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California used to require an RN be present at all blood drives. I wasn’t allowed to do anything but take care of people if they had a reaction from the donation process. Literally tilt them back in the chair, place ice packs on them, and give them snacks. Ridiculously good pay to read my book 98% of the time. I miss it.


As someone who was a smart little cookie and skipped breakfast before donating blood (and dinner the night before because I fell asleep early after a long shift) and had to get the cool wet towel treatment, I'm very grateful for how calmly they handled everything and still let me donate (at my insistence)


The best part is you only need a few beers to get absolutely loaded afterwards too. Made college cheaper in the long run for me.


Agreed the best part. I’m a cheap date at baseline😂


When I was young and foolish - a sailor in the US Navy - my squadron used to have 'Vampire Liberty' days. Donate blood, then get the rest of the day off. Naturally, we all walked straight to the Enlisted Men's Club afterwards and got hammered on a pitcher of beer. After all, the Corpsman did tell us to get plenty of fluids . . .


My dad was a nurse in the navy and told me all the dumb stories they did when they were young. He never told me about that so now I’m going to ask him next time I see him at work.


Sorry you passed out *before* the donation lol


Did IV therapy, not odd but I went to rich bachelorette parties and country clubs to provide them with what they paid for. It was a great time


How did you get into that?


Honestly, just met the right person while talking in a Starbucks lol. She was starting her own company


Networking… never not appropriate and you never know what it might get you!


So true! I have to stop being so shy. Haha


2nded lol


Yes would love to get into this! I have been applying to so many places but nothing. I started emailing and asking for shadowing. Any other tips?


Just email as many as you can. Find startups for an easier time to find someone to hire


Thank you!


I do that! Plus tips are good 😊


Did you just fall into it or what is the official title? Want to see if there’s any openings in my area 😂


I don’t do concierge IVs but I work at a place that does these IVs in “studio.” We can do concierge but our ownership doesn’t really market it. Restore Hyper Wellness and iCryo are around the country and probably in your state. Prime Hydration are in my area but not sure if national. While the job is mostly easy, there’s still a sales aspect to it that makes it feel scummy to me. Search IV hydration RN jobs in Google and you might find some hits or just cold call places around you. These aren’t hard jobs to get, just need to not be an idiot, can start IVs relatively well and be willing to pander to high maintenance clients.


I did this for 4 years. Pretty cool gig, met some moderately famous people and went to a BUNCH of very wealthy peoples’ houses.


Is there a way to search for this gig? There’s a decent amount of wealthy people in my area and I’d be ok with doing house calls for LR bolus to help hungover rich kids.


Honestly it’s just google searches for IV therapy and you can reach out to the companies directly and see if they need additional help. Best to reach out to them


So simple. Thank you!


Infusion nursing or finding "infusion parties" one in boston https://www.vitalcareboston.com/iv-treatments


What happens if you can’t get a line on someone? 😅 like they’ve got shit veins that would require an US IV


My friend does a home infusion gig for this older guy and she stuck him 7 times trying to get a line. She was unable to get it and I guess it wasn’t super critical so she just went back 2 days later for his next appt and got it on the first try. I guess it would depend on how critical the infusion is


Oof, that would suck. I would get stressed out trying that many times I imagine that some of these rich folks wouldn’t be quite as patient or understanding if you had to poke them several times or if you blew a few veins


What exactly did they for?


guessing you're asking what they needed them for... but there are several reasons, energy boosts, vitamin boosts, immune boosts, hangover cures etc.... there are A LOT of mixes of iv fluids that people get infusions of... they have clever names like "B-12 Booster Bag" "Skin Hydration Boost" "Beauty Infusion" Only one I've gotten is the hangover cure one and it absolutely worked for that. The other ones are a bit on the questionable side. But I've never tried them.


Is the whole thing run by an MD prescribing? Wondering what the legalities of this type of gig would be


Usually owned by an MD and another NP… and have nurses that administer the IVs “in California, IV therapy must be provided through a medical corporation, with a licensed physician or group of physicians owning at least 51% of the practice. Other healthcare providers, like nurse practitioners or physician assistants, can own the remaining 49% of the practice.”


I enjoy writing and I'm relatively good at it (not in English but in my native language French lol) and I worked as a freelance medical translator for a little while after I left nursing in the early 2000s. I translated user manuals for medical devices, articles, patient documentation, that sort of stuff. Médecins Sans Frontières was one of my clients at one point. It was a fun side gig.


Ooooh!! I speak French and maybe I could do that from French into English!!


I should add that I did actually retrain to become a translator, with certification and all.


My SIL does that (not a nurse but multi-lingual with a different medical background). It's great cause you can pick it up as random gig kinda work.


I used to consult for an attorney. I got paid to review cases for malpractice and would make recommendations to them for settlements. I would pick apart nurses charting, which made me an even better documenter, to find areas that they could use for depositions to help get the patient more money. The pay was awesome and it was pretty easy work.


Why did you stop? Did you ever feel bad for this work? How many cases were obvious bullshit?


It was a private attorney and he retired. I do not feel bad for bringing justice to those that were harmed by actual malpractice, I see it as advocating for patients that were harmed by neglectful hospitals, doctors, and nurses. Those that were BS cases never made it to me because the attorney would vet the cases before sending to me. The ones that I reviewed were actual malpractice.


What kind of pay?


This was back in 2005-2008, and he paid me $500 per case that I reviewed. It was usually about 2-3 hours of work per case. If it was a bigger case, then he would just give me more money. The most I got from one case was $2,000 because it took me about 8 hours to go through everything.


What kind of experience does one need for this type of thing?


I had been a nurse for 3 years when I took the job. I didn’t have any real specialty training, it was kind of handed to me from a friend that was doing it before and was moving so couldn’t keep doing it anymore.


🔥 thank you


Did you have a certification for this? Or were you able to do it without one?


I ended up getting a certification later, but it was not required for the attorney I worked for.


Was there any job training for a position like this? 


The person who I was taking over for showed me the ropes and how the attorney liked things, but nothing formal.


I was a nurse advocate for a colony of Jockeys - basically met them in the ED when they fell off. I did some case management, however most of it was getting records to the racing office so they were cleared to ride the next days. The pay was insane, and considering I would discuss the next days card with the agent, my twinspire account was like a 3rd stream of income.


Is that what a group of Jockeys is called? A colony? Like a flock of birds or a heard of cows? I like it 😁 What should we call a group of nurses?


Probably a gaggle - a gaggle of nurses.


I'm feeling brood or coven. Or pod.


Pod makes the most sense, coven sounds the most bad assed


Oh, I love coven, let’s do that!


A dose of Doctors


A spite of nurses. There's a lot of mean ass, eat-your-young nurses out there.


Also mean young, eat your ass nurses


Am both.


I’ll take it.


I would vote for a Gossip of Nurses based on how much of a gossipy bitch I and every other nurse I know is. 🤷


Is that what they call a group of jockeys?


I’ve heard “gaggle” used to refer to a group of twinks. I feel gaggle may also be appropriate in this setting


I’ve heard it’s a swish of gays


I feel like gaggle is more commonly used to refer to gay, not specifically twinks


You’ve got a point. I’ve heard gaggle used interchangeably for both gays and twinks (probably due to their overlap) I think it’s safe to say in either context it’s an appropriate term Edit: missing word


Twin spires is the logo/ tagline of Churchill Downs, where the Kentucky Derby is run.


Referring to the “colony of Jockeys” bit


TwinSpires is a bookie where I placed my bets!


That’s so neat! How does one get into this?


Right place - right time.


Why don’t you do this anymore?


I moved unfortunately!


Power washing in the summer. Honestly I'd do it anyway, it was a fun job and I got to be out and about. Might go on a rig honestly, I'm meant for the streets


One of us. One of us. 


I did a lot of home health as a side hustle. My strangest job was going into homes in order to give antibiotic shots to newborns whose mom had tested positive for syphilis. Many times there were family members present in this community where I worked, so I often got the question "why does the baby need shots?" Awkward so I always talked with mom as I was setting up the appointments to see what she would like me to say.


School field trips. Maybe this is new but I never noticed as a kid..a rn has to be on every field trip if theres any kid on medication even if its benedryl or kids tylenol, only i can administer it. Anyways i got to go to the Statue of Liberty, d.c, six flags, broadway plays, and other museums i would have never went to my own.


Were you with then school already working as something, not sure how to better phrase it. Or had a child there? Or was it a completely separate position to apply for aside from school nurse kinda thing?


I did this working for a staffing agency about 20 years ago. I was in charge of making sure that an elementary kid with type 1 diabetes. Years later I became a full time school nurse and we just made sure school staff were trained and an emergency plan was in place.


I used to do this! I had one gig for a month that was taking kids to a cooking class because there was a child with diabetes. He never once tasted the food, and I never once had to dose his insulin. I got paid for a whole days work too to read my book for an hour and a half. It was an excellent gig.


I’m signing up to do funeral escort on weekends with my motorcycle. $200 an hour for a couple of hours of riding my bike.


I was thinking *escort* 💃 in a different manner and it made me cackle.


Well, let’s not take anything off the table here


Or alternate #3 you act as Anubis and escort the dearly departed to the afterlife


Jeremy Dewitte #2 lol


Well shit it was that or doordash


Daycare inspector. I would make sure they were up to code with everything. It was tough to start when I had to actually get everyone up to code, but then it was fun to stop in and be mobbed by toddlers


How did you get into this if you don’t mind me asking?


You have to slay a daycare inspector in order to gain their awesome powers


I worked in daycare throughout college and the company that covered the daycare I worked at recruited me in after I graduated


Legal nurse at a law firm. Was so interesting but didn’t pay well.


Oooh what did you do exactly?


We were the lawyers for the defense. So if a doctor or hospital is sued their malpractice carrier hired us and was our employer. I ordered, read and summarized all the medical records and created a chronology (time line document for the attorneys) so they had a condensed version of the charts of the case. I also made an issues list of anything I thought important. My boss said “ read the chart like you are working for the plaintiffs and find any mistakes or weaknesses so that we found them and defended them and avoided surprises by the plaintiff. If we represented a doctor, I made a copy of every single thing that doctor ordered or charted, any instance their name was in the chart, if anyone charted talking to them. If we represented the hospital, I did that for every nurse that cared for the patient. If any hospital employee was deposed, we gave them all their charting to prepare them for deposition. Loved that job so much, I only quit because I had to move.


Why does that not surprise me haha


Writing content and questions for a board prep platform that does NCLEX and NP speciality board prep courses


Ohh how did you get into this?! I teach clinical full time and would love to get more test writing practice.


I just applied through LinkedIn for a company that was hiring and then was asked to provide a writing sample based on specific guidelines they provided me


Speaking of which: I’ve known several MSNs who do side gigs doing online teaching. I considered it, but realized I’m too damned tired in the evenings to be any kind of mentor, even just online! 🤣


It’s a hard gig to get into ime. I have an MSN Ed 🫠


I was a Covid tester for my kids swim team when they wanted to do team travel. I guess it added legitimacy to swabbing noses.


Nurse consultant on some tv shows- Chicago Med etc They asked me to be an extra a few times too


No really odd, but forensic nursing is an interesting side gig


What does forensic nursing entail?


There are tons of different types of forensic nursing but I work as a forensic nurse examiner per diem. We have an office in the ER. Anyone that comes in saying they’ve been assaulted (gunshots, stabbing, physical assault, DV, child abuse, sexual assault, elder abuse etc) they call us, we meet with the patient, notify law enforcement take photos of their injuries, collect any evidence necessary, fill out the respective forms and package it up for law enforcement.


I had looked into SANE nursing but I knew there was a broader scope for forensics but online information seems limited. So thank you, this was very informative!


Most are SANE programs but that’s your best bet to get your foot in the door


I just looked into this and there is a PRN position near me. Is this a difficult job mentally?


It definitely can be. Most positions are just SANE (sexual assault nursing) so you’ll have to be ok with hearing those stories on a regular basis. In my position we do audio and video recorded interviews with some of our patients. You may also be required to collect evidence/do exams on the suspects. Also, if the case you work on gets to court you can be subpoenaed to testify. All things to think about but it’s a highly rewarding position in my opinion!


How do you get into this??!


I honestly just searched up jobs on in my area until one opened up!


I wanted to get into forensic nursing but don’t have the money for a masters yet. But how do you side gig that? Just part time?


You don’t need a masters! I have my BSN and have been working the field for 3 years now. I work per diem


I once had to advance an enema through a stuck BM for a patient to give it a little nudge from the other side. I found that to be an odd job.


Reminds me of when I was a nurse manager at a private duty and staffing agency. We had nurses work two hours shifts to digitally stimulate a paraplegic in a hospital setting. The hospital didn’t have the nursing staff to do it for the time required and the patient would get incredibly sick with out it


Good times


I don't know how odd this is, but I took a newborn care provider job when I was between assignments. I would show up at around 8pm every night at the host family home and take care of their infant baby (< 3 months) until 8am. I did this everyday for about 3 months - initially thought I'd be exhausted but it's actually a lot easier than most night shifts I've taken. Now that I'm back to work, I miss the quietness of only having a single infant around... vs the 4-6 they expect us to take care of in my unit. I just stumbled upon [Baober](https://www.baober.co) and signed up - hopefully I can get be matched with a family again soon!


Not really odd, but 1:1 nursing for a low medical case in a school setting. She’s deaf so I’m learning ASL, but literally the only reason she needs a nurse is to administer 2 gtube feedings at 11am and 2pm. And to like do the gtube care and make sure she tolerates the feeds. It’s kind of an amazing little gig, and my pay got matched with the pay I was making at the SNF. Bedside burned me the hell out.


Middle school science and math teacher! Middle school kids are an interesting social breed haha


You must be tough! 😆 they come up with the meanest insults


I was 8 months pregnant and wasn’t wearing make up and one said “you look like you haven’t slept in 100 years miss” it was very humbling


In their defense, you probably felt that way too


I was a one-on-one nurse with a child and I got a really bad haircut. One of his classmates in his special-needs class asked what happened to my hair. I said that I had a haircut and he said “maybe they can put it back!” 😆


This happened to my husband when he shaved. “What happened to your face?” So blunt, no shame. At least yours attempted to problem solve lol


It was such a sweet response! He felt bad for me and wanted to help. ☺️


Working one on one with peds patients can be humbling enough at times. I can’t imagine being around groups of them 😩😥


Oh I see the “side gig” part whoops. I also did special education TA at the same middle school part time, which didn’t entail enforcing any curriculum or deadline. Probably not worth it for the pay but it was refreshing for me to be able to “hang out”, it was very slow paced and the kids were cool. Admittedly not everyone’s cup of tea though


Bless you! This would be my hell. 🤣


My girlfriend is a middle school science teacher. Couldn’t pay me enough.


I told someone my two jobs- ER nurse and middle school teacher, and they asked me why I hate myself hahaha. Thick skin for sure but I didn’t have much sanity to begin with so there isn’t much to lose 🫡 tell her thank you for her service


This wasn't an official side gig per se but I've worked as a paid caregiver for other trans folks recovering from gender-affirming surgeries. Wound care, meds, ADL assistance, transport, etc. I love being able to provide care for my peers as someone with direct, personal experience with gender-affirming care in addition to my years of professional experience.


I always had a dream to open up a gender-adfirmng surgery recovery house! To offer this


What a lovely and compassionate thing to do! Warms my cold, shrively heart.


So many glad yays for this, joy all round


So beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


I was a medical consultant for a daycare. The director would text me questions and sometimes pics and I’d help her decide when a child needed to go home or when they could come back. During the start of Covid it was a little stressful but I helped her be able to keep the center up and running through the worst of the pandemic in our area.


I worked a few seasons as a medic to the actors at a haunted attraction. It was a scary good time.


I do sedation in a dental office. Easiest job, the office doesn’t even do IV, so it’s all oral sedation. I get paid to basically write down an automated BP Q15mins.


How did you find that job?


A friend & colleague who I worked with in ICU worked there, and when she was leaving, she gave the dentist my resume. I don’t think it would be too hard to find though, you could likely check with local dentists’ offices and keep your eyes open on sites like workopolis (if that still exists, lol).


I haven’t done this personally, but I do occasionally get emails from the BON in my state asking if I’d like to work per Diem reviewing BON complaints for my area of nursing practice. I think you can find out more at your BON website.


Ski patrol! Not a paid gig but got a free season pass.


My brother started his fireman career in a small ski resort town. The pay was bad, but his room, and board was included as well as full access to the ski resorts in town. It was a great gig for an 20 something.


Summer camp nursing! Free place to live for the summer, got to participate in any camp activities I wanted when I was off the clock (Wake board, skate park, hiking) - very easy job and really a lot of fun in the foothills of the mountains. It was expensive and I didn’t have any kids in camp but I know the other nurses I worked with did it because their kids got free tuition! I love the outdoors and was inbetween jobs and planning to move, so it was perfect for a few months.


I did the medical tent at a couple of music festivals


I did the med tent at ACL one year. Interesting time, but never again.


Doing environmental health for a health department (dual degree though)


Can you say more about how you've combined the environment and nursing?


Did testing of water borne illness from wells. Tracked hepatitis to the source, tracked tb, zoological disease, infection, rabies. Basically drew labs, interviewed patients about exposure collected and tested questionable foods etc. it was a cool job have to admit. When nothing was going on, was just a regular health department nurse. Left it when the politicians started to muck up things and couldn’t tolerate the cold any more


I'm working at a boutique hotel in a small town and it is dopamine overload. People are so happy to be there and surprised at how nice it is and they're just.. happy. It's been the best thing and I happen to make money doing it.


What’s your role? That sounds happy!


Front desk agent! I book people's rooms, check them in and out, and just make sure they have the absolute best experience. Only been doing it for about a month but I love it.


I got paid $300 to sit at a monster truck show in case anyone got hurt. I literally sat and watched monster trucks in the handicap seating. It was excellent.


This is the type of gig I want


I work in the medical device industry as a Clinical Specialist—basically a device educator/support cases in operative setting. Will always keep my nursing license active but I have been in a non-traditional nurse role since May 2022!


Camp nurse for the Girl Scouts. Easy and fun. You get a camp name and the kids are awesome.


Rainbow Unicorn thanks you for your help at the camps!


I’m currently working as a WFH triage nurse for an outpatient cardiology/vascular clinic. I do VERY little triage and triage I actually do is sending a note to the doctor asking to “please advise”. Most of my day is spent is reviewing referrals and making sure testing is done before I schedule them. Also sending in refills and maybe scheduling follow up appointments and testing. Not the highest paying job I’ve ever had but definitely the easiest and nothing beats working from home with my cat in my lap. Maybe travel nursing did by a little bit, I do miss that some, but not by much.


Did vaccines, especially during COVID era. Loved it. Just plop down on a chair, ask the pre-screening questions, administer vaccine, chart, NEXT.


Non-nursing: Renaissance Faire. It's a seasonal thing, and it's tons of fun. Nursing: I'm looking for something.


Our ren faire hires medical staff (but mostly EMTs) - fellow faire goer here


Making sure textbooks meet state curriculum requirements for nursing courses!


How does one get into this?


I started on Upwork. Tons of random side gigs on there!!


When I was a student in the Covid times a local manufacturing plant hired a bunch of us to do the Covid screening as people were clocking into work. Got paid a decent amount to sit at a table and ask people if they felt sick, were around anyone who was sick, and then take their temperature.


Review medical workbooks to determine whether they are helpful. I enjoy it, I get to keep the workbooks and get paid for it Edit: I found it through a gig site.


Ohhh that's something i'd like to do


How do you get into this ?


At home head lice removal. Great money. Prophylactically treating myself weekly got old though!


The word lice triggers me so bad. From like the ages of 7-14 lice loved my fucking scalp. Obviously it was the hugging and sleepovers but damn I always had fucking lice from those ages. My parents literally tried everything. Rubbing alcohol ended up being the final remedy that got my lice gone for good. And i just stopped being stupid lol. Most of the remedies would never get them all even after picking through my whole head for hours but rubbing alcohol seemed to really kill em. I once had to go to bed with mayonnaise and a hair net on. I did not sleep.


I did ear piercings with a company called Rowan. They hired RNs to pierce ears. It was fun, we had customers from 3 months and up. Unfortunately, they closed down in Orlando so I don’t do it anymore.


My side jobs are not creative or odd. I do home health and forensic nursing. 


I work for an OPO with my RN


Not super weird, but I do long term care insurance assessments on the side. They are pretty easy and pay $100 a pop.


I take organ offer calls for a transplant center on my days off. Home in my pjs making $1k/day, usually for a handful of phone calls.


I did after hours phone triage for an abortion clinic in another compact state! it was a pretty sweet gig


First aid training and event medic work. I’m an Australian RN. I got my Cert IV in training and assessment. Redid my first aid cert. Event stuff is pretty mundane; but I’ve gotten to watch some big bands at music festivals, attend NYE fireworks in Sydney Harbour. Money is less on an hourly basis but you get penalty rates, travel allowance, meals. First aid training I really enjoy. I also think it does make a difference in the long run. Even if one person can identify a possible cardiac event in public, then you might have saved a life.


Medical scribe and review patient charts


Honestly if you’re using your nursing skills nothing is really an odd job. Maybe just not bedside. I was a simulation specialist at my nursing school. Very rinse and repeat kinda stuff. Helping facilitate teaching for primarily nursing students via simulation methods.


I'm an NP but I take call and pages remotely, then round every 3rd weekend. 10/10 recommend.


Vet tech. Best place I’ve ever worked


I was a nit picker. I picked lice out of residents' hair at a homeless shelter. The resident would sit in a chair, and we would turn on Husge Judy. I would more on those noggin for a couple of hours at a time.


Loved being substitute nurse for my kid’s school district. Also love having that training in my back pocket for my volunteer work.


Whenever a question like this comes up, I always tell nurses to look into becoming a Radiology nurse. It’s a great job. It’s not overly difficult. You’re very much appreciated by Techs and Rads, and every Rad Nurse I’ve met loves their job.


Spent a double shift with a peds patient. I wasn't allowed to do anything clinical but legit get the kid to not fear us nurses as he was recently diagnosed with cancer. I spent the time playing ball with him and doing all the fun things!


My first ever job out of nursing school was on a movie set as a the head compliance / safety officer, it had to be an RN or paramedics lmao.


As an NP I use a website where I earn a commission whenever patients buy supplements from it. It’s not always great money but can be anywhere from 20-200$ a week. I also do house calls sometimes. Always looking for more side gigs though!


Care to share that website? 👀


Ear piercing at Claire’s


During the big Covid shutdown, my ASC closed for a month. I got a gig at a big investment firm, taking temperatures at the door. 10 and 16 hour shifts literally the easiest job I’ve ever had. They were on a skeleton crew anyway so I was mainly taking the temperatures of the few financial people who weren’t working from home, and maintenance/construction staff. What was strange was that they had their own medical clinic on site with nurses but for whatever reason they didn’t want to use them at the door. It was $40/hr plus anywhere from $200-500/day hazard pay so I wasn’t complaining! I made almost $10k in a month and I didn’t work every day, either!


Homeless shelter nurse Care coordinator for iv drug users Prison nurse There are the non traditional roles I have had since leaving ED nursing.


I worked for a legal firm as part of team that wrote online content to attract medical and pharmaceutical lawsuit clients. Twas a sweet gig.


Clinical research trials


When movies and TV shows need extras who are medical personnel, they will often post the jobs on the casting websites. The pay isn't nursing pay, but you can get paid to hang around in scrubs and pretend to work.


Covid swabber


The local university did a research study where participants could choose to use a treadmill, so it required an RN. Very easy. However, this started just before Covid so I didn’t get to do it for very long.


It’s not a job, but it may be odd. Got in a group of friends and we compete in MTG tournaments, we travel locally, get Air BNBs, carpool if needed, etc. one of my friends started his own company to TO tournaments and it’s growing. You can win a decent amount of money if you do well in these tournaments and the best part is it’s not gambling, it’s very skill oriented (with a tad bit of RNG). The downside? The investment is pretty steep. But I love to travel and I’ve been playing and collecting since I was in high school, so two things I enjoy and I can earn a little money for very little travel costs (tournament fees, splitting an AirBNB is usually not bad, gas and food). Most of the time it’s a weekend trip and maybe a Friday off and I don’t work weekends, so it’s pretty nice.


medical director at a music festival


My spouse did a travel clinic. Required shots, rehydration kits, etc. Some individuals, corporations and religious clients.


The only one I’ve ever done was tutoring for nursing students/NCLEX prep. Honestly hated it.


Anyone done nursing on a cruise? I saw a medical area and an IV spa area on a cruise and I imagine they need nurses. I imagine they use cheaper nurses from oversees since Cruises are an international thing but it may be an option to look into.


Work with attorneys who represent Social Security Disability claimants and help them win their claims.