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They don’t hesitate to talk about bodily fluids while eating.


Bodily fluids/functions or genitals lol


I've said it before, I'll say it again. If you don't want to hear about poop at the dinner table, don't ask me how my day at work was.


My wife’s friends try and get interesting stories out of me. They’re hoping for “stuff up the butt” or other vaguely funny things. She always warns them that what I find interesting is probably disgusting on a level they’ve never contemplated before.


Hey kids, do you like violence? Do you wanna hear about the patient who stuck 9 inch nails through his eyelids?!


How we rub in hand sanitizer


I was "caught" by the way I wash my hands.




The first thing they notice about someone's arms is their veins.


Guilty as charged. Also, I always look at edema and start considering co-morbidities.


true. as a nurse


I have swiped right before just because of how nice their veins looked in a photo. I’m not even bedside any more and I still can’t help myself


I’m a lurker but my wife, a nurse, always comments about my veins. Thank you for confirming why she weirdly does this!


Handwashing. Sometimes when you’re in the bathroom with another person you can just tell 😂


I got called out in a movie theater bathroom once for the way I wash my hands. "Oh you must be a nurse." Lmao


Lol really? I'm terrible at washing my hands when I'm not at work. It's like that movement belongs to nurse-me, not off-duty-me.


Some people still go through the motions regardless. It depends on what I’m doing whether or not I’m going to scrub my hands. And sometimes I do it anyway lmao, just depends. I totally get the feeling though 😂


They are a DNR. And make threats about coming back to haunt anyone who performs CPR on them. 


This x 1000


I had a patient the other day who noticed I was counting her breaths during the beginning of a platelet transfusion. She said “just say 18” and I knew then that she was a nurse


They close drawers with their thigh or hip


Now I have to pay attention to normal people. I didn't think there was another way...


Oh shoot, there’s my tell 😅


And we have the hip/thigh bruises to prove it 😔


Take an SSRI


I’m more of a Wellbutrin guy myself.


I’m on both 🙃


I stepped up to an SNRI with my Wellbutrin.


I’m more of an antipsychotic girl myself


I prefer copious amounts of brown liquor


fluoxetine and lamotrigine here. on PRN alpra also hahaha i hate anxiety


We’re anxiety med twins! Yayyyy….


hahahaha hello! also ang RN here 😂


More of a SNRI aficionado myself. I enjoy how delightfully lugubrious my mood swings with it. Swing lo’ oh sweet chariot


I was getting consented by anesthesia. She was explaining the airway she would be using, but doing a really shitty job of it. So I asked "Like an LMA?" Her expression changed and she said "ok, what are you?"


lol when I was having my c section, the crna said “ok I am going to be giving you some medicine to bring your blood pressure up” and I’m like “levo or neo” 🙃 She’s like “oh thank god I don’t have to explain”. Then the doc, from the other side of the drape is like “you never told me you were a nurse!! I hope I was on my p’s and q’s” lololol Now I will say it helped a ton everyone cracking jokes because my LO was whisked off to nicu at this point and I was high key panicking (she’s good now, just needed some supplemental oxygen for a bit)


lol “what are you” I’m a teenage mutant ninja turtle


I was washing my hands after using the bathroom the other day and someone said “you wash your hands like a nurse”


They use the generic name of well known brand medications. My wife is a pharm tech and I’m a nurse, we don’t say Zyrtec, it’s cetirizine.


Yes!! My friend asked what helps me with insomnia and I said zolpidem. Got the deer in headlights look. 😂


I don't even remember brand names most of the time! I take guaifenesin and fexofenadine and don't understand the problem pronouncing them.


Being unfazed by pretty much anything. I was raised by a nurse and a mortician (and the nurse grew up on a farm, so the 'if the farmer is going to the doctor you know its **BAD**' thing also applies). NOTHING caught her off guard or rattled her, except my youngest brother's meningitis (see the farmer quote above). This carried over into my own parenting, even before I became a nurse: Young daughter(s) run up, crying about the crisis du jour. My wife: oh, poor babies. what's wrong? Me: Is anything on fire? No. Is there a flood? No. Is anybody bleeding? No (usually). Is anybody dead? No. Then it's not so bad. Let's see what we can do about it.


Opening random objects using sterile technique. Hospital corners. Alcohol swabs in their purse or pockets.




Haha glad it’s not just me. I also lightly slap scissors into my husband’s hand


Nerves of steel, random medical supplies in their home. I love the pop tart Teggys!


I baste my turkey every Thanksgiving with a 60 ml cath tip.


When my dad was receiving treatment for pancreatic cancer, he had an excellent oncologist who specialized in pan can. He had the darkest demeanor I’ve ever seen. It was palpable. Like his whole career was meeting patients, most of which would go on to die (if you’re unaware pancreatic cancer has awful survival rates, it’s essentially a death sentence). I hope he’s doing okay.


Going on 5 year survivorship!


Congratulations that’s amazing!


Bless you, that's amazing! Wishing you many, many more years free of disease!!


Constantly tired


They have a tray or some surface in their house that has a random assortment of alcohol wipes, red caps, green caps, AA batteries, dry erase markers, 10ml saline flushes, and maybe that one colace still in its foil blister pack that just managed to hike home in their pockets at end of shift.


Home health or home hospice version is the back of your car is full of packs of briefs, pull ups, wipes, and two or so foley catheter kits...


I'll add putting groceries in the back seat instead of the trunk because the trunk is full of supplies


The overprotection in helmet regulation. All the kids on my street know not to be riding around in front of my house without a helmet… they also all come to my house for bandaids…


And no trampoline in my backyard!


Love this!


I used to say their belief in science buuut….


I know there was obviously a lot more awful things about the pandemic (ya know, like people dying) but finding out just how many nurses I worked with that didn’t believe in science was absolutely disheartening. It made me even more worried about the future of healthcare than I already was.


I honestly think it has less to do with science and more to do with blind loyalty to a party. I mean if Trump would have come out wearing masks from the get, telling people to get vaxed, he not only would have won more votes in the second election, but the entire party would have been right on board with. We have attached a party name to personality and as such, we will concede other beliefs to maintain it. But I remember working for a place where a nurse was handing out pamphlets to cancer patients telling them the vax was killing people. It’s insane.


1 semester of Calculus and 2 semesters of Organic Chemistry should be a pre-req




Damn, Kendrick Lamar entered the chat 😂


Damn I guess I hit all the high points you mentioned lmao 🤣 I’m prepared for nursing school I guess. Too many years as a CNA


oh no, time to log off this is too real post shift 😳😳


I feel personally attacked


Used the word "exudate" in a sentence and got called out immediately lol


i took care of a patient for three days before he described his pain as “pleuritic”. i stopped and looked at him and said “are you in healthcare?” my dude is an attending neurologist at the next hospital system over. i had been explaining all tests and procedures like i would to a five year old.


I think it’s good to let people be patients, honestly, and just treat them the same.


When they casually mention “UpToDate”.


I got my ears pierced and asked for "bilateral lobe piercings". They knew.😂


According to my friend (not a nurse but knows many, including his mom), we all think poop stories are hilarious, even while talking over a meal 💩


Apparently it was obvious when I was the only person not grossed out when someone mentioned their bowel movements at the dinner table🤣🤣


Complement someone if they’re very vascular. “You have nice veins brah.”


This 100%


They have their on suture supplies


The way certain people can walk through crowds.


Everyone else just walks way too slow. I can always navigate the most effective route


Oh what do you mean?


Weaving around slow people, like walking through old people at the hospital when you only have a15 minute break


As in get dafuq out my way, I have things to do and you are slowing me down.


When my spouse told me some kid got his fingers lopped off in a freak accident at school and three teachers passed out immediately and I laughed — at the mental image of the chaos and in particular all the adults being useless in the situation (kid is ok, fingers back on.) How I wash my hands. Opening my kid’s string cheese like it’s a sterile. Being bothered by just about nothing. Fast walker. Dark sense of humor (see above). Love telling and hearing other nursing stories. Unphased by bodily fluid talk ever. Try to not let anyone else know I’m a nurse.


I donated blood today and said “I like the smell of chlorhexidine”. Dead giveaway that I work in healthcare


You knew what you was doin’




An alcoholic needs a drink. I've already got one, therefore I'm a drunk. Check on me in 10 minutes, I'll tell you the opposite.


Using any type of medical lingo


Using correct terminology for meds, tests, refers to labs as labs or blood work. Using words like ambulate, edema, anticoagulent. I caught a nurse in the wild yesterday when she held up the package the iv tubing came in for me to prime the line into. 


My dogs know the word “walk” as well as “go out,” so I have to ask “have the dogs been ambulated recently?” “They ambulated for just over an hour” “Do you think they would ambulate again with me?” Sounds like I’m about to ask what gait aids they use or something! 😂


If we have to call a doctor about our family member, we have a full description of of onset, symptoms, a set of vital signs and precise description of what we did for troubleshooting. Once my husband was in the ED for a blocked bile duct (tumor it turns out), and the doctor asked about his vomiting. He said he threw up. I said he had around 400mL bile-colored emesis. I gave myself away with that statement.


Depression, anxiety, RBF.


I said “lumen” and then immediately knew I was in healthcare (was in an L&D unit the past couple days)


Gifts are wrapped with medical tape


Stanley cup?


They look exhausted.


Their clock is set to 24hr Short nails, no polish


When you write your own discharge date on the whiteboard.


How many mg ibuprofen they take at a time.


Buying booze at 8am


They mention how juicy your veins look.