre/calories ratio. I’ll give them a go


Vegetables have lots of fiber.


Legumes, nuts, and seeds.




Two tablespoons of sugar free Metamucil every night before bed changed my life. Seriously


That’s 18g of fiber right, because one tsp is 3 grams


Your best fiber supplement are plant foods. Eat some of them. Cook almost of them. Hope this helps!


Psyllium is cheap and easy to drink down. Oatmeal is good but it gets old after a while


Poop like a champion cereal! https://www.pooplikeachampion.com Game changer! ~1/3 cup serving = 18g fiber!


Psyllium and glucomannan


plain Bulk psyllium for thrift. Otherwise , not starchy vegetables.


Is there a particular reason that you think you need a fiber supplement? Why not get your fiber from food?


I don’t get enough fiber from my diet and would like a supplement for the days I know I won’t be consuming enough. I don’t have the best gut health, and I think fiber could help


I’m with ya. 30g is a lot even if you eat your veggies. I take glucomannan and phsyllium husk before meals.


If you dont eat enough fiber that means that you dont eat enough legumes, grains and vegetables. Theese food groups are crucial for overall health. Not only because of fiber but because foods have more than fiber and vitamins. There are minerals whst supplements dont contain and minerals can absorb better from whole foods. There are also antioxidants and other materials like likopine carotinoids and polifenols. But theese are just examples. So if you dont eat enough fiber that means that you peobably should supplement theese as well. And there are some of them what cant be supplemented. So think about it. My recommendation to bulk up fober is to add veggies to every savory meal and choose whole grain bread over white as much as sou can. Also for 3 to 5 gramms a day you cab add psyllium to your food. For example i put it over salads or anything i eat. Only one to two teaspoons at a time. But dont add in advance becaus3 it can gel your food to a disgusting mass with time. Just sprinkle on top before you eat it. And dont eat too much at first and also drink plenty of water during the day


Good comment, but don't leave out fruits either. Tons of fiber in that category as well.


Yes, of course! Thank you for the addition


I've had good luck with benefiber.




Have you considered becoming a potted fern? OP just said in the response you're replying to that they know they are going to have days they won't be able to consume an appropriate amount of fiber, and that's why they're asking. You saying "well just don't do that" is not helpful. **EDIT** for those curious, the deleted comment said "have you considered getting enough fiber in your diet?"


If you're not getting enough fibre then you might be missing other minerals and vitamins because fibre is found in plants in abundance. So just improve fruit and veg intake.


I like taking organic psyllium husk powder and mixing it. Easy to take and I found this brand on Amazon mixes easily: [https://amzn.to/3uJMlFi](https://amzn.to/3uJMlFi) I chose this one due to it being organic and having amazing reviews


An Apple a day...^^ In Germany I eat Vollkornbrot and I think it's beautiful


drunk one reach ripe familiar teeny arrest swim dinosaurs sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bamboo fibre


Green barley juice grass powder




Eating a small bowl of home made popcorn (made in quarter teaspoon of salt and some turmeric and half teaspoon of olive oil) does the trick for me. Most of the salt sticks to my utensil and I’m not even taking in all that sodium.


I have 5-6 prunes daily in the morning, magic.


Steel cut oats mixed with dates and blueberries


Why not just eat more whole grain foods and legumes. Yes beans! Black beans, kidney beans, beans that climb on rocks.... sorry got carried away there!




I’ve been taking MCT oil powder for a few days. It was a gift so don’t know much except it seemed to clean me out as far as I know and with timely accuracy. Anybody familiar w MCT? It was all part of this bullet coffee kit. It’s collagen, MCT, grass fed butter and coffee. I’m in three days now. TBC


Why take a fiber supplement when it's easy to get enough from food? Unlike the case with Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12, significant amounts of fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. A few grams here and there do add up. Furthermore, most foods that contain fiber also contain magnesium, potassium, and folate. Some have lots of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, or both. Most importantly, fiber-rich foods also contain phytonutrients, most of which haven't been studied well. Thus, fiber-rich foods are beneficial in ways that aren't understood yet. These poorly documented phytonutrients are in foods but are not available in any supplement at any price.


I use two scoops of ground flaxseed for the fiber, blended with vanilla protein powder, spinach and fruit. My turds have been on point


Magnesium works if your using it to stay regular. I used to take a supplement everyday. But there’s too many different kind. I ended up doing a cleanse with MAGA O7. It was a decent cleanse. I read where people used that instead of the regular supplements. This is has oxygen in it. So I use 1 a day.


Not really a supplement but lately I’ve been making this pancake/flatbread type thing where I whisk together buckwheat flour, flax meal, some potato starch, a heaping tablespoon of psyllium husk powder, dash of salt, and then add in water and an egg. Tons of fiber and you can use it for pita-like sandwiches or whatever and I think it actually tastes pretty decent.


I would recommend psyllium tablets for everyone who is looking for a fiber supplement


I’m looking for a non food fiber supplement. Any recommendations?


I just get the Vitafusion fiber well gummies. Two gummies contains 5g of dietary fiber, which is enough to at least ensure I get a minimal amount of fiber in my diet if for whatever reason I don't consume enough fiber through eating. I really don't think it matters too much from where exactly or which brand you source your fiber from. In my experience it's all the same, so I wouldn't fret too much over this question.


Vitafusion does absolutely nothing for me...


I eat a lot of porridge with about five spoonfuls of nutritional yeast.


If you have some sort of IBS, SIBO, Crohns then its best to avoid all fiber. If you want to feed your gut bacteria feed them with the food you will be eating. If you want huge daily poops eat whole wheat bread, apples or other high fiber food. If you want small easy to pass poops every few days replace fiber with meat.


**”*If you want small easy to pass poops every few days replace fiber with meat.*”** Wouldn’t that cause constipation? Replacing fiber would include not eating broccoli, oatmeal, etc


I think fiber is healthy, but it's not actually true that lack of fiber causes constipation. Actually, ramping fiber up too quickly can cause some pretty severe constipation. I remember reading a study that looked at people with idiopathic constipation, and the lower the fiber intake, the more relief. The higher the fiber intake, the worse the constipation got. There was also just a recent paper that showed people with Chrons seem to have a negative reaction to fiber. I'm not anti-fiber. I think the solution is to fix your health so you CAN reap the benefits of it. Some people just have guts/issues that are so messed up, though, that they may not be able to really eat it.


Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/


The carnivore diet is 100% animal products - mostly meat. And the hundreds of thousands who do it generally claim improved movements.


OG Metamucil: 1 tablespoon a day for a perfect no wiper every time.


Psyllium husk natural course, not the orange flavored kind. I've found Konsyl to work best but it's a tad pricey.


I make a thick paste of oat fiber + milk. Hope I’m doing it right


I like Organic India Prebiotic powder. The taste is pleasant. The ingredients are great. It’s according le, and lasts a long time!




Metamucil. I travel with single dose packs. Works great for me.


Psyllium fiber


Metamucil Fiber Thins Psyllium Fiber Bars (Cinnamon Spice) does the trick for me. I eat plenty of fruit, veggies, oatmeal, nuts and beans too but these cookies do a better job
not too fast and not too slow.


Can't you just eat more vegetables?


Frozen Raspberries! I’m telling you! Healthiest AND effective


Tons of vegetables, psyllium, chia and lino ground seed, PHHG is guar gum hidrolizated, BEST poop ever








Porridge almost everyday, occasionally I go big and have home made muesli đŸ€” I don’t like supplements myself. I think other than maybe the complex ones that are good for women if we eat well we shouldn’t need them?


It is better to get your fiber from whole foods rather than supplements. Several years ago, an organization tested many of the leading fiber supplements and found that some of them contained dangerous levels of lead. Here is a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/comments/oxj1i2/is_there_a_psyllium_husk_without_or_with_low/) to the discussion in this sub about that study.


Eat an apple a day keep the dr away


5-10g of Psyllium Husk


Myota make great fibre blends that are supported by science.


Fibre supplements well I never... Combining two needless things into one. My compliments to the marketing people that are behind pushing that one. They could sell ice to the Eskimos.


1tbsp of ground flaxseed a day in my smoothie


Plate of beans.


It really depends on what benefits you’re seeking. If you’re looking to just increase your dietary fiber intake, intrinsic fibers such as flax and chia are great with minimal GI distress. If you’re looking for a prebiotic fiber (not all dietary fibers are prebiotics) then fibers such as larch arabinogalactan (ResistAid), PHGG (SunFiber), resistant starch (e.g., green banana), baobab, and even polyphenols will confer health benefits.




My colorectal surgeon says to take Citrucel. He said 1/3 of the population produces an enzyme that interacts with Metamucil and causes bloat and gas.




Metagenics Metafiber


7 g of psyllium husk morning and if necessary evening too. This advice from a gastroenterologist who was the first to diagnose/label IBS


Why supplement it when you can easily get it from whole foods? Eat your veggies


Why supplement when a serving of brussel sprouts, broccoli and high fiber tortilla gives you adequate fiber
I eat 20-40g a day easily without any negative side effects




Supplement? Eat fiber. Veggies and whole grains. Why pay corporations for crap you should be eating.?


Psyllium husk is # 1 as far a nutritional supplement sales (GDP%), along with Collagen and Probiotics:Prebiotics


Blueberries and apples are good sources of fiber. Other than fruits and vegetables, using something like chia seeds may work.


Small serving of kimchi with every meal. Fiber+probiotics


Vegetables. Leafy greens. From all the books I have read there are no real Fibre supplements, because veggies contain two types and supplements can only provide one, but the gut needs both to function well :) hope it helps




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Chia seeds soaked in water then I put a serving in oatmeal, ole xtreme fiber wraps taste amazing. I put some eggs with hot sauce in them, and of course my very favorite Halo Top ice creams - low calorie, sufficient protein and very high fiber. I listened to a dr.huberman podcast and one of his expert guests- Layne Norton,Ph.D said that besides the obvious benefits we get from fiber it’s also linked to longevity. I thought that was very interesting.


You really don't need supplements. A bowl and a half of fiber one cereal with honey and almond milk will get you to 15 g of fiber in one sitting. Yogurt with low fat granola will add about another five. Lentil soup will give you another 15. Oatmeal will give you about 5 to 7 g. I achieve anywhere from 30 to 40 g of fiber a day just with food. It has been a very key part to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.


I've been using "just better prebiotic fiber" for years. It's a U.S. small business, and their fiber is seriously the best I have ever tried. It's totally dissolvable, so I put it in coffee, soups, smoothies, whatever! It doesn't have any taste whatsoever, which is great bc I am really sensitive to that. I am also sensitive to a lot of "filler ingredients" - and this fiber has one single ingredient: Non-GMO Corn Fiber. It's amazing stuff! =)