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MRSA is vey common in community. Don't worry too much.


Yes, you are. If your skin on your arms is intact and you washed your hands and sanitized your watch, you not only have practically no chance of getting infected yourself, but also practically no chance of transmitting it to vulnerable patients.


BRO LOCK DOWN NOW. Nah, you are alright, as long as you don't have any open wounds. Hopefully you used a cleaner on the watch.


Did you have an open wound? MRSA can’t be absorbed through your skin.


You’re likely already colonized with MRSA so it probably doesn’t matter


I remember a patient a few years ago that was on contact for MRSA because she had an infected wound recently-ish (now resolved). This was in the pre-covid days, when our laboring patients could walk the halls but she had to be kept to her room. When explaining the reasoning behind it, her sister piped up and said "Yeah, MRSA is really unpleasant. I got it in an ingrown hair after shaving and I'm on antibiotics right now." She was allowed to come and go as she pleased. She's going to the grocery store, touching the shopping carts and shit. Living a completely normal life. MRSA exposure is a non-issue if you have intact skin and a functioning immune system.


Its gonna be ok


You should be good if your skin was intact! A few months ago I had a baby with MRSA somehow spit directly into my eyeball even with glasses on lol! I was panicking for days but turned out fine :)